Example #1
        private int yHeight = 30;     // The Y height of GUI buttons

        /// <summary>
        /// On start, try to get a local reference to the RandomEyes2D class and the scene  camera
        /// </summary>
        void Start()
            if (!randomEyes2D)                                                       // randomEyes2D is null
                randomEyes2D = (RandomEyes2D)FindObjectOfType(typeof(RandomEyes2D)); // Try to get a local reference to RandomEyes2D
            if (!mainCam)                                                            // mainCam is null
                mainCam = (Camera)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Camera));                  // Try to get a local reference to the scene camera
            targetPosHome = target.transform.position;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get reference to a RandomEyes component
        /// </summary>
        void Start()
            randomEyes2D = GetComponent <RandomEyes2D>();
            if (randomEyes2D)
                randomEyes = randomEyes2D.gameObject;

            randomEyes3D = GetComponent <RandomEyes3D>();
            if (randomEyes3D)
                randomEyes = randomEyes3D.gameObject;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get reference to a RandomEyes component
        /// </summary>
        void Start()
            randomEyes2D = GetComponent<RandomEyes2D>();
            if (randomEyes2D)
                randomEyes = randomEyes2D.gameObject;

            randomEyes3D = GetComponent<RandomEyes3D>();
            if (randomEyes3D)
                randomEyes = randomEyes3D.gameObject;
        /// <summary>
        /// On start, try to get a local reference to the RandomEyes2D class and the scene  camera
        /// </summary>
        void Start()
            if (!randomEyes2D) // randomEyes2D is null
                randomEyes2D = (RandomEyes2D)FindObjectOfType(typeof(RandomEyes2D)); // Try to get a local reference to RandomEyes2D

            if (!mainCam) // mainCam is null
                mainCam = (Camera)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Camera)); // Try to get a local reference to the scene camera

            targetPosHome = target.transform.position;