Example #1
    void CalculateArrangeRectVertically(RPNode node, out double y, out double height)
        Rect   measureRect   = node.m_measureRect;
        double desiredHeight = Math.Min(measureRect.Height, node.GetDesiredHeight());

        MUX_ASSERT(node.IsMeasured() && (measureRect.Height != double.PositiveInfinity));

        // The initial values correspond to the top corner, using the
        // desired size of element. If no attached properties were set,
        // this means that the element will default to the top corner of
        // the panel.
        y      = measureRect.Y;
        height = desiredHeight;

        if (node.IsTopAnchored())
            if (node.IsBottomAnchored())
                y      = measureRect.Y;
                height = measureRect.Height;
                y      = measureRect.Y;
                height = desiredHeight;
        else if (node.IsBottomAnchored())
            y      = measureRect.Y + measureRect.Height - desiredHeight;
            height = desiredHeight;
        else if (node.IsVerticalCenterAnchored())
            y      = measureRect.Y + (measureRect.Height / 2.0f) - (desiredHeight / 2.0f);
            height = desiredHeight;
Example #2
    void CalculateArrangeRectHorizontally(RPNode node, out double x, out double width)
        Rect   measureRect  = node.m_measureRect;
        double desiredWidth = Math.Min(measureRect.Width, node.GetDesiredWidth());

        MUX_ASSERT(node.IsMeasured() && (measureRect.Width != double.PositiveInfinity));

        // The initial values correspond to the left corner, using the
        // desired size of element. If no attached properties were set,
        // this means that the element will default to the left corner of
        // the panel.
        x     = measureRect.X;
        width = desiredWidth;

        if (node.IsLeftAnchored())
            if (node.IsRightAnchored())
                x     = measureRect.X;
                width = measureRect.Width;
                x     = measureRect.X;
                width = desiredWidth;
        else if (node.IsRightAnchored())
            x     = measureRect.X + measureRect.Width - desiredWidth;
            width = desiredWidth;
        else if (node.IsHorizontalCenterAnchored())
            x     = measureRect.X + (measureRect.Width / 2.0f) - (desiredWidth / 2.0f);
            width = desiredWidth;
Example #3
    void AccumulateNegativeDesiredHeight(RPNode node, double y)
        double initialY = y;
        bool   isVerticallyCenteredFromTop    = false;
        bool   isVerticallyCenteredFromBottom = false;


        // If we are going in the negative direction, move the cursor
        // down by the desired height of the node with which we are
        // currently working and refresh the minimum negative value.
        y     -= node.GetDesiredHeight();
        m_minY = Math.Min(m_minY, y);

        if (node.IsAlignBottomWithPanel())
            if (!m_isMinCapped)
                m_minY        = y;
                m_isMinCapped = true;
        else if (node.IsAlignBottomWith())
            // If the AlignBottomWithNode and AlignTopWithNode are the
            // same element, we can skip the former, since we will move
            // through the latter later.
            if (node.m_alignBottomWithNode != node.m_alignTopWithNode)
                AccumulatePositiveDesiredHeight(node.m_alignBottomWithNode, y);
        else if (node.IsAlignVerticalCenterWith())
            isVerticallyCenteredFromBottom = true;
        else if (node.IsAbove())
            AccumulateNegativeDesiredHeight(node.m_aboveNode, y);

        if (node.IsAlignTopWithPanel())
            if (m_isMaxCapped)
                m_maxY = Math.Max(m_maxY, initialY);
                m_maxY        = initialY;
                m_isMaxCapped = true;
        else if (node.IsAlignTopWith())
            // If this element's top is aligned to some other element's
            // top, now we will be going in the negative direction to
            // that other element in order to continue the traversal of
            // the dependency chain. But first, since we arrived to the
            // node where we currently are by going in the negative
            // direction, that means that we have already moved the
            // cursor down to calculate the minimum negative value,
            // so we will use the initial value of Y.
            AccumulateNegativeDesiredHeight(node.m_alignTopWithNode, initialY);
        else if (node.IsAlignVerticalCenterWith())
            isVerticallyCenteredFromTop = true;
        else if (node.IsBelow())
            // If this element is below some other element, now we'll
            // be going in the positive direction to that other element
            // in order to continue the traversal of the dependency
            // chain. But first, since we arrived to the node where we
            // currently are by going in the negative direction, that
            // means that we have already moved the cursor down to
            // calculate the minimum negative value, so we will use
            // the initial value of Y.
            AccumulatePositiveDesiredHeight(node.m_belowNode, initialY);

