private void Generate() { int lowestWidth = LowestWidth.IntValue; int highestWidth = HighestWidth.IntValue; int aspectRatioDeviation = AspectRatioDeviation.IntValue; int lowestNbrImages = LowestNbrImages.IntValue; int highestNbrImages = HighestNbrImages.IntValue; int nbrTestsPerNbrImages = NbrTestsPerNbrImages.IntValue; _showGenerationDetailsOfFailures = chkShowGenerationDetailsFailuresToo.Checked; bool showGenerationDetails = _showGenerationDetailsOfFailures || chkShowGenerationDetails.Checked; bool showCanvasImages = chkShowCanvasImages.Checked; bool useFixedTests = chkFixed.Checked; bool useRandomTests = chkRandom.Checked; _cutoffEfficiency = CutoffEfficiency.FloatValue; _maximumNbrCandidates = MaxCandidates.IntValue; RandomSizeGenerator randomSizeGenerator = new RandomSizeGenerator(lowestWidth, highestWidth, aspectRatioDeviation); // ---------------------------------------- hlCanvasImages.Visible = showGenerationDetails; phGenerationDetails.Visible = showGenerationDetails; hlGraphs.Visible = true; h1TestResults.Visible = true; // ---------------------------------------- // add random tests List<SingleTest> tests = new List<SingleTest>(); if (useRandomTests) { int testNbr = 1; for (int nbrImages = lowestNbrImages; nbrImages <= highestNbrImages; nbrImages++) { for (int i = 0; i < nbrTestsPerNbrImages; i++) { SingleTest singleTest = new SingleTest(); singleTest.Heading = string.Format("Random test {0}, using {1} images", testNbr, nbrImages); for (int j = 0; j < nbrImages; j++) { singleTest.ImageInfos.Add(randomSizeGenerator.Next()); } tests.Add(singleTest); testNbr++; } } } // --------------------------------------------- // Add fixed tests with Mapper test cases if (useFixedTests) { AddFixedTests(tests); } // ------------------------------------------- // Show generation details rptrTests.Visible = showGenerationDetails; if (showGenerationDetails) { _imageZoom = Convert.ToInt32(ImageZoom.IntValue); _canvas = new CanvasWritingStepImages(_imageZoom, showCanvasImages); rptrTests.DataSource = tests; rptrTests.DataBind(); } // ----------------------------------------- // Show aggregated statistics for multiple mappers // Run all the test using a standard canvas rather than a canvas that writes images. // That way, the timings are not distorted by the generation of the images. ICanvas standardCanvas = new Canvas(); IMapper<Sprite>[] mappers = { new MapperHorizontalOnly<Sprite>(), new MapperVerticalOnly<Sprite>(), new MapperOptimalEfficiency<Sprite>(standardCanvas, _cutoffEfficiency, _maximumNbrCandidates) }; // First run a few tests without recording results. The first few test runs always take way more // ticks than normal, so doing this will keep bad data out of the results. int nbrTests = tests.Count; if (nbrTests > 3) { nbrTests = 4; } for (int i = 0; i < nbrTests; i++) { foreach (IMapper<Sprite> mapper in mappers) { SingleTestStats singleTestStats = new SingleTestStats(); TestUtils.RunTest<Sprite>(mapper, tests[i].ImageInfos, singleTestStats); } } // Run all the tests. Use all mappers as listed above in the mappers declaration to run the tests. // Dump the results to a file as they become available. List<SingleTestStats> testResults = new List<SingleTestStats>(); string testResultsFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/testresults.csv"); using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(testResultsFilePath)) { outfile.WriteLine(SingleTestStats.CsvHeader()); foreach (SingleTest singleTest in tests) { foreach(IMapper<Sprite> mapper in mappers) { SingleTestStats singleTestStats = new SingleTestStats(); TestUtils.RunTest<Sprite>(mapper, singleTest.ImageInfos, singleTestStats); testResults.Add(singleTestStats); outfile.WriteLine(singleTestStats.CsvDataLine()); outfile.Flush(); } } } ltPathToCSV.Text = string.Format( @"A CSV file with all test results is at <a href=""{0}"">{0}</a>", TestUtils.FilePathToUrl(testResultsFilePath)); // ----------------------------------------------- // Show overall results per mapper var resultsPerMapper = from t in testResults group t by