public RawImageAlphaToAction(RawImage _rawImage, float _desiredAlpha, float _actionDuration) { mRawImage = _rawImage; SetGraph(Graph.Linear); SetDesiredAlpha(_desiredAlpha); SetActionDuration(_actionDuration); SetupAction(); }
private void ProcessLoop() { Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; CLMParameters clmParams = new CLMParameters(); CLM clmModel = new CLM(); float fx = 500, fy = 500, cx = 0, cy = 0; FaceAnalyser analyser = new FaceAnalyser(); DateTime? startTime = CurrentTime; arousalPlot.AssocColor(0, Colors.Red); valencePlot.AssocColor(0, Colors.Blue); while (true) { var newFrames = frameQueue.Take(); var frame = new RawImage(newFrames.Item1); var grayFrame = newFrames.Item2; if (!startTime.HasValue) startTime = CurrentTime; if (cx == 0 && cy == 0) { cx = grayFrame.Width / 2f; cy = grayFrame.Height / 2f; } if (reset) { clmModel.Reset(); analyser.Reset(); reset = false; } if (resetPoint.HasValue) { clmModel.Reset(resetPoint.Value.X, resetPoint.Value.Y); analyser.Reset(); resetPoint = null; } detectionSucceeding = clmModel.DetectLandmarksInVideo(grayFrame, clmParams); List<Tuple<Point, Point>> lines = null; List<Point> landmarks = null; if (detectionSucceeding) { landmarks = clmModel.CalculateLandmarks(); lines = clmModel.CalculateBox(fx, fy, cx, cy); } else { analyser.Reset(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Analyse frame and detect AUs ////////////////////////////////////////////// analyser.AddNextFrame(grayFrame, clmModel, (CurrentTime - startTime.Value).TotalSeconds); var alignedFace = analyser.GetLatestAlignedFace(); var hogDescriptor = analyser.GetLatestHOGDescriptorVisualisation(); trackingFps.AddFrame(); Dictionary<String, double> aus = analyser.GetCurrentAUs(); string emotion = analyser.GetCurrentCategoricalEmotion(); double arousal = analyser.GetCurrentArousal(); double valence = analyser.GetCurrentValence(); double confidence = analyser.GetConfidence(); try { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (latestAlignedFace == null) latestAlignedFace = alignedFace.CreateWriteableBitmap(); if (latestHOGDescriptor == null) latestHOGDescriptor = hogDescriptor.CreateWriteableBitmap(); confidenceBar.Value = confidence; if (detectionSucceeding) { frame.UpdateWriteableBitmap(latestImg); alignedFace.UpdateWriteableBitmap(latestAlignedFace); hogDescriptor.UpdateWriteableBitmap(latestHOGDescriptor); imgAlignedFace.Source = latestAlignedFace; imgHOGDescriptor.Source = latestHOGDescriptor; video.OverlayLines = lines; video.OverlayPoints = landmarks; video.Confidence = confidence; video.Source = latestImg; Dictionary<int, double> arousalDict = new Dictionary<int, double>(); arousalDict[0] = arousal * 0.5 + 0.5; arousalPlot.AddDataPoint(new DataPoint() { Time = CurrentTime, values = arousalDict, Confidence = confidence }); Dictionary<int, double> valenceDict = new Dictionary<int, double>(); valenceDict[0] = valence * 0.5 + 0.5; valencePlot.AddDataPoint(new DataPoint() { Time = CurrentTime, values = valenceDict, Confidence = confidence }); Dictionary<int, double> avDict = new Dictionary<int, double>(); avDict[0] = arousal; avDict[1] = valence; avPlot.AddDataPoint(new DataPoint() { Time = CurrentTime, values = avDict, Confidence = confidence }); auGraph.Update(aus, confidence); emotionLabelHistory.Enqueue(new Tuple<DateTime, string>(CurrentTime, emotion)); UpdateEmotionLabel(); } else { foreach (var k in aus.Keys.ToArray()) aus[k] = 0; auGraph.Update(aus, 0); } }); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // Quitting break; } } }
void Awake() { image = this.GetComponent <RawImage>(); ReloadTexture(); }
private static void DumpImage2(string fileName) { using (var fileStream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)) { var rawImage = new RawImage(binaryReader); // Image #2 is RGB, 16 bits per color, little endian. var image = rawImage.Directories.Skip(2).First(); Assert.AreEqual(13, image.Entries.Length); var imageWidth = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0100 && e.TagType == 3).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(592u, imageWidth); var imageHeight = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0101 && e.TagType == 3).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(395u, imageHeight); var imageFileEntry0102 = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0102 && e.TagType == 3); // Assert.AreEqual(72014u, imageFileEntry0102.ValuePointer); // Assert.AreEqual(3u, imageFileEntry0102.NumberOfValue); var bitsPerSample = RawImage.ReadUInts16(binaryReader, imageFileEntry0102); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { (ushort)16, (ushort)16, (ushort)16 }, bitsPerSample); var compression = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0103 && e.TagType == 3).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(1u, compression); // 1 == uncompressed var photometricInterpretation = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0106 && e.TagType == 3).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(2u, photometricInterpretation); // 2 == RGB var stripOffset = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0111 && e.TagType == 4).ValuePointer; // Assert.AreEqual(1229532u, stripOffset); var samplesPerPixel = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0115 && e.TagType == 3).