/// <summary> Sets the Gradient Fill parameters of the RageSpline </summary>
    /// <param name="spline"> </param>
    private void ApplyFillGradient(RageSvgPathElement path, RageSvgStyle style)
        var gradient = style.RageSvgGradient;
        var start    = new Vector2(gradient.X1, gradient.Y1);
        var end      = new Vector2(gradient.X2, gradient.Y2);

        if (DebugStyleCreation)
            Debug.Log("\tGradient Start Color:" + gradient.StartColor);
        path.Spline.FillGradient.StartColor            = gradient.StartColor;
        path.Spline.FillGradient.EndColor              = gradient.EndColor;
        path.Spline.FillGradient.StyleLocalPositioning = true;
        path.Spline.FillGradient.Offset = (start + end) / 2;
        path.Spline.FillGradient.Scale  = 1 / ((end - start) / 2).magnitude;
        //Debug.Log("current: "+current.Spline.name+" | start-end x/y : "+ start.x +" "+ start.y+" "+end.x+" "+end.y);
        var gradientAngle = ColorExtension.CalcTheta(new Vector2(gradient.X1, gradient.Y1),
                                                     new Vector2(gradient.X2, gradient.Y2));

        if (DebugStyleCreation)
            Debug.Log("\tGradient Angle: " + gradientAngle);
        path.Spline.FillGradient.Angle = gradientAngle;
    /// <summary> Applies a given style to a RageSpline  </summary>
    private void ApplyStyleToSpline(RageSvgPathElement path, RageSvgStyle style)
        path.Spline.FillType           = style.FillType;
        path.Spline.Outline.Type       = style.OutlineType;
        path.Spline.Outline.Width      = style.OutlineWidth;
        path.Spline.Outline.CornerType = style.CornersType;

        Color cFillColor1 = style.FillColor1;

        cFillColor1.a = style.FillColor1Alpha;

        if (style.FillType == Spline.FillType.Gradient)
            ApplyFillGradient(path, style);
            path.Spline.FillColor = cFillColor1;

        Color cStrokeColor = style.OutlineColor1;

        cStrokeColor.a = style.OutlineAlpha;
        path.Spline.Outline.StartColor = cStrokeColor;
 private RageSvgObject()
     Id          = "";
     Paths       = new List <RageSvgPathElement>();
     Parent      = null;
     PointIdx    = GroupId = PathId = 0;
     CursorPos   = Vector3.zero;
     Style       = RageSvgStyle.NewInstance();
     Gradient    = null;
     StyleString = ClipPathUnits = ClipPath = "";
 public void CopyDataFrom(RageSvgStyle style)
     OutlineType     = style.OutlineType;
     OutlineColor1   = style.OutlineColor1;
     OutlineColor2   = style.OutlineColor2;
     OutlineAlpha    = style.OutlineAlpha;
     OutlineWidth    = style.OutlineWidth;
     CornersType     = style.CornersType;
     FillType        = style.FillType;
     RageSvgGradient = style.RageSvgGradient;
     FillColor1      = style.FillColor1;
     FillColor2      = style.FillColor2;
     FillColor1Alpha = style.FillColor1Alpha;
     FillColor2Alpha = style.FillColor2Alpha;
     HasFill         = style.HasFill;
     HasOutline      = style.HasOutline;
     HasGradient     = style.HasGradient;
Example #5
    /// <summary> Parses the RageStyle and applies the Vertex Density during import  </summary>
    /// <param name="spline"> </param>
    private void ApplyRageStyle(RageSvgPathElement path, RageSvgStyle style)
        if (style.HasOutline)
            style.OutlineType = path.IsClosed ? Spline.OutlineType.Loop : Spline.OutlineType.Free;
            style.OutlineType = Spline.OutlineType.None;

        if (style.HasFill)
            style.FillType = style.HasGradient ? Spline.FillType.Gradient : Spline.FillType.Solid;
            style.FillType = Spline.FillType.None;

        if (DebugStyleCreation)
            Debug.Log("\tOutline: " + style.OutlineType + "; Has Outline: " + style.HasOutline);
            Debug.Log("\tFill: " + style.FillType + "; Has Fill: " + style.HasFill);
        if (path.Spline == null || path.Spline.Rs == null)

        ApplyStyleToSpline(path, style);
        // Parse single point, according to: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322976
        if (path.Spline.PointsCount == 1)
            CreateDotCircle(ref path, style);                   // Has to create a circle even without a "z" command to prevent RageSpline errors
        ApplyVertexDensity(ref path);
        path.Spline.Rs.RefreshMeshInEditor(true, true, true);