private void RPCClient_ReadyForSendingCommands(object sender, EventArgs e) { Log("Ready for sending commands..."); Log("Trying to authenticate as SuperAdmin..."); GenericResponse <bool> authResponse = RPCClient.Methods.Authenticate("SuperAdmin", ServerInfo.SuperAdminPassword); if (!authResponse.Erroneous && authResponse.Value) { Log("Authentication successfull!"); Log("Trying to enable callbacks..."); GenericResponse <bool> enableCallbacksResponse = RPCClient.Methods.EnableCallbacks(true); if (!enableCallbacksResponse.Erroneous && enableCallbacksResponse.Value) { Log("Callbacks enabled successfully!"); Action doWork = OnDoWork; Dispatcher.Invoke(doWork, null); } else { Log("Could not enable callbacks!"); RPCClient.Disconnect(); } } else { Log("Authentication failed!"); RPCClient.Disconnect(); } }
private void CloseInternal() { DetachEvents(); if (RPCClient.IsConnected) { RPCClient.Disconnect(); } if (Close != null) { Close(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }