static void Main(string[] args) { int counfOfGames = 100; int rndBotSum = 0; int dblBotSum = 0; int goodBotSum = 0; for (int _ = 0; _ < counfOfGames; _++) { RandomBot rndBot = new RandomBot("Rnd2000", 1000); DoubleBot dblBot = new DoubleBot("dbl2222", 1000); GoodBot goodBot = new GoodBot("NotVeryGoodBot", 1000); List <Player> players = new List <Player> { rndBot, dblBot, goodBot }; Game blackJack = new Game(players); blackJack.StartGame(40); rndBotSum += rndBot.Balance; dblBotSum += dblBot.Balance; goodBotSum += goodBot.Balance; } ReadKey(); Clear(); WriteLine("Random bot: " + rndBotSum / counfOfGames); WriteLine("Double bot: " + dblBotSum / counfOfGames); WriteLine("HasStrategy bot: " + goodBotSum / counfOfGames); ReadKey(); }
public ActionResult Mark(int row, int column, string botName, string state) { Game game = new Game(); game.Board.Deserialize(state); game.Mark(row, column); if (game.IsOver) { return(this.RedirectToAction("GameOver", new { state = game.Board.Serialize() })); } IBot bot; switch (botName) { case "RandomBot": bot = new RandomBot(); break; case "MinMaxBot": bot = new MinMaxBot(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported bot!"); } Tuple <int, int> move = bot.GetMove(game.Copy()); game.Mark(move.Item1, move.Item2); if (game.IsOver) { return(this.RedirectToAction("GameOver", new { state = game.Board.Serialize() })); } return(this.RedirectToAction("Play", new { botName = botName, state = game.Board.Serialize() })); }
public IActionResult Mark(int row, int column) { Game game = this.SessionGet <Game>(this.SessionGameKey); game.Mark(row, column); if (!game.IsOver) { IBot bot; switch (this.SessionGet <string>(this.SessionBotKey)) { case "RandomBot": bot = new RandomBot(); break; case "MinMaxBot": bot = new MinMaxBot(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported bot!"); } Tuple <int, int> move = bot.GetMove(game.Copy()); game.Mark(move.Item1, move.Item2); } this.SessionSet(this.SessionGameKey, game); return(this.RedirectToAction("Show")); }
public void CorrectBetTest() { var bot = new RandomBot(900); Assert.IsNotNull(bot.MakeBets()); Assert.Pass(); }
public void TakeAllMoneyTest() { var bot = new RandomBot(900); Assert.AreEqual(900, bot.Money); Assert.AreEqual(900, bot.TakeMoney(1500)); Assert.AreEqual(0, bot.Money); Assert.Pass(); }
private Player GetTestBot(int id) { var bot = new RandomBot(id); var player = new Player(bot, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) { Name = bot.GetPlayerName() }; return(player); }
public void GiveMoneyTest() { var bot = new RandomBot(900); Assert.AreEqual(900, bot.Money); bot.GiveMoney(100); Assert.AreEqual(1000, bot.Money); Assert.Pass(); }
public void RandomBotShouldEvenlyDistributeThrowsTest() { // Arrange var randomBot = new RandomBot(); var totalRockThrows = 0; var totalPaperThrows = 0; var totalScissorsThrows = 0; // Act for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var botMove = randomBot.MakeMove(null, null, null); if (botMove == Moves.Rock) totalRockThrows++; else if (botMove == Moves.Paper) totalPaperThrows++; else if (botMove == Moves.Scissors) totalScissorsThrows++; } // Assert Assert.IsTrue(totalRockThrows / 10 >= 28, "Results: " + "Rock - " + totalRockThrows + " times. " + "Paper - " + totalPaperThrows + " times. " + "Scissors - " + totalScissorsThrows + " times."); Assert.IsTrue(totalRockThrows /10 <= 38, "Results: " + "Rock - " + totalRockThrows + " times." + "Paper - " + totalPaperThrows + " times." + "Scissors - " + totalScissorsThrows + " times."); Assert.IsTrue(totalPaperThrows / 10 >= 28, "Results: " + "Rock - " + totalRockThrows + " times. " + "Paper - " + totalPaperThrows + " times. " + "Scissors - " + totalScissorsThrows + " times."); Assert.IsTrue(totalPaperThrows / 10 <= 38, "Results: " + "Rock - " + totalRockThrows + " times. " + "Paper - " + totalPaperThrows + " times. " + "Scissors - " + totalScissorsThrows + " times."); Assert.IsTrue(totalScissorsThrows / 10 >= 28, "Results: " + "Rock - " + totalRockThrows + " times. " + "Paper - " + totalPaperThrows + " times. " + "Scissors - " + totalScissorsThrows + " times."); Assert.IsTrue(totalScissorsThrows / 10 <= 38, "Results: " + "Rock - " + totalRockThrows + " times. " + "Paper - " + totalPaperThrows + " times. " + "Scissors - " + totalScissorsThrows + " times."); }
public void CreateTest() { var bot = new RandomBot(900); Assert.AreEqual(900, bot.Money); Assert.AreEqual("Random Bot", bot.Name); Assert.IsNotNull(bot.Description); Assert.IsNotNull(bot.ToString()); Assert.Pass(); }
public void MyBotShouldWinAgainstRandomBotTest() { // Arrange var me = new TestPlayer(); var randomPlayer = new TestPlayer(); var myBot = new MyBot(); var randomBot = new RandomBot(); // Act var winner = new GameEmulator().PlayMatch(me, myBot, randomPlayer, randomBot); // Assert Assert.AreSame(me, winner); }
private static void SelectPlayers(ref Player player1, ref Player player2) { Console.WriteLine("Select player 1"); Console.WriteLine("\t H - Human Player; R - Random Bot; S - SmartBot: "); var choice1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Select player 2"); Console.WriteLine("\t H - Human Player; R - Random Bot; S - SmartBot;"); var choice2 = Console.ReadLine(); switch (choice1.ToUpper()) { case "H": player1 = new HumanPlayer(); break; case "R": player1 = new RandomBot(); break; case "S": player1 = new SmartBot(); break; default: player1 = null; break; } switch (choice2.ToUpper()) { case "H": player2 = new HumanPlayer(); break; case "R": player2 = new RandomBot(); break; case "S": player2 = new SmartBot(); break; default: player2 = null; break; } }
public void DynamiteBeatsScissorsTest() { // Arrange var me = new MyBot(); var randomBot = new RandomBot(); var myMove = new BotMove { Player = me, Move = Moves.Dynamite }; var theirMove = new BotMove { Player = randomBot, Move = Moves.Scissors }; // Act var winner1 = new GameEmulator().DetermineWinner(myMove, theirMove); var winner2 = new GameEmulator().DetermineWinner(theirMove, myMove); // Assert Assert.AreSame(me, winner1); Assert.AreSame(me, winner2); }
public void DynamiteTiesDynamiteTest() { // Arrange var me = new MyBot(); var randomBot = new RandomBot(); var myMove = new BotMove { Player = me, Move = Moves.Dynamite }; var theirMove = new BotMove { Player = randomBot, Move = Moves.Dynamite }; // Act var winner1 = new GameEmulator().DetermineWinner(myMove, theirMove); var winner2 = new GameEmulator().DetermineWinner(theirMove, myMove); // Assert Assert.IsNull(winner1); Assert.IsNull(winner2); }
public void StopPlayingTest() { var bot = new RandomBot(900); var attempt = 0; while (bot.MakeBets().Count != 0 && attempt < maxAttempts) { attempt++; } if (bot.MakeBets().Count == 0 && attempt <= 40) { Assert.Pass(); } Assert.Fail(); }
public static bool Play() { if (currentPlayer == Piece.Party.white) { if (whitePlayer == PlayerType.Bot && !GameManager.doesGameFinish && GameManager.gameIsGoing) { RandomBot randomBot = new RandomBot(); Piece piece = randomBot.GetRandomPieceFromBoard(Board.board); if (piece == null) { return(false); } GameManager.lastPiece = piece; Game.mySquares[piece.position.GetCorX, piece.position.GetCorY].ToMouseLeftClick(); Coordinate moveCoordinate = randomBot.GetRandomMovePiece(Board.board, piece); List <Coordinate> coordinates = new List <Coordinate>(); coordinates.Add(moveCoordinate); GameManager.lastMovableList = coordinates; Game.mySquares[moveCoordinate.GetCorX, moveCoordinate.GetCorY].ToMouseRightClick(); } } else { if (blackPlayer == PlayerType.Bot && !GameManager.doesGameFinish && GameManager.gameIsGoing) { RandomBot randomBot = new RandomBot(); Piece piece = randomBot.GetRandomPieceFromBoard(Board.board); if (piece == null) { return(false); } GameManager.lastPiece = piece; Game.mySquares[piece.position.GetCorX, piece.position.GetCorY].ToMouseLeftClick(); Coordinate moveCoordinate = randomBot.GetRandomMovePiece(Board.board, piece); List <Coordinate> coordinates = new List <Coordinate>(); coordinates.Add(moveCoordinate); GameManager.lastMovableList = coordinates; Game.mySquares[moveCoordinate.GetCorX, moveCoordinate.GetCorY].ToMouseRightClick(); } } return(true); }
public void StartGameTest() { RandomBot randomBot = new RandomBot("RandomBot", 1000); Game game = new Game(new List <Player> { randomBot }); game.StartGame(); Assert.AreEqual(game.Players.Count, 0); Assert.AreEqual(randomBot.Balance, 0); GoodBot goodBot = new GoodBot("GoodBot", 1000); game = new Game(new List <Player> { goodBot }); game.StartGame(40); Assert.IsTrue(goodBot.Balance != 1000); Assert.Pass(); }
public void StartNewTurnTest() { GoodBot goodBot = new GoodBot("GoodBot", 1000); DoubleBot doubleBot = new DoubleBot("DoubleBot", 1000); RandomBot randomBot = new RandomBot("RandomBot", 1000); List <Player> players = new List <Player> { goodBot, doubleBot, randomBot }; Game game = new Game(players); game.StartNewTurn(); foreach (Player player in players) { Assert.AreEqual(player.Cards.Count, 2); Assert.IsTrue(player.Balance < 1000); Assert.IsTrue(player.Bet > 0); } Assert.AreEqual(game.Croupier.Cards.Count, 2); Assert.Pass(); }
private List <Player> SetPlayers() { List <Player> plrs = new List <Player>(); bool chooseAnother = true; while (chooseAnother) { Console.WriteLine("Choose the type of Player you want to add: "); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "human": Console.Write("Enter the name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Choose a letter as Symbol: "); string symbol = Console.ReadLine(); Player newGuy = new HumanPlayer(name, symbol); //name and symbol in constructor of human player or here? plrs.Add(newGuy); break; case "rndBot": Player newRnd = new RandomBot(); plrs.Add(newGuy); break; case "Bot": Player newBot = new SmartBot(); plrs.Add(newGuy); break; case "s": chooseAnother = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("1 for human Player - 2 for random Bot - 3 for smart Bot - s to start the Game"); break; } } return(plrs); }
/** * @param args args[0] Private key * @param args args[1] [training|arena] * @param args args[2] Game Id */ private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: myBot.exe key training|arena gameId|showbrowser"); Console.WriteLine("gameId is used to show browser in training mode"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } string serverURL = ""; string apiKey = args[0]; bool trainingMode = args[1] == "training"; string gameId = args.Length == 3 && !trainingMode ? args[2] : null; bool showBrowser = trainingMode && args.Length == 3; IBestChoice bestChoice = new EvenBestChoice(); IPathfinder pathfinder = new Disjkstra(); ISimpleBot bot; if (bestChoice != null && pathfinder != null) { bot = new BestBot(bestChoice, pathfinder); } else { bot = new RandomBot(); } // add a random param to start browser in training mode SimpleBotRunner runner = new SimpleBotRunner( new ApiToolkit(serverURL, apiKey, trainingMode, gameId, 1200), bot, showBrowser); runner.Run(); Console.Read(); }
