Example #1
        public int UpdateEvent(EventModel obj)
            int result = 0;

            CheckForLocation_Event(ref obj, obj);

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                var oData = objEnt.RS_Event.Where(i => i.EventId == obj.EventId).First();
                oData.EventType     = obj.EventType;
                oData.Subject       = obj.Subject;
                oData.Body          = obj.Body;
                oData.EventDateFrom = obj.EventDateFrom;
                oData.EventTimeFrom = obj.EventTimeFrom;
                oData.EventDateTo   = obj.EventDateTo;
                oData.EventTimeTo   = obj.EventTimeTo;
                oData.Location      = obj.LocationName;
                oData.District      = obj.DistrictName;
                oData.ModifiedBy    = obj.ModifiedBy;
                oData.ModifiedOn    = DateTime.Now;
                oData.IsActive      = true;

                result = objEnt.SaveChanges();

Example #2
        public int InsertEvent(EventModel obj)
            int result = 0;

            CheckForLocation_Event(ref obj, obj);

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                RS_Event oData = new RS_Event();
                oData.EventType     = obj.EventType;
                oData.Subject       = obj.Subject;
                oData.Body          = obj.Body;
                oData.EventDateFrom = obj.EventDateFrom;
                oData.EventTimeFrom = obj.EventTimeFrom;
                oData.EventDateTo   = obj.EventDateTo;
                oData.EventTimeTo   = obj.EventTimeTo;
                oData.Location      = obj.LocationName;
                oData.District      = obj.DistrictName;
                oData.CreatedBy     = obj.CreatedBy;
                oData.CreatedOn     = DateTime.Now;
                oData.IsActive      = true;

                //oData.CreatedOn = ;
                //oData.Location = obj.Location;
                //oData.IpAddress = obj.IpAddress;


                result = objEnt.SaveChanges();

Example #3
        private EventModel CheckForLocation_Event(ref EventModel result, EventModel obj)
            RS_EventType EventTypeResult = new RS_EventType();

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                if (obj.EventTypeName.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    /// Checking for current location present or not
                    var EventType = objEnt.RS_EventType.Where(o => o.EventType.Trim().ToUpper() == obj.EventTypeName.Trim().ToUpper());

                    if (EventType.Count() > 0)
                        EventTypeResult = EventType.FirstOrDefault();
                        RS_EventType oData = new RS_EventType();
                        oData.EventType = obj.EventTypeName;
                        oData.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                        oData.CreatedBy = obj.CreatedBy;
                        EventTypeResult = oData;

                result.EventType = EventTypeResult != null && EventTypeResult.EventTypeId != 0 ? EventTypeResult.EventTypeId : (int?)null;

Example #4
        public EventModel GetEventId(int Id)
            EventModel result = new EventModel();

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                result = (from obj in ent.RS_Event
                          from ET in ent.RS_EventType.Where(ET => ET.EventTypeId == obj.EventType).DefaultIfEmpty()            // <== makes join left join
                                                                                                                               //  from CDs in ent.RS_District.Where(CD => CD.DistrictId == obj.District).DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join
                                                                                                                               // from CLs in ent.RS_Location.Where(CL => CL.LocationId == obj.Location).DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join
                          from RD in ent.RS_RathoreDetails.Where(RDs => RDs.RathoreDetailId == obj.CreatedBy).DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join
                          where obj.EventId == Id
                          select new EventModel
                    EventId = obj.EventId,
                    Subject = obj.Subject,
                    Body = obj.Body,
                    EventDateFrom = obj.EventDateFrom,
                    EventTimeFrom = obj.EventTimeFrom,
                    EventDateTo = obj.EventDateTo,
                    EventTimeTo = obj.EventTimeTo,
                    LocationName = obj.Location,
                    DistrictName = obj.District,
                    CreatedOn = obj.CreatedOn,
                    CreatedBy = obj.CreatedBy,
                    CreatedByName = RD.Name,

                    EventTypeName = ET.EventType,

                    ModifiedBy = obj.ModifiedBy,

Example #5
        public RathoreDetailDisplayModel GetDetailsToDisplay()
            RathoreDetailDisplayModel objRathoreDetails = new RathoreDetailDisplayModel();