t.MapperType into g select new { Mapper = SingleTestStats.FriendlyMapperTypeName(g.Key), AvgCandidateSpriteFails = g.Average(p => p.CandidateSpriteFails), AvgCandidateSpritesGenerated = g.Average(p => p.CandidateSpritesGenerated), AvgCanvasRectangleAddAttempts = g.Average(p => p.CanvasRectangleAddAttempts), AvgCanvasNbrCellsGenerated = g.Average(p => p.CanvasNbrCellsGenerated), AvgEfficiency = g.Average(p => p.Efficiency), AvgElapsedTicks = g.Average(p => p.ElapsedTicks) }; gvOverallResults.DataSource = resultsPerMapper; gvOverallResults.DataBind(); // ----------------------------------------------- // Create graphs with the results int statisticTypeIdx = 0; foreach (int statisticTypeValue in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SingleTestStats.StatisticType))) { // For each statistic type (such as number of images, standard deviation of widths of the images in the sprite, etc.), // we'll generate 2 charts, one for efficiency and one for elapsed ticks. string statisticTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(SingleTestStats.StatisticType), statisticTypeIdx); statisticTypeIdx++; // --------- string formattedStatisticTypeName = statisticTypeName.Replace('_', ' '); Literal statisticTypeHeader = new Literal(); statisticTypeHeader.Text = string.Format("<h2>Results by {0}</h2>", formattedStatisticTypeName); phCharts.Controls.Add(statisticTypeHeader); string explanation = ""; SingleTestStats.StatisticType statisticType = (SingleTestStats.StatisticType) Enum.Parse(typeof(SingleTestStats.StatisticType), statisticTypeValue.ToString()); switch(statisticType) { case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Nbr_Images: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the number of images in the sprite"; break; case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Width_Standard_Deviation: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the variability of the width of the images"; break; case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Heigth_Standard_Deviation: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the variability of the height of the images"; break; case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Area_Standard_Deviation: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the variability of the area of the images"; break; case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Aspect_Ratio_Standard_Deviation: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the variability of the aspect ratio of the images"; break; } Literal statisticExplanation = new Literal(); statisticExplanation.Text = string.Format("<p><small>{0}</small></p>", explanation); phCharts.Controls.Add(statisticExplanation); foreach(string resultName in SingleTestStats.ResultNames()) { // Create a chart for each result - efficiency and elapsed ticks Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.ImageType = ChartImageType.Png; chart.ImageLocation="~/canvasimages/ChartPic_#SEQ(300,3)"; chart.Width = new Unit(1200, UnitType.Pixel); chart.Height = new Unit(500, UnitType.Pixel); chart.Legends.Add("Default"); chart.ChartAreas.Clear(); chart.ChartAreas.Add("ChartArea1"); chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title = formattedStatisticTypeName; chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = resultName; chart.Series.Clear(); phCharts.Controls.Add(chart); int seriesIdx = 0; foreach(IMapper<Sprite> mapper in mappers) { Type mapperType = mapper.GetType(); var series = from r in testResults where r.MapperType == mapperType group r by r.ImageStats[statisticTypeValue] into g select new { Efficiency = g.Average(r => r.Efficiency), ElapsedTicks = g.Average(r => r.ElapsedTicks), XValue = g.Key }; chart.Series.Add(SingleTestStats.FriendlyMapperTypeName(mapperType)); // Ensure the legend shows the type name chart.Series[seriesIdx].MarkerSize=4; chart.Series[seriesIdx].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point; chart.Series[seriesIdx].Points.DataBind(series, "XValue", resultName, ""); seriesIdx++; } } } }
