/// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Consubmable component
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="potency">The strength of the item's effect. A value of 0 is used for effects that don't get multiplied</param>
 /// <param name="duration">The duration of the effect in seconds. A value of 0 is instantaneous</param>
 /// <param name="useCount">How many times can this be used before being spent</param>
 public ConsumableComponent(RPGStatsComponent.StatsEffect effect, int potency, float duration = 0, int useCount = 1)
     Effect        = effect;
     Potency       = potency;
     Duration      = duration;
     this.useCount = useCount;
        public MiscItem GenerateRandomMiscItem()
            string   name     = $"{adjectives[Random.Get(0, adjectives.Length)]} {nouns[Random.Get(0, nouns.Length)]}";
            int      cost     = Random.Get(1, MAX_COST);
            int      quantity = Random.Get(1, MAX_QUANTITY);
            MiscItem item     = new MiscItem(name, cost, quantity);

            if (CHANCE_OF_CONSUMABLE >= Random.Get(0.0f, 1.0f))
                StatsEffect effect = (StatsEffect)Random.Get(0, RPGStatsComponent.StatsEffectCount);
                item.AddComponent(new ConsumableComponent(effect, Random.Get(-MAX_POTENCY, MAX_POTENCY)));