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                var rathoreDetails = from obj in ent.RS_RathoreDetails
                                     from CSs in ent.RS_State.Where(CS => CS.StateId == obj.CurrentState).DefaultIfEmpty()
                                     from CDs in ent.RS_District.Where(CD => CD.DistrictId == obj.CurrentDistrict).DefaultIfEmpty()
                                     select new RathoreDetailModel
                    RathoreDetailId     = obj.RathoreDetailId,
                    CurrentState        = obj.CurrentState,
                    CurrentStateName    = CSs.StateName,
                    CurrentDistrict     = obj.CurrentDistrict,
                    CurrentDistrictName = CDs.DistrictName,

                var results = rathoreDetails.GroupBy(p => new { p.CurrentState, p.CurrentStateName }, p => p,
                                                     (key, g) => new { CurrentState = key.CurrentState, CurrentStateName = key.CurrentStateName, Count = g.Count() });

                var resultsDist = rathoreDetails.GroupBy(p => new { p.CurrentState, p.CurrentDistrictName }, p => p,
                                                         (key, g) => new { CurrentState = key.CurrentState, CurrentDistrictName = key.CurrentDistrictName, Count = g.Count() });

                List <TreeResultbase> stateBasedDetail = new List <TreeResultbase>();
                objRathoreDetails.StateBasedDetails = new List <TreeResultbase>();
                foreach (var val in results)
                    TreeResultbase oValue = new TreeResultbase();
                    oValue.Id    = val.CurrentState;
                    oValue.Name  = val.CurrentStateName;
                    oValue.Value = val.Count;


                // foreach(var o in )
                objRathoreDetails.StateBasedDetails = stateBasedDetail.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value).ToList();

                objRathoreDetails.DistrictBasedDetails = new List <TreeResultbase>();
                foreach (var val in resultsDist)
                    TreeResultbase oValue = new TreeResultbase();
                    oValue.Id    = val.CurrentState;
                    oValue.Name  = val.CurrentDistrictName;
                    oValue.Value = val.Count;

                //objRathoreDetails.DistrictBasedDetails = from obj in objEnt.RS_RathoreDetails
                //                                         group

        public Dictionary <int, string> GetEventType()
            Dictionary <int, string> result = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                result = ent.RS_EventType.Select(t => new { t.EventTypeId, t.EventType }).ToDictionary(t => t.EventTypeId, t => t.EventType);
        public Dictionary <int, string> GetAllLocation()
            Dictionary <int, string> result = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                result = ent.RS_Location.Select(t => new { t.LocationId, t.LocationName }).ToDictionary(t => t.LocationId, t => t.LocationName);
        public Dictionary <int, string> GetAllDistrict()
            Dictionary <int, string> result = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                result = ent.RS_District.Select(t => new { t.DistrictId, t.DistrictName }).ToDictionary(t => t.DistrictId, t => t.DistrictName);
        public Dictionary <int, string> GetAllCountry()
            Dictionary <int, string> result = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                result = ent.RS_Country.Select(t => new { t.CountryId, t.CountryName }).ToDictionary(t => t.CountryId, t => t.CountryName);
Example #10
        public int UpdateRathoreDetail(RathoreDetailModel obj)
            int result = 0;

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                CheckForCurrentLocationDetail(ref obj, obj);
                CheckForNativeLocationDetail(ref obj, obj);

                var oData = objEnt.RS_RathoreDetails.Where(i => i.RathoreDetailId == obj.RathoreDetailId).First();
                oData.Name            = obj.Name;
                oData.FatherName      = obj.FatherName;
                oData.MotherName      = obj.MotherName;
                oData.DateOfBirth     = obj.DateOfBirth;
                oData.PhoneNumber     = obj.PhoneNumber;
                oData.Occupation      = obj.Occupation;
                oData.gender          = obj.Gender;
                oData.IsMarried       = obj.IsMarried;
                oData.SpouseName      = obj.SpouseName;
                oData.CurrentCountry  = obj.CurrentCountry;
                oData.CurrentState    = obj.CurrentState;
                oData.CurrentDistrict = obj.CurrentDistrict;
                oData.CurrentLocation = obj.CurrentLocation;
                oData.CurrentAddress  = obj.CurrentAddress;
                oData.NativeCountry   = obj.NativeCountry;
                oData.NativeState     = obj.NativeState;
                oData.NativeDistrict  = obj.NativeDistrict;
                oData.NativeLocation  = obj.NativeLocation;
                oData.NativeAddress   = obj.NativeAddress;
                oData.EmailId         = obj.EmailId;
                oData.FinalEducation  = obj.FinalEducation;
                oData.NoOfChildern    = obj.NoOfChildern;
                oData.ModifiedBy      = obj.ModifiedBy;
                oData.ModifiedOn      = DateTime.Now;
                oData.IsActive        = true;

                oData.UserName = obj.UserName;
                oData.Password = obj.Password;
                oData.Role     = obj.Role;

