public JsonResult EwayTransaction(Order order) { var transaction = new Transaction() { PaymentDetails = new PaymentDetails() { TotalAmount = (int)order.TotalAmount * 100, InvoiceNumber = order.OrderNumber, InvoiceDescription = order.Id.ToString() }, SaveCustomer = true, RedirectURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redirectURL"], CancelURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["cancelURL"], TransactionType = TransactionTypes.Purchase }; var response = GeteWayClient().Create(eWAY.Rapid.Enums.PaymentMethod.ResponsiveShared, transaction); if (response.Errors != null) { var transactionErrorMessage = string.Empty; foreach (var errorCode in response.Errors) { transactionErrorMessage += "Error: " + RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage(errorCode, "EN"); } return(Json(transactionErrorMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var transactionObject = new TransactionObject() { Order = order, SharedPaymentUrl = response.SharedPaymentUrl }; return(Json(transactionObject, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public CreateCustomerResponse Updatetokendetails(string tokenid) { IRapidClient ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(apiKey, password, rapidEndpoint); Customer customer = new Customer() { Title = "Mr.", FirstName = "Tom", LastName = "Jones", Address = new Address() { Country = "au" }, CardDetails = new CardDetails() { Name = "Tom Jones", Number = "4444333322221111", ExpiryMonth = "12", ExpiryYear = "25", CVN = "123" }, TokenCustomerID = tokenid, }; CreateCustomerResponse response = ewayClient.UpdateCustomer(PaymentMethod.Direct, customer); ViewBag.response = response; QueryCustomerResponse customerresponse = ewayClient.QueryCustomer(long.Parse(tokenid)); return(response); }
protected IRapidClient CreateRapidApiClient() { var client = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(APIKEY, PASSWORD, ENDPOINT); client.SetVersion(GetVersion()); return(client); }
public ActionResult TokenNoPayment() { IRapidClient ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(apiKey, password, rapidEndpoint); Customer customer = new Customer() { Title = "Ms.", FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Smith", Address = new Address() { Country = "nz" }, CompanyName = "SKIDS HO[DisableForTesting]", Url = "http://localhost:53738", RedirectURL = "http://localhost:53738/Home/Ewayresponse" }; CreateCustomerResponse Customerresponse = ewayClient.Create(PaymentMethod.ResponsiveShared, customer); if (Customerresponse.Errors != null) { foreach (string errorCode in Customerresponse.Errors) { Console.WriteLine("Error Message: " + RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage(errorCode, "EN")); } } return(Redirect(Customerresponse.SharedPaymentUrl)); }
/// <summary> /// Do the post to the gateway and retrieve the response /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Request</param> /// <returns>Response</returns> public CreateTransactionResponse ProcessRequest(Transaction request) { // var ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient("44DD7Cns/tsiCi4GiJSIaM5qGLNMZmdPZ9ADSKSt+ctDUx6SjkGzzi9DVLy4Uoh8GCZ99f", "ZlVMyKbt", RapidEndpoint); var ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient("44DD7A3Z5yFY0uS6s+PeaUvVI6MrmoZF8BpNE2UY4lvDbbJOdzK0bj3zVLxkfhCH7FMAlo", "K4ReUOmQ", RapidEndpoint); return(ewayClient.Create(PaymentMethod.Direct, request)); }
public ActionResult Ewayresponse(String AccessCode) { IRapidClient ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(apiKey, password, rapidEndpoint); QueryTransactionResponse response = ewayClient.QueryTransaction(AccessCode); string tokenid = response.Transaction.Customer.TokenCustomerID; //save the tokenid and response for the view ViewBag.token = tokenid; ViewBag.response = response; if ((bool)response.TransactionStatus.Status) { Console.WriteLine("Payment successful! ID: " + response.TransactionStatus.TransactionID); //Get organisation name to save in CssPaymentSetup QueryCustomerResponse customerresponse = ewayClient.QueryCustomer(long.Parse(tokenid)); string[] orgN = customerresponse.Customers.Select(c => c.CompanyName).ToArray(); string orgname = orgN[0]; int orgid; using (AimyEntities db = new AimyEntities()) { int[] orgids = db.Orgs.Where(o => o.Name == orgname).Select(o => o.Id).ToArray(); orgid = orgids[0]; } //Get the credit card details to save in CssPaymentSetup string[] cd = customerresponse.Customers.Select(cc => cc.CardDetails).Select(d => d.Number).ToArray(); string creditcard = cd[0]; using (AimyEntities db = new AimyEntities()) { CssPaymentSetup savetoken = new CssPaymentSetup(); savetoken.CustomerId = tokenid; savetoken.IsActive = true; savetoken.MaskedCardNumber = creditcard; savetoken.OrgId = orgid; savetoken.CreatedOn = DateTime.Today; //CreatedBy is the userid that can be retrieve from session current user -- for now we assign 3694 savetoken.CreatedBy = 3694; db.CssPaymentSetups.Add(savetoken); db.SaveChanges(); }; } else if (tokenid == null) { string[] errorCodes = response.TransactionStatus.ProcessingDetails.ResponseMessage.Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string errorCode in errorCodes) { Console.WriteLine("Response Message: " + RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage(errorCode, "EN")); } } return(View()); }
