private void Signaler_MessageFromPeer(object sender, Peer peer)
            var message = peer.Message;

            if (message.Contains("OpenDataChannel"))
                // A peer has let us know that they have begun initiating a data channel.  In this scenario,
                // we are the "remote" peer so make sure _isInitiator is false.  Begin gathering ice candidates.
                _isInitiator = false;
                RemotePeer   = peer;
                OpenDataChannel(peer);    // TODO: This is incorrect - message is definitely not the peer's name.

            if (message.Contains("IceCandidate"))
                var remoteCandidate = RTCIceCandidate.FromJsonString(message);

                // TODO: Notify the ice transport when gathering is complete via the line below so it can change state.
                //_ice.AddRemoteCandidate(new RTCIceCandidateComplete());

            if (message.Contains("IceParameters"))
                var iceParameters = RTCIceParameters.FromJsonString(message);
                // Start the ice transport with the appropriate role based on whether this is the initiator of the call.
                var role = _isInitiator ? RTCIceRole.Controlling : RTCIceRole.Controlled;
                _ice.Start(_gatherer, iceParameters, role);

            if (message.Contains("DtlsParameters"))
                var dtlsParameters = RTCDtlsParameters.FromJsonString(message);
                Debug.WriteLine("Dtls start called.");

            // this order guarantees:
            if (message.Contains("SctpCapabilities"))
                // Message ordering: alice -> bob; bob.start(); bob -> alice; alice.start(); alice -> datachannel -> bob
                var sctpCaps = RTCSctpCapabilities.FromJsonString(message);

                if (!_isInitiator)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Receiver: Waiting for OnDataChannel event and starting sctp.");

                    // The remote side will receive notification when the data channel is opened.
                    _sctp.OnDataChannel += Sctp_OnDataChannel;
                    _sctp.OnStateChange += Sctp_OnStateChange;


                    var caps = RTCSctpTransport.GetCapabilities();
                    _signaler.SendToPeer(RemotePeer.Id, caps.ToJsonString());
                    // The initiator has received sctp caps back from the remote peer, which means the remote peer
                    // has already called sctp.start().  It's now safe to open a data channel, which will fire the
                    // Sctp_OnDataChannel event on the remote side.
                    Debug.WriteLine("Initiator: Creating the data channel and starting sctp.");

                    _sctp.OnStateChange += Sctp_OnStateChange;
                    _dataChannel                = new RTCDataChannel(_sctp, _dataChannelParams);
                    _dataChannel.OnMessage     += DataChannel_OnMessage;
                    _dataChannel.OnError       += DataChannel_OnError;
                    _dataChannel.OnStateChange += DataChannel_OnStateChange;

                    Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                        IsSendEnabled = true;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for Signaller's OnMessageFromPeer event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="peerId">ID of the peer.</param>
        /// <param name="message">Message from the peer.</param>
        private void Signaller_OnMessageFromPeer(int peerId, string message)
            Task.Run(async() =>
                Debug.Assert(_peerId == peerId || _peerId == -1);
                Debug.Assert(message.Length > 0);

                if (_peerId != peerId && _peerId != -1)
                    Debug.WriteLine("[Error] Conductor: Received a message from unknown peer while already in a conversation with a different peer.");

                JsonObject jMessage;
                if (!JsonObject.TryParse(message, out jMessage))
                    Debug.WriteLine("[Error] Conductor: Received unknown message." + message);

                string type = jMessage.ContainsKey(kSessionDescriptionTypeName) ? jMessage.GetNamedString(kSessionDescriptionTypeName) : null;
                bool created = false;
                if (_peerConnection == null)
                    if (!IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                        // Create the peer connection only when call is
                        // about to get initiated. Otherwise ignore the
                        // messages from peers which could be a result
                        // of old (but not yet fully closed) connections.
                        if (type == "offer" || type == "answer" || type == "json")
                            Debug.Assert(_peerId == -1);
                            _peerId = peerId;

