/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void ProcessRecord() { var networkCredential = Credential.GetNetworkCredential(); var userName = networkCredential.UserName; var userDomain = networkCredential.Domain; var userPassword = networkCredential.Password; var rdp = new RDP(); rdp.Connect(ComputerName, userDomain, userName, userPassword); if (rdp.Connected) { var sessionState = new RdpSessionStateInfo(rdp) { ComputerName = ComputerName, UserName = userDomain.Length > 0? $"{userDomain.Split('.')[0]}\\{userName}": userName }; WriteObject(sessionState); } else { WriteError( new ErrorRecord( new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to connect to {ComputerName}"), null, ErrorCategory.ConnectionError, ComputerName)); } }
private static string DigLikeThereIsNoTomorrow() { bool isHighIntegrity = Utils.IsHighIntegrity(); string findings = ""; findings += McAfee.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += GPP.Dig(); findings += Unattended.Dig(); findings += PSReadLine.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += AWS.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += Azure.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += GCP.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += RDP.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += PuTTY.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += SuperPuTTY.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += WinSCP.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += FileZilla.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += VNC.Dig(isHighIntegrity); findings += TeamViewer.Dig(); findings += PulseSecure.Dig(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(findings)) { return("\nDid not find anything :(\n"); } else { return(findings); } }
public RdpPaintUpdates(RDP rdp) { if (rdp == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rdp)); } _rdp = rdp; }
static void ThreadProc(RDP rdp) { while (procRunning) { // rdp.CheckFileDescriptor(); Thread.Sleep(10); } }
private void PointsInternal(IToolContext context, double x, double y, Modifier modifier) { CurrentState = State.Start; if (Settings?.Simplify ?? true) { List <PointShape> points = _path.GetPoints().Distinct().ToList(); List <Vector2> vectors = points.Select(p => new Vector2((float)p.X, (float)p.Y)).ToList(); int count = vectors.Count; RDP rdp = new RDP(); BitArray accepted = rdp.DouglasPeucker(vectors, 0, count - 1, Settings?.Epsilon ?? 1.0); int removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= count - 1; ++i) { if (!accepted[i]) { points.RemoveAt(i - removed); ++removed; } } _figure.Shapes.Clear(); _figure.MarkAsDirty(true); if (points.Count >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++) { var line = new LineShape() { StartPoint = points[i], Point = points[i + 1], Style = context.CurrentStyle }; _figure.Shapes.Add(line); } } } context.WorkingContainer.Shapes.Remove(_path); if (_path.Validate(true) == true) { context.CurrentContainer.Shapes.Add(_path); } _path = null; _figure = null; _previousPoint = null; _nextPoint = null; Filters?.ForEach(f => f.Clear(context)); context.Release?.Invoke(); context.Invalidate?.Invoke(); }
public void RDPConnectionTest() { string IP = TestContext.Parameters["IP"]; string userName = TestContext.Parameters["UserName"]; string password = "******"; RDPLib.RDP rdp = new RDP(); Assert.AreEqual("1", rdp.RDPConnect(IP, userName, password)); }
/** * Instantiate RDP and Thread */ public RdpSource(ISource iSource) { port = 3389; hostname = "localhost"; username = "******"; domain = ""; password = ""; rdp = new RDP(); this.iSource = iSource; thread = new Thread(() => ThreadProc(rdp)); }
private void Websocket_MessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { var G1 = new TreeEntry(); var C1 = new RDP(); C1.EntryID = 1; C1.ParentID = 0; C1.Name = "G1"; G1.Config = C1; RootEntry.Children.Add(G1); }); }
public object ProcessPacket(object sender, string packet) { var foldersAndConnections = new SendFoldersAndConnections(); var config1 = new RDP(); config1.EntryID = 0; config1.ParentID = 0; config1.Name = "FirstEntry"; foldersAndConnections.configentries.Add(config1); return(foldersAndConnections); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _rdp = new RDP(); _rdpPaintUpdates = new RdpPaintUpdates(_rdp); _rdp.ErrorInfo += Rdp_ErrorInfo; _rdp.Terminated += Rdp_Terminated; _rdp.SetUpdateInterface(_rdpPaintUpdates); _rdp.SetPrimaryUpdateInterface(_rdpPaintUpdates); UpdateStatusLabel(); }
void buildTreeRecDFS(TreeNode parentNode,RDP parentNodeData) { foreach (var item in repo) { if (parentNodeData.ID == item.parentID) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(item.serverName); node.ImageIndex = 0; node.SelectedImageIndex= 0; parentNode.Nodes.Add(node); buildTreeRecDFS(node, item); } } }