private void Generate() { int lowestWidth = LowestWidth.IntValue; int highestWidth = HighestWidth.IntValue; int aspectRatioDeviation = AspectRatioDeviation.IntValue; int lowestNbrImages = LowestNbrImages.IntValue; int highestNbrImages = HighestNbrImages.IntValue; int nbrTestsPerNbrImages = NbrTestsPerNbrImages.IntValue; _showGenerationDetailsOfFailures = chkShowGenerationDetailsFailuresToo.Checked; bool showGenerationDetails = _showGenerationDetailsOfFailures || chkShowGenerationDetails.Checked; bool showCanvasImages = chkShowCanvasImages.Checked; bool useFixedTests = chkFixed.Checked; bool useRandomTests = chkRandom.Checked; _cutoffEfficiency = CutoffEfficiency.FloatValue; _maximumNbrCandidates = MaxCandidates.IntValue; RandomSizeGenerator randomSizeGenerator = new RandomSizeGenerator(lowestWidth, highestWidth, aspectRatioDeviation); // ---------------------------------------- hlCanvasImages.Visible = showGenerationDetails; phGenerationDetails.Visible = showGenerationDetails; hlGraphs.Visible = true; h1TestResults.Visible = true; // ---------------------------------------- // add random tests List <SingleTest> tests = new List <SingleTest>(); if (useRandomTests) { int testNbr = 1; for (int nbrImages = lowestNbrImages; nbrImages <= highestNbrImages; nbrImages++) { for (int i = 0; i < nbrTestsPerNbrImages; i++) { SingleTest singleTest = new SingleTest(); singleTest.Heading = string.Format("Random test {0}, using {1} images", testNbr, nbrImages); for (int j = 0; j < nbrImages; j++) { singleTest.ImageInfos.Add(randomSizeGenerator.Next()); } tests.Add(singleTest); testNbr++; } } } // --------------------------------------------- // Add fixed tests with Mapper test cases if (useFixedTests) { AddFixedTests(tests); } // ------------------------------------------- // Show generation details rptrTests.Visible = showGenerationDetails; if (showGenerationDetails) { _imageZoom = Convert.ToInt32(ImageZoom.IntValue); _canvas = new CanvasWritingStepImages(_imageZoom, showCanvasImages); rptrTests.DataSource = tests; rptrTests.DataBind(); } // ----------------------------------------- // Show aggregated statistics for multiple mappers // Run all the test using a standard canvas rather than a canvas that writes images. // That way, the timings are not distorted by the generation of the images. ICanvas standardCanvas = new Canvas(); IMapper <Sprite>[] mappers = { new MapperHorizontalOnly <Sprite>(), new MapperVerticalOnly <Sprite>(), new MapperOptimalEfficiency <Sprite>(standardCanvas,_cutoffEfficiency, _maximumNbrCandidates) }; // First run a few tests without recording results. The first few test runs always take way more // ticks than normal, so doing this will keep bad data out of the results. int nbrTests = tests.Count; if (nbrTests > 3) { nbrTests = 4; } for (int i = 0; i < nbrTests; i++) { foreach (IMapper <Sprite> mapper in mappers) { SingleTestStats singleTestStats = new SingleTestStats(); TestUtils.RunTest <Sprite>(mapper, tests[i].ImageInfos, singleTestStats); } } // Run all the tests. Use all mappers as listed above in the mappers declaration to run the tests. // Dump the results to a file as they become available. List <SingleTestStats> testResults = new List <SingleTestStats>(); string testResultsFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/testresults.csv"); using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(testResultsFilePath)) { outfile.WriteLine(SingleTestStats.CsvHeader()); foreach (SingleTest singleTest in tests) { foreach (IMapper <Sprite> mapper in mappers) { SingleTestStats singleTestStats = new SingleTestStats(); TestUtils.RunTest <Sprite>(mapper, singleTest.ImageInfos, singleTestStats); testResults.Add(singleTestStats); outfile.WriteLine(singleTestStats.CsvDataLine()); outfile.Flush(); } } } ltPathToCSV.Text = string.Format( @"A CSV file with all test results is at <a href=""{0}"">{0}</a>", TestUtils.FilePathToUrl(testResultsFilePath)); // ----------------------------------------------- // Show overall results per mapper var resultsPerMapper = from t in testResults group t by t.MapperType into g