        if (isVerticallyCenteredFromTop && isVerticallyCenteredFromBottom)
            double centerY = y + (node.GetDesiredHeight() / 2.0f);
            double edgeY   = centerY + (node.m_alignVerticalCenterWithNode.GetDesiredHeight() / 2.0f);
            m_maxY = Math.Max(m_maxY, edgeY);
            AccumulateNegativeDesiredHeight(node.m_alignVerticalCenterWithNode, edgeY);
        else if (node.IsVerticalCenterAnchored())
            // If this node is vertically anchored to the center, then it
            // means that it is the root of this dependency chain based on
            // the current definition of precedence for raints:
            // e.g. AlignTopWithPanel
            // > AlignTopWith
            // > Below
            // > AlignVerticalCenterWithPanel
            // Thus, we can report its height as twice the height of
            // either the difference from center to top or the difference
            // from center to bottom, whichever is the greatest.
            double centerY = y + (node.GetDesiredHeight() / 2.0f);
            double upper   = m_maxY - centerY;
            double lower   = centerY - m_minY;
            m_maxY = Math.Max(upper, lower) * 2.0f;
            m_minY = 0.0f;
Example #4
    private void AccumulateNegativeDesiredWidth(RPNode node, double x)
        double initialX = x;
        bool   isHorizontallyCenteredFromLeft  = false;
        bool   isHorizontallyCenteredFromRight = false;


        // If we are going in the negative direction, move the cursor
        // left by the desired width of the node with which we are
        // currently working and refresh the minimum negative value.
        x     -= node.GetDesiredWidth();
        m_minX = Math.Min(m_minX, x);

        if (node.IsAlignRightWithPanel())
            if (!m_isMinCapped)
                m_minX        = x;
                m_isMinCapped = true;
        else if (node.IsAlignRightWith())
            // If the AlignRightWithNode and AlignLeftWithNode are the
            // same element, we can skip the former, since we will move
            // through the latter later.
            if (node.m_alignRightWithNode != node.m_alignLeftWithNode)
                AccumulatePositiveDesiredWidth(node.m_alignRightWithNode, x);
        else if (node.IsAlignHorizontalCenterWith())
            isHorizontallyCenteredFromRight = true;
        else if (node.IsLeftOf())
            AccumulateNegativeDesiredWidth(node.m_leftOfNode, x);

        if (node.IsAlignLeftWithPanel())
            if (m_isMaxCapped)
                m_maxX = Math.Max(m_maxX, initialX);
                m_maxX        = initialX;
                m_isMaxCapped = true;
        else if (node.IsAlignLeftWith())
            // If this element's left is aligned to some other element's
            // left, now we will be going in the negative direction to
            // that other element in order to continue the traversal of
            // the dependency chain. But first, since we arrived to the
            // node where we currently are by going in the negative
            // direction, that means that we have already moved the
            // cursor left to calculate the minimum negative value,
            // so we will use the initial value of X.
            AccumulateNegativeDesiredWidth(node.m_alignLeftWithNode, initialX);
        else if (node.IsAlignHorizontalCenterWith())
            isHorizontallyCenteredFromLeft = true;
        else if (node.IsRightOf())
            // If this element is to the right of some other element,
            // now we will be going in the positive direction to that
            // other element in order to continue the traversal of the
            // dependency chain. But first, since we arrived to the
            // node where we currently are by going in the negative
            // direction, that means that we have already moved the
            // cursor left to calculate the minimum negative value, so
            // we will use the initial value of X.
            AccumulatePositiveDesiredWidth(node.m_rightOfNode, initialX);

        if (isHorizontallyCenteredFromLeft && isHorizontallyCenteredFromRight)
            double centerX = x + (node.GetDesiredWidth() / 2.0f);
            double edgeX   = centerX + (node.m_alignHorizontalCenterWithNode.GetDesiredWidth() / 2.0f);
            m_maxX = Math.Max(m_maxX, edgeX);
            AccumulateNegativeDesiredWidth(node.m_alignHorizontalCenterWithNode, edgeX);
        else if (node.IsHorizontalCenterAnchored())
            // If this node is horizontally anchored to the center, then it
            // means that it is the root of this dependency chain based on
            // the current definition of precedence for raints:
            // e.g. AlignLeftWithPanel
            // > AlignLeftWith
            // > RightOf
            // > AlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel
            // Thus, we can report its width as twice the width of
            // either the difference from center to left or the difference
            // from center to right, whichever is the greatest.
            double centerX = x + (node.GetDesiredWidth() / 2.0f);
            double upper   = m_maxX - centerX;
            double lower   = centerX - m_minX;
            m_maxX = Math.Max(upper, lower) * 2.0f;
            m_minX = 0.0f;