/// <summary>
        /// Enlists the facts which are members of the given class within the given ontology
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFOntologyData EnlistMembersOf(RDFOntologyClass ontClass,
                                                      RDFOntology ontology,
                                                      Boolean useBASEOntology = true)
            var result = new RDFOntologyData();

            if (ontClass != null && ontology != null)
                if (useBASEOntology)
                    ontology = ontology.UnionWith(RDFBASEOntology.Instance);

                if (IsLiteralCompatibleClass(ontClass, ontology.Model.ClassModel))
                    result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistMembersOfLiteralCompatibleClass(ontClass, ontology);

                    result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistMembersOfNonLiteralCompatibleClass(ontClass, ontology);

                if (useBASEOntology)
                    ontology = ontology.DifferenceWith(RDFBASEOntology.Instance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Enlists the facts which are members of the given non literal-compatible class within the given ontology
        /// (internal-only method for performance purposes, used during validation and reasoning logics)
        /// </summary>
        internal static RDFOntologyData EnlistMembersOfNonLiteralCompatibleClass(RDFOntologyClass ontClass,
                                                                                 RDFOntology ontology)
            var result = new RDFOntologyData();

            if (ontClass != null && ontology != null)
                if (ontClass.IsRestrictionClass())
                    result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistMembersOfRestriction((RDFOntologyRestriction)ontClass, ontology);

                else if (ontClass.IsCompositeClass())
                    result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistMembersOfComposite(ontClass, ontology);

                else if (ontClass.IsEnumerateClass())
                    result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistMembersOfEnumerate((RDFOntologyEnumerateClass)ontClass, ontology);

                    result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistMembersOfClass(ontClass, ontology);
        /// <summary>
        /// Enlists the given "aFact -> transOntProp" assertions within the given data
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFOntologyData EnlistTransitiveAssertionsOf(RDFOntologyFact ontFact,
                                                                   RDFOntologyObjectProperty transOntProp,
                                                                   RDFOntologyData data)
            var result = new RDFOntologyData();

            if (ontFact != null && transOntProp != null && transOntProp.IsTransitiveProperty() && data != null)
                result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistTransitiveAssertionsOf_Core(ontFact, transOntProp, data, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Enlists the different facts of the given fact within the given data
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFOntologyData EnlistDifferentFactsFrom(RDFOntologyFact ontFact,
                                                               RDFOntologyData data)
            var result = new RDFOntologyData();

            if (ontFact != null && data != null)
                result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistDifferentFactsFrom_Core(ontFact, data, null)
                         .RemoveFact(ontFact);                          //Safety deletion
        /// <summary>
        /// Enlists the equivalentProperties of the given property within the given property model
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFOntologyPropertyModel EnlistEquivalentPropertiesOf(RDFOntologyProperty ontProperty,
                                                                            RDFOntologyPropertyModel propertyModel)
            var result = new RDFOntologyPropertyModel();

            if (ontProperty != null && propertyModel != null)
                result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistEquivalentPropertiesOf_Core(ontProperty, propertyModel, null)
                         .RemoveProperty(ontProperty);                              //Safety deletion
        /// <summary>
        /// Enlists the disjointClasses with the given class within the given class model
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFOntologyClassModel EnlistDisjointClassesWith(RDFOntologyClass ontClass,
                                                                      RDFOntologyClassModel classModel)
            var result = new RDFOntologyClassModel();

            if (ontClass != null && classModel != null)
                result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistDisjointClassesWith_Core(ontClass, classModel, null)
                         .RemoveClass(ontClass);                          //Safety deletion
        /// <summary>
        /// Enlists the superClasses of the given class within the given class model
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFOntologyClassModel EnlistSuperClassesOf(RDFOntologyClass ontClass,
                                                                 RDFOntologyClassModel classModel)
            var result = new RDFOntologyClassModel();

            if (ontClass != null && classModel != null)
                //Step 1: Reason on the given class
                result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistSuperClassesOf_Core(ontClass, classModel);

                //Step 2: Reason on the equivalent classes
                foreach (var ec in EnlistEquivalentClassesOf(ontClass, classModel))
                    result = result.UnionWith(RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistSuperClassesOf_Core(ec, classModel));
        /// <summary>
        /// Enlists the super properties of the given property within the given property model
        /// </summary>
        public static RDFOntologyPropertyModel EnlistSuperPropertiesOf(RDFOntologyProperty ontProperty,
                                                                       RDFOntologyPropertyModel propertyModel)
            var result = new RDFOntologyPropertyModel();

            if (ontProperty != null && propertyModel != null)
                //Step 1: Reason on the given property
                result = RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistSuperPropertiesOf_Core(ontProperty, propertyModel);

                //Step 2: Reason on the equivalent properties
                foreach (var ep in EnlistEquivalentPropertiesOf(ontProperty, propertyModel))
                    result = result.UnionWith(RDFSemanticsUtilities.EnlistSuperPropertiesOf_Core(ep, propertyModel));
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a graph representation of this ontology, exporting inferences according to the selected behavior
 /// </summary>
 public RDFGraph ToRDFGraph(RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyInferenceExportBehavior infexpBehavior)
     return(RDFSemanticsUtilities.ToRDFGraph(this, infexpBehavior));
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets an ontology representation of the given graph.
 /// </summary>
 public static RDFOntology FromRDFGraph(RDFGraph ontGraph)