private void DepartmentBind(string campusname) { DataTable dtConfig = DataAccessManager.GetConfigration(campusname); if (dtConfig.Rows.Count > 0) { string connectionstring = string.Empty; connectionstring = dtConfig.Rows[0]["CampusConStr"].ToString(); try { DataTable dtCampus = new DataTable(); dtCampus = DataAccessManager.Getdynamicdepartment(connectionstring); RddlDept.DataSource = dtCampus; RddlDept.DataTextField = "DeptDescription"; RddlDept.DataValueField = "DeptID"; RddlDept.DataBind(); RddlDept.Items[0].Text = "Select Departments"; RddlDept.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { RddlDept.DataSource = null; RddlDept.DataBind(); } } else { RddlDept.DataSource = null; RddlDept.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RALPSwitchtoanthoruser.Visible = true; if (Session["pagename"] != null) { lbpagename.Text = Convert.ToString(Session["pagename"]); lbpagename.CssClass = "additionalColumn"; } if (!IsPostBack) { LBloginuser.Text = "<b>Current User:- </b>" + Convert.ToString(Session["username"]); #region Campus Logo imgCampusLogo.ImageUrl = "~/Content/clientlogo/" + Convert.ToString(Session["Campuslogo"]); #endregion if (Session["CampusID"] != null) { RCBStudentsLeadSearch.Enabled = true; RBSelectStudent.Enabled = true; RBSelectLead.Enabled = true; RbtnRefreshApplication.Enabled = true; #region "For all User Menu Bind" string username = string.Empty, user_level = string.Empty; username = Convert.ToString(Session["username"]); user_level = Convert.ToString(Session["user_level"]); Menudt = DataAccessManager.UserMenuBind(user_level); if (Menudt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <SiteDataItem> siteData = new List <SiteDataItem>(); DataRow[] MenuparentRow = Menudt.Select("ParentID='0'"); foreach (DataRow l_parentRow in MenuparentRow) { string text = string.Empty, url = string.Empty, id = string.Empty, parentId = string.Empty, MobileView = string.Empty; text = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["Menu"]); id = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["Menu_ID"]); url = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["link"]); parentId = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["parentId"]); MobileView = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["MobileView"]); if (MobileView == "1") { MobileView = "additionalColumn"; } else { MobileView = string.Empty; } if (parentId == "0") { siteData.Add(new SiteDataItem(Convert.ToInt32(id), null, text, url, MobileView)); } else { siteData.Add(new SiteDataItem(Convert.ToInt32(id), Convert.ToInt32(parentId), text, url, MobileView)); } DataRow[] MenuChildRow = Menudt.Select("ParentID='" + id + "' "); if (MenuChildRow.Length > 0) { foreach (DataRow l_ChildRow in MenuChildRow) { text = string.Empty; url = string.Empty; id = string.Empty; parentId = string.Empty; MobileView = string.Empty; text = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["Menu"]); id = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["Menu_ID"]); url = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["link"]); parentId = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["parentId"]); MobileView = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["MobileView"]); if (MobileView == "1") { MobileView = "additionalColumn"; } else { MobileView = string.Empty; } if (parentId == "0") { siteData.Add(new SiteDataItem(Convert.ToInt32(id), null, text, url, MobileView)); } else { siteData.Add(new SiteDataItem(Convert.ToInt32(id), Convert.ToInt32(parentId), text, url, MobileView)); } } } } Session["menudata"] = siteData; if (Session["menudata"] != null) { RMenuMain.DataTextField = "Text"; RMenuMain.DataNavigateUrlField = "Url"; RMenuMain.DataFieldID = "ID"; RMenuMain.DataValueField = "ID"; RMenuMain.DataFieldParentID = "ParentID"; RMenuMain.DataSource = (List <SiteDataItem>)Session["menudata"]; RMenuMain.DataBind(); } foreach (RadMenuItem item in RMenuMain.GetAllItems()) { string text = item.Text; string id = Convert.ToString(item.Value); DataRow[] MenuItemRow = Menudt.Select(" Menu_ID= '" + id + "' And MobileView=1"); if (MenuItemRow.Length > 0) { item.CssClass = "additionalColumn"; } // } } # endregion } if (Session["CampusID"] == null || Session["user_level"] == "99") { RCBStudentsLeadSearch.Enabled = false; RBSelectStudent.Enabled = false; RBSelectLead.Enabled = false; RbtnRefreshApplication.Enabled = false; #region "Menu Bind without Process by Admin" string username = string.Empty, user_level = string.Empty; username = Convert.ToString(Session["username"]); user_level = Convert.ToString(Session["user_level"]); Menudt = DataAccessManager.UserMenuBind(user_level, "1"); if (Menudt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <SiteDataItem> siteData = new List <SiteDataItem>(); DataRow[] MenuparentRow = Menudt.Select("ParentID='0'"); foreach (DataRow l_parentRow in