public ActionResult RetryError(string dp, string returnUrl = null) { try { using (var rfService = new RFServiceClient()) { RFProcessingTrackerHandle trackerKey = null; trackerKey = rfService.RFService.RetryError(dp, new RFUserLogEntry { Action = "Retry", Description = String.Format("Retried error on process {0}", dp), IsUserAction = true, IsWarning = false, Username = Username }); AddModelToCache(trackerKey.TrackerCode, new ProcessingModel { Tracker = trackerKey, ProcessingKey = trackerKey.TrackerCode, FileKey = string.Empty, FileName = String.Format("Retry Error for {0}", dp), FileSize = 0, ReturnUrl = returnUrl }); return(RedirectToAction("ProcessingStatus", new { processKey = trackerKey.TrackerCode })); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(this, "RetryError", ex); return(Error("Index", "Home", null, "Error retrying error process: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public RFProcessingTracker GetProcessStatus(RFProcessingTrackerHandle trackerHandle) { try { Log.Debug(this, "GetProcessStatus {0}", trackerHandle.TrackerCode); LogRequest(); RFProcessingTracker tracker = null; lock (_sync) { _trackers.TryGetValue(trackerHandle.TrackerCode, out tracker); if (tracker == null) { Log.Warning(this, "Unable to find tracker for {0}; current cache size {1}", trackerHandle.TrackerCode, _trackers.Count); } } return(tracker); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(this, "GetProcessStatus", ex); var tracker = new RFProcessingTracker(trackerHandle.TrackerCode); tracker.CycleFinished("dummy", RFProcessingResult.Error(new string[] { ex.Message }, false)); tracker.SetComplete(); return(tracker); } }
public ActionResult TrackProcess(RFProcessingTrackerHandle handle, string continueAction, string continueController, object routeValues) { ProcessController.SubmitModel(new Models.IO.ProcessingModel { Tracker = handle, ProcessingKey = handle.TrackerCode, ReturnAction = continueAction, ReturnController = continueController, ReturnValues = routeValues }); return(RedirectToAction("ProcessingStatus", "Process", new { area = "", processKey = handle.TrackerCode })); }
public ActionResult RunProcess(bool isGraph, string processName, string instanceName, RFDate?instanceDate, string returnUrl = null) { try { var graphInstance = /*isGraph ? */ new RFGraphInstance { Name = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instanceName) ? RFGraphInstance.DEFAULT_INSTANCE : instanceName, ValueDate = instanceDate.HasValue ? instanceDate.Value : RFDate.NullDate };// : null; using (var rfService = new RFServiceClient()) { RFProcessingTrackerHandle trackerKey = null; trackerKey = rfService.RFService.RunProcess(isGraph, processName, graphInstance, new RFUserLogEntry { Action = "Run", Description = String.Format("Manually run process {0}", processName), ValueDate = instanceDate ?? RFDate.NullDate, IsUserAction = true, IsWarning = false, Username = Username }); AddModelToCache(trackerKey.TrackerCode, new ProcessingModel { Tracker = trackerKey, ProcessingKey = trackerKey.TrackerCode, FileKey = string.Empty, FileName = String.Format("Process: {0} for value date {1}", processName, instanceDate), FileSize = 0, ReturnUrl = returnUrl }); return(RedirectToAction("ProcessingStatus", new { processKey = trackerKey.TrackerCode })); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(this, "RunProcess", ex); return(Error("Index", "Home", null, "Error running process: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public ActionResult UpdateInputReport(long keyReference, string updates) { try { var activity = new RFInputReportsActivity(Context); var report = activity.GetInputReportDocument(keyReference); if (report != null) { var section = report.GetContent <RFRawReport>().GetFirstSection(); foreach (var update in JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <dynamic> >(updates)) { int rowNum = update.rowNum; if (section.Rows.Count >= rowNum) { var row = section.Rows.Skip(rowNum - 1).First(); foreach (JToken token in ((JObject) { if (token is JProperty) { row.SetString((token as JProperty).Name, (token as JProperty).Value.ToString()); } } } } using (var rfService = new RFServiceClient()) { RFProcessingTrackerHandle trackerKey = null; trackerKey = rfService.RFService.SubmitAndProcess(new List <RFCatalogEntryDTO> { new RFCatalogEntryDTO(report) }, new RFUserLogEntry { Action = "Update Input Report", Description = String.Format("Manually updated report {0}", report.Key.FriendlyString()), IsUserAction = true, IsWarning = false, Processor = null, ValueDate = report.Key.GraphInstance.ValueDate.Value, Username = Username }); ProcessController.SubmitModel(new ProcessingModel { Tracker = trackerKey, ProcessingKey = trackerKey.TrackerCode, FileKey = (report.Key as RFRawReportKey).ReportCode, FileName = (report.Key as RFRawReportKey).FriendlyString(), FileSize = 0, ReturnUrl = null }); return(RedirectToAction("ProcessingStatus", "Process", new { processKey = trackerKey.TrackerCode })); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(this, ex, "Error updating input report {0}", keyReference); } return(null); }
public ActionResult SubmitFiles( RFDate?valueDate = null, string returnUrl = null, string instance = null ) { try { if (Request.Files == null || Request.Files.Count == 0) { throw new RFSystemException(this, "No files submitted."); } var processKey = String.Format("{0}_web", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")); var submittable = new List <RFCatalogEntryDTO>(); int uqIdx = 1; foreach (var knownFileEnum in RIFF.Web.Core.App_Start.RIFFStart.Config.GetInputFileKeys()) { // match up by string (or could have registered an enum type...) foreach (string inputFileKey in Request.Files.Keys) { if (knownFileEnum.ToString() == inputFileKey) { var inputFile = Request.Files[inputFileKey] as HttpPostedFileBase; if (inputFile != null && inputFile.ContentLength > 0) { var uniqueKey = String.Format("{0}_web_{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"), uqIdx++); var doc = RFDocument.Create( RFFileKey.Create( EngineConfig.KeyDomain, knownFileEnum, uniqueKey), new RFFile { Attributes = new RFFileTrackedAttributes { FileName = inputFile.FileName, FullPath = inputFile.FileName, FileSize = inputFile.ContentLength, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now }, Data = RFStreamHelpers.ReadBytes(inputFile.InputStream), FileKey = knownFileEnum, ValueDate = valueDate, UniqueKey = uniqueKey }); if (instance.NotBlank() && valueDate.HasValue) { doc.Key.GraphInstance = new RFGraphInstance { Name = instance, ValueDate = valueDate.Value }; } submittable.Add(new RFCatalogEntryDTO(doc)); } } } } using (var rfService = new RFServiceClient()) { RFProcessingTrackerHandle trackerKey = null; trackerKey = rfService.RFService.SubmitAndProcess(submittable, new RFUserLogEntry { Action = "Upload Files", Description = String.Format("Uploaded {0} files for processing", submittable.Count), IsUserAction = true, IsWarning = false, Processor = null, ValueDate = valueDate.HasValue ? valueDate.Value : RFDate.NullDate, Username = Username }); //lock (sSync) { AddModelToCache(processKey, new ProcessingModel { Tracker = trackerKey, ProcessingKey = processKey, ReturnUrl = returnUrl }); } return(RedirectToAction("ProcessingStatus", new { processKey = processKey })); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(this, "SubmitFiles", ex); return(Error("InputFiles", "System", null, "Error submitting files: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public ActionResult SubmitFile( string fileKey, HttpPostedFileBase fileData, RFDate?valueDate, string returnUrl = null, string instance = null) { try { if (fileData == null && Request.Files != null && Request.Files.Count > 0) { fileData = Request.Files[0]; } var