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(3u, samplesPerPixel); var rowsPerStrip = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0116 && e.TagType == 3).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(395u, rowsPerStrip); var stripByteCounts = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0117 && e.TagType == 4).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(1403040u, stripByteCounts); Assert.AreEqual(stripByteCounts, imageWidth * imageHeight * samplesPerPixel * 2); var planarConfiguration = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x011C && e.TagType == 3).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(1u, planarConfiguration); // 1 == chunky // unknown var table1 = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0xC5D9 && e.TagType == 4).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(2u, table1); var table2 = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0xC6C5 && e.TagType == 4).ValuePointer; Assert.AreEqual(3u, table2); var imageFileEntryC6DC = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0xC6DC && e.TagType == 4); // Assert.AreEqual(72020u, imageFileEntry011C.ValuePointer); // Assert.AreEqual(4u, imageFileEntryC6DC.NumberOfValue); var stuff = RawImage.ReadUInts(binaryReader, imageFileEntryC6DC); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { 577u, 386u, 14u, 9u }, stuff); Assert.AreEqual(imageWidth, stuff[0] + stuff[2] + 1); Assert.AreEqual(imageHeight, stuff[1] + stuff[3]); var outFile = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".bmp"); CreateBitmap(binaryReader, outFile, stripOffset, imageWidth, imageHeight); } }
private void Awake() { pointerImage = tutorialPointer.GetComponent <RawImage>();//.enabled = false; pointerImage.enabled = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { doorImage = GetComponent <RawImage>(); Moving = false; }
private void ProcessIndividualImages(ImageReader reader) { // Make sure the GUI is setup appropriately SetupFeatureExtractionMode(); // Indicate we will start running the thread thread_running = true; // Setup the parameters optimized for working on individual images rather than sequences face_model_params.optimiseForImages(); // Setup the visualization Visualizer visualizer_of = new Visualizer(ShowTrackedVideo || RecordTracked, ShowAppearance, ShowAppearance); // Initialize the face detector if it has not been initialized yet if (face_detector == null) { face_detector = new FaceDetector(); } // Initialize the face analyser face_analyser = new FaceAnalyserManaged(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, false, image_output_size, MaskAligned); // Loading an image file var frame = new RawImage(reader.GetNextImage()); var gray_frame = new RawImage(reader.GetCurrentFrameGray()); // For FPS tracking DateTime?startTime = CurrentTime; var lastFrameTime = CurrentTime; // This will be false when the image is not available while (reader.isOpened()) { if (!thread_running) { break; } // Setup recording RecorderOpenFaceParameters rec_params = new RecorderOpenFaceParameters(false, false, Record2DLandmarks, Record3DLandmarks, RecordModelParameters, RecordPose, RecordAUs, RecordGaze, RecordHOG, RecordTracked, RecordAligned, reader.GetFx(), reader.GetFy(), reader.GetCx(), reader.GetCy(), 0); RecorderOpenFace recorder = new RecorderOpenFace(reader.GetName(), rec_params, record_root); // Detect faces here and return bounding boxes List <Rect> face_detections = new List <Rect>(); List <double> confidences = new List <double>(); face_detector.DetectFacesHOG(face_detections, gray_frame, confidences); // For visualization double progress = reader.GetProgress(); for (int i = 0; i < face_detections.Count; ++i) { bool detection_succeeding = landmark_detector.DetectFaceLandmarksInImage(gray_frame, face_detections[i], face_model_params); var landmarks = landmark_detector.CalculateAllLandmarks(); // Predict action units var au_preds = face_analyser.PredictStaticAUsAndComputeFeatures(frame, landmarks); // Predic eye gaze gaze_analyser.AddNextFrame(landmark_detector, detection_succeeding, reader.GetFx(), reader.GetFy(), reader.GetCx(), reader.GetCy()); // Only the final face will contain the details VisualizeFeatures(frame, visualizer_of, landmarks, landmark_detector.GetVisibilities(), detection_succeeding, i == 0, reader.GetFx(), reader.GetFy(), reader.GetCx(), reader.GetCy(), progress); // Record an observation RecordObservation(recorder, visualizer_of.GetVisImage(), detection_succeeding, reader.GetFx(), reader.GetFy(), reader.GetCx(), reader.GetCy(), 0); } frame = new RawImage(reader.GetNextImage()); gray_frame = new RawImage(reader.GetCurrentFrameGray()); // Do not cary state accross images landmark_detector.Reset(); face_analyser.Reset(); recorder.Close(); lastFrameTime = CurrentTime; processing_fps.AddFrame(); // TODO how to report errors from the reader here? exceptions? logging? Problem for future versions? } EndMode(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { m_Image = GetComponent <RawImage>(); }
