Example #1
         * Try to split the range to multiple ranges based on the hash key.
         * e.g., for the following range:
         * min: 123456789
         * max: 125678912
         * when the hash key length is 3, we want to split the range to:
         * 1
         * min: 123456789
         * max: 123999999
         * 2
         * min: 124000000
         * max: 124999999
         * 3
         * min: 125000000
         * max: 125678912
         * For this range:
         * min: -125678912
         * max: -123456789
         * we want:
         * 1
         * min: -125678912
         * max: -125000000
         * 2
         * min: -124999999
         * max: -124000000
         * 3
         * min: -123999999
         * max: -123456789

        public IReadOnlyList <GeohashRange> TrySplit(int hashKeyLength)
            var result = new List <GeohashRange>();

            var minHashKey = S2Manager.GenerateHashKey(RangeMin, hashKeyLength);
            var maxHashKey = S2Manager.GenerateHashKey(RangeMax, hashKeyLength);

            var denominator = (ulong)Math.Pow(10, RangeMin.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Length - minHashKey.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Length);

            if (minHashKey == maxHashKey)
                for (var l = minHashKey; l <= maxHashKey; l++)
                    if (l > 0)
                        result.Add(new GeohashRange(l == minHashKey ? RangeMin : l * denominator,
                                                    l == maxHashKey ? RangeMax : (l + 1) * denominator - 1));
                        result.Add(new GeohashRange(l == minHashKey ? RangeMin : (l - 1) * denominator + 1,
                                                    l == maxHashKey ? RangeMax : l * denominator));

Example #2
        private void buttonText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CustomDialog.KeyboardDialog kdlg = new CustomDialog.KeyboardDialog();
            kdlg.ValLower = RangeMin;
            kdlg.ValUpper = RangeMax;
            kdlg.DispMode = KeyboardDialog.KB_MODE.NUMBER;  //数値
            string strrange = RangeMax.ToString(StringForm);
            int    digits   = strrange.IndexOf('.');

            kdlg.LengthInt = (digits < 0) ? strrange.Length : digits;
            kdlg.LengthDec = (digits < 0) ? 0 : (strrange.Length - digits - 1);
            kdlg.AllLength = Math.Max(strrange.Length, RangeMin.ToString(StringForm).Length);
            string msgfmt = CommonProc.MessageText("G001");

            msgfmt            = msgfmt.Replace("%param", paramName);
            msgfmt            = msgfmt.Replace("%min", RangeMin.ToString(StringForm));
            msgfmt            = msgfmt.Replace("%max", RangeMax.ToString(StringForm));
            kdlg.Message_Text = msgfmt;
            kdlg.InputArea    = _buttonText.Text;
            kdlg.AllowNone    = allowNone;
            if (kdlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if (allowNone && kdlg.InputArea == "")
                    Value = double.NaN;
                    Value = double.Parse(kdlg.InputArea);
                if (ValueChanged != null)
                    ValueChanged(sender, e);
Example #3
        void Canvas_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo info       = args.Info;
            var         halfWidth  = info.Width / 2;
            var         halfHeight = info.Height / 2;
            SKSurface   surface    = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas     = surface.Canvas;

            CanvasScale     = info.Height / this.Height;
            StepDollarValue = 100;
            var maxLength = (info.Height - 50) - 50;

            StepSize = (StepDollarValue * maxLength) / 5000;

            if (!TouchY.HasValue)
                // set the knob locations on first draw pass
                // get y for top of line
                if (SelectedRange is null)
                    SelectedRange = new Tuple <int?, int?>(0, 5000);
                var maxValue    = SelectedRange.Item2 ?? 5000;
                var minValue    = SelectedRange.Item1 ?? 0;
                var topSteps    = (5000 - maxValue) / StepDollarValue;
                var bottomSteps = minValue / StepDollarValue;
                TopKnobCenter    = new Tuple <float, float>(halfWidth, 50 + (topSteps * StepSize));
                BottomKnobCenter = new Tuple <float, float>(halfWidth, (info.Height - 50) - (bottomSteps * StepSize));
                RangeMax         = maxValue;
                RangeMin         = minValue;
                // set the knob locations on movement
                if (isDrawing)
                isDrawing = true;
                var newY = (float)(TouchY.Value * CanvasScale);
                if ((float)Math.Round(newY) <= 50.0f && MovingTopKnob)
                    newY = 50.0f;
                else if ((float)Math.Round(newY) >= info.Height - 50.0f && MovingBottomKnob)
                    newY = info.Height - 50.0f;
                if (MovingTopKnob || (Math.Abs(newY - TopKnobCenter.Item2) <= 50 && !MovingBottomKnob))
                    MovingTopKnob    = true;
                    MovingBottomKnob = false;
                    var numOfSteps     = (float)Math.Round(Math.Abs(newY - 50) / StepSize);
                    var topDollarValue = 5000 - (numOfSteps * StepDollarValue);
                    if (topDollarValue - RangeMin >= StepDollarValue * 3)
                        TopKnobCenter = new Tuple <float, float>(halfWidth, 50 + (numOfSteps * StepSize));
                        RangeMax      = (int)Math.Max(RangeMin.Value, topDollarValue);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Max value: {RangeMax}");
                    //get distance from topknobCenter to top of the view
                else if (MovingBottomKnob || (Math.Abs(newY - BottomKnobCenter.Item2) <= 50 && !MovingTopKnob))
                    MovingTopKnob    = false;
                    MovingBottomKnob = true;
                    var numOfSteps        = (float)Math.Round(Math.Abs(newY - (info.Height - 50)) / StepSize);
                    var bottomDollarValue = (numOfSteps * StepDollarValue);
                    if (RangeMax - bottomDollarValue >= StepDollarValue * 3)
                        BottomKnobCenter = new Tuple <float, float>(halfWidth, info.Height - (numOfSteps * StepSize) - 50);
                        //get distance from topknobCenter to top of the view
                        RangeMin = (int)Math.Min(RangeMax.Value, bottomDollarValue);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Min value: {RangeMin}");
                SelectedRange = new Tuple <int?, int?>(RangeMin, RangeMax);
            RangeMinString = RangeMin?.ToString("C0");
            RangeMaxString = RangeMax?.ToString("C0") + (Math.Abs(RangeMax.Value - 5000) < float.Epsilon ? "+" : "");
            // draw line in between --order of drawing is important
            canvas.DrawLine(halfWidth, 50,
                            halfWidth, info.Height - 50, linePaint);

            // draw top circle
            canvas.DrawCircle(TopKnobCenter.Item1, TopKnobCenter.Item2, knobRadius, endKnobPaint);

            // draw bottom circle
            canvas.DrawCircle(BottomKnobCenter.Item1, BottomKnobCenter.Item2, knobRadius, endKnobPaint);
            InternalValueChange = true;

            InternalValueChange = false;
            isDrawing           = false;