Example #1
        private static RasterImage CreateTextFooter(LeadSize size, string tag)
            var bpp             = 24;
            var byteOrder       = RasterByteOrder.Bgr;
            var viewPerspective = RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft;

            var image = new RasterImage(RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional, size.Width, size.Height, bpp, byteOrder, viewPerspective, null, null, 0);

            var fill = new FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White));


            using (var graphics = RasterImagePainter.CreateGraphics(image))
                using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                    using (var font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, size.Width / 128))
                        var pos = new PointF(0, 0);

                            SizeF stringSize = new SizeF();
                            stringSize = graphics.Graphics.MeasureString(tag, font);

                            float scaleX = (float)size.Width / stringSize.Width;
                            float scaleY = (float)size.Height / stringSize.Height;

                            scaleX = Math.Min(1f, scaleX);
                            scaleY = Math.Min(1f, scaleY);

                            graphics.Graphics.ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY);

                            if (size.Height > (int)stringSize.Height)
                                size.Height = (int)stringSize.Height;

                        graphics.Graphics.DrawString(tag, font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(0, 0));

            if (size.Height < image.Height)
                var crop = new CropCommand(LeadRect.FromLTRB(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height));

Example #2
        private static LEADDocument AddDocumentToCache(LEADDocument largestDocument, IOcrEngine ocrEngine, Uri documentUri, LoadDocumentOptions loadOptions, DocumentCacheOptions cacheOptions)
            // Adds the document to the cache. Note that a new cache entry is created for each different maximumImagePixelSize.

            var document = DocumentFactory.LoadFromUri(documentUri, loadOptions);

                if (document == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to load URI: " + documentUri);

                // We will modify this document...
                bool wasReadOnly = document.IsReadOnly;
                document.IsReadOnly = false;

                if (document.Text.TextExtractionMode != DocumentTextExtractionMode.OcrOnly && !document.Images.IsSvgSupported && ocrEngine != null)
                    document.Text.OcrEngine = ocrEngine;

                // Set in the cache options that we want
                document.CacheOptions = cacheOptions;

                // prepare the document, caching as much as possible.
                if (document.IsStructureSupported && !document.Structure.IsParsed)

                // Need to cache the SVG with and without getting the back image
                var loadSvgOptions = new CodecsLoadSvgOptions();

                foreach (var page in document.Pages)
                    // If we have a previous largest document, use the same
                    // SVG and text instead of recreating them (they do not change based on image size)
                    DocumentPage largestDocumentPage = null;

                    if (largestDocument != null)
                        largestDocumentPage = largestDocument.Pages[page.PageNumber - 1];

                    if (cacheOptions == DocumentCacheOptions.None)
                        // We are done, do not cache the images, svg or text

                    if ((cacheOptions & DocumentCacheOptions.PageSvg) == DocumentCacheOptions.PageSvg)
                        // SVG, this does not depend on the image size
                        using (var svg = page.GetSvg(null))

                        using (var svg = page.GetSvg(loadSvgOptions))

                    if ((cacheOptions & DocumentCacheOptions.PageSvgBackImage) == DocumentCacheOptions.PageSvgBackImage)
                        // SVG back image, this is different based on the image size
                        using (var svgBack = page.GetSvgBackImage(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White)))

                    if ((cacheOptions & DocumentCacheOptions.PageImage) == DocumentCacheOptions.PageImage)
                        // Image, this is different based on the image size
                        using (var image = page.GetImage())

                    if ((cacheOptions & DocumentCacheOptions.PageThumbnailImage) == DocumentCacheOptions.PageThumbnailImage)
                        // Thumbnail, this does not depend on the image size but there is no set thumbnail method
                        using (var thumbnailImage = page.GetThumbnailImage())

                    if ((cacheOptions & DocumentCacheOptions.PageText) == DocumentCacheOptions.PageText)
                        // Text, this does not depend on the image size
                        if (largestDocumentPage == null)
                            var pageText = largestDocumentPage.GetText();

                document.AutoDeleteFromCache  = false;
                document.AutoDisposeDocuments = true;
                document.AutoSaveToCache      = false;
                // Stop caching
                document.CacheOptions = DocumentCacheOptions.None;
                document.IsReadOnly   = wasReadOnly;

                // save it to the regular cache

            catch (Exception)
                if (document != null)
Example #3
        private void ShowMousePositionAndImageColor(RasterImage image, LeadPoint viewerPoint, LeadPoint imagePoint)
            // This point is now in image coordinates, i.e., 0,0 is the top-left area of the image
            // Since we passed 'false' to 'accountForViewPerspective' above, the point is what we see
            // if the data in the image is top-left (point 0, 0, is the most left-top point in the image data)
            // This is called the ViewPerspective of the image. Not all images supported by LEADTOOLS have top-left coordinates,
            // for example, when you load a BMP file, by the default, the image data is "flipped" and has a view perspective of
            // bottom-left. We could pass 'true' for images like that if we need to convert the point to the
            // actual pixel x, y in the image. We will do that later in the code below

            string imagePointText;
            bool   outside = false;