public IRapidClient GeteWayClient() { var apiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["apiKey"]; var password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"]; var rapidEndpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["rapidEndpoint"]; return(RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(apiKey, password, rapidEndpoint)); }
public void UserDisplayMessage_ReturnValidErrorMessage() { //Arrange var testMessage = "Invalid TransactionType, account not certified for eCome only MOTO or Recurring available"; //Act var message = RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage("V6010", "en"); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(message, testMessage); }
public void UserDisplayMessage_ReturnInvalidErrorMessage() { //Arrange var testMessage = SystemConstants.INVALID_ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE; //Act var message = RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage("blahblah", "en"); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(message, testMessage); }
public void UserDisplayMessage_ReturnDefaultEnglishLanguage() { //Arrange var testMessage = "Invalid TransactionType, account not certified for eCome only MOTO or Recurring available"; //Act var message1 = RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage("V6010", "de"); var message2 = RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage("V6010", "blahblah"); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(message1, testMessage); Assert.AreEqual(message2, testMessage); }
IRapidClient GetRapidClient() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppConfigProvider.GetAppConfigValue("eWAY.APIKey")) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppConfigProvider.GetAppConfigValue("eWAY.APIPassword"))) { throw new Exceptions.MissingConfigurationFailure("Missing eWAY configuration settings."); } return(RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient( apiKey: AppConfigProvider.GetAppConfigValue("eWAY.APIKey"), password: AppConfigProvider.GetAppConfigValue("eWAY.APIPassword"), rapidEndpoint: AppConfigProvider.GetAppConfigValue <bool>("UseLiveTransactions") ? "Production" : "Sandbox")); }
public ActionResult UseToken(string token) { IRapidClient ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(apiKey, password, rapidEndpoint); //1. Charging the customer with token ... note refer to // tokenpayment method is not used in rapid sdk Api Transaction transaction = new Transaction() { Customer = new Customer() { TokenCustomerID = token, }, PaymentDetails = new PaymentDetails() { TotalAmount = 10000, InvoiceNumber = "14632" }, RedirectURL = "http://localhost:53738/Home/Ewayresponse", TransactionType = TransactionTypes.Recurring }; CreateTransactionResponse response = ewayClient.Create(PaymentMethod.Direct, transaction); if (response.Errors != null) { foreach (string errorCode in response.Errors) { Console.WriteLine("Error Message: " + RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage(errorCode, "EN")); } } ViewBag.token = token; ViewBag.response = response; //ViewBag.totalamount = int totalamount = response.Transaction.PaymentDetails.TotalAmount / 100; ViewBag.totalamount = totalamount; return(View()); }
private PaymentResponse ProcessPayResponse(CreateTransactionResponse parResponse) { var response = new PaymentResponse(); response.Result = ServiceResult.Error; if (parResponse == null) { return(response); } if (parResponse.TransactionStatus == null) { return(response); } if (!parResponse.TransactionStatus.Status.HasValue) { return(response); } if (parResponse.TransactionStatus.Status.Value) { response.Result = ServiceResult.Success; return(response); } var errorCodes = new[] { "S5000", "S5085", "S5086", "S5087", "S5099", "F9023", "F7000", "D4403", "D4406", "D4459", "D4496", "S9996", "S9902", "S9992" }; var codes = parResponse.TransactionStatus.ProcessingDetails.ResponseMessage.Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (var code in codes) { if (errorCodes.Contains(code)) { response.Result = ServiceResult.Error; } response.Errors.Add(RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage(code, "EN")); } return(response); }
public ActionResult TokenWithPayment() { IRapidClient ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(apiKey, password, rapidEndpoint); Customer customer = new Customer() { Title = "Ms.", FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Smith", Address = new Address() { Country = "nz" }, CompanyName = "SKIDS HO[DisableForTesting]", Url = "http://localhost:53738", RedirectURL = "http://localhost:53738/Home/Ewayresponse" }; Transaction transaction = new Transaction() { Customer = customer, PaymentDetails = new PaymentDetails() { TotalAmount = 10000, InvoiceDescription = "Parent subscription", InvoiceNumber = "4536", }, RedirectURL = "http://localhost:53738/Home/Ewayresponse", TransactionType = TransactionTypes.Purchase, SaveCustomer = true, }; CreateTransactionResponse transactionresponse = ewayClient.Create(PaymentMethod.ResponsiveShared, transaction); if (transactionresponse.Errors != null) { foreach (string errorCode in transactionresponse.Errors) { Console.WriteLine("Error Message: " + RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage(errorCode, "EN")); } } return(Redirect(transactionresponse.SharedPaymentUrl)); }
