private readonly RackoUI _handWPF; //use this instead.

        public RackoMainView(IEventAggregator aggregator,
                             TestOptions test,
                             RackoVMData model,
                             RackoGameContainer gameContainer
            _aggregator    = aggregator;
            _model         = model;
            _gameContainer = gameContainer;

            _deckGPile    = new BaseDeckWPF <RackoCardInformation, RackoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsWPF>();
            _discardGPile = new BasePileWPF <RackoCardInformation, RackoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsWPF>();
            _score        = new ScoreBoardWPF();

            _currentWPF = new BasePileWPF <RackoCardInformation, RackoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsWPF>();
            _handWPF    = new RackoUI();

            StackPanel mainStack             = new StackPanel();
            ParentSingleUIContainer?restoreP = null;

            if (test.SaveOption == EnumTestSaveCategory.RestoreOnly)
                restoreP = new ParentSingleUIContainer()
                    Name = nameof(RackoMainViewModel.RestoreScreen)
            Grid finalGrid = new Grid();

            AddAutoRows(finalGrid, 1);
            AddAutoColumns(finalGrid, 2);
            mainStack.Children.Add(_discardGPile); // can reposition or not even have as well.
            var thisBut = GetGamingButton("Discard Current Card", nameof(RackoMainViewModel.DiscardCurrentAsync));

            SimpleLabelGrid firstInfo = new SimpleLabelGrid();

            firstInfo.AddRow("Turn", nameof(RackoMainViewModel.NormalTurn));
            firstInfo.AddRow("Status", nameof(RackoMainViewModel.Status));
            thisBut = GetGamingButton("Racko", nameof(RackoMainViewModel.RackoAsync));
            AddControlToGrid(finalGrid, mainStack, 0, 0);
            _score.AddColumn("Score Round", true, nameof(RackoPlayerItem.ScoreRound));
            _score.AddColumn("Score Game", true, nameof(RackoPlayerItem.TotalScore));
            int x;

            for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++)
                _score.AddColumn("Section" + x, false, "Value" + x, nameof(RackoPlayerItem.CanShowValues));// 2 bindings.
            _handWPF = new RackoUI();
            AddControlToGrid(finalGrid, _handWPF, 0, 1); // first column

            _deckGPile.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);

            _discardGPile.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);

            if (restoreP != null)
                mainStack.Children.Add(restoreP); //default add to grid but does not have to.
            Content = finalGrid;
Example #2
        private readonly RackoUI _handWPF; //use this instead.

        public RackoMainView(IEventAggregator aggregator,
                             TestOptions test,
                             RackoVMData model,
                             RackoGameContainer gameContainer
            _aggregator = aggregator;
            _model      = model;
            _gameContainer = gameContainer;
            _deckGPile     = new BaseDeckXF <RackoCardInformation, RackoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsXF>();
            _discardGPile  = new BasePileXF <RackoCardInformation, RackoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsXF>();
            _score         = new ScoreBoardXF();
            _currentWPF    = new BasePileXF <RackoCardInformation, RackoGraphicsCP, CardGraphicsXF>();
            _handWPF       = new RackoUI();

            ParentSingleUIContainer?restoreP = null;

            if (test.SaveOption == EnumTestSaveCategory.RestoreOnly)
                restoreP = new ParentSingleUIContainer(nameof(RackoMainViewModel.RestoreScreen));

            Grid finalGrid = new Grid();

            AddAutoRows(finalGrid, 2);
            AddLeftOverColumn(finalGrid, 1);
            AddAutoColumns(finalGrid, 1);
            _score.AddColumn("Score Round", true, nameof(RackoPlayerItem.ScoreRound));
            _score.AddColumn("Score Game", true, nameof(RackoPlayerItem.TotalScore));
            int x;

            for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++)
                _score.AddColumn("Section" + x, false, "Value" + x, nameof(RackoPlayerItem.CanShowValues));// 2 bindings.
            SimpleLabelGridXF firstInfo = new SimpleLabelGridXF();

            firstInfo.AddRow("Turn", nameof(RackoMainViewModel.NormalTurn));
            firstInfo.AddRow("Status", nameof(RackoMainViewModel.Status));
            var stack = new StackLayout();

            stack.Children.Add(_discardGPile); // can reposition or not even have as well.
            var thisBut = GetSmallerButton("Discard Current Card", nameof(RackoMainViewModel.DiscardCurrentAsync));


            thisBut = GetSmallerButton("Racko", nameof(RackoMainViewModel.RackoAsync));
            AddControlToGrid(finalGrid, stack, 0, 0);

            AddControlToGrid(finalGrid, _handWPF, 0, 1); // first column
            AddControlToGrid(finalGrid, _score, 1, 0);
            Grid.SetColumnSpan(_score, 2);

            _deckGPile.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);

            _discardGPile.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);

            if (restoreP != null)
                stack.Children.Add(restoreP); //default add to grid but does not have to.

            GamePackageViewModelBinder.ManuelElements.Clear();     //often times i have to add manually.

            RackoSaveInfo save = cons !.Resolve <RackoSaveInfo>(); //usually needs this part for multiplayer games.

            _score !.LoadLists(save.PlayerList);
            _discardGPile !.Init(_model.Pile1 !, "");  // may have to be here (well see)
            _discardGPile.StartListeningDiscardPile(); // its the main one.

            _deckGPile !.Init(_model.Deck1 !, "");     // try here.  may have to do something else as well (?)
            _currentWPF !.Init(_model.OtherPile !, "");

            Content = finalGrid;