select new { Mapper = SingleTestStats.FriendlyMapperTypeName(g.Key), AvgCandidateSpriteFails = g.Average(p => p.CandidateSpriteFails), AvgCandidateSpritesGenerated = g.Average(p => p.CandidateSpritesGenerated), AvgCanvasRectangleAddAttempts = g.Average(p => p.CanvasRectangleAddAttempts), AvgCanvasNbrCellsGenerated = g.Average(p => p.CanvasNbrCellsGenerated), AvgEfficiency = g.Average(p => p.Efficiency), AvgElapsedTicks = g.Average(p => p.ElapsedTicks) }; gvOverallResults.DataSource = resultsPerMapper; gvOverallResults.DataBind(); // ----------------------------------------------- // Create graphs with the results int statisticTypeIdx = 0; foreach (int statisticTypeValue in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SingleTestStats.StatisticType))) { // For each statistic type (such as number of images, standard deviation of widths of the images in the sprite, etc.), // we'll generate 2 charts, one for efficiency and one for elapsed ticks. string statisticTypeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(SingleTestStats.StatisticType), statisticTypeIdx); statisticTypeIdx++; // --------- string formattedStatisticTypeName = statisticTypeName.Replace('_', ' '); Literal statisticTypeHeader = new Literal(); statisticTypeHeader.Text = string.Format("<h2>Results by {0}</h2>", formattedStatisticTypeName); phCharts.Controls.Add(statisticTypeHeader); string explanation = ""; SingleTestStats.StatisticType statisticType = (SingleTestStats.StatisticType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SingleTestStats.StatisticType), statisticTypeValue.ToString()); switch (statisticType) { case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Nbr_Images: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the number of images in the sprite"; break; case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Width_Standard_Deviation: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the variability of the width of the images"; break; case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Heigth_Standard_Deviation: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the variability of the height of the images"; break; case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Area_Standard_Deviation: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the variability of the area of the images"; break; case SingleTestStats.StatisticType.Aspect_Ratio_Standard_Deviation: explanation = "Shows speed and efficiency of the algorithms against the variability of the aspect ratio of the images"; break; } Literal statisticExplanation = new Literal(); statisticExplanation.Text = string.Format("<p><small>{0}</small></p>", explanation); phCharts.Controls.Add(statisticExplanation); foreach (string resultName in SingleTestStats.ResultNames()) { // Create a chart for each result - efficiency and elapsed ticks Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.ImageType = ChartImageType.Png; chart.ImageLocation = "~/canvasimages/ChartPic_#SEQ(300,3)"; chart.Width = new Unit(1200, UnitType.Pixel); chart.Height = new Unit(500, UnitType.Pixel); chart.Legends.Add("Default"); chart.ChartAreas.Clear(); chart.ChartAreas.Add("ChartArea1"); chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title = formattedStatisticTypeName; chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title = resultName; chart.Series.Clear(); phCharts.Controls.Add(chart); int seriesIdx = 0; foreach (IMapper <Sprite> mapper in mappers) { Type mapperType = mapper.GetType(); var series = from r in testResults where r.MapperType == mapperType group r by r.ImageStats[statisticTypeValue] into g select new { Efficiency = g.Average(r => r.Efficiency), ElapsedTicks = g.Average(r => r.ElapsedTicks), XValue = g.Key }; chart.Series.Add(SingleTestStats.FriendlyMapperTypeName(mapperType)); // Ensure the legend shows the type name chart.Series[seriesIdx].MarkerSize = 4; chart.Series[seriesIdx].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point; chart.Series[seriesIdx].Points.DataBind(series, "XValue", resultName, ""); seriesIdx++; } } } }