public Guid SaveQuoteSheetToDMS(QuoteSheet quoteSheet, byte[] reportBytes, Submission submission, bool isDeclinature)
            var fileId = Guid.Empty.ToString();

            // TODO: Exception handling
            using (var dmsService = new DMSService())
                fileId = dmsService.FNUploadDocument(quoteSheet.Title + ".pdf", quoteSheet.Title, reportBytes,
                                                     quoteSheet.DocumentClass, quoteSheet.ObjectStore);

                dmsService.FNUpdateDocumentProperties(fileId, quoteSheet.ObjectStore, quoteSheet.ObjectStore,
                                                      this.SetFileNetProperties(quoteSheet, submission, isDeclinature));

            return(new Guid(fileId));
        // TODO: Don't we need know which quote is generating the quotesheet?
        private FileNetProperty[] SetFileNetProperties(QuoteSheet quoteSheet, Submission submission, bool isDeclinature)
            var quotes = submission.Options.Select(s => s)
                         .SelectMany(o => o.OptionVersions)
                         .SelectMany(ov => ov.Quotes)
                         .Where(q => q.IsSubscribeMaster)

            var mainQuote           = quotes.FirstOrDefault();   // TODO: For the moment, we will use the first quote we come across
            var subscribeReferences = quotes.Select(q => q.SubscribeReference)
                                      .Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, sr) => current + (sr + ";"));
            var currentDateTime  = DateTime.Now;
            var businessPlanList = string.Empty;

            using (var subscribeService = new PolicyDataService.PolicyServiceClient())
                businessPlanList = quotes.Select(q => q.SubscribeReference)
                                   .Aggregate(businessPlanList, (current, pd) => current + (pd.BPC + " - " + pd.Description + ";"));

            var properties = new List <FileNetProperty>
                /* Base Document Properties
                 * Mandatory;
                 * - DocumentTitle (String)
                 * Optional;
                 * - Description (String)
                //new FileNetProperty { Key = "DocumentTitle", Value = "Quote sheet" },
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "DocumentTitle", Value = isDeclinature ? Settings.Default["DeclinatureDocTitle"].ToString() :  Settings.Default["QuoteDocTitle"].ToString()
                //   new FileNetProperty {Key = "Description", Value = "Quote sheet description"},

                /* Underwriting Document Properties
                 * Mandatory;
                 * - uwPolicyID (ListOfString): List of Subscribe references delimited by semi-colon.
                 * - uwBusinessPlan (ListOfString): List of business plans delimited by semi-colon.
                 * - uwDocType (String): Document type.
                 * - uwInsuredName (String): Insured name.
                 * - uwCOB (String): Class of business code.
                 * - uwUnderwriter (String): Underwriter pseudonym.
                 * - uwBrokerPSU (String): Broker pseudonym.
                 * - uwInceptionDate (Date): Inception date.
                 * - uwAccountingYear (Integer): Accounting year.
                 * - uwStatus (String): Status, which is always "QUOTE" at this stage.
                 * - uwEntryStatus (String): Entry status, which is either "PARTIAL" or "NTU" at this stage.
                 * Optional;
                 * - PolicyIDSP (String): List of Subscribe references delimited by semi-colon.
                 * - BusinessPlanSP (String): List of business plans delimited by semi-colon.
                 * - uwWrittenDate (Date): Written date.
                 * - AccountingYearFloat (Float): Accounting year.
                 * Note 1:
                 * FileNet has two fields for each Policy ID and Business Plan. One field is a String data-type
                 * and the other (the primary field) is a ListOfString. For consistency, both of the values should be
                 * the same with the exception that the ListOfString will be parsed by the web service into an array
                 * by a specified delimiter (this was a quick-fix on the web service).
                 * In order to pass back a ListOfString value to the FileNet web service, a delimited string should
                 * be passed with the delimiter specified in the Delimiter property of the FileNetProperty class.
                 * Note 2:
                 * The values for the document type must exist in the FileNet document type choice list or it will
                 * throw back an error.
                 * Note 3:
                 * FileNet has two fields for accounting year. One field is a Float data-type and the other is an
                 * Integer. For consistency, both of the values should be the same.
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwPolicyID", Value = subscribeReferences, Delimiter = ";"
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "PolicyIDSP", Value = subscribeReferences
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwBusinessPlan", Value = businessPlanList, Delimiter = ";"
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "BusinessPlanSP", Value = businessPlanList
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwDocType", Value = isDeclinature ? Settings.Default["DeclinatureDocType"].ToString() : "Quote"
                //new FileNetProperty { Key = "uwInsuredName", Value = submission.InsuredName },//TODO: S2Q
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwCOB", Value = mainQuote.COBId
                //new FileNetProperty { Key = "uwUnderwriter", Value = submission.UnderwriterContactCode },//TODO: S2Q
                //new FileNetProperty { Key = "uwBrokerPSU", Value = submission.BrokerPseudonym },//TODO: S2Q
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwAccountingYear", Value = mainQuote.AccountYear
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwStatus", Value = "QUOTE"
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwEntryStatus", Value = mainQuote.EntryStatus