                //oData.CreatedOn = ;
                //oData.Location = obj.Location;
                //oData.IpAddress = obj.IpAddress;


                result = objEnt.SaveChanges();

Example #11
        public int DeleteRathoreDetail(int rathoreDetailId)
            int result = 0;

            using (RSEntities obj = new RSEntities())
                var oSelect = obj.RS_RathoreDetails.First(i => i.RathoreDetailId == rathoreDetailId);

                result = obj.SaveChanges();

Example #12
        public int DeleteContact(int Id)
            int result = 0;

            using (RSEntities obj = new RSEntities())
                var oSelect = obj.RS_ContactUs.First(i => i.ContactusId == Id);

                result = obj.SaveChanges();

Example #13
        public int DeleteEvent(int Id)
            int result = 0;

            using (RSEntities obj = new RSEntities())
                var oSelect = obj.RS_Event.First(i => i.EventId == Id);

                result = obj.SaveChanges();

Example #14
        public bool CheckRathoreDetailExist(string fullName, DateTime?BirthDate)
            bool isExist = false;

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                var result = ent.RS_RathoreDetails.Where(obj => obj.Name == fullName && obj.DateOfBirth == BirthDate).Count();

                if (result > 0)
                    isExist = true;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the login detail information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int UpdateLoginInfoDetail(LoginModel lm)
            int result = 0;

            using (RSEntities obj = new RSEntities())
                var oData = obj.RS_RathoreDetails.First(i => i.RathoreDetailId == lm.RathoreDetailId);

                oData.LastLogin  = DateTime.Now;
                oData.LoginCount = oData.LoginCount == null ? 1 : oData.LoginCount + 1;
                oData.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;
                oData.ModifiedBy = lm.RathoreDetailId;
                result           = obj.SaveChanges();

Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Checking the login details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LoginModel CheckLoginDetail(LoginModel lm)
            LoginModel result = new LoginModel();

            using (RSEntities obj = new RSEntities())
                result = (from odata in obj.RS_RathoreDetails
                          where odata.UserName == lm.UserName && odata.Password == lm.Password
                          select new LoginModel
                    RathoreDetailId = odata.RathoreDetailId,
                    Name = odata.Name,
                    UserName = odata.UserName,
                    LastLogin = odata.LastLogin,
                    LoginCount = odata.LoginCount,
                    Role = odata.Role

Example #17
        public ContactModel GetContactId(int id)
            ContactModel result = new ContactModel();

            using (RSEntities obj = new RSEntities())
                result = (from odata in obj.RS_ContactUs
                          where odata.ContactusId == id
                          select new ContactModel
                    Name = odata.Name,
                    PhoneNumber = odata.PhoneNumber,
                    EmailId = odata.EmailId,
                    Subject = odata.Subject,
                    Body = odata.Body,
                    Location = odata.Location,
                    IpAddress = odata.IpAddress

Example #18
        public List <ContactModel> GetAllContactDetail()
            List <ContactModel> result = new List <ContactModel>();

            using (RSEntities obj = new RSEntities())
                result = (from odata in obj.RS_ContactUs
                          select new ContactModel
                    ContactusId = odata.ContactusId,
                    Name = odata.Name,
                    PhoneNumber = odata.PhoneNumber,
                    EmailId = odata.EmailId,
                    Subject = odata.Subject,
                    CreatedOn = odata.CreatedOn,
                    Body = odata.Body,
                    Location = odata.Location,
                    IpAddress = odata.IpAddress

Example #19
        public int InsertContact(ContactModel obj)
            int result = 0;

