protected void XmlHttpPanel_ServiceRequest(object sender, RadXmlHttpPanelEventArgs e) { string val = e.Value; string getfrndet = @"SELECT [User].ID, [User].Email, [User].Name, [User].Country, [User].College, [User].Relationship, [User].BirthDate, [User].School, [User].Company, [User].Gender, [User].City, [User].Designation, [User].Degree, [User].uname, [User].RegisterDate, [User].Status, Propic.Image, Contact.Website, Networks.Linkedin, Networks.Facebook, Networks.Twitter, Networks.Plus FROM [User] INNER JOIN Propic ON [User].ID = Propic.UID INNER JOIN Contact ON [User].ID = Contact.UID INNER JOIN Networks ON [User].ID = Networks.UID WHERE ([User].ID = " + val + ") AND (Propic.[Current] = 1)"; DataTable table = new DataTable(); table = profile.ReturnDT(getfrndet); this.Repeater2.DataSource = table; this.Repeater2.DataBind(); }
protected void copyAddendumXmlHttpPanel_ServiceRequest(object sender, RadXmlHttpPanelEventArgs e) { int newAddendumID = Base.Classes.Addendum.CopyAddendum(Convert.ToInt32(e.Value)); if (newAddendumID == 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to copy Addendum"); } }
protected void XmlHttpPanel_ServiceRequest(object sender, RadXmlHttpPanelEventArgs e) { Session["LoadingUserValue"] = e.Value; string val = e.Value; string myid = Session["UserId"].ToString(); string getstatus = @"SELECT MyID, FriendID, FriendStatus FROM Friends WHERE (MyID = " + myid + @") AND (FriendID = " + val + @") OR (MyID = " + val + @") AND (FriendID = " + myid + @")"; DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); dt2 = profile.ReturnDT(getstatus); DataTable dt3 = new DataTable(); string getboxstat = @"SELECT MyID, SID, FollowDate, FollowStatus FROM Box WHERE (MyID = " + myid + ") AND (SID = " + val + ")"; dt3 = profile.ReturnDT(getboxstat); if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { int n = (int)dt2.Rows[0]["FriendStatus"]; string ida = dt2.Rows[0]["MyID"].ToString(); string idb = dt2.Rows[0]["FriendID"].ToString(); switch (n) { case 0: if (ida == Session["UserId"].ToString()) { addasfrnd.Visible = true; addasfrnd.Text = "cancel connect request"; Session["friend"] = "ccr"; // i sent the request , i can cancel it if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { addbox.Visible = true; addbox.Text = "remove from box"; Session["box"] = "rfb"; //added to box .. remove from box } } else { addasfrnd.Visible = true; addasfrnd.Text = "accept connect request"; Session["friend"] = "acr"; // i have the request i can accecpt it if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { addbox.Visible = true; addbox.Text = "remove from box"; Session["box"] = "rfb"; //added to box .. remove from box } } break; case 1: // he is a friend addasfrnd.Visible = true; addasfrnd.Text = "in your connections"; addbox.Visible = false; if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { addbox.Visible = true; addbox.Text = "remove from box"; Session["box"] = "rfb"; //added to box .. remove from box } break; } } else { if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { addbox.Visible = true; addbox.Text = "remove from box"; Session["box"] = "rfb"; //added to box .. remove from box } addasfrnd.Visible = true; addasfrnd.Text = "ask to connect"; Session["friend"] = "atc"; // he is random } string getfrndet = @"SELECT [User].ID, [User].[uname], [User].Name, [User].Country, [User].Relationship, [User].BirthDate, [User].Gender, [User].City, Propic.Image, [User].College, [User].School, [User].Company, [User].[looking for] FROM [User] INNER JOIN Propic ON [User].ID = Propic.UID WHERE ([User].ID = " + val + ") AND (Propic.[Current] = 1)"; DataTable table = new DataTable(); table = profile.ReturnDT(getfrndet); Name.Text = table.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); uname.Text = "<a href='profile.aspx?uname="+table.Rows[0]["uname"].ToString()+"'> @ "+ table.Rows[0]["uname"].ToString() + "</a>"; if (table.Rows[0]["Image"] is DBNull == false) { RadBinaryImage rbg = new RadBinaryImage(); rbg.ResizeMode = BinaryImageResizeMode.Crop; rbg.Height = 230; rbg.Width = 177; rbg.DataValue = (byte[])table.Rows[0]["Image"]; rbg.CssClass = "sidemeyaaar"; propic.Controls.Add(rbg); } if (table.Rows[0]["College"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "college :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["College"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["School"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br> school :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["School"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["Company"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br> works at :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["Company"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["BirthDate"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br> born on :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["BirthDate"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["Gender"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br> gender :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["Gender"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["Country"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br>" + "lives in :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + table.Rows[0]["Country"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["Relationship"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br>" + "relationship :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["Relationship"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["looking for"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br>" + "looking for :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["looking for"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } }
protected void deleteStaffXmlHttpPanel_ServiceRequest(object sender, RadXmlHttpPanelEventArgs e) { try { Base.Classes.Staff.DeleteStaff(e.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public void XmlHttp_Request(object sender, RadXmlHttpPanelEventArgs e) { XmlHttpPanel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(taskProgress.ToString())); }
protected void XmlHttpPanel_ServiceRequest(object sender, RadXmlHttpPanelEventArgs e) { Session["LoadingUserValue"] = e.Value; string val = e.Value; string myid = Session["UserId"].ToString(); string getstatus = @"SELECT MyID, FriendID, FriendStatus FROM Friends WHERE (MyID = " + myid + @") AND (FriendID = " + val + @") OR (MyID = " + val + @") AND (FriendID = " + myid + @")"; DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); dt2 = profile.ReturnDT(getstatus); DataTable dt3 = new DataTable(); string getboxstat = @"SELECT MyID, SID, FollowDate, FollowStatus FROM Box WHERE (MyID = " + myid + ") AND (SID = " + val + ")"; dt3 = profile.ReturnDT(getboxstat); if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { int n = (int)dt2.Rows[0]["FriendStatus"]; string ida = dt2.Rows[0]["MyID"].ToString(); string idb = dt2.Rows[0]["FriendID"].ToString(); switch (n) { case 0: if (ida == Session["UserId"].ToString()) { addasfrnd.Visible = true; addasfrnd.Text = "cancel connect request"; Session["friend"] = "ccr"; // i sent the request , i can cancel it if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { addbox.Visible = true; addbox.Text = "remove from box"; Session["box"] = "rfb"; //added to box .. remove from box } } else { addasfrnd.Visible = true; addasfrnd.Text = "accept connect request"; Session["friend"] = "acr"; // i have the request i can accecpt it if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { addbox.Visible = true; addbox.Text = "remove from box"; Session["box"] = "rfb"; //added to box .. remove from box } } break; case 1: // he is a friend addasfrnd.Visible = true; addasfrnd.Text = "in your connections"; addbox.Visible = false; if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { addbox.Visible = true; addbox.Text = "remove from box"; Session["box"] = "rfb"; //added to box .. remove from box } break; } } else { if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { addbox.Visible = true; addbox.Text = "remove from box"; Session["box"] = "rfb"; //added to box .. remove from box } addasfrnd.Visible = true; addasfrnd.Text = "ask to connect"; Session["friend"] = "atc"; // he is random } string getfrndet = @"SELECT [User].ID, [User].[uname], [User].Name, [User].Country, [User].Relationship, [User].BirthDate, [User].Gender, [User].City, Propic.Image, [User].College, [User].School, [User].Company, [User].[looking for] FROM [User] INNER JOIN Propic ON [User].ID = Propic.UID WHERE ([User].ID = " + val + ") AND (Propic.[Current] = 1)"; DataTable table = new DataTable(); table = profile.ReturnDT(getfrndet); Name.Text = table.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); uname.Text = "<a href='profile.aspx?uname=" + table.Rows[0]["uname"].ToString() + "'> @ " + table.Rows[0]["uname"].ToString() + "</a>"; if (table.Rows[0]["Image"] is DBNull == false) { RadBinaryImage rbg = new RadBinaryImage(); rbg.ResizeMode = BinaryImageResizeMode.Crop; rbg.Height = 230; rbg.Width = 177; rbg.DataValue = (byte[])table.Rows[0]["Image"]; rbg.CssClass = "sidemeyaaar"; propic.Controls.Add(rbg); } if (table.Rows[0]["College"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "college :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["College"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["School"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br> school :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["School"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["Company"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br> works at :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["Company"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["BirthDate"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br> born on :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["BirthDate"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["Gender"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br> gender :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["Gender"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["Country"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br>" + "lives in :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["City"].ToString() + table.Rows[0]["Country"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["Relationship"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br>" + "relationship :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["Relationship"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } if (table.Rows[0]["looking for"] is DBNull == false) { Label lbl = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl.Text = "<br>" + "looking for :"; lbl2.Text = table.Rows[0]["looking for"].ToString(); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl); addcontrols.Controls.Add(lbl2); } }
protected void copyRubricXmlHttpPanel_ServiceRequest(object sender, RadXmlHttpPanelEventArgs e) { int newRubricID = Base.Classes.Rubric.CopyRubric(Convert.ToInt32(e.Value)); if (newRubricID == 0) { throw new Exception("An error occured while copying the Rubric"); } }