Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// ThreadMainEnumReg - Enumerate registry values.
        /// </summary>
        private void ThreadMainEnumReg()
            // Open registry key.
            IntPtr hkeySearchNode = IntPtr.Zero;
            int    iResult        = Rapi.CeRegOpenKeyEx(
                this.m_hkeyRoot, this.m_strRegNode,
                0, 0, ref hkeySearchNode);

            if (iResult != Rapi.ERROR_SUCCESS && m_bContinue)
                // Send error message.
                itReason  = INVOKE_ENUMREG.STATUS_MESSAGE;
                strBuffer = "Error accessing registry key";

                // Trigger end of enumeration.
                itReason = INVOKE_ENUMREG.ENUMREG_ENDED;

                // Trigger that shutdown is complete.
                thrd = null;

            // Keys or values?
            if (this.m_bKeys) // Enumerate keys.
                int iIndex = 0;
                while (iResult == Rapi.ERROR_SUCCESS && m_bContinue)
                    string strKeyName = new string('\0', 32);
                    int    cbLength   = 32;
                    iResult = Rapi.CeRegEnumKeyEx(
                        hkeySearchNode, iIndex++,
                        strKeyName, ref cbLength,
                        0, 0, 0, 0);
                    if (iResult == Rapi.ERROR_SUCCESS && m_bContinue)
                        itReason  = INVOKE_ENUMREG.ENUMREG_NEWKEY;
                        strBuffer = strKeyName;
                } // while
            else            // Enumerate values.
                int iIndex;
                for (iIndex = 0; iResult == Rapi.ERROR_SUCCESS &&
                     m_bContinue; iIndex++)
                    int          cbName   = 32;
                    string       strName  = new string('\0', 16);
                    Rapi.REGTYPE iType    = 0;
                    int          cbLength = 0;

                    // Enumerate key names only (not values)
                    iResult = Rapi.CeRegEnumValue(hkeySearchNode,
                                                  iIndex, strName, ref cbName,
                                                  0, ref iType, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                  ref cbLength);

                    if (iResult == Rapi.ERROR_SUCCESS && m_bContinue)
                        if (iType == Rapi.REGTYPE.REG_SZ) // string values.
                            int    cbData = 32;
                            string str    = new string(new char[cbData]);
                                                   strName, 0, ref iType, str,
                                                   ref cbData);
                            char [] ach = { '\0' };
                            strBuffer = strName.Trim(ach) + " = "
                                        + str.Trim(ach);
                        else if (iType == Rapi.REGTYPE.REG_BINARY)
                            // Fetch binary array of short values
                            char [] ach = { '\0' };
                            strBuffer = strName.Trim(ach) + " = ";

                            // Allocate buffer of short values.
                            Int16  sh = 0;
                            IntPtr iptr;
                            int    cbSizeOfShort = Marshal.SizeOf(sh);
                            int    cbData        = cbSizeOfShort * 5;
                            iptr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(cbData);

                            // Fetch array of short values.
                                                   strName, 0, ref iType, iptr,
                                                   ref cbData);

                            // Copy array to managed array.
                            int      cElements = cbData / cbSizeOfShort;
                            Int16 [] ash       = new Int16 [cElements];
                            Marshal.Copy(iptr, ash, 0, cElements);

                            // Add values to string for display.
                            for (int i = 0; i < cElements; i++)
                                strBuffer = strBuffer + ash[i] + " ";
                            strBuffer = strName + " not expected type";
                        itReason = INVOKE_ENUMREG.ENUMREG_NEWVALUE;
                } // for
            }     // if


            // Trigger end of enumeration.
            itReason = INVOKE_ENUMREG.ENUMREG_ENDED;

            // Trigger that shutdown is complete.
            thrd = null;