/// <summary> /// 静态生成频道封面 /// </summary> /// <param name="IndexModels"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool StaticChannel(int Type) { try { string ChannelUrl = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetStaticChannel(Type, 0); if (ChannelUrl == null) { return(false); } //2013-08-07修复BUG Thread.Sleep(200);//暂停0.5秒 string ChannelD = new IndexDate().GetChannelDate(Type); if (ChannelD == null) { return(false); } GRoot(ChannelUrl);//创建目录 return(ROYcms.Common.SystemCms.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ChannelUrl), ChannelD, IndexDate.EncodIng)); } catch { new ROYcms.Sys.BLL.ROYcms_Log().InsertSystemLog("5", "静态生成频道失败", "静态生成频道失败");//写入日志 return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 静态生成文章 /// </summary> /// <param name="IndexModels"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool StaticArticle(int Id) { try { string ArticleUrl = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetStaticArticle(Id); if (ArticleUrl == null) { return(false); } //2013-08-07修复BUG Thread.Sleep(200);//暂停0.5秒 string ArticleD = new IndexDate().GetArticleDate(Id); if (ArticleD == null) { return(false); } GRoot(ArticleUrl);//创建目录 return(ROYcms.Common.SystemCms.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ArticleUrl), ArticleD, IndexDate.EncodIng)); } catch { new ROYcms.Sys.BLL.ROYcms_Log().InsertSystemLog("5", "静态生成文章失败", "静态生成文章失败");//写入日志 return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 静态生成频道的列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="IndexModels"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool StaticChannelList(int Type, int page) { try { bool e = false; if (page > 0) { //2013-07-27修复BUG i = 1 for (int i = 1; i < page; i++) { //2013-08-07修复BUG Thread.Sleep(200);//暂停0.5秒 string ChannelListUrl = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetStaticChannel(Type, 1); //2013-07-27修复BUG if (ChannelListUrl == null) { return(false); } ChannelListUrl = ChannelListUrl.ToLower().Replace("{page}", i.ToString());//替换参数 string ChannelListD = new IndexDate().GetChannelListDate(Type, i); //2013-07-27修复BUG if (ChannelListD == null) { return(false); } GRoot(ChannelListUrl);//创建目录 e = ROYcms.Common.SystemCms.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ChannelListUrl), ChannelListD, IndexDate.EncodIng); } } return(e); } catch { new ROYcms.Sys.BLL.ROYcms_Log().InsertSystemLog("5", "静态生成频道的列表失败", "静态生成频道的列表失败");//写入日志 return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 静态生成首页 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool StaticI() { try { string IndexUrl = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetStaticIndex(); if (IndexUrl == null) { return(false); } //2013-08-07修复BUG Thread.Sleep(200);//暂停0.5秒 string IndexD = new IndexDate().IDate(); if (IndexD == null) { return(false); } return(ROYcms.Common.SystemCms.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(IndexUrl), IndexD, IndexDate.EncodIng)); } catch { new ROYcms.Sys.BLL.ROYcms_Log().InsertSystemLog("5", "静态生成首页失败", "静态生成首页失败");//写入日志 return(false); } }
protected override void OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) { string Strs = null; if (this.Tag != null)//Tag标签 { Strs += "tag like '%" + this.Tag + "%' AND "; } if (this.Switchs != null)//审核状态 { Strs += "Switchs = " + this.Switchs + " AND "; } if (this.Ding != null)//置顶状态 { Strs += "Ding = " + this.Ding + " AND "; } if (this.Tuijian != null)//推荐状态 { Strs += "Tuijian = " + this.Tuijian + " AND "; } if (this.Type != null) //Class分类ID标识 { if (this.Son != null) //是否包含子类内容 { Strs += " classname in (" + new SQLSplitJoint().ClassWheres(this.Type) + ") AND "; } else if (this.Type.Contains("|")) { Strs += new SQLSplitJoint().Wheres(this.Type, "classname") + " AND "; } else { Strs += "classname='" + this.Type + "' AND "; } } if (this.ClassKind != null)//ClassKind标识 { Strs += "type='" + this.ClassKind + "' AND "; } Strs += "bh>-1 "; if (this.StrWhere != null) //自定义SQL查询条件 { Strs = this.StrWhere; } if (this.SQL != null) //自定义SQL语句 { Strs = this.SQL; } DataSet DS = this.NewBll.GetList(Top, Strs, this.FiledOrder); if ((!this.Type.Contains("|")) && this.Type != null) { //获取智能表单的数据 string[] TableLists = null; TableLists = this.CustomBll.GetTableList(Convert.ToInt32(this.Type)); //增加几列 文章链接、栏目名称、栏目链接 if (DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ShowLink", typeof(System.String)); //添加一列数据 文章链接 DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ChannelName", typeof(System.String)); //添加一列数据 栏目名称 DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ChannelLink", typeof(System.String)); //添加一列数据 栏目链接 DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ChannelListLink", typeof(System.String)); //添加一列数据 栏目链接2 if (TableLists != null) { for (int i = 0; i < TableLists.Length; i++) { DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add(TableLists[i], typeof(System.String));//添加一列数据 } } foreach (DataRow Dr in DS.Tables[0].Rows) { Dr["ShowLink"] = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetArticle(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["bh"])); Dr["ChannelName"] = this.ClassBll.GetClassField(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["classname"]), "ClassName"); Dr["ChannelLink"] = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetChannel(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["classname"]), 0); Dr["ChannelListLink"] = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetChannel(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["classname"]), 1); if (TableLists != null) { for (int i = 0; i < TableLists.Length; i++) { Dr[TableLists[i]] = this.CustomBll.GetVal(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["bh"]), Convert.ToInt32(Dr["classname"]), TableLists[i]); //赋值 Dr["bh"] Dr["classname"] } } } } } dataSource = (IList)(new DataView(((DataSet)(DS)).Tables[0])); base.DataSource = dataSource; intItemCount = dataSource.Count; base.OnDataBinding(e); }
protected override void OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) { string Strs = null; // int Count; DataSet DS = null; //Tag标签 if (this.Tag != null) { Strs += "tag like '%" + this.Tag + "%' and "; } //审核状态 if (this.Switchs != null) { Strs += "Switchs = " + this.Switchs + " and "; } //置顶状态 if (this.Ding != null) { Strs += "Ding = " + this.Ding + " and "; } //推荐状态 if (this.Tuijian != null) { Strs += "Tuijian = " + this.Tuijian + " and "; } //Class分类ID标识 if (this.Type != null) { //是否包含子类内容 if (this.Son != null) { Strs += " classname in (" + ClassWheres() + ") and "; } else { Strs += "classname='" + this.Type + "' and "; } } //ClassKind标识 if (this.ClassKind != null) { Strs += "type='" + this.ClassKind + "' and "; } if (Strs.EndsWith("and ")) { Strs = Strs.Remove(Strs.LastIndexOf("and"), 4); } //自定义SQL查询条件 if (this.StrWhere != null) { Strs = this.StrWhere; } //自定义SQL语句 if (this.SQL != null) { Strs = this.SQL; } DS = new ROYcms.Sys.BLL.ROYcms_news().GetList(this.PageSize, Convert.ToInt32(this.CurrentPageIndex), Strs, 1, "TIME"); //增加几列 文章链接、栏目名称、栏目链接 if (DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ShowLink", typeof(System.String)); //添加一列数据 文章链接 DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ChannelName", typeof(System.String)); //添加一列数据 栏目名称 DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ChannelLink", typeof(System.String)); //添加一列数据 栏目链接 DS.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ChannelListLink", typeof(System.String)); //添加一列数据 栏目链接2 foreach (DataRow Dr in DS.Tables[0].Rows) { Dr["ShowLink"] = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetArticle(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["bh"])); Dr["ChannelName"] = this.ClassBll.GetClassField(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["classname"]), "ClassName"); Dr["ChannelLink"] = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetChannel(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["classname"]), 0); Dr["ChannelListLink"] = new ROYcms.Templet.GetMyUrl().GetChannel(Convert.ToInt32(Dr["classname"]), 1); } } DataView dv = new DataView(); dv.Table = DS.Tables[0]; dv.Sort = this.FiledOrder; dataSource = (IList)dv; intItemCount = new ROYcms.Sys.BLL.ROYcms_news().GetCount(Strs); if (CurrentPageIndex != "1") { this.RealSource = true; } if (this.RealSource) //数据源已分页 { base.DataSource = dataSource; } else//数据源未分页 { int start = (Convert.ToInt32(intCurrentPage) - 1) * intPageSize; int size = Math.Min(intPageSize, intItemCount - start); IList list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { list.Add(dataSource[start + i]); } base.DataSource = list; } base.OnDataBinding(e); }