public void OnRayCastSend(RayCastAndroidMessage msg)
        Debug.Log("Image Target Name: " + msg.imageTargetName);
        Debug.Log("Camera's Position w.r.t Image Target: " + msg.cameraPosition);
        Debug.Log("Ray Direction in WorldSpace: " + msg.rayDirection);

        // trace the ray on the hololens here
        // Raycast against all GameObjects that are on spatial mesh
        int layerMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("SpatialMesh");

        //construct a Ray using the camera's position and tap direction
        Vector3 origin = msg.cameraPosition + this.gameObject.transform.position;
        Ray     tapRay = new Ray(origin, msg.rayDirection);

        //Raycast using constructed Ray and store collisions in array hits
        RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(tapRay, float.MaxValue, layerMask);

        string  dm     = "";
        Vector3 tmpPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        if (hits.Length > 0)
            foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
                dm    += string.Format("Hit Object **\"**{0}**\"** at position **\"**{1}**\"**", hit.collider.gameObject, hit.point);
                tmpPos = hit.point - this.gameObject.transform.position;
            dm += "Nothing was hit.";

        // sends information back to the Android
        RayCastHololensMessage hololensMsg = new RayCastHololensMessage()
            targetPosition = tmpPos,
            debugMsg       = dm

    // Input: the clicked or touched screen position
    void rayCast(Vector3 position)
        Debug.Log("Debug: touched or clicked screen");

        // find the ARCamera
        GameObject camObject = GameObject.Find("ARCamera");
        Camera     cam       = camObject.GetComponent <Camera>();

        // Calculate the ray
        Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(position); // this resulting ray is in WORLDSPACE (which is good!)

        // Need to send 3 things to Hololens:
        // 1) Which image Target is this relative to
        // 2) Camera position w.r.t the image target position
        // 3) Ray direction

        Vector3 originPosition = camObject.transform.position - this.gameObject.transform.position;
        //Debug.Log("Image Target Name: " +;
        //Debug.Log("Camera's Position w.r.t Image Target: " + originPosition.ToString());
        //Debug.Log("Ray Direction in WorldSpace: " + ray.direction.ToString());

        RayCastAndroidMessage msg = new RayCastAndroidMessage()
            imageTargetName =,
            cameraPosition  = originPosition,
            rayDirection    = ray.direction


         * // on the Hololens, using the image target's name, we get the image target's world position
         * // then, we can get the camera's world position,
         * // and finally, we shoot a ray from that camera's position in the given direction
         * // how we cast the ray looks like the below code:
         * RaycastHit Hit;
         * if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out Hit))
         * {
         *  objName =;
         * }*/