private static void Fix(GameObject _go) { CanvasRenderer r = _go.GetComponent <CanvasRenderer>(); if (r != null) { Image img = _go.GetComponent <Image>(); Text text = _go.GetComponent <Text>(); RawImage rawImg = _go.GetComponent <RawImage>(); if (img == null && text == null && rawImg == null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(r, true); } } MonoBehaviour[] b = _go.GetComponents <MonoBehaviour>(); foreach (MonoBehaviour m in b) { if (m == null) { SuperDebug.LogErrorFormat("发现脚本丢失 root:{0}--->{1}",,; break; } } Button bt = _go.GetComponent <Button>(); if (bt != null) { int num = bt.onClick.GetPersistentEventCount(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { UnityEngine.Object t = bt.onClick.GetPersistentTarget(i); string methodName = bt.onClick.GetPersistentMethodName(i); if (!(t is MonoBehaviour)) { Debug.LogError("Button target gameObject is not a MonoBehaviour!" + + "" +; } else { MonoBehaviour script = t as MonoBehaviour; MethodInfo mi = script.GetType().GetMethod(methodName); if (mi == null) { Debug.LogError("Button target method is not found in target!" + + "" +; } } } } // SuperList superList = _go.GetComponent<SuperList>(); // // if(superList != null){ // // Mask mask = _go.GetComponent<Mask>(); // // if(mask != null){ // // GameObject.DestroyImmediate(mask); // // Image img = _go.GetComponent<Image>(); // // GameObject.DestroyImmediate(img); // // _go.AddComponent<RectMask2D>(); // // _hasChange = true; // } // } for (int i = 0; i < _go.transform.childCount; i++) { Fix(_go.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); } }
private void Awake() { _image = transform.Find("MaskImage/Image").GetComponent <RawImage>(); GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(OnClick); }
internal void AddCalibrationScreen(CameraPlusBehaviour camplus, Camera camera) { _targetBehaviour = camplus; _webCamCanvas = new GameObject("WebCamCanvas").AddComponent <Canvas>(); _webCamCanvas.gameObject.transform.SetParent(this.transform); _webCamCanvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera; _webCamCanvas.worldCamera = camera; _webCamCanvas.planeDistance = 1; CanvasScaler canvasScaler = _webCamCanvas.gameObject.AddComponent <CanvasScaler>(); canvasScaler.uiScaleMode = CanvasScaler.ScaleMode.ScaleWithScreenSize; canvasScaler.referenceResolution = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height); canvasScaler.matchWidthOrHeight = 1; RawImage raw = new GameObject("RawImage").AddComponent <RawImage>(); raw.transform.SetParent(_webCamCanvas.transform); raw.transform.localPosition =; raw.transform.localEulerAngles =; var rect = raw.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rect.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); rect.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); rect.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); rect.localScale = new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1); rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); rect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(Screen.width / 4, Screen.height / 4); rect.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); _webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture(; raw.texture = _webCamTexture; Material rawMaterial = new Material(Plugin.cameraController.Shaders["BeatSaber/BlitCopyWithDepth"]); rawMaterial.SetColor("_Color", new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0)); rawMaterial.SetFloat("_CullMode", 0); raw.material = rawMaterial; _webCamTexture.Play(); _cursorImage = new GameObject("CursorImage").AddComponent <RawImage>(); _cursorImage.transform.SetParent(_webCamCanvas.transform); _cursorImage.transform.localPosition =; _cursorImage.transform.localEulerAngles =; _cursorImage.texture = CustomUtils.LoadTextureFromResources("CameraPlus.Resources.Xross.png"); Material cursorMat = new Material(Plugin.cameraController.Shaders["ChromaKey/Unlit/Cutout"]); cursorMat.SetColor("_Color", new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0)); cursorMat.SetColor("_ChromaKeyColor", Color.white); cursorMat.SetFloat("_ChromaKeyHueRange", 0.5f); _cursorImage.material = cursorMat; _rectCursor = _cursorImage.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); _rectCursor.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); _rectCursor.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); _rectCursor.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); _rectCursor.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1); _rectCursor.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); _rectCursor.sizeDelta = new Vector2(Screen.width / 8, Screen.height / 4.5f); _rectCursor.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -0.1f); _calText = new GameObject("CalibrationText").AddComponent <HMUI.CurvedTextMeshPro>(); _calText.transform.SetParent(_webCamCanvas.transform); _calText.transform.localPosition =; _calText.transform.localEulerAngles =; _calText.alignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Bottom; _calText.fontSize = 24; _calText.text = "Pull the trigger in front of the webcam."; var cakRect = _calText.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); cakRect.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); cakRect.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); cakRect.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); cakRect.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1); cakRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); cakRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(Screen.width / 4, Screen.height / 3); cakRect.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -0.1f); }
