/// <summary> /// The starting point of the application. /// </summary> static void Main() { // Create a new QuoteViewer object using the default // constructor, assign the object values using properties and // call a method. QuoteViewer qw = new QuoteViewer(); qw.Quote = "I have a dream."; qw.Count = 7; qw.View(); // Create and initiate another QuoteViewer object using // constructor having two parameters and calls a method. QuoteViewer anotherQw = new QuoteViewer("Make love, not war.", 3); anotherQw.View(); // Change the object data using a property and call a method. anotherQw.Quote = "Et tu, Brute"; anotherQw.View(); }
private void InitTest_ViewQuoteStep(out Quote quoteInstance, out QuoteViewer quoteViewerInstance, out ContactEditor2 contactEditorInstance, bool quoteViewerAgreeToTerms, bool isNewCustomer, string billType = null) { var quoteViewer = new QuoteViewer(); var currentDate = DateTime.Now; var contact = new Contact("salutation", "contactName", "title", "phone", "fax", "email", "address", "city", "state", "country", "zip"); var customerName = "customerName"; ShimCustomerBase.AllInstances.IsNewGet = (c) => isNewCustomer; var quote = new Quote(-1, new Customer()); quote.BillType = billType; ShimQuoteApproval.AllInstances.CurrentQuoteGet = (q) => quote; ShimContactEditor2.AllInstances.IsTheSameAsBillingAddressGet = (ce) => true; ShimContactEditor2.AllInstances.IsTheSameAsTechContactGet = (ce) => true; ShimContactEditor2.AllInstances.GetContact = (ce) => contact; ShimContactEditor2.AllInstances.CompanyGet = (ce) => customerName; var contactEditor = new ContactEditor2(); contactEditor.Contact = contact; var userInfoEditor = new UserInfoCollector(); ShimQuoteViewer.AllInstances.ContactEditorGet = (qv) => contactEditor; ShimQuoteViewer.AllInstances.UserInfoEditorGet = (qv) => userInfoEditor; ShimQuoteViewer.AllInstances.AgreeToTermsAndConditionsGet = (qv) => quoteViewerAgreeToTerms; ShimQuoteViewer.AllInstances.StartDateGet = (qv) => currentDate; ShimControl.AllInstances.FindControlString = (c, id) => { if (id == "uclQuoteViewer") { return(quoteViewer); } return(null); }; quoteInstance = quote; contactEditorInstance = contactEditor; quoteViewerInstance = quoteViewer; }