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                RS_ContactUs oData = new RS_ContactUs();
                oData.Name        = obj.Name;
                oData.PhoneNumber = obj.PhoneNumber;
                oData.EmailId     = obj.EmailId;
                oData.Body        = obj.Body;
                oData.Subject     = obj.Subject;
                oData.CreatedOn   = DateTime.Now;
                oData.Location    = obj.Location;
                oData.IpAddress   = obj.IpAddress;


                result = objEnt.SaveChanges();

Example #20
        public RathoreDetailModel GetRathoreDetailId(int rathoreDetailId)
            RathoreDetailModel result = new RathoreDetailModel();

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                result = (from obj in ent.RS_RathoreDetails
                          from CCs in ent.RS_Country.Where(CC => CC.CountryId == obj.CurrentCountry).DefaultIfEmpty()    // <== makes join left join
                          from CSs in ent.RS_State.Where(CS => CS.StateId == obj.CurrentState).DefaultIfEmpty()          // <== makes join left join
                          from CDs in ent.RS_District.Where(CD => CD.DistrictId == obj.CurrentDistrict).DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join
                          from CLs in ent.RS_Location.Where(CL => CL.LocationId == obj.CurrentLocation).DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join

                          from NCs in ent.RS_Country.Where(CC => CC.CountryId == obj.NativeCountry).DefaultIfEmpty()     // <== makes join left join
                          from NSs in ent.RS_State.Where(CS => CS.StateId == obj.NativeState).DefaultIfEmpty()           // <== makes join left join
                          from NDs in ent.RS_District.Where(CD => CD.DistrictId == obj.NativeDistrict).DefaultIfEmpty()  // <== makes join left join
                          from NLs in ent.RS_Location.Where(CL => CL.LocationId == obj.NativeLocation).DefaultIfEmpty()  // <== makes join left join
                          where obj.RathoreDetailId == rathoreDetailId
                          select new RathoreDetailModel
                    RathoreDetailId = obj.RathoreDetailId,
                    Name = obj.Name,
                    FatherName = obj.FatherName,
                    MotherName = obj.MotherName,
                    DateOfBirth = obj.DateOfBirth,
                    PhoneNumber = obj.PhoneNumber,
                    Occupation = obj.Occupation,
                    IsMarried = obj.IsMarried,
                    SpouseName = obj.SpouseName,
                    Gender = obj.gender,

                    CurrentCountry = obj.CurrentCountry,
                    CurrentCountryName = CCs.CountryName,

                    CurrentState = obj.CurrentState,
                    CurrentStateName = CSs.StateName,

                    CurrentDistrict = obj.CurrentDistrict,
                    CurrentDistrictName = CDs.DistrictName,

                    CurrentLocation = obj.CurrentLocation,
                    CurrentLocationName = CLs.LocationName,

                    NativeCountry = obj.NativeCountry,
                    NativeState = obj.NativeState,
                    NativeDistrict = obj.NativeDistrict,
                    NativeLocation = obj.NativeLocation,

                    NativeCountryName = NCs.CountryName,
                    NativeStateName = NSs.StateName,
                    NativeDistrictName = NDs.DistrictName,
                    NativeLocationName = NLs.LocationName,

                    UserName = obj.UserName,
                    Password = obj.Password,
                    Role = obj.Role,

                    CurrentAddress = obj.CurrentAddress,
                    NativeAddress = obj.NativeAddress,
                    EmailId = obj.EmailId,
                    FinalEducation = obj.FinalEducation,
                    NoOfChildern = obj.NoOfChildern,
                    ModifiedBy = obj.ModifiedBy,

Example #21
        public ActionResult com_login()
            RSEntities db     = new RSEntities();
            string     status = "";
            Commander  Comer  = new Commander();

            #region مقدارهای اولیه
            int    User_id;
            string IP = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;

            string direct_url = "";

            { direct_url = Request.UrlReferrer.Host; }
            catch (Exception) { }

            string password = Request.Form["val44"];
            string username = Request.Form["val67"];
            string language = Request.Form["val89"];

            bool Check_Has_User = Comer.Has_Username_Login(username, password, out User_id);

                if (Check_Has_User)
                    RS_Account UserInfo = db.RS_Account.Single(u => u.Account_Id == User_id);

                    ///============    دستور بهینه شده اطلاعات ورود    =============///
                    account_manage user_mgr = new account_manage();
                    Response.Cookies.Add(user_mgr.Login_HttpCookie(IP, UserInfo.RS_AccountInfo.AccountInfo_FirstName, UserInfo.RS_AccountInfo.AccountInfo_LastName, UserInfo.Account_Username, User_id, 72, UserInfo.RS_Language.Language_Iso));

