Example #1
        public static RateV40[] Get(RateV40 request)
            var connection = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection();

            var response = connection.Client.GetRates(
                new GetRatesRequest
                Item    = connection.Credentials,
                Rate    = request,
                Carrier = Carrier.All

Example #2
        public static CreateIndiciumResponse Create(RateV40 rate, string integratorTxID, string trackingNumber)
            var connection = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection();

            var response = connection.Client.CreateIndicium(
                new CreateIndiciumRequest
                Rate           = rate,
                Item           = connection.Credentials,
                IntegratorTxID = integratorTxID,
                TrackingNumber = trackingNumber,
                SampleOnly     = !connection.IsProduction,

Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var rate = new RateV40()
                ShipDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(5),
                From     = new Address()
                    State   = "CA",
                    ZIPCode = "92128"
                To = new Address()
                    State   = "CA",
                    ZIPCode = "90245"
                WeightLb = 1,

            var returnedRates = Rates.Get(rate);

            foreach (var returnedRate in returnedRates)
                Console.WriteLine($"Service: {returnedRate.ServiceDescription} = ${returnedRate.Amount}");

            var labelRate = new RateV40()
                ShipDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(5),
                From     = new Address()
                    FirstName = "Wade",
                    LastName  = "Wilson",
                    Address1  = "3420 Ocean Park Bl",
                    Address2  = "Ste 1000",
                    City      = "Santa Monica",
                    State     = "CA",
                    ZIPCode   = "92128"
                To = new Address()
                    FirstName = "Charles",
                    LastName  = "Xavier",
                    Address1  = "1900 E Grand Ave",
                    City      = "El Segundo",
                    State     = "CA",
                    ZIPCode   = "90245"
                Amount      = 5,
                WeightLb    = 2,
                WeightOz    = 0,
                PackageType = PackageTypeV11.Package,
                Length      = 5,
                Width       = 5,
                Height      = 5,
                ServiceType = ServiceType.USPM,

            var labelResponse = Labels.Create(labelRate, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "99999");

            Console.WriteLine($"Label URL: {labelResponse.URL}");