public void PaperBeatsRockTest() { // Arrange var me = new MyBot(); var randomBot = new RandomBot(); var myMove = new BotMove { Player = me, Move = Moves.Paper }; var theirMove = new BotMove { Player = randomBot, Move = Moves.Rock }; // Act var winner1 = new GameEmulator().DetermineWinner(myMove, theirMove); var winner2 = new GameEmulator().DetermineWinner(theirMove, myMove); // Assert Assert.AreSame(me, winner1); Assert.AreSame(me, winner2); }
/// <summary> /// In CreateGameBoardInstance you have created the gameboard, now use it with your bot. /// </summary> public override void DoMove() { RandomBot.DoTurn(gameboard); gameboard.FinishTurn(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine( @"Choose bots to play with. -""Human Bot"" to play. -""Min Max Bot"" to play a good robot -""Cheat Bot"" to crash the game in 2 turns. -""First Bot"" to play a bot who chooses the first open square. -""Random Bot"" to fight a random bot."); IBot xBot = null; Game game = new Game(); IBot oBot = null; do { string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "Human Bot": xBot = new HumanBot(); break; case "Cheat Bot": xBot = new CheatBot(); break; case "Min Max Bot": xBot = new MinMaxBot(); break; case "First Bot": xBot = new FirstBot(); break; case "Random Bot": xBot = new RandomBot(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please pick a type of bot"); break; } } while (xBot == null); Console.WriteLine("Now choose the other player."); do { string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "Human Bot": oBot = new HumanBot(); break; case "Cheat Bot": oBot = new CheatBot(); break; case "Min Max Bot": oBot = new MinMaxBot(); break; case "First Bot": oBot = new FirstBot(); break; case "Random Bot": oBot = new RandomBot(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please pick a type of bot"); break; } } while (oBot == null); Console.WriteLine($"{xBot.Name} (X) vs. {oBot.Name} (O)"); while (!game.IsOver) { // Make a copy of the game and give it to the bot. This allows the bot to do // whatever it wants to the copy without messing up our official game. Game botGame = game.Copy(); IBot bot = game.IsXTurn ? xBot : oBot; Tuple <int, int> move = bot.GetMove(botGame); game.Mark(move.Item1, move.Item2); Console.WriteLine($"{bot.Name} selected ({move.Item1}, {move.Item2})"); Console.WriteLine(game.Board.ToString()); } if (game.IsXWin) { Console.WriteLine($"{xBot.Name} wins!"); } else if (game.IsOWin) { Console.WriteLine($"{oBot.Name} wins!"); } else if (game.IsTie) { Console.WriteLine($"Game is a tie!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("How did we get here?"); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
void StartGame_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Figure out size of board Board b = null; switch (ddlDimensions.SelectedIndex) { case 0: b = Board.NewBoard(3, 6, 3); break; case 1: b = Board.NewBoard(4, 9, 4); break; case 2: b = Board.NewBoard(5, 11, 5); break; default: b = Board.NewBoard(7, 13, 6); break; } // Figure out dice rule switch (ddlDiceRule.SelectedIndex) { case 0: b.BattleRule = new AlwaysWin(); break; case 1: b.BattleRule = new HighestRoll(); break; default: b.BattleRule = new RankedDice(); break; } // Figure out reinforcement rule switch (ddlReinforcements.SelectedIndex) { case 0: b.ReinforcementRule = new RandomAnywhere(); break; case 1: b.ReinforcementRule = new RandomWithinLargestArea(); break; default: b.ReinforcementRule = new RandomBorder(); break; } // Full auto play means all players are bots if (!cbxAutoPlay.IsToggled) { b.Players[0].IsHuman = true; } // Computer Difficulty IBot bot = null; switch (ddlDifficulty.SelectedIndex) { case 0: bot = new BorderShrinkBot(); break; case 1: bot = new TurtleBot(); break; default: bot = new RandomBot(); break; } foreach (var p in b.Players) { if (!p.IsHuman) { p.Bot = bot; } } // Start game Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MainPage(b)); }