                    FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, username, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1), true,
                                                                                     UserInfo.Account_RoleId.ToString(), FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);

                    string     hash   = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
                    HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hash);

                    if (ticket.IsPersistent)
                        cookie.Expires = ticket.Expiration;

                    //Navid : 2018-06-11 : Cooki Language :
                    Response.Cookies["langName"].Value = language;

                    string returnUrl = Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"];
                    if (returnUrl == null)
                        returnUrl = "/";

                    status = "welcome";
                    status = "noUser";
            catch (Exception ex)
                status = ex.Message;

            ContentResult ctr_result = new ContentResult();
            bool          Bl         = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
            string        str        = User.Identity.Name;
            ctr_result.Content = status;
Example #22
        public List <RathoreDetailModel> GetAllRathoreDetail()
            List <RathoreDetailModel> result = new List <RathoreDetailModel>();

            using (RSEntities ent = new RSEntities())
                ////result = (from obj in ent.RS_RathoreDetails
                ////          from CCs in ent.RS_Country.Where(CC => CC.CountryId == obj.CurrentCountry).DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join
                ////          join CC in ent.RS_Country on obj.CurrentCountry equals CC.CountryId into ps
                ////          from CC in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
                ////          join CS in ent.RS_State on obj.CurrentState equals CS.StateId
                ////          join CD in ent.RS_District on obj.CurrentDistrict equals CD.DistrictId
                ////          join CL in ent.RS_Location on obj.CurrentLocation equals CL.LocationId

                ////          //join NC in ent.RS_Country on obj.CurrentCountry equals CC.CountryId
                ////          //join CS in ent.RS_State on obj.CurrentState equals CS.StateId
                ////          //join CD in ent.RS_District on obj.CurrentDistrict equals CD.DistrictId
                ////          //join CL in ent.RS_Location on obj.CurrentLocation equals CL.LocationId

                result = (from obj in ent.RS_RathoreDetails
                          from CCs in ent.RS_Country.Where(CC => CC.CountryId == obj.CurrentCountry).DefaultIfEmpty()    // <== makes join left join
                          from CSs in ent.RS_State.Where(CS => CS.StateId == obj.CurrentState).DefaultIfEmpty()          // <== makes join left join
                          from CDs in ent.RS_District.Where(CD => CD.DistrictId == obj.CurrentDistrict).DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join
                          from CLs in ent.RS_Location.Where(CL => CL.LocationId == obj.CurrentLocation).DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join

                          from NCs in ent.RS_Country.Where(CC => CC.CountryId == obj.NativeCountry).DefaultIfEmpty()     // <== makes join left join
                          from NSs in ent.RS_State.Where(CS => CS.StateId == obj.NativeState).DefaultIfEmpty()           // <== makes join left join
                          from NDs in ent.RS_District.Where(CD => CD.DistrictId == obj.NativeDistrict).DefaultIfEmpty()  // <== makes join left join
                          from NLs in ent.RS_Location.Where(CL => CL.LocationId == obj.NativeLocation).DefaultIfEmpty()  // <== makes join left join

                          select new RathoreDetailModel
                    RathoreDetailId = obj.RathoreDetailId,
                    Name = obj.Name,
                    FatherName = obj.FatherName,
                    MotherName = obj.MotherName,
                    DateOfBirth = obj.DateOfBirth,
                    PhoneNumber = obj.PhoneNumber,
                    Occupation = obj.Occupation,
                    IsMarried = obj.IsMarried,
                    SpouseName = obj.SpouseName,

                    Gender = obj.gender,
                    CurrentCountry = obj.CurrentCountry,
                    CurrentCountryName = CCs.CountryName,

                    CurrentState = obj.CurrentState,
                    CurrentStateName = CSs.StateName,

                    CurrentDistrict = obj.CurrentDistrict,
                    CurrentDistrictName = CDs.DistrictName,

                    CurrentLocation = obj.CurrentLocation,
                    CurrentLocationName = CLs.LocationName,

                    NativeCountry = obj.NativeCountry,
                    NativeState = obj.NativeState,
                    NativeDistrict = obj.NativeDistrict,
                    NativeLocation = obj.NativeLocation,

