private void OnExamine(EntityUid uid, RCDComponent component, ExaminedEvent args)
            var msg = Loc.GetString("rcd-component-examine-detail-count",
                                    ("mode", component.Mode), ("ammoCount", component.CurrentAmmo));

        private void OnUseInHand(EntityUid uid, RCDComponent component, UseInHandEvent args)
            if (args.Handled)

            NextMode(uid, component, args.User);
            args.Handled = true;
        private void NextMode(EntityUid uid, RCDComponent rcd, EntityUid user)
            SoundSystem.Play(Filter.Pvs(uid, entityManager: EntityManager), rcd.SwapModeSound.GetSound(), uid);

            var mode = (int)rcd.Mode;

            mode     = ++mode % RCDModeCount;
            rcd.Mode = (RcdMode)mode;

            var msg = Loc.GetString("rcd-component-change-mode", ("mode", rcd.Mode.ToString()));

            _popup.PopupEntity(msg, rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(user));
        private void NextMode(EntityUid uid, RCDComponent rcd, EntityUid user)
            SoundSystem.Play(Filter.Pvs(uid), rcd.SwapModeSound.GetSound(), uid);

            var mode = (int)rcd.Mode;            //Firstly, cast our RCDmode mode to an int (enums are backed by ints anyway by default)

            mode     = (++mode) % _modes.Length; //Then, do a rollover on the value so it doesnt hit an invalid state
            rcd.Mode = (RcdMode)mode;            //Finally, cast the newly acquired int mode to an RCDmode so we can use it.

            var msg = Loc.GetString("rcd-component-change-mode", ("mode", rcd.Mode.ToString()));

            rcd.Owner.PopupMessage(user, msg); //Prints an overhead message above the RCD
        private async void OnAfterInteract(EntityUid uid, RCDComponent rcd, AfterInteractEvent args)
            if (args.Handled || !args.CanReach)

            if (rcd.CancelToken != null)
                rcd.CancelToken = null;
                args.Handled    = true;

            if (!args.ClickLocation.IsValid(EntityManager))

            var clickLocationMod = args.ClickLocation;

            // Initial validity check
            if (!clickLocationMod.IsValid(EntityManager))
            // Try to fix it (i.e. if clicking on space)
            // Note: Ideally there'd be a better way, but there isn't right now.
            var gridID = clickLocationMod.GetGridId(EntityManager);

            if (!gridID.IsValid())
                clickLocationMod = clickLocationMod.AlignWithClosestGridTile();
                gridID           = clickLocationMod.GetGridId(EntityManager);
            // Check if fixing it failed / get final grid ID
            if (!gridID.IsValid())

            var mapGrid = _mapManager.GetGrid(gridID);
            var tile    = mapGrid.GetTileRef(clickLocationMod);
            var snapPos = mapGrid.TileIndicesFor(clickLocationMod);

            //No changing mode mid-RCD
            var startingMode = rcd.Mode;

            args.Handled = true;
            var user = args.User;

            //Using an RCD isn't instantaneous
            rcd.CancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var doAfterEventArgs = new DoAfterEventArgs(user, rcd.Delay, rcd.CancelToken.Token, args.Target)
                BreakOnDamage = true,
                BreakOnStun   = true,
                NeedHand      = true,
                ExtraCheck    = () => IsRCDStillValid(rcd, args, mapGrid, tile, startingMode) //All of the sanity checks are here

            var result = await _doAfterSystem.WaitDoAfter(doAfterEventArgs);

            rcd.CancelToken = null;

            if (result == DoAfterStatus.Cancelled)

            switch (rcd.Mode)
            //Floor mode just needs the tile to be a space tile (subFloor)
            case RcdMode.Floors:
                mapGrid.SetTile(snapPos, new Tile(_tileDefinitionManager["floor_steel"].TileId));
                _logs.Add(LogType.RCD, LogImpact.High, $"{ToPrettyString(args.User):user} used RCD to set grid: {tile.GridIndex} {snapPos} to floor_steel");

