Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure the aligner is supported
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aligner"></param>
        public static string GetAlignerOption(string spritzDirectory, RSEMAlignerOption aligner)
            if (aligner == RSEMAlignerOption.Bowtie1)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Use of Bowtie1 is not supported. Use STAR or Bowtie2 instead.");
            string alignerOption = aligner == RSEMAlignerOption.STAR ? "--star" : // STAR is in the path, now
                                   aligner == RSEMAlignerOption.Bowtie2 ? "--bowtie2 --bowtie2-path " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(TopHatWrapper.GetBowtie2DirectoryPath(spritzDirectory)) :

Example #2
 public TranscriptQuantificationParameters(string spritzDirectory, string analysisDirectory, string referenceFastaPath, int threads, string geneModelPath,
                                           RSEMAlignerOption aligner, Strandedness strandedness, string[] fastq, bool doOutputBam)
     SpritzDirectory    = spritzDirectory;
     AnalysisDirectory  = analysisDirectory;
     ReferenceFastaPath = referenceFastaPath;
     Threads            = threads;
     GeneModelPath      = geneModelPath;
     Aligner            = aligner;
     Strandedness       = strandedness;
     Fastq = fastq;
     DoOutputQuantificationBam = doOutputBam;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets commands to calculate expression an RSEM reference
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spritzDirectory"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <string> CalculateExpressionCommands(string spritzDirectory, string referencePrefix, int threads, RSEMAlignerOption aligner, Strandedness strandedness,
                                                         string[] fastqPaths, bool doOuptutBam)
            if (fastqPaths.Length < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No fastq files were given for RSEM calculate expression.");
            if (fastqPaths.Length > 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Too many fastq file types given for RSEM calculate expression.");

            List <string> scriptCommands = new List <string>
                "cd RSEM-1.3.0",

            string[] analysisFastqPaths = fastqPaths;
            string   alignerOption      = GetAlignerOption(spritzDirectory, aligner);
            string   threadOption       = "--num-threads " + threads.ToString();
            string   strandOption       = "--strandedness " + strandedness.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

            // Decompress files if needed
            // The '--star-gzipped-read-file' and '--star-bzipped-read-file' options work, but then the rest of RSEM doesn't when using compressed files...
            bool fastqIsGunzipped = analysisFastqPaths[0].EndsWith("gz");
            bool fastqIsBunzipped = analysisFastqPaths[0].EndsWith("bz2") || analysisFastqPaths[0].EndsWith("bz");

            if (fastqIsGunzipped || fastqIsBunzipped)
                for (int i = 0; i < analysisFastqPaths.Length; i++)
                    string decompressionCommand = fastqIsGunzipped ? "gunzip" : "bunzip2";
                    scriptCommands.Add($"{decompressionCommand} --keep {WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(analysisFastqPaths[i])}");
                    analysisFastqPaths[i] = Path.ChangeExtension(analysisFastqPaths[i], null);

            string inputOption = analysisFastqPaths.Length == 1 ? string.Join(",", analysisFastqPaths[0].Split(',').Select(f => WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(f))) :
                                 "--paired-end " +
                                 string.Join(",", analysisFastqPaths[0].Split(',').Select(f => WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(f))) +
                                 " " +
                                 string.Join(",", analysisFastqPaths[1].Split(',').Select(f => WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(f)));

            var    megabytes = Math.Floor((double)Process.GetCurrentProcess().VirtualMemorySize64 / 1000000);
            string bamOption = doOuptutBam ? "--output-genome-bam" : "--no-bam-output";

            OutputPrefix = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(analysisFastqPaths[0].Split(',')[0]),
                                        Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(analysisFastqPaths[0].Split(',')[0]) +
                                        "_" + Path.GetExtension(analysisFastqPaths[0].Split(',')[0]).Substring(1).ToUpperInvariant() +

            // RSEM likes to sort the transcript.bam file, which takes forever and isn't very useful, I've found. Just sort the genome.bam file instead
            string samtoolsCommands = !doOuptutBam ?
                                      "" :
                                      "if [[ ! -f " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(OutputPrefix + GenomeSortedBamSuffix) + " && ! -s " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(OutputPrefix + GenomeSortedBamSuffix) + " ]]; then\n" +
                                      "  " + SamtoolsWrapper.SortBam(OutputPrefix + GenomeBamSuffix, threads) + "\n" +
                                      "  " + SamtoolsWrapper.IndexBamCommand(OutputPrefix + GenomeSortedBamSuffix) + "\n" +

            // construct the commands
            scriptCommands.AddRange(new List <string>
                "if [[ ! -f " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(OutputPrefix + IsoformResultsSuffix) + " && ! -s " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(OutputPrefix + IsoformResultsSuffix) + " ]]; then " +
                "./rsem-calculate-expression " +
                "--time " +         // include timed results
                "--calc-ci " +      // posterior calculation of 95% confidence intervals
                alignerOption + " " +
                threadOption + " " +
                bamOption + " " +
                inputOption + " " +
                WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(referencePrefix) + " " +
                WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(OutputPrefix) +
                "; fi",
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets commands to prepare an RSEM reference
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spritzDirectory"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceFastaPath"></param>
        /// <param name="referencePrefix"></param>
        /// <param name="threads"></param>
        /// <param name="geneModelPath"></param>
        /// <param name="aligner"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <string> PrepareReferenceCommands(string spritzDirectory, string referenceFastaPath, int threads, string geneModelPath, RSEMAlignerOption aligner)
            // make option strings, including putting reference files into a new directory
            string alignerOption            = GetAlignerOption(spritzDirectory, aligner);
            string threadOption             = "--num-threads " + threads.ToString();
            string referencePrefixDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(referenceFastaPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(referenceFastaPath)) +
                                              (aligner == RSEMAlignerOption.STAR ? "RsemStarReference" : "RsemBowtieReference") +
                                              "_" + Path.GetExtension(geneModelPath).Substring(1).ToUpperInvariant() + geneModelPath.GetHashCode().ToString();

            ReferenceIndexPrefix = Path.Combine(referencePrefixDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(referenceFastaPath));
            string geneModelOption = Path.GetExtension(geneModelPath).StartsWith(".gff") ? "--gff3 " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(geneModelPath) :
                                     Path.GetExtension(geneModelPath) == ".gtf" ? "--gtf " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(geneModelPath) :

            // construct the commands
            var scriptStrings = new List <string>
                "cd RSEM-1.3.0",
                "mkdir " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(referencePrefixDirectory),
                "if [[ ! -f " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(Path.Combine(referencePrefixDirectory, "SA")) + " && ! -s " + WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(Path.Combine(referencePrefixDirectory, "SA")) + " ]]; then " +
                "./rsem-prepare-reference " +
                geneModelOption + " " +
                alignerOption + " " +
                threadOption + " " +
                WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(referenceFastaPath) + " " +
                WrapperUtility.ConvertWindowsPath(ReferenceIndexPrefix) +
                "; fi"
