/// <summary>
        /// Set XRay runtime ids on all steps under this RhinoTestCase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase on which to update runtime ids.</param>
        /// <param name="testExecutionKey">Jira test execution key by which to find runtime ids.</param>
        public static void SetRuntimeKeys(this RhinoTestCase testCase, string testExecutionKey)
            // setup
            var ravenClient = new JiraCommandsExecutor(testCase.GetAuthentication());
            var command     = RavenCommandsRepository.GetTestRunExecutionDetails(testExecutionKey, testCase.Key);

            // send
            var response = ravenClient.SendCommand(command).AsJToken();

            // exit conditions
            if ($"{response["id"]}".Equals("-1"))

            // setup
            var jsonToken  = response["steps"];
            var stepsToken = JArray.Parse($"{jsonToken}");
            var stepsCount = testCase.Steps.Count();

            // apply runtime id to test-step context
            for (int i = 0; i < stepsCount; i++)
                testCase.Steps.ElementAt(i).Context["runtimeid"] = stepsToken[i]["id"].ToObject <long>();
                testCase.Steps.ElementAt(i).Context["testStep"]  = JToken.Parse($"{stepsToken[i]}");

            // apply test run key
            int.TryParse($"{response["id"]}", out int idOut);
            testCase.Context["runtimeid"]  = idOut;
            testCase.Context["testRunKey"] = testExecutionKey;
        /// <summary>
        /// Set XRay runtime ids on all steps under this RhinoTestCase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase on which to update runtime ids.</param>
        /// <param name="testExecutionKey">Jira test execution key by which to find runtime ids.</param>
        public static void SetRuntimeKeys(this RhinoTestCase testCase, string testExecutionKey)
            // setup
            var ravenClient = new JiraCommandsExecutor(testCase.GetAuthentication());
            var command     = RavenCommandsRepository.GetTestRunExecutionDetails(testExecutionKey, testCase.Key);

            // send
            var response = ravenClient.SendCommand(command).AsJToken();

            // exit conditions
            if ($"{response["id"]}".Equals("-1"))

            // setup
            var jsonToken  = response["steps"];
            var stepsToken = JArray.Parse($"{jsonToken}");
            var aggregated = testCase.AggregateSteps();
            var steps      = aggregated.Steps.ToList();

            // apply runtime id to test-step context
            for (int i = 0; i < steps.Count; i++)
                steps[i].Context["runtimeid"] = stepsToken[i]["id"].ToObject <long>();
                steps[i].Context["testStep"]  = JToken.Parse($"{stepsToken[i]}");

                var isKey  = steps[i].Context.ContainsKey(ContextEntry.ChildSteps);
                var isType = isKey && steps[i].Context[ContextEntry.ChildSteps] is IEnumerable <RhinoTestStep>;
                if (isType)
                    foreach (var _step in (IEnumerable <RhinoTestStep>)steps[i].Context[ContextEntry.ChildSteps])
                        _step.Context["runtimeid"] = steps[i].Context["runtimeid"];

            // apply test run key
            _ = int.TryParse($"{response["id"]}", out int idOut);
            testCase.Context["runtimeid"]  = idOut;
            testCase.Context["testRunKey"] = testExecutionKey;
            testCase.Context["aggregated"] = aggregated;
            aggregated.Steps = steps;