private void SetRewardButtonImage(GameObject rb, GameObject rp, RawImage ri, Text rt, Text label) { rb.SetActive(true); var rewards = ds.GetRewardsTable(); Debug.Log("SetRewardButtonImage method starting, with rb = " + + ", rp = " + + ", ri = " + + ", rt = " +; RawImage img = rb.GetComponent <RawImage>(); RawImage customPanelImg = ri.GetComponent <RawImage>(); Text customPanelText = rt.GetComponent <Text>(); GameObject customPanel = rp; foreach (var row in rewards) { if (chooseRewardObject.rewardIdsList.Contains(row.reward_id) && !alreadyLoadedImageList.Contains(row.reward_name)) { Debug.Log("Reward Loading. name = " + row.reward_name + ", type = " + row.reward_type + ", url = " + row.reward_url); = row.reward_name; label.text = row.reward_name; Texture2D tx = new Texture2D(75, 75); byte[] rewardPic = FileAccessUtil.LoadRewardPic(row.reward_name); // If it is stock reward pic: if (rewardPic == null) { Debug.Log("It's a stock pic"); img.texture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("RewardPictures/" + row.reward_name); alreadyLoadedImageList.Add(row.reward_name); if (row.reward_url != "" || row.reward_url != null) { Debug.Log("Setting button name to reward url"); = row.reward_url; } return; } // Else it is a custom reward pic: else { tx.LoadImage(rewardPic); img.texture = tx; customPanelImg.texture = tx; customPanelText.text =; if (row.reward_type == "website") { = row.reward_url; } else { = row.reward_name; = row.reward_name; rt.text = row.reward_name; Debug.Log("itsa custom"); } alreadyLoadedImageList.Add(row.reward_name); return; } } } }
void OnEnable() { videoPlayer = GetComponent <VideoPlayer>(); rawImage = GetComponent <RawImage>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { bkgSprite = gameObject.GetComponent <RawImage>(); scrollRate = normScrollRate; }
protected override void Reset() { base.Reset(); this.rawImage = this.elements?.GetComponentInChildren <RawImage>(); }
protected virtual void Update() { if (canvas == null) { canvas = transform.GetComponentInParent <Canvas>(); } if (canvas == null) { canvas = transform.GetComponentInChildren <Canvas>(); } if (rectTransform == null) { rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); } sizeX = Size().x; sizeY = Size().y; screenWidth = Screen.width; screenHeight = Screen.height; if (backgroundRawImage != null) { if (backgroundRawImage.enabled) { rectTransform.sizeDelta = backgroundRawImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta; } else { rectTransform.sizeDelta = Size(); } } else { rectTransform.sizeDelta = Size(); } rectTransform.position = new Vector3(percentageOfScreenX * screenWidth, screenHeight - percentageOfScreenY * screenHeight); //Manage Slot Position and Size float positionX = percentageOfScreenX * screenWidth; float positionY = percentageOfScreenY * screenHeight; if (Slots.Count != 0) { //Over the bottom of the screen if (positionY + rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 2 > screenHeight) { float diff = positionY + rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 2 - screenHeight + .5f; rectTransform.position = new Vector2(rectTransform.position.x, rectTransform.position.y + diff); positionY -= diff; } //Above the screen if (positionY - rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 2 < 0) { float diff = positionY - rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 2 - .5f; rectTransform.position = new Vector2(rectTransform.position.x, rectTransform.position.y + diff); positionY -= diff; } //Right of the screen if (positionX + rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 2 > screenWidth) { float diff = positionX + rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 2 - screenWidth - .5f; rectTransform.position = new Vector2(rectTransform.position.x - diff, rectTransform.position.y); positionX -= diff; } //Left of the screen if (positionX - rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 2 < 0) { float diff = positionX - rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 2 + .5f; rectTransform.position = new Vector2(rectTransform.position.x - diff, rectTransform.position.y); positionX -= diff; } } //Cache Slots, Background, and Text if (backgroundImageTransform == null) { backgroundImageTransform = transform.FindChild("Background Image Main"); if (backgroundImageTransform == null) { GameObject newGO = new GameObject("Main Background"); newGO.AddComponent <CanvasGroup>().blocksRaycasts = false; newGO.AddComponent <RectTransform>().position = rectTransform.position; newGO.transform.parent = transform; newGO.transform.SetSiblingIndex(0); backgroundImageTransform = newGO.transform; backgroundRawImage = newGO.AddComponent <RawImage>(); backgroundRawImage.rectTransform.position = rectTransform.position + bgOffset; backgroundRawImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta = rectTransform.sizeDelta; } } if (slotsTransform == null) { slotsTransform = transform.FindChild("Slots"); if (slotsTransform == null) { GameObject newGO = new GameObject("Slots"); slotsRectTransform = newGO.AddComponent <RectTransform>(); newGO.transform.parent = transform; newGO.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); slotsTransform = newGO.transform; } } if (slotsRectTransform != null) { slotsRectTransform.transform.position = rectTransform.position; slotsRectTransform.sizeDelta = rectTransform.sizeDelta; } }
private void Awake() { _rawImage = GetComponent <RawImage>(); _framesToPlay = new List <Texture2D>(); _play = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { currentEnergy = maxEnergy; energyUI = energyBar.GetComponent <RawImage>(); }
