public async Task Should_return_status_code_201_for_the_created_weight_entry_Async() { //arrange //TODO: this will change with intro of mapper... var weight = RandomData.GetDecimal(0, int.MaxValue); var createWeightRequestDto = new CreateWeightRequestDto { Weight = weight.ToString() }; var newId = RandomData.GetAlphaString(); _weightsService .Setup(s => s.AddWeightAsync(It.Is <CreateWeightRequest>(r => r.Weight == weight))) .ReturnsAsync(newId); //act //TODO: the Accept should not be necessary var response = await Browser.Post(RootUriStrings.Weights, with => with.JsonBrowserContext(createWeightRequestDto) .Accept("application/json")); //assert //TODO: assert on Location header //TODO: assert the Id is on the response body response.StatusCode .Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Created); }
public ViewModelTests() { data = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); href = "/" + RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); name = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); sut = new ViewModel <string>(href); }
public ViewModelTests() { _data = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); _href = $"/{RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10)}"; _name = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); _sut = new ViewModel <string>(_href); }
public static LogEvent Generate(string id = null, string companyId = null, string message = null, DateTime?createdUtc = null) { return(new LogEvent { Id = id, Message = message ?? RandomData.GetAlphaString(), CompanyId = companyId ?? ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), CreatedUtc = createdUtc ?? RandomData.GetDateTime(SystemClock.UtcNow.StartOfMonth(), SystemClock.UtcNow) }); }
public void ConstructorShouldThrowAnArgumentNullExceptionWhenTheNameArgumentIsNull() { //ARRANGE var href = "/" + RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); //ACT Action link = () => new Link(null, href); //ASSERT link.ShouldThrow <ArgumentNullException>(); }
public void Constructor_ShouldThrowAnArgumentNullExceptionWhenTheHrefArgumentIsNull() { //ARRANGE var name = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); //ACT Action link = () => new Link(name, null); //ASSERT link.ShouldThrow <ArgumentNullException>(); }
public static Employee Generate(string id = null, string name = null, int?age = null, string companyName = null, string companyId = null, DateTime?createdUtc = null, DateTime?updatedUtc = null) { return(new Employee { Id = id, Name = name ?? RandomData.GetAlphaString(), Age = age ?? RandomData.GetInt(18, 100), CompanyName = companyName ?? RandomData.GetAlphaString(), CompanyId = companyId ?? ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), CreatedUtc = createdUtc.GetValueOrDefault(), UpdatedUtc = updatedUtc.GetValueOrDefault() }); }
public void AddErrorShouldThrowAnInvalidOperationExceptionWhenDataIsNotNull() { //ARRANGE var message = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); sut.Data = data; //ACT Action act = () => sut.AddError(message); //ASSERT act.ShouldThrow <InvalidOperationException>(Resources.ViewModelCannotAddError); }
public void DataShouldThrowAnInvalidOperationExceptionWhenSettingItToAnObjectAfterAnErrorWasAdded() { //ARRANGE var message = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); sut.AddError(message); //ACT Action act = () => sut.Data = data; //ASSERT act.ShouldThrow <InvalidOperationException>(Resources.ViewModelCannotSetDataProperty); }
public void AddLinkShouldAddEachLink() { //ARRANGE var secondName = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); var secondHref = "/" + RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); //ACT sut.AddLink(name, href); sut.AddLink(secondName, secondHref); //ASSERT sut.Links.Count().ShouldBe(3); //The "self" link is added automatically when the view model is instantiated sut.Links.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == name && x.Href == href).ShouldNotBeNull(); sut.Links.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == name && x.Href == href).ShouldNotBeNull(); }
public static Employee GenerateRandom(string id = null, string name = null, int?age = null, int?yearsEmployed = null, string companyName = null, string companyId = null, string location = null, DateTime?lastReview = null, DateTimeOffset?nextReview = null, DateTime?createdUtc = null, DateTime?updatedUtc = null) { var employee = new Employee { Id = id, Name = name ?? RandomData.GetAlphaString(), Age = age ?? RandomData.GetInt(18, 100), YearsEmployed = yearsEmployed ?? RandomData.GetInt(0, 40), CompanyName = companyName ?? RandomData.GetAlphaString(), CompanyId = companyId ?? ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), LastReview = lastReview ?? RandomData.GetDateTime(DateTime.Now.SubtractDays(365), DateTime.Now), CreatedUtc = createdUtc ?? RandomData.GetDateTime(DateTime.Now.SubtractDays(365), DateTime.Now), Location = location ?? RandomData.GetCoordinate() }; employee.NextReview = nextReview ?? RandomData.GetDateTimeOffset(employee.NextReview, DateTime.Now); employee.UpdatedUtc = updatedUtc ?? RandomData.GetDateTime(employee.CreatedUtc, DateTime.Now); return(employee); }
public void AddError_ShouldAddEachErrorWhenDataIsNull() { //ARRANGE var count = RandomData.GetInt(2, 10); var messages = new string[count]; //ACT for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { messages[i] = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); _sut.AddError(messages[i], RandomData.GetInt(1, 10)); } _sut.Errors.ShouldSatisfyAllConditions( () => _sut.Errors.Count().ShouldBe(count), () => _sut.Errors.Where(x => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Message)).ShouldBeEmpty() ); }
public void AddErrorShouldAddEachErrorWhenDataIsNull() { //ARRANGE var count = RandomData.GetInt(2, 10); var messages = new String[count]; //ACT for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { messages[i] = RandomData.GetAlphaString(1, 10); sut.AddError(messages[i]); } //ASSERT sut.Errors.Count().ShouldBe(count); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { sut.Errors.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Message == messages[i]).ShouldNotBeNull(); } }