                /* Other Custom Document Properties
                 * Mandatory;
                 * - uwInputDeviceID (String): The system that uploaded the document ("Console"). The other entry
                 *		points are Kofax, Worflow (via Web Services) and SharePoint (via ICC). This is to help
                 *		administrators understand the origins of the document.
                 * - uwIndexPerson (String): Login name of the user that uploaded the document.
                 * - uwLoadToDMSDateAndTime (Date): Upload date.
                 * - uwOpsInfo (String): Delimited string of workflow status flags, which is always
                 *		"Aggs=0;FacRI=0;Group=0;BPQARequired=0;PTradeFile=0;S2000=0;PreBind=0;PostBind=0;ReSign=0;t&cChange=0;UrgentCase=0;ForeignLanguage=0"
                 *		at this stage.
                 * Optional;
                 * - uwIndexDateTime (Date): Upload date.
                 * - strLoadToDMSDateAndTime (String): Upload date-time string in the format of "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm".
                 * - WSTriggerStatus (String): Workflow initiation status flag used by FileNet, which is always
                 *		"INVALID" at this stage.
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwInputDeviceID", Value = "Console"
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwIndexPerson", Value = quoteSheet.IssuedBy.DomainLogon
                // TODO: Is this the current user?
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwIndexDateTime", Value = currentDateTime
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "uwLoadToDMSDateAndTime", Value = currentDateTime
                new FileNetProperty
                    Key   = "strLoadToDMSDateAndTime",
                    Value = currentDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")
                new FileNetProperty {
                    Key = "WSTriggerStatus", Value = "INVALID"
                new FileNetProperty
                    Key   = "uwOpsInfo",
                    Value = "Aggs=0;FacRI=0;Group=0;BPQARequired=0;PTradeFile=0;S2000=0;PreBind=0;PostBind=0;ReSign=0;t&cChange=0;UrgentCase=0;ForeignLanguage=0"

            if (mainQuote.InceptionDate != null)
                properties.Add(new FileNetProperty
                    Key   = "uwInceptionDate",
                    Value = mainQuote.InceptionDate.GetValueOrDefault()

Example #3
        public string CreateQuoteSheet(CreateQuoteSheetDto dto, out Submission submission)
            // TODO: use the correct quote sheet...
            var quoteSheetTemplateId = dto.QuoteSheetTemplateId;

            dto.QuoteSheetTemplateUrl = this.ConsoleRepository.Query <QuoteTemplate>()
                                        .FirstOrDefault(qt => qt.Id == dto.QuoteSheetTemplateId).RdlPath;
            dto.QuoteSheetTemplateName = this.ConsoleRepository.Query <QuoteTemplate>()
                                         .FirstOrDefault(qt => qt.Id == dto.QuoteSheetTemplateId).Name;

            submission = this.SubmissionModule.GetSubmissionById(dto.SubmissionId);
            //todo this is done to clear previous context. has to be fixed once softdelet is fixed.
            using (IConsoleRepository consoleRepository = new ConsoleRepository())
                if (submission == null)
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format(this.NotFoundMessage, dto.SubmissionId));
                var currentUser = consoleRepository.Query <User>()
                                  .FirstOrDefault(u => u.DomainLogon == this.HttpContext.CurrentUser.Identity.Name);

                if (currentUser == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Current user could not be found");

                var versions = (from version in submission.Options.SelectMany(o => o.OptionVersions)
                                from option in dto.OptionList
                                where version.OptionId == option.OptionId
                                from versionNumber in option.OptionVersionNumberList
                                where version.VersionNumber == versionNumber
                                select version).ToList();

                var isDeclinature = false;
                var submSt        = submission.Options.Select(s => s)
                                    .SelectMany(o => o.OptionVersions)
                                    .SelectMany(ov => ov.Quotes)
                                    .Where(q => q.IsSubscribeMaster).Select(s => s.SubmissionStatus).Distinct().ToList();
                if ((submSt.Count == 1) && (submSt.FirstOrDefault().Equals(Settings.Default["DeclinatureSubmissionStatus"].ToString())))
                    isDeclinature = true;

                var quotesheet = new QuoteSheet
                {//Todo: S2Q
                    Title         = string.Format(this.QuoteSheetTitle, submission.Title, versions.SelectMany(ov => ov.Quotes).First().InsuredName, DateTime.Now),
                    IssuedBy      = currentUser,
                    IssuedById    = currentUser.Id,
                    IssuedDate    = DateTime.Now,
                    ObjectStore   = Settings.Default["DMSObjectStore"].ToString(),
                    DocumentClass = Settings.Default["DMSDocumentClass"].ToString(),
                    DocumentType  = isDeclinature ? Settings.Default["DeclinatureDocType"].ToString() : Settings.Default["QuoteDocType"].ToString()

                var content = this.QuoteSheetData.CreateQuoteSheetPdf(dto, isDeclinature);

                quotesheet.Guid = this.QuoteSheetData.SaveQuoteSheetToDMS(quotesheet, content, submission, isDeclinature);

                quotesheet.OptionVersions = versions;

                if (!isDeclinature)
                    foreach (var quote in versions.SelectMany(ov => ov.Quotes))
                        if (!quote.SubmissionStatus.Equals(Settings.Default["DeclinatureSubmissionStatus"].ToString()))
                            quote.OptionVersion.IsLocked = true;

                            quote.SubmissionStatus = "QUOTED";