            //We don't want to place a space tile on something that's already a space tile. Let's do the inverse of the last check.
            case RcdMode.Deconstruct:
                if (!tile.IsBlockedTurf(true))     //Delete the turf
                    mapGrid.SetTile(snapPos, Tile.Empty);
                    _logs.Add(LogType.RCD, LogImpact.High, $"{ToPrettyString(args.User):user} used RCD to set grid: {tile.GridIndex} tile: {snapPos} to space");
                else     //Delete what the user targeted
                    if (args.Target is { Valid : true } target)
                        _logs.Add(LogType.RCD, LogImpact.High, $"{ToPrettyString(args.User):user} used RCD to delete {ToPrettyString(target):target}");

            //Walls are a special behaviour, and require us to build a new object with a transform rather than setting a grid tile,
            // thus we early return to avoid the tile set code.
            case RcdMode.Walls:
                var ent = EntityManager.SpawnEntity("WallSolid", mapGrid.GridTileToLocal(snapPos));
                Transform(ent).LocalRotation = Angle.Zero;     // Walls always need to point south.
                _logs.Add(LogType.RCD, LogImpact.High, $"{ToPrettyString(args.User):user} used RCD to spawn {ToPrettyString(ent)} at {snapPos} on grid {mapGrid.Index}");

            case RcdMode.Airlock:
                var airlock = EntityManager.SpawnEntity("Airlock", mapGrid.GridTileToLocal(snapPos));
                Transform(airlock).LocalRotation = Transform(rcd.Owner).LocalRotation;     //Now apply icon smoothing.
                _logs.Add(LogType.RCD, LogImpact.High, $"{ToPrettyString(args.User):user} used RCD to spawn {ToPrettyString(airlock)} at {snapPos} on grid {mapGrid.Index}");

                args.Handled = true;
                return;     //I don't know why this would happen, but sure I guess. Get out of here invalid state!

            SoundSystem.Play(Filter.Pvs(uid, entityManager: EntityManager), rcd.SuccessSound.GetSound(), rcd.Owner);
            args.Handled = true;
        private bool IsRCDStillValid(RCDComponent rcd, AfterInteractEvent eventArgs, IMapGrid mapGrid, TileRef tile, RcdMode startingMode)
            //Less expensive checks first. Failing those ones, we need to check that the tile isn't obstructed.
            if (rcd.CurrentAmmo <= 0)
                _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rcd-component-no-ammo-message"), rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(eventArgs.User));

            if (rcd.Mode != startingMode)

            var unobstructed = eventArgs.Target == null
                ? _interactionSystem.InRangeUnobstructed(eventArgs.User, mapGrid.GridTileToWorld(tile.GridIndices), popup : true)
                : _interactionSystem.InRangeUnobstructed(eventArgs.User, eventArgs.Target.Value, popup: true);

            if (!unobstructed)

            switch (rcd.Mode)
            //Floor mode just needs the tile to be a space tile (subFloor)
            case RcdMode.Floors:
                if (!tile.Tile.IsEmpty)
                    _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rcd-component-cannot-build-floor-tile-not-empty-message"), rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(eventArgs.User));


            //We don't want to place a space tile on something that's already a space tile. Let's do the inverse of the last check.
            case RcdMode.Deconstruct:
                if (tile.Tile.IsEmpty)

                //They tried to decon a turf but the turf is blocked
                if (eventArgs.Target == null && tile.IsBlockedTurf(true))
                    _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rcd-component-tile-obstructed-message"), rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(eventArgs.User));
                //They tried to decon a non-turf but it's not in the whitelist
                if (eventArgs.Target != null && !_tagSystem.HasTag(eventArgs.Target.Value, "RCDDeconstructWhitelist"))
                    _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rcd-component-deconstruct-target-not-on-whitelist-message"), rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(eventArgs.User));