public ActionResult DonatingDetails(DirectPay directPayModel) { IRapidClient ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(APIKEY, PASSWORD, ENDPOINT); Transaction transaction = new Transaction() { Customer = new Customer() { Title = directPayModel.Title, FirstName = directPayModel.FirstName, LastName = directPayModel.LastName, Email = directPayModel.Email, CardDetails = new CardDetails() { Name = directPayModel.CardName, Number = directPayModel.CardNumber, ExpiryMonth = directPayModel.CardExpiryMonth, ExpiryYear = directPayModel.CardExpiryYear, CVN = directPayModel.CVN, } }, PaymentDetails = new PaymentDetails() { TotalAmount = directPayModel.TotalAmount }, TransactionType = TransactionTypes.Purchase, }; CreateTransactionResponse response = ewayClient.Create(PaymentMethod.Direct, transaction); if (response.Errors != null) { foreach (string errorCode in response.Errors) { if (errorCode == "V6100") { Message = "Error message: Invalid Credit card name entered, please check the name and try again!!!."; } else if (errorCode == "V6101" || errorCode == "V6102") { Message = "Error message: Invalid Expiryd Date entered,please check the date and try again!!!."; } else if (errorCode == "V6106") { Message = "Error message: Invalid CVN entered,please check the CVN and try again!!!."; } else if (errorCode == "V6110") { Message = "Error message: Invalid card number entered,please check the cardnumber and try again!!!."; } resultModel = new Result { Status = "Payment Failure!!!", Description = Message }; } } else { if ((bool)response.TransactionStatus.Status) { Message = ("Thanks for donating to Charity. Please note your transaction ID: " + response.TransactionStatus.TransactionID); resultModel = new Result { Status = "Payment Success!!!", Description = Message }; } } return(RedirectToAction("Result", "Results", resultModel)); }
public JsonResult VerifyAccessCode(string accessCode) { try { var response = GeteWayClient().QueryTransaction(accessCode); if (response.Transaction == null) { var _returnMessage = "success" + SharedService.GenerateCoupon(6).ToUpper(); return(Json(_returnMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var returnMessage = string.Empty; if (response.TransactionStatus.Status != null && (bool)response.TransactionStatus.Status) { returnMessage = "success" + response.TransactionStatus.TransactionID; } else { var errorCodes = response.TransactionStatus.ProcessingDetails.ResponseMessage.Split(new[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.None); returnMessage = errorCodes.Aggregate(returnMessage, (current, errorCode) => current + ("Response Message: " + RapidClientFactory.UserDisplayMessage(errorCode, "EN"))); } return(Json(returnMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(ex.Message, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public PaymentResponse Pay(PaymentRequest request) { using (var context = new DbContext()) { var response = new PaymentResponse(); var adaptorLog = new ServiceLog(request); adaptorLog.ServiceCode = "eWay"; adaptorLog.Name = "eWay"; adaptorLog.Type = ServiceLogType.Adaptor; adaptorLog.Delay = Delay; adaptorLog.Location = request.Location; var ewayClient = RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(_apiKey, _password, _rapidEndpoint); var transaction = ProcessPayRequest(request); var n = 1; adaptorLog.ResponseTime.Start = DateTime.Now; var times = new List <DateTime>(); while (n <= Attemps) { var log = new ServiceLog(request); log.ServiceCode = "eWay"; log.Name = "eWay"; log.Type = ServiceLogType.CloudService; log.Attemps = n; adaptorLog.Attemps = n++; log.ResponseTime.Start = DateTime.Now; log.Location = request.Location; try { times.Add(DateTime.Now); log.ResponseTime.Start = DateTime.Now; var result = ewayClient.Create(PaymentMethod.Direct, transaction); log.ResponseTime.End = DateTime.Now; adaptorLog.ResponseTime.End = DateTime.Now; response = ProcessPayResponse(result); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ResponseTime.End = DateTime.Now; adaptorLog.ResponseTime.End = DateTime.Now; response.Result = ServiceResult.Error; response.Errors.Add(ex.Message); } log.Message = response.Message; log.Result = response.Result.ToString(); //context.Set<ServiceLog>().Add(log); if (response.Result != ServiceResult.Error) { break; } if (n > Attemps) { break; } if (n == 2 && request.Amount2.HasValue) { transaction.PaymentDetails.TotalAmount = (int)(request.Amount2.Value * 100); } if (n == 3 && request.Amount3.HasValue) { transaction.PaymentDetails.TotalAmount = (int)(request.Amount3.Value * 100); } // let's wait 5 seconds to see if this is a temporary network issue. Thread.Sleep(Delay); } adaptorLog.ResponseTime.Start = times[0]; adaptorLog.Result = response.Result.ToString(); adaptorLog.Message = response.Message; context.Set <Log>().Add(adaptorLog); context.SaveChanges(); return(response); } }
protected IRapidClient CreateRapidApiClient() { return(RapidClientFactory.NewRapidClient(APIKEY, PASSWORD, ENDPOINT)); }