private static void OpenConnectionFinal(Connection.Info newConnectionInfo, Connection.Info.Force Force, Form ConForm) { try { if (newConnectionInfo.Hostname == "" && newConnectionInfo.Protocol != Protocols.IntApp) { MessageCollector.AddMessage(MessageClass.WarningMsg, Language.strConnectionOpenFailedNoHostname); return; } if (newConnectionInfo.PreExtApp != "") { ExternalTool extA = GetExtAppByName(newConnectionInfo.PreExtApp); if (extA != null) { extA.Start(newConnectionInfo); } } //TODO if (!(((Force & Info.Force.DoNotJump) == Info.Force.DoNotJump) || !SwitchToOpenConnection(newConnectionInfo))) { return; } Base newProtocol; // Create connection based on protocol type switch (newConnectionInfo.Protocol) { case Protocols.RDP: newProtocol = new RDP(); break; case Protocols.VNC: newProtocol = new VNC(); break; case Protocols.SSH1: newProtocol = new SSH1(); break; case Protocols.SSH2: newProtocol = new SSH2(); break; case Protocols.Telnet: newProtocol = new Telnet(); break; case Protocols.Rlogin: newProtocol = new Rlogin(); break; case Protocols.Serial: newProtocol = new Serial(); break; case Protocols.RAW: newProtocol = new RAW(); break; case Protocols.HTTP: newProtocol = new HTTP(newConnectionInfo.RenderingEngine); break; case Protocols.HTTPS: newProtocol = new HTTPS(newConnectionInfo.RenderingEngine); break; case Protocols.TeamViewer: newProtocol = new TeamViewer(); break; case Protocols.RAdmin: newProtocol = new RAdmin(); break; case Protocols.ICA: newProtocol = new ICA(); break; case Protocols.IntApp: newProtocol = new IntApp(); if (newConnectionInfo.ExtApp == "") { throw (new Exception(Language.strNoExtAppDefined)); } break; default: return; } string cPnl; if (((newConnectionInfo.Panel == "") | ((Force & Connection.Info.Force.OverridePanel) == Connection.Info.Force.OverridePanel)) | Settings.Default.AlwaysShowPanelSelectionDlg) { var frmPnl = new frmChoosePanel(); if (frmPnl.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { cPnl = frmPnl.Panel; } else { return; } } else { cPnl = newConnectionInfo.Panel; } Form cForm = ConForm ?? WindowList.FromString(cPnl); if (cForm == null) { cForm = AddPanel(cPnl); cForm.Focus(); } else { (cForm as UI.Window.Connection).Show(frmMain.Default.pnlDock); (cForm as UI.Window.Connection).Focus(); } Control cContainer = (cForm as UI.Window.Connection).AddConnectionTab(newConnectionInfo); if (newConnectionInfo.Protocol == Protocols.IntApp) { if (GetExtAppByName(newConnectionInfo.ExtApp).Icon != null) { (cContainer as TabPage).Icon = GetExtAppByName(newConnectionInfo.ExtApp).Icon; } } newProtocol.Closed += (cForm as UI.Window.Connection).Prot_Event_Closed; newProtocol.Connected += (cForm as UI.Window.Connection).Prot_Event_Connected; newProtocol.Disconnected += Prot_Event_Disconnected; newProtocol.Connected += Prot_Event_Connected; newProtocol.Closed += Prot_Event_Closed; newProtocol.ErrorOccured += Prot_Event_ErrorOccured; (cForm as UI.Window.Connection).ResizeBegin += newProtocol.ResizeBegin; (cForm as UI.Window.Connection).ResizeEnd += newProtocol.ResizeEnd; (cForm as UI.Window.Connection).Resize += newProtocol.Resize; newProtocol.InterfaceControl = new InterfaceControl(cContainer, newProtocol, newConnectionInfo); newProtocol.Force = Force; if (newProtocol.SetProps() == false) { newProtocol.Close(); return; } if (newProtocol.Connect() == false) { newProtocol.Close(); if (newProtocol is PuttyBase&&!ProblemFixer.IsPuTTYOk()) { ProblemFixer.FixPuTTYProblem(); } if (newProtocol is TeamViewer && !ProblemFixer.IsTeamViewerOk()) { ProblemFixer.FixTVProblem(); } if (newProtocol is RAdmin && !ProblemFixer.IsRAdminOk()) { ProblemFixer.FixRAdminProblem(); } return; } newConnectionInfo.OpenConnections.Add(newProtocol); if (newConnectionInfo.IsQuicky == false) { if (newConnectionInfo.Protocol != Protocols.IntApp) { Node.SetNodeImage(newConnectionInfo.TreeNode, Enums.TreeImage.ConnectionOpen); } else { ExternalTool extApp = GetExtAppByName((string)newConnectionInfo.ExtApp); if (extApp != null) { if (extApp.TryIntegrate) { if (newConnectionInfo.TreeNode != null) { Node.SetNodeImage(newConnectionInfo.TreeNode, Enums.TreeImage.ConnectionOpen); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageCollector.AddMessage(MessageClass.ErrorMsg, Language.strConnectionOpenFailed + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { RDP w = new RDP(); }
internal RdpSessionStateInfo(RDP rdp) { _rdp = rdp; }
/** * Instantiate RDP and Thread */ public RdpClient() { rdp = new RDP(); thread = new Thread(() => ThreadProc(rdp)); }