 ** Public methods
 /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary>
 /// <param name="path">The path to the patch from the root content file.</param>
 /// <param name="assetName">The normalized asset name to intercept.</param>
 /// <param name="conditions">The conditions which determine whether this patch should be applied.</param>
 /// <param name="fromFile">The normalized asset key from which to load entries (if applicable), including tokens.</param>
 /// <param name="updateRate">When the patch should be updated.</param>
 /// <param name="contentPack">The content pack which requested the patch.</param>
 /// <param name="parentPatch">The parent patch for which this patch was loaded, if any.</param>
 /// <param name="normalizeAssetName">Normalize an asset name.</param>
 /// <param name="monitor">Encapsulates monitoring and logging.</param>
 /// <param name="patchLoader">Handles loading and unloading patches for content packs.</param>
 public IncludePatch(LogPathBuilder path, IManagedTokenString assetName, IEnumerable <Condition> conditions, IManagedTokenString fromFile, UpdateRate updateRate, RawContentPack contentPack, IPatch parentPatch, Func <string, string> normalizeAssetName, IMonitor monitor, PatchLoader patchLoader)
     : base(
         path: path,
         type: PatchType.Include,
         assetName: assetName,
         conditions: conditions,
         fromAsset: fromFile,
         updateRate: updateRate,
         parentPatch: parentPatch,
         contentPack: contentPack.ContentPack,
         normalizeAssetName: normalizeAssetName
     this.RawContentPack = contentPack;
     this.Monitor        = monitor;
     this.PatchLoader    = patchLoader;
Example #2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Handle(string[] args)
            var patchLoader = this.GetPatchLoader();

            // get pack ID
            if (args.Length != 1)
                this.Monitor.Log("The 'patch reload' command expects a single arguments containing the target content pack ID. See 'patch help' for more info.", LogLevel.Error);
            string packId = args[0];

            // get pack
            RawContentPack pack = this.ContentPacks.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Manifest.UniqueID == packId);

            if (pack == null)
                this.Monitor.Log($"No Content Patcher content pack with the unique ID \"{packId}\".", LogLevel.Error);

            // unload patches
            patchLoader.UnloadPatchesLoadedBy(pack, false);

            // load pack patches
            if (!pack.TryReloadContent(out string loadContentError))
                this.Monitor.Log($"Failed to reload content pack '{pack.Manifest.Name}' for configuration changes: {loadContentError}. The content pack may not be in a valid state.", LogLevel.Error); // should never happen

            // reload patches
                contentPack: pack,
                rawPatches: pack.Content.Changes,
                rootIndexPath: new[] { pack.Index },
                path: new LogPathBuilder(pack.Manifest.Name),
                reindex: true,
                parentPatch: null

            // make the changes apply

            this.Monitor.Log("Content pack reloaded.", LogLevel.Info);
Example #3
        /// <summary>Handle the 'patch reload' command.</summary>
        /// <param name="args">The subcommand arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns whether the command was handled.</returns>
        private bool HandleReload(string[] args)
            // get pack ID
            if (args.Length != 1)
                this.Monitor.Log("The 'patch reload' command expects a single arguments containing the target content pack ID. See 'patch help' for more info.", LogLevel.Error);
            string packId = args[0];

            // get pack
            RawContentPack pack = this.ContentPacks.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Manifest.UniqueID == packId);

            if (pack == null)
                this.Monitor.Log($"No Content Patcher content pack with the unique ID \"{packId}\".", LogLevel.Error);

            // unload patches
            this.PatchLoader.UnloadPatchesLoadedBy(pack, false);

            // load pack patches
            var changes = pack.ContentPack.ReadJsonFile <ContentConfig>("content.json").Changes;

            pack.Content.Changes = changes;

            // reload patches
                contentPack: pack,
                rawPatches: pack.Content.Changes,
                rootIndexPath: new[] { pack.Index },
                path: new LogPathBuilder(pack.Manifest.Name),
                reindex: true,
                parentPatch: null

            // make the changes apply

            this.Monitor.Log("Content pack reloaded.", LogLevel.Info);
Example #4
        private IEnumerable <RawContentPack> GetContentPacks(IMigration[] migrations)
            this.Monitor.VerboseLog("Preloading content packs...");

            foreach (IContentPack contentPack in this.Helper.ContentPacks.GetOwned())
                RawContentPack rawContentPack;
                    // validate content.json has required fields
                    ContentConfig content = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <ContentConfig>(this.PatchFileName);
                    if (content == null)
                        this.Monitor.Log($"Ignored content pack '{contentPack.Manifest.Name}' because it has no {this.PatchFileName} file.", LogLevel.Error);
                    if (content.Format == null || content.Changes == null)
                        this.Monitor.Log($"Ignored content pack '{contentPack.Manifest.Name}' because it doesn't specify the required {nameof(ContentConfig.Format)} or {nameof(ContentConfig.Changes)} fields.", LogLevel.Error);

                    // apply migrations
                    IMigration migrator = new AggregateMigration(content.Format, this.SupportedFormatVersions, migrations);
                    if (!migrator.TryMigrate(content, out string error))
                        this.Monitor.Log($"Loading content pack '{contentPack.Manifest.Name}' failed: {error}.", LogLevel.Error);

                    // init
                    rawContentPack = new RawContentPack(new ManagedContentPack(contentPack), content, migrator);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.Monitor.Log($"Error preloading content pack '{contentPack.Manifest.Name}'. Technical details:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error);

                yield return(rawContentPack);