Example #1
        public async Task GetProfileAsync([Remainder] string target)
            RavenGuild guild = RavenDb.GetGuild(Context.Guild.Id);
            Regex      regex = new Regex(@"<@([0-9]*)>");
            Match      match = regex.Match(target);

            if (match.Success)
                // See if what they gave was a real person
                ulong.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out ulong id);
                if (id is 0)
                    await ReplyAsync("Invalid User Mentioned.");


                RavenUser mentionedUser = guild.GetUser(id);
                if (mentionedUser is null)
                    await ReplyAsync("The user specified doesn't exist within the system.");


                // Gotem.
                await ReplyAsync(null, false, DiscordEvents.GetUserProfile(id, guild));

                RavenUser user = guild.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username.StartsWith(target));
                if (user is null)
                    await ReplyAsync("Couldn't find anyone who's name was at all like that. To be fair, it's not a very indepth search.");


                await ReplyAsync(null, false, DiscordEvents.GetUserProfile(user.UserId, guild));
Example #2
        /// <summary>Called when a user joins the server. </summary>
        internal async Task GuildUserJoinAsync(SocketGuildUser user)
            foreach (PluginInfo plugin in GlobalConfig.PluginInfo)
                if (plugin.MessageReceivedAsync != null)
                    if (GlobalConfig.RunPluginFunctionsAsynchronously)
                        #pragma warning disable 4014
                        #pragma warning restore 4014
                        await plugin.GuildUserLeave(user);

            // Add it to the global database if they don't exist
            if (RavenDb.GetUser(user.Id) is null)
                RavenDb.CreateNewUser(user.Id, user.Username, user.DiscriminatorValue, user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl());

            // Get the guild this user is in
            RavenGuild guild = RavenDb.GetGuild(user.Guild.Id) ?? RavenDb.CreateNewGuild(user.Guild.Id, user.Guild.Name);

            // Update the total amount of users
            guild.TotalUsers = (uint)user.Guild.Users.Count;

            // If they rejoined, we'll store their old name to log
            bool   rejoined = false;
            string username = string.Empty;

            // Get the user from that guild
            RavenUser guildUser = guild.GetUser(user.Id);
            if (guildUser is null) // if they don't exist, we'll need to create them
                guild.CreateNewUser(user.Id, user.Username, user.DiscriminatorValue, user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl());

                // They rejoined, update their name in case/discrim in case it changed
                rejoined                = true;
                username                = guildUser.Username + "#" + guildUser.Discriminator;
                guildUser.Username      = user.Username;
                guildUser.Discriminator = user.DiscriminatorValue;
                guild.Save(); // Save the updated information, while storing the old one for logging purposes

            // Process welcome message if one is set
            if (guild.GuildSettings.WelcomeMessage.Enabled)
                // If the targeted channel is null or no longer exists or the message itself is undefined
                if (guild.GuildSettings.WelcomeMessage.ChannelId is null || user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.GuildSettings.WelcomeMessage.ChannelId.GetValueOrDefault()) is null ||
                    // If the logging channel is setup, exists, and is enabled
                    if (!(guild.LoggingSettings.ChannelId is null) && !(user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.LoggingSettings.ChannelId.GetValueOrDefault()) is null) &&
                        // Log to the logging channel if it has been set
                        await user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.LoggingSettings.ChannelId.Value).SendMessageAsync(null, false, new EmbedBuilder()
                            Title       = "Warning!",
                            Color       = new Color(255, 128, 0), // Orange
                            Description = "Unable to send welcome message. Channel or message are currently null. Please reconfigure it.",
                            Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                                Text = $"{DateTime.UtcNow:ddd MMM d yyyy HH mm}"

                    // Send the welcome message and repalce the server or user tags if they are present
                    await user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.GuildSettings.WelcomeMessage.ChannelId.Value)
                                      .Replace("%SERVER%", user.Guild.Name)
                                      .Replace("%USER%", user.Username));