// The main function call for processing sequences private void ProcessSequence(SequenceReader reader) { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; SetupFeatureExtractionMode(); thread_running = true; face_model_params.optimiseForVideo(); // Setup the visualization Visualizer visualizer_of = new Visualizer(ShowTrackedVideo || RecordTracked, ShowAppearance, ShowAppearance); // Initialize the face analyser face_analyser = new FaceAnalyserManaged(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, DynamicAUModels, image_output_size, MaskAligned); // Reset the tracker landmark_detector.Reset(); // Loading an image file var frame = new RawImage(reader.GetNextImage()); var gray_frame = new RawImage(reader.GetCurrentFrameGray()); // Setup recording RecorderOpenFaceParameters rec_params = new RecorderOpenFaceParameters(true, reader.IsWebcam(), Record2DLandmarks, Record3DLandmarks, RecordModelParameters, RecordPose, RecordAUs, RecordGaze, RecordHOG, RecordTracked, RecordAligned, reader.GetFx(), reader.GetFy(), reader.GetCx(), reader.GetCy(), reader.GetFPS()); RecorderOpenFace recorder = new RecorderOpenFace(reader.GetName(), rec_params, record_root); // For FPS tracking DateTime?startTime = CurrentTime; var lastFrameTime = CurrentTime; // Empty image would indicate that the stream is over while (gray_frame.Width != 0) { if (!thread_running) { break; } double progress = reader.GetProgress(); bool detection_succeeding = landmark_detector.DetectLandmarksInVideo(gray_frame, face_model_params); // The face analysis step (for AUs and eye gaze) face_analyser.AddNextFrame(frame, landmark_detector.CalculateAllLandmarks(), detection_succeeding, false); gaze_analyser.AddNextFrame(landmark_detector, detection_succeeding, reader.GetFx(), reader.GetFy(), reader.GetCx(), reader.GetCy()); // Only the final face will contain the details VisualizeFeatures(frame, visualizer_of, landmark_detector.CalculateAllLandmarks(), landmark_detector.GetVisibilities(), detection_succeeding, true, reader.GetFx(), reader.GetFy(), reader.GetCx(), reader.GetCy(), progress); // Record an observation RecordObservation(recorder, visualizer_of.GetVisImage(), detection_succeeding, reader.GetFx(), reader.GetFy(), reader.GetCx(), reader.GetCy(), reader.GetTimestamp()); while (thread_running & thread_paused && skip_frames == 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); } if (skip_frames > 0) { skip_frames--; } frame = new RawImage(reader.GetNextImage()); gray_frame = new RawImage(reader.GetCurrentFrameGray()); lastFrameTime = CurrentTime; processing_fps.AddFrame(); } // Finalize the recording and flush to disk recorder.Close(); // Post-process the AU recordings if (RecordAUs) { face_analyser.PostProcessOutputFile(recorder.GetCSVFile()); } // Close the open video/webcam reader.Close(); EndMode(); }
public LJPEGPlain(byte[] data, RawImage img, bool UseBigTable, bool DNGCompatible) : this(new ImageBinaryReader(data), img, UseBigTable, DNGCompatible) { }
private void VisualizeFeatures(RawImage frame, Visualizer visualizer, List <Tuple <double, double> > landmarks, List <bool> visibilities, bool detection_succeeding, bool new_image, float fx, float fy, float cx, float cy, double progress) { List <Tuple <Point, Point> > lines = null; List <Tuple <double, double> > eye_landmarks = null; List <Tuple <Point, Point> > gaze_lines = null; Tuple <double, double> gaze_angle = new Tuple <double, double>(0, 0); List <double> pose = new List <double>(); landmark_detector.GetPose(pose, fx, fy, cx, cy); List <double> non_rigid_params = landmark_detector.GetNonRigidParams(); double confidence = landmark_detector.GetConfidence(); if (confidence < 0) { confidence = 0; } else if (confidence > 1) { confidence = 1; } double scale = landmark_detector.GetRigidParams()[0]; // Helps with recording and showing the visualizations if (new_image) { visualizer.SetImage(frame, fx, fy, cx, cy); } visualizer.SetObservationHOG(face_analyser.GetLatestHOGFeature(), face_analyser.GetHOGRows(), face_analyser.GetHOGCols()); visualizer.SetObservationLandmarks(landmarks, confidence, visibilities); visualizer.SetObservationPose(pose, confidence); visualizer.SetObservationGaze(gaze_analyser.GetGazeCamera().Item1, gaze_analyser.GetGazeCamera().Item2, landmark_detector.CalculateAllEyeLandmarks(), landmark_detector.CalculateAllEyeLandmarks3D(fx, fy, cx, cy), confidence); if (detection_succeeding) { eye_landmarks = landmark_detector.CalculateVisibleEyeLandmarks(); lines = landmark_detector.CalculateBox(fx, fy, cx, cy); gaze_lines = gaze_analyser.CalculateGazeLines(fx, fy, cx, cy); gaze_angle = gaze_analyser.GetGazeAngle(); } // Visualisation (as a separate function) Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200), (Action)(() => { if (ShowAUs) { var au_classes = face_analyser.GetCurrentAUsClass(); var au_regs = face_analyser.GetCurrentAUsReg(); auClassGraph.Update(au_classes); var au_regs_scaled = new Dictionary <String, double>(); foreach (var au_reg in au_regs) { au_regs_scaled[au_reg.Key] = au_reg.Value / 5.0; if (au_regs_scaled[au_reg.Key] < 0) { au_regs_scaled[au_reg.Key] = 0; } if (au_regs_scaled[au_reg.Key] > 1) { au_regs_scaled[au_reg.Key] = 1; } } auRegGraph.Update(au_regs_scaled); } if (ShowGeometry) { int yaw = (int)(pose[4] * 180 / Math.PI + 0.5); int roll = (int)(pose[5] * 180 / Math.PI + 0.5); int pitch = (int)(pose[3] * 180 / Math.PI + 