            // Check if the viewer point is outside the image coordinates
            if (imagePoint.X < 0 || imagePoint.Y < 0 || imagePoint.X > image.ImageWidth || imagePoint.Y > image.ImageHeight)
                outside = true;

            if (outside)
                // Outside
                imagePointText = "OUTSIDE";
                imagePointText = string.Format("{0}, {1}", imagePoint.X, imagePoint.Y);

            // Show both points
            _mousePositionLabel.Text = string.Format(
                "Viewer: {0}, {1} - Image: {2}",
                viewerPoint.X, viewerPoint.Y,

            // Get the color under the cursor

            RasterColor pointCursorColor;

            // Use the imagePoint, we will use Raster.GetPixel. This method except the points
            // to be in image coordinates and in the image view perspective.
            // Since we had the point in top-left (by not passing true to accountForViewPerspective),
            // we must convert it to image coordinate first using RasterImage.PointToImage
            if (!outside)
                LeadPoint colorPoint = new LeadPoint(imagePoint.X, imagePoint.Y);
                colorPoint = image.PointToImage(RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, colorPoint);

                // GetPixel takes row/column, or Y and X
                pointCursorColor = image.GetPixel(colorPoint.Y, colorPoint.X);
                // Either outside the image or we do not have an image
                pointCursorColor = RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Transparent);

            _cursorColorValueLabel.Text = pointCursorColor.ToString();
            _colorCursorPanel.BackColor = RasterColorConverter.ToColor(pointCursorColor);

            // Finally, if we are not drawing an interactive user rectangle and the cursor is over the
            // overlay rect, change its shape to a Hand

            if (!rubberBandMode.IsEnabled)
                if (!_overlayRect.IsEmpty && _overlayRect.Contains(imagePoint.X, imagePoint.Y))
                    _imageViewer.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
                    _imageViewer.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Example #4
        //public static byte[] CreateBarcode( string value, int resolution, int Width, int Height, bool Save2File,bool usingMemory, ref string ErrMsg)
        //    byte[] arrImg;
        //    BarcodeEngine barEngine;
        //    try
        //    {
        //        RasterImage theImage = RasterImage.Create((int)(8.5 * resolution), (int)(11.0 * resolution), 1, resolution, RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White));
        //        // Unlock barcode support.
        //        // Note that this is a sample key, which will not work in your toolkit
        //        BarcodeEngine.Startup(BarcodeMajorTypeFlags.Barcodes1d);
        //        BarcodeEngine.Startup(BarcodeMajorTypeFlags.BarcodesPdfWrite);
        //        BarcodeEngine.Startup(BarcodeMajorTypeFlags.BarcodesDatamatrixWrite);
        //        BarcodeEngine.Startup(BarcodeMajorTypeFlags.BarcodesQrWrite);

        //        // Initialize barcodes
        //        barEngine = new BarcodeEngine();

        //        BarcodeData data = new BarcodeData();

        //        LeadRect rc = new LeadRect(0, 0, Width, Height);
        //        data.Unit = BarcodeUnit.ScanlinesPerPixels;
        //        data.Location = rc;
        //        data.SearchType = BarcodeSearchTypeFlags.DatamatrixDefault;

        //        string[] barcodeText;
        //        barcodeText = new string[1];
        //        barcodeText[0] = value;
        //        data.Data = BarcodeData.ConvertFromStringArray(barcodeText);

        //        BarcodeColor barColor = new BarcodeColor();
        //        barColor.BarColor = RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Black);
        //        barColor.SpaceColor = RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White);
        //        Barcode1d bar1d = new Barcode1d();
        //        BarcodeWritePdf barPDF = new BarcodeWritePdf();
        //        BarcodeWriteDatamatrix barDM = new BarcodeWriteDatamatrix();
        //        bar1d.StandardFlags = Barcode1dStandardFlags.Barcode1dCode128EncodeA;

        //        barDM.Justify = BarcodeJustifyFlags.Right;
        //        barDM.FileIdHigh = 0;
        //        barDM.FileIdLow = 0;
        //        barDM.GroupNumber = 0;
        //        barDM.GroupTotal = 0;
        //        barDM.XModule = 0;