uniqueKey = String.Format("{0}_web", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")); if (fileData == null || fileData.FileName == null || fileData.InputStream == null) { throw new RFSystemException(this, "No file submitted."); } var fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileData.FileName); var newFileEntry = RFDocument.Create( RFFileKey.Create( EngineConfig.KeyDomain, RFEnum.FromString(fileKey), uniqueKey), new RFFile { Attributes = new RFFileTrackedAttributes { FileName = fileName, FullPath = fileData.FileName, FileSize = fileData.ContentLength, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now }, Data = RFStreamHelpers.ReadBytes(fileData.InputStream), FileKey = RFEnum.FromString(fileKey), ValueDate = valueDate, UniqueKey = uniqueKey }); // the file will have graph instance attached if (instance.NotBlank() && valueDate.HasValue) { newFileEntry.Key.GraphInstance = new RFGraphInstance { Name = instance, ValueDate = valueDate.Value }; } using (var rfService = new RFServiceClient()) { RFProcessingTrackerHandle trackerKey = null; trackerKey = rfService.RFService.SubmitAndProcess(new List <RFCatalogEntryDTO> { new RFCatalogEntryDTO(newFileEntry) }, new RFUserLogEntry { Action = "Upload File", Description = String.Format("Uploaded file {0} for processing", fileName), IsUserAction = true, IsWarning = false, Processor = null, ValueDate = valueDate.HasValue ? valueDate.Value : RFDate.NullDate, Username = Username }); //lock (sSync) { AddModelToCache(uniqueKey, new ProcessingModel { Tracker = trackerKey, ProcessingKey = uniqueKey, FileKey = fileKey, FileName = fileName, FileSize = fileData.ContentLength, ReturnUrl = returnUrl }); } return(RedirectToAction("ProcessingStatus", new { processKey = uniqueKey })); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(this, "SubmitFile", ex); return(Error("InputFiles", "System", null, "Error submitting file: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public JsonResult RefreshProcessingStatus(string processKey) { try { if (processKey == "test") { var r = new Random(); var f = r.Next(0, 10) + 4; var p = r.Next(0, 10) + 4; return(Json(new { IsComplete = true, CurrentProcess = "test", FinishedCycles = f, ProcessingCycles = p, RemainingCycles = 300 - f - p, Messages = new string[] { "Message 1", "Message 2" }, Keys = 5, Time = "01:01", IsValid = true, IsError = false })); } Log.Info(this, "RefreshProcessingStatus {0}", processKey); var model = GetModelFromCache(processKey); RFProcessingTrackerHandle handle = null; if (model != null) { handle = model.Tracker; } else { handle = new RFProcessingTrackerHandle { TrackerCode = processKey }; } RFProcessingTracker trackerObject = null; using (var rfService = new RFServiceClient()) { Log.Info(this, "Asking RF service for status on {0}", processKey); trackerObject = rfService.RFService.GetProcessStatus(handle); } if (trackerObject != null) { return(Json(new { IsComplete = trackerObject.IsComplete, CurrentProcess = trackerObject.CurrentProcess, FinishedCycles = trackerObject.FinishedCycles, ProcessingCycles = trackerObject.ProcessingCycles, RemainingCycles = trackerObject.RemainingCycles, Messages = ExtractMessages(trackerObject.Messages), Keys = trackerObject.KeyCount, Time = trackerObject.GetDuration().ToString(@"m'm 's's'"), IsValid = true, IsError = trackerObject.IsError() })); } return(Json(JsonError.Throw("ProcessingStatus", "Unable to retrieve information about request {0}", processKey))); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("no endpoint listening")) { // fatal error return(Json(JsonError.Throw("ProcessingStatus", "System is offline - {0}", processKey))); } else { // recoverable error return(Json(new { IsValid = false, Error = ex.Message })); } } }
public RFProcessingTracker GetStatus(RFProcessingTrackerHandle trackerHandle) { return(GetService().GetProcessStatus(trackerHandle)); }