Rating prediction program, see Usage() method for more information
Example #1
        [Test()] public void TestComputeCorrelations2()
            // load data from disk
            var user_mapping = new EntityMapping();
            var item_mapping = new EntityMapping();
            var ratings      = RatingPrediction.Read("../../../../data/ml100k/u1.base", user_mapping, item_mapping);

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.02855815f, Pearson.ComputeCorrelation(ratings, EntityType.ITEM, 45, 311, 200f), 0.00001);
        public ActionResult Recommend(int id)
            Profile activeprofile = _profileService.GetProfileByID(id);

            // 1. Create the local environment
            var ctx = new MLContext();

            //2. Load the MoviesRecommendation Model
            ITransformer loadedModel;

            using (var stream = new FileStream(_movieService.GetModelPath(), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                loadedModel = ctx.Model.Load(stream);

            //3. Create a prediction function
            var predictionfunction = loadedModel.MakePredictionFunction <RatingData, RatingPrediction>(ctx);

            List <Tuple <int, float> > ratings      = new List <Tuple <int, float> >();
            List <Tuple <int, int> >   MovieRatings = _profileService.GetProfileWatchedMovies(id);
            List <Movie> WatchedMovies = new List <Movie>();

            foreach (Tuple <int, int> tuple in MovieRatings)

            // 3. Create an Rating Prediction Output Class
            RatingPrediction prediction = null;

            foreach (var movie in _movieService._trendingMovies)
                //4. Call the Rating Prediction for each movie prediction
                prediction = predictionfunction.Predict(new RatingData {
                    userId = id.ToString(), movieId = movie.MovieID.ToString()

                //5. Normalize the prediction scores for the "ratings" b/w 0 - 100
                var normalizedscore = Sigmoid(prediction.Score);

                //6. Add the score for recommendation of each movie in the trending movie list
                ratings.Add(Tuple.Create(movie.MovieID, normalizedscore));

            //5. Provide ratings to the view to be displayed
            ViewData["watchedmovies"]  = WatchedMovies;
            ViewData["ratings"]        = ratings;
            ViewData["trendingmovies"] = _movieService._trendingMovies;
Example #3
    private void CreateRecommender()
        BiasedMatrixFactorization recommender = new BiasedMatrixFactorization();

        Console.Error.Write("Reading in ratings ... ");
        TimeSpan time = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() {
            recommender.Ratings = RatingPrediction.Read(ratings_file, user_mapping, item_mapping);

        Console.Error.WriteLine("done ({0,0:0.##}).", time.TotalSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

        //Console.Error.Write("Reading in additional ratings ... ");
        //string[] rating_files = Directory.GetFiles("../../saved_data/", "user-ratings-*");

        foreach (var indices_for_item in recommender.Ratings.ByItem)
            if (indices_for_item.Count > 0)
                movies_by_frequency.Add(new WeightedItem(recommender.Ratings.Items[indices_for_item[0]], indices_for_item.Count));
        for (int i = 0; i < n_movies; i++)

        Console.Error.Write("Loading prediction model ... ");
        recommender.UpdateUsers    = true;
        recommender.UpdateItems    = false;
        recommender.BiasReg        = 0.001;
        recommender.Regularization = 0.045;
        recommender.NumIter        = 60;
        time = Utils.MeasureTime(delegate() {
        Console.Error.WriteLine("done ({0,0:0.##}).", time.TotalSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

        rating_predictor = recommender;

        current_user_id = user_mapping.ToInternalID(current_user_external_id);

        // add movies that were not in the training set
        //rating_predictor.AddItem( item_mapping.InternalIDs.Count - 1 );

Example #4
    void LoadRatings(string name)
        // assumption: ratings, training data and model were reloaded


        using (var reader = new StreamReader("../../../../saved_data/user-ratings-" + name))
            IRatings user_ratings = RatingPrediction.Read(reader, user_mapping, item_mapping);

            for (int i = 0; i < user_ratings.Count; i++)
                ratings[user_ratings.Items[i]] = user_ratings[i];
                current_user_id = user_ratings.Users[i];                 // TODO check whether user ID is the same for all ratings
Example #5
        /// <summary>Find the the parameters resulting in the minimal results for a given evaluation measure (1D)</summary>
        /// <remarks>The recommender will be set to the best parameter value after calling this method.</remarks>
        /// <param name="evaluation_measure">the name of the evaluation measure</param>
        /// <param name="hp_name">the name of the hyperparameter to optimize</param>
        /// <param name="hp_values">the logarithms of the values of the hyperparameter to try out</param>
        /// <param name="basis">the basis to use for the logarithms</param>
        /// <param name="recommender">the recommender</param>
        /// <param name="split">the dataset split to use</param>
        /// <returns>the best (lowest) average value for the hyperparameter</returns>
        public static double FindMinimumExponential(
			string evaluation_measure,
			string hp_name,
			double[] hp_values,
			double basis,
			RatingPrediction.RatingPredictor recommender,
			ISplit<IRatings> split)
            var new_hp_values = new double[hp_values.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < hp_values.Length; i++)
                new_hp_values[i] = Math.Pow(basis, hp_values[i]);

            return FindMinimum(evaluation_measure, hp_name, new_hp_values, recommender, split);
Example #6
        /// <summary>Find the the parameters resulting in the minimal results for a given evaluation measure using k-fold cross-validation</summary>
        /// <remarks>The recommender will be set to the best parameter value after calling this method.</remarks>
        /// <param name="evaluation_measure">the name of the evaluation measure</param>
        /// <param name="hyperparameter_name">the name of the hyperparameter to optimize</param>
        /// <param name="hyperparameter_values">the values of the hyperparameter to try out</param>
        /// <param name="recommender">the recommender</param>
        /// <param name="k">the number of folds to be used for cross-validation</param>
        /// <returns>the best (lowest) average value for the hyperparameter</returns>
        public static double FindMinimum(
			string evaluation_measure,
			string hyperparameter_name,
			double[] hyperparameter_values,
			RatingPrediction.RatingPredictor recommender,
			uint k)
            var data = recommender.Ratings;
            var split = new RatingCrossValidationSplit(data, k);
            double result = FindMinimum(evaluation_measure, hyperparameter_name, hyperparameter_values, recommender, split);
            recommender.Ratings = data;
            return result;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var program = new RatingPrediction();