        //        BarcodeWriteQr barQR = new BarcodeWriteQr();
        //        string barcodeFileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\barcode.tif";
        //        barEngine.Write(theImage, data, barColor, BarcodeWriteFlags.UseColors | BarcodeWriteFlags.Transparent | BarcodeWriteFlags.DisableCompression, bar1d, barPDF, barDM, barQR, LeadRect.Empty);
        //        if (usingMemory)
        //        {
        //            using (MemoryStream _stream = new MemoryStream())
        //            {
        //                using (RasterCodecs _Codecs = new RasterCodecs())
        //                {
        //                    _Codecs.Save(theImage, _stream, RasterImageFormat.Tif, theImage.BitsPerPixel);
        //                    arrImg = _stream.ToArray();
        //                    if (Save2File)
        //                    {
        //                        _Codecs.Save(theImage, barcodeFileName, RasterImageFormat.Tif, theImage.BitsPerPixel);
        //                    }
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            using (RasterCodecs _Codecs = new RasterCodecs())
        //            {
        //                _Codecs.Save(theImage, barcodeFileName, RasterImageFormat.Tif, theImage.BitsPerPixel);
        //                arrImg = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(barcodeFileName);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        ErrMsg = ex.Message;
        //        return null;
        //    }
        //    return arrImg;

        public static byte[] CreateBarcode(BarcodeSymbology _BarcodeSymbology, string value, int resolution, int Width, int Height, bool Save2File, bool usingMemory, ref string ErrMsg)
            ErrMsg = "";
            BarcodeEngine barcodeEngineInstance = new BarcodeEngine();
            RasterImage   theImage = RasterImage.Create((int)(8.5 * resolution), (int)(11.0 * resolution), 1, resolution, RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White));
            // Create a UPC A barcode
            BarcodeData data = new BarcodeData();

            data.Symbology = _BarcodeSymbology;
            data.Value     = value;
            data.Bounds    = new LogicalRectangle(10, 10, Width, Height, LogicalUnit.Pixel);
            // Setup the options to enable error checking and show the text on the bottom of the barcode
            OneDBarcodeWriteOptions options = new OneDBarcodeWriteOptions();

            options.EnableErrorCheck = true;
            options.TextPosition     = BarcodeOutputTextPosition.None;// OneDBarcodeTextPosition.Default;
            byte[] arrImg;
                string barcodeFileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\barcode.tif";
                // Write the barcode
                barcodeEngineInstance.Writer.WriteBarcode(theImage, data, options);
                if (usingMemory)
                    using (MemoryStream _stream = new MemoryStream())
                        using (RasterCodecs _Codecs = new RasterCodecs())
                            _Codecs.Save(theImage, _stream, RasterImageFormat.Tif, theImage.BitsPerPixel);

                            arrImg = _stream.ToArray();
                            if (Save2File)
                                _Codecs.Save(theImage, barcodeFileName, RasterImageFormat.Tif, theImage.BitsPerPixel);
                    using (RasterCodecs _Codecs = new RasterCodecs())
                        _Codecs.Save(theImage, barcodeFileName, RasterImageFormat.Tif, theImage.BitsPerPixel);
                        arrImg = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(barcodeFileName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrMsg = ex.Message;

Example #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String fileToConvert = @"FILE PATH HERE";

            RasterSupport.SetLicense(@"C:\LEADTOOLS 20\Common\License\LEADTOOLS.LIC", System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"C:\LEADTOOLS 20\Common\License\LEADTOOLS.LIC.KEY"));

            using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
                using (IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.LEAD, false))
                    ocrEngine.Startup(null, null, null, @"C:\LEADTOOLS 20\Bin\Common\OcrLEADRuntime");

                    using (IOcrPage ocrPage = ocrEngine.CreatePage(ocrEngine.RasterCodecsInstance.Load(fileToConvert, 1), OcrImageSharingMode.AutoDispose))
                        string recognizedCharacters = ocrPage.GetText(-1);

                        BarcodeEngine engine     = new BarcodeEngine();
                        int           resolution = 300;
                        using (RasterImage image = RasterImage.Create((int)(8.5 * resolution), (int)(11.0 * resolution), 1, resolution, RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White)))
                            BarcodeWriter writer = engine.Writer;

                            QRBarcodeData data = BarcodeData.CreateDefaultBarcodeData(BarcodeSymbology.QR) as QRBarcodeData;

                            data.Bounds = new LeadRect(0, 0, image.ImageWidth, image.ImageHeight);
                            QRBarcodeWriteOptions writeOptions = writer.GetDefaultOptions(data.Symbology) as QRBarcodeWriteOptions;
                            writeOptions.XModule             = 30;
                            writeOptions.HorizontalAlignment = BarcodeAlignment.Near;
                            writeOptions.VerticalAlignment   = BarcodeAlignment.Near;
                            data.Value = recognizedCharacters;

                            writer.CalculateBarcodeDataBounds(new LeadRect(0, 0, image.ImageWidth, image.ImageHeight), image.XResolution, image.YResolution, data, writeOptions);
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} by {1} pixels", data.Bounds.Width, data.Bounds.Height);