            //Walls are a special behaviour, and require us to build a new object with a transform rather than setting a grid tile, thus we early return to avoid the tile set code.
            case RcdMode.Walls:
                if (tile.Tile.IsEmpty)
                    _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rcd-component-cannot-build-wall-tile-not-empty-message"), rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(eventArgs.User));

                if (tile.IsBlockedTurf(true))
                    _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rcd-component-tile-obstructed-message"), rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(eventArgs.User));

            case RcdMode.Airlock:
                if (tile.Tile.IsEmpty)
                    _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rcd-component-cannot-build-airlock-tile-not-empty-message"), rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(eventArgs.User));
                if (tile.IsBlockedTurf(true))
                    _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("rcd-component-tile-obstructed-message"), rcd.Owner, Filter.Entities(eventArgs.User));

                return(false);    //I don't know why this would happen, but sure I guess. Get out of here invalid state!
Example #7
        private async void OnAfterInteract(EntityUid uid, RCDComponent rcd, AfterInteractEvent args)
            if (args.Handled)

            // FIXME: Make this work properly. Right now it relies on the click location being on a grid, which is bad.
            var clickLocationMod = args.ClickLocation;

            // Initial validity check
            if (!clickLocationMod.IsValid(EntityManager))
            // Try to fix it (i.e. if clicking on space)
            // Note: Ideally there'd be a better way, but there isn't right now.
            var gridID = clickLocationMod.GetGridId(EntityManager);

            if (!gridID.IsValid())
                clickLocationMod = clickLocationMod.AlignWithClosestGridTile();
                gridID           = clickLocationMod.GetGridId(EntityManager);
            // Check if fixing it failed / get final grid ID
            if (!gridID.IsValid())

            var mapGrid = _mapManager.GetGrid(gridID);
            var tile    = mapGrid.GetTileRef(clickLocationMod);
            var snapPos = mapGrid.TileIndicesFor(clickLocationMod);

            //No changing mode mid-RCD
            var startingMode = rcd.Mode;

            //Using an RCD isn't instantaneous
            var cancelToken      = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var doAfterEventArgs = new DoAfterEventArgs(args.User, rcd.Delay, cancelToken.Token, args.Target)
                BreakOnDamage = true,
                BreakOnStun   = true,
                NeedHand      = true,
                ExtraCheck    = () => IsRCDStillValid(rcd, args, mapGrid, tile, snapPos, startingMode) //All of the sanity checks are here

            var result = await _doAfterSystem.WaitDoAfter(doAfterEventArgs);

            if (result == DoAfterStatus.Cancelled)
                args.Handled = true;

            switch (rcd.Mode)
            //Floor mode just needs the tile to be a space tile (subFloor)
            case RcdMode.Floors:
                mapGrid.SetTile(clickLocationMod, new Tile(_tileDefinitionManager["floor_steel"].TileId));

            //We don't want to place a space tile on something that's already a space tile. Let's do the inverse of the last check.
            case RcdMode.Deconstruct:
                if (!tile.IsBlockedTurf(true))     //Delete the turf
                    mapGrid.SetTile(snapPos, Tile.Empty);
                else     //Delete what the user targeted

            //Walls are a special behaviour, and require us to build a new object with a transform rather than setting a grid tile,
            // thus we early return to avoid the tile set code.
            case RcdMode.Walls:
                var ent = EntityManager.SpawnEntity("WallSolid", mapGrid.GridTileToLocal(snapPos));
                ent.Transform.LocalRotation = Angle.Zero;     // Walls always need to point south.

            case RcdMode.Airlock:
                var airlock = EntityManager.SpawnEntity("Airlock", mapGrid.GridTileToLocal(snapPos));
                airlock.Transform.LocalRotation = rcd.Owner.Transform.LocalRotation;     //Now apply icon smoothing.

                args.Handled = true;
                return;     //I don't know why this would happen, but sure I guess. Get out of here invalid state!

            SoundSystem.Play(Filter.Pvs(uid), rcd.SuccessSound.GetSound(), rcd.Owner);
            args.Handled = true;
Example #8
 private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, RCDComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
     component.CurrentAmmo = component.StartingAmmo;