Example #1
 public void SetProperties(int happiness, int hunger, Food eat, RareItem wear, RareItem canWear)
     _happiness = happiness;
     _hunger    = hunger;
     _wear      = wear;
     _canWear   = canWear;
     _eat       = eat;
Example #2
 public Animal(string name, int maxHappiness, Food eat, RareItem canWear)
     _name         = name;
     _hunger       = 0;
     _maxHappiness = maxHappiness;
     _happiness    = _maxHappiness;
     _eat          = eat;
     _canWear      = canWear;
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Load player game
    /// Currently only player position
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="saveName"></param>
    public void LoadGame(string saveName)
        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Savegames"))
            string    allSavegamesString = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Savegames");
            Savegames allSavegames       = JsonUtility.FromJson <Savegames>(allSavegamesString);

            Savegame save = null;
            foreach (Savegame s in allSavegames.savegames)
                if (s.name == saveName)
                    save = s;

            if (save != null)
                foreach (string s in save.itemsNamesInventory)
                foreach (string s in save.itemsNamesStock)

                Vector3 position = save.position;
                GameObject.Find("PlayerController").transform.position = position;

                foreach (AnimalData ad in save.animals)
                    AnimalBody concernedAnimal = GetAnimal(ad.name);
                    Food       eat             = GetItem(ad.eat) as Food;
                    int        happiness       = ad.happiness;
                    int        hunger          = ad.hunger;
                    Vector3    animalPosition  = ad.position;
                    Vector3    animalRotation  = ad.rotation;
                    string     wearStr         = ad.wear;
                    RareItem   wear            = null;
                    if (wearStr != null)
                        wear = GetItem(wearStr) as RareItem;
                    RareItem canWear = GetItem(ad.canWear) as RareItem;
                    concernedAnimal.animal.SetProperties(happiness, hunger, eat, wear, canWear);
                    concernedAnimal.transform.position = animalPosition;
                    concernedAnimal.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(animalRotation);
Example #4
        protected void GetRareItem(GPlayer player, uint TypeID)
            AddItem AddItem;
            //For normal item
            //Form Rare item
            ItemRandomClass RareItem;
            ItemRandom      PRare;
            List <Dictionary <uint, uint> > ListSet;

                RareItem = Items.GetRareItem(IffEntry.MemorialCoin.GetPool(TypeID));
                while (true)
                    PRare = null;
                    if (RareItem.GetLeft() <= 0)

                    PRare = RareItem.GetItems();

                    if (!player.Inventory.IsExist(PRare.TypeId))

                if (PRare == null)
                    player.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x64, 0x02, 0xAD, 0x0F9, 0x56, 0x00 });
                    WriteConsole.WriteLine("PlayerPlayerMemorialGacha: object is Null", ConsoleColor.Red);

                if (GetItemGroup(PRare.TypeId) == 9)
                    ListSet = IffEntry.SetItem.SetList(PRare.TypeId);

                    if (ListSet.Count <= 0)
                        player.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x64, 0x02, 0xAD, 0x0F9, 0x56, 0x00 });
                        WriteConsole.WriteLine("PlayerPlayerMemorialGacha: Failed", ConsoleColor.Red);
                        // ## should not be happened
                    foreach (var data in ListSet)
                        AddItem = new AddItem()
                            ItemIffId   = data.Keys.FirstOrDefault(),
                            Quantity    = data.Values.FirstOrDefault(),
                            Transaction = true,
                            Day         = 0// ## set should not be limited time in their set
                    AddItem = new AddItem
                        ItemIffId   = PRare.TypeId,
                        Quantity    = PRare.MaxQuantity,
                        Transaction = true,
                        Day         = 0,

                // ## send transaction

                // 0 = ITEM COMUM
                // 1 = ITEM NORMAL ASA FECHADA
                // 2 = ITEM NORMAL ASA ABERTA
                // 3 = ITEM RARO ASA FECHADA
                // 4 = ITEM RARO ASA ABERTA
                player.Response.Write(new byte[] { 0x64, 0x02 });
Example #5
 public void SetWearItem(RareItem item)
     _wear = item;
Example #6
    public override void Setup()
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(40440, 20f));    // Life Exploration Fishing Rod, 20
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(18605, 10f));    // Ladeca Helm, 10
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(40385, 5f));     // Ladeca Ice Wand, 5
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(41130, 5f));     // Ladeca's Light Short Sword, 5
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(41131, 5f));     // Ladeca's Light Short Sword, 5
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(13015, 1f));     // Brigandine, 1
        // RareItem.Add(new DropData(51041, 30f));    // Good Luck Potion, 30 (out until scripted)
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(51042, 40f));    // Poison Bottle, 40
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(62058, 10f));    // Ancient Magic Powder, 10
        RareItem.Add(new DropData(63025, 30f));    // Massive Holy Water of Lymilark, 30

        Random rng1       = new Random();
        Item   pickedItem = Item.GetRandomDrop(rng1, RareItem);

        // Adds 0~2 Rare Items
        var rnd      = RandomProvider.Get();
        var addCount = rnd.Next(0, 3);

        for (int i = 0; i < addCount; i++)
            rng1       = new Random();
            pickedItem = Item.GetRandomDrop(rng1, RareItem);

            int pickID1 = pickedItem.Data.Id;

            switch (pickID1)      // here's where items get their pricing, enchanting, tweaking.
            case 13015:
                var item  = Item.CreateEnchanted(13015, 21202, 0);                  // Marble -> Brigandine
                var price = Convert.ToInt32(item.OptionInfo.Price * 3.5);           // Cost Multiplier: 3.5x (some freakish ~850k figure)
                var stock = rnd.Next(1, 4);
                Add("Rare Items", item, price, stock);                              // What does this do? Pulled from edern.cs

            /* case 00000:
             * {
             *  // do whatever
             *  // CreateEnchantedItem
             *  // CreateEnchant
             *  // etc ...
             *  // Add(...);
             * } */
            default:            // else, just sell item at normal NPC price.
                Add("Rare Items", pickID1);

        TreasureItem.Add(new DropData(70155, 100f));    // Ordinary Key, 100
        TreasureItem.Add(new DropData(91038, 500f));    // Ordinary Chest, 500
        TreasureItem.Add(new DropData(70156, 10f));     // Premium Key, 10
        TreasureItem.Add(new DropData(91039, 100f));    // Premium Chest, 100
        TreasureItem.Add(new DropData(91208, 1f));      // Ancient Key, 1
        TreasureItem.Add(new DropData(91206, 10f));     // Ancient Chest, 10
        TreasureItem.Add(new DropData(91209, 20f));     // Ancient Chest Fragment, 20

        Random rng2           = new Random();
        Item   pickedTreasure = Item.GetRandomDrop(rng2, TreasureItem);
        int    pickID2        = pickedTreasure.Data.Id;

        Add("Treasures", pickID2); // RNG Treasure for this ErinnTime day

        Add("Dungeon Pass", 52004);
        Add("Dungeon Pass", 52005);
        Add("Dungeon Pass", 52006);
        Add("Dungeon Pass", 52007);

        Add("Event", 50532); // Broken Ice Piece
        Add("Event", 63063); // Glowing Frost Crystal