                            IEnumerable <Peer> enumerablePeer = Peers.Where(x => x.Id == peerId);
                            Peer = enumerablePeer.First();
                            created        = true;
                            _signalingMode = Helper.SignalingModeForClientName(Peer.Name);
                            _connectToPeerCancelationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                            _connectToPeerTask = CreatePeerConnection(_connectToPeerCancelationTokenSource.Token);
                            bool connectResult = await _connectToPeerTask;
                            _connectToPeerTask = null;
                            if (!connectResult)
                                Debug.WriteLine("[Error] Conductor: Failed to initialize our PeerConnection instance");
                                await Signaller.SignOut();
                            else if (_peerId != peerId)
                                Debug.WriteLine("[Error] Conductor: Received a message from unknown peer while already in a conversation with a different peer.");
                        Debug.WriteLine("[Warn] Conductor: Received an untyped message after closing peer connection.");

                if (_peerConnection != null && !IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                    if (type == "offer-loopback")
                        // Loopback not supported
                    string sdp = null;
                    if (jMessage.ContainsKey(kSessionDescriptionJsonName))
                        var containerObject = new JsonObject {
                            { kSessionDescriptionJsonName, jMessage.GetNamedObject(kSessionDescriptionJsonName) }
                        sdp = containerObject.Stringify();
                    else if (jMessage.ContainsKey(kSessionDescriptionSdpName))
                        sdp = jMessage.GetNamedString(kSessionDescriptionSdpName);
                    sdp = jMessage.ContainsKey(kSessionDescriptionSdpName) ? jMessage.GetNamedString(kSessionDescriptionSdpName) : null;
                    if (IsNullOrEmpty(sdp))
                        Debug.WriteLine("[Error] Conductor: Can't parse received session description message.");

                    RTCSessionDescriptionSignalingType messageType = RTCSessionDescriptionSignalingType.SdpOffer;
                    switch (type)
                    case "json": messageType = RTCSessionDescriptionSignalingType.Json; break;

                    case "offer": messageType = RTCSessionDescriptionSignalingType.SdpOffer; break;

                    case "answer": messageType = RTCSessionDescriptionSignalingType.SdpAnswer; break;

                    case "pranswer": messageType = RTCSessionDescriptionSignalingType.SdpPranswer; break;

                    default: Debug.Assert(false, type); break;
                    RTCSdpType messageType = RTCSdpType.Offer;
                    switch (type)
                    case "offer": messageType = RTCSdpType.Offer; break;

                    case "answer": messageType = RTCSdpType.Answer; break;

                    case "pranswer": messageType = RTCSdpType.Pranswer; break;

                    default: Debug.Assert(false, type); break;
                    Debug.WriteLine("Conductor: Received session description: " + message);
                    await _peerConnection.SetRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(messageType, sdp));

                    if ((messageType == RTCSessionDescriptionSignalingType.SdpOffer) ||
                        ((created) && (messageType == RTCSessionDescriptionSignalingType.Json)))
                    if (messageType == RTCSdpType.Offer)
                        var answer = await _peerConnection.CreateAnswer();
                        await _peerConnection.SetLocalDescription(answer);
                        // Send answer
                        OrtcStatsManager.Instance.StartCallWatch(SessionId, false);
                    RTCIceCandidate candidate = null;
                    if (RTCPeerConnectionSignalingMode.Json != _signalingMode)
                        var sdpMid = jMessage.ContainsKey(kCandidateSdpMidName)
                            ? jMessage.GetNamedString(kCandidateSdpMidName)
                            : null;
                        var sdpMlineIndex = jMessage.ContainsKey(kCandidateSdpMlineIndexName)
                            ? jMessage.GetNamedNumber(kCandidateSdpMlineIndexName)
                            : -1;
                        var sdp = jMessage.ContainsKey(kCandidateSdpName)
                            ? jMessage.GetNamedString(kCandidateSdpName)
                            : null;
                        //TODO: Check is this proper condition ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdpMid) && (sdpMlineIndex == -1)) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdp))
                        if (IsNullOrEmpty(sdpMid) || sdpMlineIndex == -1 || IsNullOrEmpty(sdp))
                            Debug.WriteLine("[Error] Conductor: Can't parse received message.\n" + message);
                        candidate = IsNullOrEmpty(sdpMid) ? RTCIceCandidate.FromSdpStringWithMLineIndex(sdp, (ushort)sdpMlineIndex) : RTCIceCandidate.FromSdpStringWithMid(sdp, sdpMid);
                        candidate = new RTCIceCandidate(sdp, sdpMid, (ushort)sdpMlineIndex);
                        candidate = RTCIceCandidate.FromJsonString(message);
                    await _peerConnection.AddIceCandidate(candidate);

                    Debug.WriteLine("Conductor: Received candidate : " + message);