Example #1
        public RawTransferData GetTransferFromId(int transferId)
            RawTransferData output = new RawTransferData();

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT transfer_id, transfer_type_id, transfer_status_id, account_from, account_to, amount FROM transfers WHERE transfer_id = @transferId;", conn);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@transferId", transferId);
                    SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        output.TransferId       = Convert.ToInt32(reader["transfer_id"]);
                        output.TransferTypeId   = Convert.ToInt32(reader["transfer_type_id"]);
                        output.TransferStatusId = Convert.ToInt32(reader["transfer_status_id"]);
                        output.AccountFrom      = Convert.ToInt32(reader["account_from"]);
                        output.AccountTo        = Convert.ToInt32(reader["account_to"]);
                        output.Amount           = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["amount"]);
            catch (Exception)

Example #2
        public ActionResult ApproveRequest(TransferNumber transferNumber)
            //gets user id for current user
            int userId = userDAO.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).UserId;
            //gets account from current user's id
            Account userAccount = accountDAO.GetAccountFromUserId(userId);
            //gets balance for current user's account
            decimal accountBalance = userAccount.Balance;
            //creates transfer object for base data of transfer i.e. just ids for types, accounts, no names
            RawTransferData transfer = transferDAO.GetTransferFromId(transferNumber.TransferId);
            //gets amount of transfer from transfer object
            decimal transferAmount = transfer.Amount;
            //gets account for recipient from account number
            Account recipientAccount = accountDAO.GetAccountFromAccountNumber(transfer.AccountTo);

            //checks to prevent user from approving request they made
            if (transfer.AccountTo == userAccount.AccountId)
                return(BadRequest("You cannot approve a request to your own account."));
            //checks to make sure person approving has enough money in account to send
            if (accountBalance >= transferAmount)
                bool reduceSuccess = transferDAO.ReduceBalance(transferAmount, userId);
                if (!reduceSuccess)
                    return(StatusCode(500, "Unable to withdraw funds / server issue."));
                bool increaseSuccess = transferDAO.IncreaseBalance(transferAmount, recipientAccount.UserId);
                if (!increaseSuccess)
                    return(StatusCode(500, "Unable to add funds / server issue."));
                //updates transfer status from "pending" to "approved"
                bool createTransferSuccess = transferDAO.UpdateRequest(transferNumber.TransferId, 2);
                if (!createTransferSuccess)
                    return(StatusCode(500, "Unable to record transaction / server issue."));
                //if successful, returns status 200 to client w/ message
                return(Ok("Request Approved, transfer successful."));
                return(BadRequest("Insufficient funds."));