0.5); YawLabel.Content = yaw + "°"; RollLabel.Content = roll + "°"; PitchLabel.Content = pitch + "°"; XPoseLabel.Content = (int)pose[0] + " mm"; YPoseLabel.Content = (int)pose[1] + " mm"; ZPoseLabel.Content = (int)pose[2] + " mm"; nonRigidGraph.Update(non_rigid_params); // Update eye gaze String x_angle = String.Format("{0:F0}°", gaze_angle.Item1 * (180.0 / Math.PI)); String y_angle = String.Format("{0:F0}°", gaze_angle.Item2 * (180.0 / Math.PI)); GazeXLabel.Content = x_angle; GazeYLabel.Content = y_angle; } if (ShowTrackedVideo) { if (new_image) { latest_img = frame.CreateWriteableBitmap(); } frame.UpdateWriteableBitmap(latest_img); overlay_image.Source = latest_img; overlay_image.Confidence = confidence; overlay_image.FPS = processing_fps.GetFPS(); overlay_image.Progress = progress; overlay_image.FaceScale = scale; if (!detection_succeeding) { overlay_image.OverlayLines.Clear(); overlay_image.OverlayPoints.Clear(); overlay_image.OverlayPointsVisibility.Clear(); overlay_image.OverlayEyePoints.Clear(); overlay_image.GazeLines.Clear(); } else { List <Point> landmark_points = new List <Point>(); foreach (var p in landmarks) { landmark_points.Add(new Point(p.Item1, p.Item2)); } List <Point> eye_landmark_points = new List <Point>(); foreach (var p in eye_landmarks) { eye_landmark_points.Add(new Point(p.Item1, p.Item2)); } if (new_image) { overlay_image.OverlayLines = lines; overlay_image.OverlayPoints = landmark_points; overlay_image.OverlayPointsVisibility = visibilities; overlay_image.OverlayEyePoints = eye_landmark_points; overlay_image.GazeLines = gaze_lines; } else { // In case of multiple faces just add them to the existing drawing list overlay_image.OverlayLines.AddRange(lines.GetRange(0, lines.Count)); overlay_image.OverlayPoints.AddRange(landmark_points.GetRange(0, landmark_points.Count)); overlay_image.OverlayPointsVisibility.AddRange(visibilities.GetRange(0, visibilities.Count)); overlay_image.OverlayEyePoints.AddRange(eye_landmark_points.GetRange(0, eye_landmark_points.Count)); overlay_image.GazeLines.AddRange(gaze_lines.GetRange(0, gaze_lines.Count)); } } } if (ShowAppearance) { RawImage aligned_face = face_analyser.GetLatestAlignedFace(); RawImage hog_face = visualizer.GetHOGVis(); if (latest_aligned_face == null) { latest_aligned_face = aligned_face.CreateWriteableBitmap(); latest_HOG_descriptor = hog_face.CreateWriteableBitmap(); } aligned_face.UpdateWriteableBitmap(latest_aligned_face); hog_face.UpdateWriteableBitmap(latest_HOG_descriptor); AlignedFace.Source = latest_aligned_face; AlignedHOG.Source = latest_HOG_descriptor; } })); }
void Start() { bookDisplay = GetComponentInChildren <RawImage>(); }
void Start() { mUISpinner = FindSpinnerImage(); Application.backgroundLoadingPriority = ThreadPriority.Low; mChangeLevel = true; }
private void SetupTerrainPaintTexturePickerEvents() { if (TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER != null) { // update selection if it is changed (e.g. by clicking on a texture) += (object p_obj, LE_GUIInterface.EventHandlers.IntEventArgs p_args) => { if (TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER != null) { TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER.SetSelection(p_args.Value); } }; // handle the clicked event coming back from UI TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER.ButtonCallback = (int p_selectedIndex) => { if (TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER != null) { if (TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER.Textures[p_selectedIndex] == TERRAIN_ADD_PAINT_TEXTURE_ICON) { // user wants to add one more texture to the paint selection uMyGUI_Popup popup = ((uMyGUI_PopupTexturePicker)uMyGUI_PopupManager.Instance.ShowPopup(POPUP_TEXTURE_PICKER)) .SetPicker(m_unusedPaintTextures, -1, (int p_clickedIndex) => { LE_GUIInterface.Instance.OnTerrainPaintTextureAdded(m_unusedPaintTextures[p_clickedIndex]); }) .SetText("Select Texture", "Click on the texture which you want to add to the terrain.") .ShowButton("back"); AddButtonClickSoundsToGeneratedUI(popup.transform as RectTransform); } else { // user has selected a paint texture LE_GUIInterface.Instance.OnTerrainPaintTextureChanged(p_selectedIndex); } } else { Debug.LogError("LE_GUIInterface_uGUIimpl: TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER is not set in inspector!"); } }; } else { Debug.LogError("LE_GUIInterface_uGUIimpl: TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER is not set in inspector!"); } // handle the initialization/update event coming from the level editor LE_GUIInterface.Instance.delegates.SetTerrainPaintTextures += (Texture2D[] p_textures, Texture2D[] p_unusedTextures, int p_selectedIndex, bool p_isAddTextureBtn) => { if (TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER != null) { m_unusedPaintTextures = p_unusedTextures; if (p_isAddTextureBtn && TERRAIN_ADD_PAINT_TEXTURE_ICON != null) { if (p_textures.Length == 0) { p_selectedIndex = -1; // make sure that the add new icon is never selected } // add additional texture to use it as add new texture button Texture2D[] texturesWithAddIcon = new Texture2D[p_textures.Length + 1]; System.Array.Copy(p_textures, texturesWithAddIcon, p_textures.Length); texturesWithAddIcon[texturesWithAddIcon.Length - 1] = TERRAIN_ADD_PAINT_TEXTURE_ICON; TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER.SetTextures(texturesWithAddIcon, p_selectedIndex); // make the add new texture button be rendered with alpha RawImage addBtnImg = TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER.Instances[texturesWithAddIcon.Length - 1].GetComponent <RawImage>(); if (addBtnImg != null) { addBtnImg.material = null; } } else { if (p_isAddTextureBtn) { Debug.LogError("LE_GUIInterface_uGUIimpl: TERRAIN_ADD_PAINT_TEXTURE_ICON is not set in inspector!"); } // textures cannot be modified any more -> simply pass through the array TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER.SetTextures(p_textures, p_selectedIndex); } AddButtonClickSoundsToGeneratedUI(TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER.transform as RectTransform); } else { Debug.LogError("LE_GUIInterface_uGUIimpl: TERRAIN_PAINT_TEXTURES_PICKER is not set in inspector!"); } }; }
