Example #1
        public static void Main()
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            // credentials.json = {"email": "*****@*****.**", "password": "******"}
            var json        = File.ReadAllText(@"credentials.json");
            var credentials = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Credential>(json);
            var api         = new R6Api(credentials.Email, credentials.Password);

            var guids = new[]

            #region Player Data
            var username = "******";
            var platform = Platform.Uplay;
            var region   = Region.EMEA;

            Profile profile = api.Profile.GetProfileAsync(username, platform).Result;
            // var profile = api.GetProfileAsync(guids, platform).Result;
            Console.WriteLine($"Profile ID:         {profile.UserId}");

            PlayerProgression progression = api.PlayerProgression.GetPlayerProgressionAsync(profile.ProfileId, platform).Result;
            Console.WriteLine($"Level:              {progression.Level}");

            Dictionary <string, BoardInfo> ranked = api.Player.GetRankedAsync(profile.ProfileId, platform, region).Result;
            Console.WriteLine($"Ranked Rank:        {ranked[progression.ProfileId.ToString()].Rank}");

            Dictionary <string, BoardInfo> casual = api.Player.GetCasualAsync(profile.ProfileId, platform, region).Result;
            Console.WriteLine($"Casual Rank:        {casual[progression.ProfileId.ToString()].Rank}");

            EquipmentStatistic            equipments            = api.Statistic.GetEquipmentStatistics(profile.ProfileId, Platform.Uplay).Result;
            GamemodeStatistic             gamemodes             = api.Statistic.GetGamemodeStatistics(profile.ProfileId, Platform.Uplay).Result;
            OperatorStatistic             operators             = api.Statistic.GetOperatorStatistics(profile.ProfileId, Platform.Uplay).Result;
            QueueStatistic                queues                = api.Statistic.GetQueueStatistics(profile.ProfileId, Platform.Uplay).Result;
            TerroristHuntMissionStatistic terroristhuntmissions = api.Statistic.GetTerroristHuntMissionsStatistics(profile.ProfileId, Platform.Uplay).Result;

            #region Static Data
            SeasonsInfo seasonsInfo = api.Static.GetSeasonsInfoAsync().Result;
            Console.WriteLine($"Latest Season:      {seasonsInfo.LatestSeason}");

            Season season = api.Static.GetSeasonAsync(seasonsInfo.LatestSeason).Result;
            // Season season = Season.GetSeasonAsync().Result;
            Console.WriteLine($"Current Season:     {season.Id}");

            Dictionary <string, string> locales       = api.Static.GetLocaleAsync(Language.BritishEnglish).Result;
            List <SeasonDetail>         seasonDetails = api.Static.GetSeasonDetailsAsync().Result;

            var seasonId = 18;
            // Find season details for season 18
            var seasonDetail = seasonDetails.Find(x => x.Id == seasonId);
            // Get the highest rank for that season (should be champion)
            var highestSeasonRank = seasonDetail.Ranks[^ 1];
Example #2
        public static void Main()
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            // credentials.json = {"email": "*****@*****.**", "password": "******"}
            var json        = File.ReadAllText(@"credentials.json");
            var credentials = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Credential>(json);
            var api         = new R6Api(credentials.Email, credentials.Password);

            var guids = new[]

            var username = "******";
            var platform = Platform.PC;

            Profile profile = api.Profile.GetProfileAsync(username, platform).Result;
            var     uuid    = profile.ProfileId;

            PlayerProgression playerProgression = api.PlayerProgression.GetPlayerProgressionAsync(uuid, platform).Result;
            var playerLevel = playerProgression.Level;

            // As of season 18, regional board (ranked and casual) statistics have merged and cross regions now
            BoardInfo playerRanked = api.Player.GetRankedAsync(uuid, platform).Result;
            var       playerMMR    = playerRanked.MMR;
            // get casual queue stats
            // var playerCasual = api.Player.GetCasualAsync(uuid, platform);
            // get season 17 ranked stats for EMEA
            // var playerRankedSeason17 = api.Player.GetRankedAsync(uuid, platform, Region.EMEA, 17);

            var seasons = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 };
            PlayersSkillRecords playerSkillRecords = api.PlayersSkillRecordsEndpoint
                                                     .GetPlayerSkillRecordsAsync(uuid, platform, Region.EMEA, seasons)
            var recordMMR = playerSkillRecords.SeasonsPlayerSkillRecords.Last()

            var queues = api.PlayerStatisticsEndpoint.GetQueueStatisticsAsync(uuid, platform).Result;
            // Time played in ranked since recorded history (in seconds)
            var rankedPlaytimeInfinite = queues["rankedpvp_timeplayed:infinite"];

            var gamemodes = Gamemode.All | Gamemode.Ranked | Gamemode.Unranked | Gamemode.Casual;
            var from      = new DateTime(2020, 06, 16);
            // Narrative is weekly, therefore it is better thing to use UtcNow
            // over specific dates unless you need a specific period
            // var to = new DateTime(2020, 06, 16);
            var to = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var summary      = api.GetSummaryAsync(uuid, gamemodes, platform, from, to).Result;
            var summaryKills = summary.Platforms["PC"]

            var operators       = api.GetOperatorAsync(uuid, gamemodes, platform, TeamRole.Attacker | TeamRole.Defender, from, to).Result;
            var zofiaRankedWins = operators.Platforms["PC"]
                                  .Where(x => x.StatsDetail == "Zofia").First()

            var maps = api.GetMapAsync(uuid, gamemodes, platform, TeamRole.All | TeamRole.Attacker | TeamRole.Defender, from, to).Result;
            var kanalDefenderTeamKills = maps.Platforms["PC"]
                                         .Where(m => m.StatsDetail == "KANAL").First()

            var weapons = api.GetWeaponAsync(uuid, gamemodes, platform, TeamRole.All, from, to).Result;
            var allSpear308HeadshotAccuracy = weapons.Platforms["PC"]
                                              .Where(t => t.WeaponTypeType == "Assault Rifles").First()
                                              .Where(w => w.WeaponName == "SPEAR .308").First()

            var trends = api.GetTrendAsync(uuid, gamemodes, from, to, TeamRole.All | TeamRole.Attacker | TeamRole.Defender, TrendType.Weeks).Result;
            var rankedAttackKDRTrend = trends.Platforms["PC"]

            var seasonal = api.GetSeasonalAsync(uuid, gamemodes, platform).Result;
            var rankedY4S4MinutesPlayed = seasonal.Platforms["PC"]
                                          .Where(s => s.SeasonYear == "Y4")
                                          .Where(s => s.SeasonNumber == "S4").First()

            var narrative             = api.GetNarrativeAsync(uuid, from, to).Result;
            var bestMatchScoreAnyWeek = narrative.Profiles[uuid.ToString()]