                    NativeCountryName = NCs.CountryName,
                    NativeStateName = NSs.StateName,
                    NativeDistrictName = NDs.DistrictName,
                    NativeLocationName = NLs.LocationName,

                    CurrentAddress = obj.CurrentAddress,
                    NativeAddress = obj.NativeAddress,
                    EmailId = obj.EmailId,
                    FinalEducation = obj.FinalEducation,
                    NoOfChildern = obj.NoOfChildern,
                    ModifiedBy = obj.ModifiedBy,

Example #23
        private RathoreDetailModel CheckForNativeLocationDetail(ref RathoreDetailModel result, RathoreDetailModel obj)
            RS_Country  NativeCountryResult  = new RS_Country();
            RS_State    NativeStateResult    = new RS_State();
            RS_District NativeDistrictResult = new RS_District();
            RS_Location NativeLocationResult = new RS_Location();

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                if (obj.NativeCountryName.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    //// Checking that current inserted country is present or not
                    var CurrentCountry = objEnt.RS_Country.Where(o => o.CountryName.Trim().ToUpper() == obj.NativeCountryName.Trim().ToUpper());

                    if (CurrentCountry.Count() > 0)
                        NativeCountryResult = CurrentCountry.FirstOrDefault();
                        RS_Country oData = new RS_Country();
                        oData.CountryName = obj.NativeCountryName;
                        oData.CreatedOn   = DateTime.Now;
                        oData.CreatedBy   = obj.CreatedBy;
                        NativeCountryResult   = oData;
                        result.CurrentCountry = NativeCountryResult.CountryId;

                result.NativeCountry = NativeCountryResult != null && NativeCountryResult.CountryId != 0 ? NativeCountryResult.CountryId : (int?)null;

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                if (obj.NativeStateName.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    /// Checking for current state is present or nor
                    var CurrentState = objEnt.RS_State.Where(o => o.StateName.Trim().ToUpper() == obj.NativeStateName.Trim().ToUpper());

                    if (CurrentState.Count() > 0)
                        NativeStateResult = CurrentState.FirstOrDefault();
                        RS_State oData = new RS_State();
                        oData.CountryId = NativeCountryResult.CountryId;
                        oData.StateName = obj.NativeStateName;
                        oData.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                        oData.CreatedBy = obj.CreatedBy;
                        NativeStateResult = oData;

                result.NativeState = NativeStateResult != null && NativeStateResult.StateId != 0 ? NativeStateResult.StateId : (int?)null;

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                if (obj.NativeDistrictName.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    /// Checking for current district present or not
                    var CurrentDistrict = objEnt.RS_District.Where(o => o.DistrictName.Trim().ToUpper() == obj.NativeDistrictName.Trim().ToUpper());

                    if (CurrentDistrict.Count() > 0)
                        NativeDistrictResult = CurrentDistrict.FirstOrDefault();
                        RS_District oData = new RS_District();
                        oData.DistrictName = obj.NativeDistrictName;
                        oData.StateId      = NativeStateResult.StateId;
                        oData.CreatedOn    = DateTime.Now;
                        oData.CreatedBy    = obj.CreatedBy;
                        NativeDistrictResult = oData;

                result.NativeDistrict = NativeDistrictResult != null && NativeDistrictResult.DistrictId != 0 ? NativeDistrictResult.DistrictId : (int?)null;

            using (RSEntities objEnt = new RSEntities())
                if (obj.NativeLocationName.Trim() != string.Empty)
                    /// Checking for current location present or not
                    var CurrentLocation = objEnt.RS_Location.Where(o => o.LocationName.Trim().ToUpper() == obj.NativeLocationName.Trim().ToUpper());

                    if (CurrentLocation.Count() > 0)
                        NativeLocationResult = CurrentLocation.FirstOrDefault();
                        RS_Location oData = new RS_Location();
                        oData.LocationName = obj.NativeLocationName;
                        oData.DistrictId   = NativeDistrictResult.DistrictId;
                        oData.CreatedOn    = DateTime.Now;
                        oData.CreatedBy    = obj.CreatedBy;
                        NativeLocationResult = oData;

                result.NativeLocation = NativeLocationResult != null && NativeLocationResult.LocationId != 0 ? NativeLocationResult.LocationId : (int?)null;