public bool heartBeat; //< To make GUI elements blink /// <summary>Use this for initialization</summary> /// <param name="divisionsX">Divisions of X axis</para> /// <param name="diviaionsY">Divisions of Y axis</para> /// <param name="subdivisions">Subdivisions</para> public void Initialize(OscSettings oscSettings) { this.oscSettings = oscSettings; screenImage = GetComponent <RawImage>(); screenImage.color = Color.white; }
private static void DumpGpsInfo(BinaryReader binaryReader, uint offset) { binaryReader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var tags = new ImageFileDirectory(binaryReader); Assert.AreEqual(0x00000302u, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0000 && e.TagType == 1).ValuePointer); // version number // tags.DumpDirectory(binaryReader); if (tags.Entries.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("GPS info not found...."); return; } Assert.AreEqual(16, tags.Entries.Length); var expected = new[] { (ushort)0x00, (ushort)0x01, (ushort)0x02, (ushort)0x03, (ushort)0x04, (ushort)0x05, (ushort)0x06, (ushort)0x07, (ushort)0x08, (ushort)0x09, (ushort)0x0A, (ushort)0x0B, (ushort)0x10, (ushort)0x11, (ushort)0x12, (ushort)0x1D }; CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.ToArray(), tags.Entries.Select(e => e.TagId).ToArray()); // "A" active, "V" void Console.WriteLine("Satellite signal status {0}", RawImage.ReadChars(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0009 && e.TagType == 2))); var date = RawImage.ReadChars(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x001D && e.TagType == 2)); var timeData = RawImage.ReadRational(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0007 && e.TagType == 5)); Assert.AreEqual(6, timeData.Length); var time1 = (double)timeData[0] / timeData[1]; var time2 = (double)timeData[2] / timeData[3]; var time3 = (double)timeData[4] / timeData[5]; var dateTime = ConvertDateTime(date, time1, time2, time3); Console.WriteLine("Timestamp {0:M\'/\'d\'/\'yyyy\' \'h\':\'mm\':\'ss\' \'tt}", dateTime.ToLocalTime()); var latitudeData = RawImage.ReadRational(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0002 && e.TagType == 5)); Assert.AreEqual(6, latitudeData.Length); var latitude1 = (double)latitudeData[0] / latitudeData[1]; var latitude2 = (double)latitudeData[2] / latitudeData[3]; var latitude3 = (double)latitudeData[4] / latitudeData[5]; var latitudeDirection = RawImage.ReadChars(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0001 && e.TagType == 2)); Console.WriteLine("Latitude {0}° {1}\' {2}\" {3}", latitude1, latitude2, latitude3, latitudeDirection); var longitudeData = RawImage.ReadRational(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0004 && e.TagType == 5)); Assert.AreEqual(6, longitudeData.Length); var longitude1 = (double)longitudeData[0] / longitudeData[1]; var longitude2 = (double)longitudeData[2] / longitudeData[3]; var longitude3 = (double)longitudeData[4] / longitudeData[5]; var longitudeDirection = RawImage.ReadChars(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0003 && e.TagType == 2)); Console.WriteLine("Longitude {0}° {1}\' {2}\" {3}", longitude1, longitude2, longitude3, longitudeDirection); var altitudeData = RawImage.ReadRational(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0006 && e.TagType == 5)); Assert.AreEqual(2, altitudeData.Length); var altitude = (double)altitudeData[0] / altitudeData[1]; Console.WriteLine("Altitude {0:0.00} m", altitude); Assert.AreEqual(0x00000000u, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0005 && e.TagType == 1).ValuePointer); Console.WriteLine("Geographic coordinate system {0}", RawImage.ReadChars(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0012 && e.TagType == 2))); Assert.AreEqual("M", RawImage.ReadChars(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0010 && e.TagType == 2))); // Magnetic Direction var directionData = RawImage.ReadRational(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0011 && e.TagType == 5)); Assert.AreEqual(2, directionData.Length); var direction = (double)directionData[0] / directionData[1]; Console.WriteLine("Direction {0}°", direction); var dopData = RawImage.ReadRational(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x000B && e.TagType == 5)); Assert.AreEqual(2, dopData.Length); var dop = (double)dopData[0] / dopData[1]; Console.WriteLine("Dilution of Position {0}", dop); var quality = RawImage.ReadChars(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x000A && e.TagType == 2)); Console.WriteLine("Fix quality = {0}", DumpFixQuality(quality)); Console.WriteLine("Number of satellites = {0}", RawImage.ReadChars(binaryReader, tags.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0008 && e.TagType == 2))); }