MenuparentRow) { string text = string.Empty, url = string.Empty, id = string.Empty, parentId = string.Empty, MobileView = string.Empty; text = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["Menu"]); id = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["Menu_ID"]); url = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["link"]); parentId = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["parentId"]); MobileView = Convert.ToString(l_parentRow["MobileView"]); if (MobileView == "1") { MobileView = "additionalColumn"; } else { MobileView = string.Empty; } if (parentId == "0") { siteData.Add(new SiteDataItem(Convert.ToInt32(id), null, text, url, MobileView)); } else { siteData.Add(new SiteDataItem(Convert.ToInt32(id), Convert.ToInt32(parentId), text, url, MobileView)); } DataRow[] MenuChildRow = Menudt.Select("ParentID='" + id + "' "); if (MenuChildRow.Length > 0) { foreach (DataRow l_ChildRow in MenuChildRow) { text = string.Empty; url = string.Empty; id = string.Empty; parentId = string.Empty; MobileView = string.Empty; text = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["Menu"]); id = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["Menu_ID"]); url = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["link"]); parentId = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["parentId"]); MobileView = Convert.ToString(l_ChildRow["MobileView"]); if (MobileView == "1") { MobileView = "additionalColumn"; } else { MobileView = string.Empty; } if (parentId == "0") { siteData.Add(new SiteDataItem(Convert.ToInt32(id), null, text, url, MobileView)); } else { siteData.Add(new SiteDataItem(Convert.ToInt32(id), Convert.ToInt32(parentId), text, url, MobileView)); } } } } Session["menudata"] = siteData; if (Session["menudata"] != null) { RMenuMain.DataTextField = "Text"; RMenuMain.DataNavigateUrlField = "Url"; RMenuMain.DataFieldID = "ID"; RMenuMain.DataValueField = "ID"; RMenuMain.DataFieldParentID = "ParentID"; RMenuMain.DataSource = (List <SiteDataItem>)Session["menudata"]; RMenuMain.DataBind(); } foreach (RadMenuItem item in RMenuMain.GetAllItems()) { string text = item.Text; string id = Convert.ToString(item.Value); DataRow[] MenuItemRow = Menudt.Select(" Menu_ID= '" + id + "' And MobileView=1"); if (MenuItemRow.Length > 0) { item.CssClass = "additionalColumn"; } // } } # endregion } #region "Search Control" string SearchControlLeadId = string.Empty, SearchControlStudentNo = string.Empty; SearchControlLeadId = Convert.ToString(Session["LeadId"]); SearchControlStudentNo = Convert.ToString(Session["StudentNo"]); if (SearchControlLeadId != string.Empty && SearchControlLeadId != null && SearchControlLeadId != "0") { #region "Search Control Lead Setting" RCBStudentsLeadSearch.WebServiceSettings.Method = "GetLeads"; RCBStudentsLeadSearch.HeaderTemplate = new LeadHeaderTemplate(); RCBStudentsLeadSearch.Width = 267; RCBStudentsLeadSearch.DropDownWidth = 880; RCBStudentsLeadSearch.EmptyMessage = "Select a Lead"; RBSelectLead.Checked = true; #endregion } if (SearchControlStudentNo != string.Empty && SearchControlStudentNo != null && SearchControlStudentNo != "0") { #region "Search Control Student Setting" RCBStudentsLeadSearch.WebServiceSettings.Method = "GetStudents"; RCBStudentsLeadSearch.HeaderTemplate = new StudentHeaderTemplate(); RCBStudentsLeadSearch.Width = 280; RCBStudentsLeadSearch.DropDownWidth = 500; RCBStudentsLeadSearch.EmptyMessage = "Select a Student"; RBSelectStudent.Checked = true; #endregion } #endregion #region "departmentnamebind" /* Swtich Department */ /* DataTable dtdept = DyDataAccessManager.GetListDepartment(DeptID); * if (dtdept.Rows.Count > 0) * { * LBDepartment.Text = "<b>Department:- </b>" + Convert.ToString(dtdept.Rows[0]["DeptDescription"]); * * } * else * { * LBDepartment.Text = "<b>Department:- </b>" + "Not Available"; * }*/ int DeptID = 0; DeptID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DeptID"]); DataTable dtDepartment = new DataTable(); dtDepartment = DyDataAccessManager.GetListDepartmentforswitch(); RddlDept.DataSource = dtDepartment; RddlDept.DataTextField = "DeptDescription"; RddlDept.DataValueField = "DeptID"; RddlDept.DataBind(); //RddlDept.Items[0].Text = "Select Departments"; //RddlDept.SelectedIndex = 0; RddlDept.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(DeptID); RddlDept.Enabled = false; if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["AllowSwitchdept"]) == 1) { RddlDept.Enabled = true; } #endregion #region "SMS Count" CountSMS(); #endregion } string LeadId = string.Empty, StudentNo = string.Empty; LeadId = Convert.ToString(Session["LeadId"]); StudentNo = Convert.ToString(Session["StudentNo"]); string type = string.Empty; if (StudentNo != string.Empty && StudentNo != null && StudentNo != "0") { StudentDetailBind(); } if (LeadId != string.Empty && LeadId != null && LeadId != "0") { LeadDetailBind(); } }