                            writer.WriteBarcode(image, data, writeOptions);

                            CropCommand cmd = new CropCommand(new LeadRect(0, 0, data.Bounds.Width, data.Bounds.Height));

                            codecs.Save(image, "QR.tif", RasterImageFormat.CcittGroup4, 1);

                            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                                var process = new Process();
                                process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("QR.tif")
                                    UseShellExecute = true

        private void CleanupImage(RasterImage imageToClean, int startIndex, int count)
                if (cleanUpOcrEngine != null && cleanUpOcrEngine.IsStarted)
                    using (IOcrDocument document = cleanUpOcrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument())
                        for (var i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                            imageToClean.Page = i;
                            document.Pages.AddPage(imageToClean, null);
                            int           angle = -document.Pages[0].GetDeskewAngle();
                            RotateCommand cmd   = new RotateCommand(angle * 10, RotateCommandFlags.Bicubic, RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White));
                    for (var i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                        imageToClean.Page = i;

                        var deskewCommand = new DeskewCommand();
                        if (imageToClean.Height > 3500)
                            deskewCommand.Flags = DeskewCommandFlags.DocumentAndPictures | DeskewCommandFlags.DoNotPerformPreProcessing | DeskewCommandFlags.UseNormalDetection | DeskewCommandFlags.DoNotFillExposedArea;
                            deskewCommand.Flags = DeskewCommandFlags.DeskewImage | DeskewCommandFlags.DoNotFillExposedArea;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Not recognized");
Example #7
        private void DrawImage(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle clipRect)
            if (_documents.Count == 0)

            if (_documents[_currentPageIndex].Document == null || !this.CanUpdate)

            var graphics = e.Graphics;

            var options = new SvgRenderOptions();

            options.Transform          = _transform;
            options.Bounds             = _documents[_currentPageIndex].Document.Bounds.Bounds;
            options.UseBackgroundColor = true;
            options.ClipBounds         = LeadRectD.Create(clipRect.X, clipRect.Y, clipRect.Width, clipRect.Height);
            options.BackgroundColor    = RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White);

                using (var engine = RenderingEngineFactory.Create(graphics))
                    _documents[_currentPageIndex].Document.Render(engine, options);

            DrawBounds(graphics, Pens.Black, null, null, null, null, options.Bounds, options.Transform);

            if (_documents[_currentPageIndex].DocumentText != null && _documents[_currentPageIndex].ShowText)
                LeadRectD docBounds = _documents[_currentPageIndex].Document.Bounds.Bounds;

                // Could be rotated, so
                LeadPointD topLeft     = docBounds.TopLeft;
                LeadPointD bottomRight = docBounds.BottomRight;

                LeadPointD[] corners = new LeadPointD[4];
                corners[0].X = topLeft.X;
                corners[0].Y = topLeft.Y;
                corners[1].X = bottomRight.X;
                corners[1].Y = topLeft.Y;
                corners[2].X = bottomRight.X;
                corners[2].Y = bottomRight.Y;
                corners[3].X = topLeft.X;
                corners[3].Y = bottomRight.Y;


                GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
                PointF[]     pts  = new PointF[4];
                for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++)
                    pts[i].X = (float)corners[i].X;
                    pts[i].Y = (float)corners[i].Y;
                graphics.SetClip(path, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CombineMode.Intersect);

                using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(64, Color.Black)))
                    foreach (var character in _documents[_currentPageIndex].DocumentText.Characters)
                        var bounds = character.Bounds;
                        var text   = new string(new char[] { character.Code });

                        DrawBounds(graphics, Pens.Yellow, brush, Brushes.Yellow, Font, text, character.Bounds, options.Transform);

Example #8
 private bool CleanupImage(RasterImage imageToClean, int startIndex, int count)
         if (this.IsStartedOcrEngine())
             using (IOcrDocument document = this.TheOcrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument())
                 for (var i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                     imageToClean.Page = i;
                     document.Pages.AddPage(imageToClean, null);
                     int           angle = -document.Pages[0].GetDeskewAngle();
                     RotateCommand cmd   = new RotateCommand(angle * 10, RotateCommandFlags.Bicubic, RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White));
             for (var i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                 imageToClean.Page = i;
                 var deskewCommand = new DeskewCommand();
                 if (imageToClean.Height > 3500)
                     deskewCommand.Flags = DeskewCommandFlags.DocumentAndPictures | DeskewCommandFlags.DoNotPerformPreProcessing | DeskewCommandFlags.UseNormalDetection | DeskewCommandFlags.DoNotFillExposedArea;
                     deskewCommand.Flags = DeskewCommandFlags.DeskewImage | DeskewCommandFlags.DoNotFillExposedArea;
     catch (Exception ex)