void Start() { charImage = GetComponent <RawImage>(); }
private void Awake() { balancePixelsUI = balancePixelsUI.GetComponent <RawImage>(); openCvManager = FindObjectOfType <OpenCVManager>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { enemy = GetComponentInParent <EnemyAI>(); // Different to way player's health bar finds player healthBarRawImage = GetComponent <RawImage>(); }
private static void DumpImage3Raw(string fileName) { using (var fileStream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)) { var rawImage = new RawImage(binaryReader); // Image #3 is a raw image compressed in ITU-T81 lossless JPEG var image = rawImage.Directories.Skip(3).First(); var offset = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0111 && e.TagType == 4).ValuePointer; // Assert.AreEqual(0x2D42DCu, offset); var count = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0x0117 && e.TagType == 4).ValuePointer; // Assert.AreEqual(0x1501476u, count); var imageFileEntry = image.Entries.Single(e => e.TagId == 0xC640 && e.TagType == 3); var slices = RawImage.ReadUInts16(binaryReader, imageFileEntry); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { (ushort)1, (ushort)3144, (ushort)3144 }, slices); binaryReader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var startOfImage = new StartOfImage(binaryReader, offset, count); var startOfFrame = startOfImage.StartOfFrame; Assert.AreEqual(4056u, startOfFrame.ScanLines); Assert.AreEqual(3144u, startOfFrame.SamplesPerLine); Assert.AreEqual(6288, startOfFrame.Width); Assert.AreEqual(14, startOfFrame.Precision); // RGGB // chrominance subsampling factors Assert.AreEqual(2, startOfFrame.Components.Length); // RGGB Assert.AreEqual(1, startOfFrame.Components[0].ComponentId); Assert.AreEqual(1, startOfFrame.Components[0].HFactor); Assert.AreEqual(1, startOfFrame.Components[0].VFactor); Assert.AreEqual(0, startOfFrame.Components[0].TableId); Assert.AreEqual(2, startOfFrame.Components[1].ComponentId); Assert.AreEqual(1, startOfFrame.Components[1].HFactor); Assert.AreEqual(1, startOfFrame.Components[1].VFactor); Assert.AreEqual(0, startOfFrame.Components[1].TableId); Assert.AreEqual(2, startOfFrame.Components.Sum(component => component.HFactor * component.VFactor)); var startOfScan = startOfImage.StartOfScan; // DumpStartOfScan(startOfScan); Assert.AreEqual(1, startOfScan.Bb1); // Start of spectral or predictor selection Assert.AreEqual(0, startOfScan.Bb2); // end of spectral selection Assert.AreEqual(0, startOfScan.Bb3); // successive approximation bit positions Assert.AreEqual(2, startOfScan.Components.Length); // RGGB Assert.AreEqual(1, startOfScan.Components[0].Id); Assert.AreEqual(0, startOfScan.Components[0].Dc); Assert.AreEqual(0, startOfScan.Components[0].Ac); // in lossless, this value is always zero Assert.AreEqual(2, startOfScan.Components[1].Id); Assert.AreEqual(1, startOfScan.Components[1].Dc); Assert.AreEqual(0, startOfScan.Components[1].Ac); startOfImage.ImageData.Reset(); var outFile = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".png"); CreateBitmap(binaryReader, startOfImage, outFile, offset, slices); Assert.AreEqual(25504128, cc); Assert.AreEqual(3, startOfImage.ImageData.DistFromEnd); } }
void Start() { _stasisScript = GetComponent <Stasis>(); _fuelScript = GetComponent <Fuel>(); _rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); _wheels = new List <Transform>(); foreach (Transform t in transform) { if ( == "Thruster") { _thruster = t.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); } else if ( == "Exhaust") { _exhaust = t.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); } if ("Left")) { _wheels.Add(t); } if ("Right")) { _wheels.Add(t); } } Vector3 wheelSize = _wheels[0].localScale; _wheelDefaultSize = wheelSize; _wheelClimbSize = new Vector3(wheelSize.x, 0.7f, wheelSize.z); TurnOffFireEffects(); _carState = CarState.Driving; _driveState = DriveState.Park; if (START_POSITIONS == null) { START_POSITIONS = new List <Vector3>(); START_POSITIONS.Add(transform.position); } _startPosition = transform.position; _startRotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles; _currentStartPosition = -1; _teleport = false; _oldWallNormal =; cameraRig.position = transform.position; _freeLookCameraScript = cameraRig.GetComponent <FreeLookCam>(); _mouseSpeed = _freeLookCameraScript.m_MoveSpeed; _cameraTurnSpeed = _freeLookCameraScript.m_TurnSpeed; _flash = GameObject.Find("Flash").GetComponent <RawImage>(); _otherFreeLookCamerScript = cameraRig.GetComponent <ProtectCameraFromWallClip>(); _camDistance = _otherFreeLookCamerScript.closestDistance; _canClimb = true; _drifting = false; _jetting = false; _turbo = false; _oldForward =; _helpPad = GameObject.Find("HelpControls"); _helpKeyboard = GameObject.Find("HelpKeyboard"); _helpRunes = GameObject.Find("HelpRunes"); if (!SHOW_CONTROLS) { _helpPad.SetActive(false); _helpKeyboard.SetActive(false); } else { if (StartMenu.USE_KEYBOARD) { _helpPad.SetActive(false); } else { _helpKeyboard.SetActive(false); } } _helpRunes.SetActive(false); _quitTick = 0; _quitTime = 2; _climbIdleTick = 0; _climbIdleTime = 3; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { image = GetComponent <RawImage>(); videoPlayer = GetComponent <VideoPlayer>(); StartCoroutine(playVideo()); }