static async Task MainAsync()
        { // create an instance of the socket. In this case i've used the .Net 4.5 object defined in the project
            INetworkSocket socket = new RconSocket();
            IList <ContainerListResponse> containers = await client.Containers.ListContainersAsync(
                new ContainersListParameters()
                Limit = 10,

            string containerMetric = "";
            string ipContainer     = string.Empty;

            foreach (ContainerListResponse f in containers)
                if (f.State.ToLowerInvariant() != "running")
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, EndpointSettings> item in f.NetworkSettings.Networks)
                    ipContainer = item.Value.IPAddress;
                containerMetric += string.Format(" & image: {0} state: {1};", f.Image, f.State);

            // create the RconMessenger instance and inject the socket
            RconMessenger messenger = new RconMessenger(socket);

            // initiate the connection with the remote server
            bool isConnected = await messenger.ConnectAsync(ipContainer, 25575);

            await messenger.AuthenticateAsync("cheesesteakjimmys");

            // if we fall here, we're good to go! from this point on the connection is authenticated and you can send commands
            // to the server
            string response = await messenger.ExecuteCommandAsync("/list");

            string[] data        = response.Substring(10, 5).Trim().Split('/');
            int      _maxPlayers = int.Parse(data[1]);
            int      _players    = int.Parse(data[0]);

            Console.WriteLine(response.Substring(10, 5).Trim());

            telemetry.TrackMetric(new MetricTelemetry("Nr of players", _players));
            telemetry.TrackMetric(new MetricTelemetry("Nr of maximum players", _maxPlayers));
            telemetry.TrackEvent("Container is " + containerMetric);
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously sends an RCON command to the server.
        /// Returns the response the server sent back.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Command to send.</param>
        /// <returns>Server response.</returns>
        public async Task <string> RunCommand(string command)
            INetworkSocket socket    = new RconSocket();
            RconMessenger  messenger = new RconMessenger(socket);

                bool isConnected = await messenger.ConnectAsync(Address, Port);

                bool authenticated = await messenger.AuthenticateAsync(Password);

                if (authenticated)
                    return(await messenger.ExecuteCommandAsync(command));
                    return("Authentication failed.");
            catch (SocketException exc)
                return("Connection failed:\n" + exc.Message);
            catch (AggregateException exc)
                if (exc.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(SocketException))
                    return("Connection failed:\n" + exc.InnerException);
                    return("Exception unaccounted for:\n" + exc.Message);
            catch (Exception exc)
                return("Exception unaccounted for:\n" + exc.Message);
Example #3
        public async Task <RconResponse> Execute(string command)
            // create an instance of the socket. In this case i've used the .Net 4.5 object defined in the project
            INetworkSocket socket = new RconSocket();

            // create the RconMessenger instance and inject the socket
            RconMessenger messenger = new RconMessenger(socket);

                // initiate the connection with the remote server
                bool isConnected = await messenger.ConnectAsync(Address, Port);

                if (!isConnected)
                    Disconnect(socket, messenger);
                    return(new RconResponse()
                        Success = false,
                        Message = "",
                        Error = "Failed to connect to the RCON server"

                //Authicate with the server
                if (_hasPassword)
                    bool authenticated = await messenger.AuthenticateAsync(_password);

                    if (!authenticated)
                        Disconnect(socket, messenger);
                        return(new RconResponse()
                            Success = false,
                            Message = "",
                            Error = "Failed to authicated to RCON server"

                // if we fall here, we're good to go! from this point on the connection is authenticated and you can send commands
                // to the server

                //Attempt to send the command.
                var response = await messenger.ExecuteCommandAsync(command);

                //It should be something. If its empty we have failed
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                    return(new RconResponse()
                        Success = false,
                        Message = "",
                        Error = "RCON returned no response."

                //Check if the response is valid
                bool success = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(response);
                return(new RconResponse()
                    Success = success,
                    Message = response,
                    Error = ""
            catch (Exception e)
                return(new RconResponse()
                    Success = false,
                    Message = "",
                    Error = "An exception occured while performing RCON: " + e.Message
                Disconnect(socket, messenger);