Example #1
        public static void SetupBitwiseAndProtocol(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;

            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;

            var sharesA = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesB = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 1), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesC = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);

            var sharesD = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 0), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesE = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 1), n, polyDeg);
            var sharesF = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 1), n, polyDeg);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Quorum q = quorum.Clone() as Quorum;
                TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > > party = new TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > >();
                party.UnderTest = new BitwiseOperationProtocol(party, q,
                                                               MakeList(sharesA[i], sharesB[i], sharesC[i]),
                                                               MakeList(sharesD[i], sharesE[i], sharesF[i]),
                                                               new SharedBitAnd.ProtocolFactory(party, q));
Example #2
        private void SetupResultBroadcast()
            // we need to broadcast each result to every other quorum
            List <Protocol> resultProtocols = new List <Protocol>();

            for (int i = 0; i < PartyIds.Count; i++)
                Quorum evalQuorum = GateQuorumMapping[SortNetwork.LastGateForWire[i].Gate];
                if (Result[i] == null)
                    // setup a receive for this result
                    resultProtocols.Add(new MajorityFilteringProtocol <BigZp>(Me, PartyIds, evalQuorum.Members,
                    // setup a broadcast for this result
                    ISet <int> others = new SortedSet <int>(PartyIds);
                    foreach (var qid in evalQuorum.Members)

                    resultProtocols.Add(new MajorityFilteringProtocol <BigZp>(Me, PartyIds, others, Result[i],

        public void AppendToQueryParameters(Dictionary <string, string> queryParameters)
            if (Phased)
                queryParameters.Add(Parameters.Phased, Phased.ToString());
                queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingFinishHeight, FinishHeight.ToString());
                queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingVotingModel, ((int)VotingModel).ToString());
                queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingQuorum, Quorum.ToString());

                if (MinBalance > 0)
                    queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingMinBalance, MinBalance.ToString());
                if (HoldingId > 0)
                    queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingHolding, HoldingId.ToString());
                if (MinBalanceModel != MinBalanceModel.None)
                    queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingMinBalanceModel, ((int)MinBalanceModel).ToString());
                WhiteListed.ForEach(w => queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingWhitelisted, w.AccountRs));
                LinkedFullHash.ForEach(h => queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingLinkedFullHash, h.ToHexString()));
                if (HashedSecret != null)
                    queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingHashedSecret, HashedSecret.ToHexString());
                if (HashedSecretAlgorithm.HasValue)
                    queryParameters.Add(Parameters.PhasingHashedSecretAlgorithm, ((int)HashedSecretAlgorithm.Value).ToString());
Example #4
        public static void ReconstructDictionary(Quorum q, OutputGateAddress[] ordering, int qSize)
            List <BigZp> result = new List <BigZp>();

            foreach (OutputGateAddress outAddr in ordering)
                if (outAddr == null)
                BigZp[] shares = new BigZp[qSize];

                int j = 0;
                foreach (var id in q.Members)
                    Protocol <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > > p = (NetSimulator.GetParty(id) as TestParty <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > >).UnderTest;
                    if (p.Result.ContainsKey(outAddr))
                        shares[j++] = p.Result[outAddr].Value;
                result.Add(BigShamirSharing.Recombine(new List <BigZp>(shares), (int)Math.Ceiling(qSize / 3.0) - 1, prime));

            Console.WriteLine("Result: " + string.Join(" ", result));
Example #5
         *  prime = prime20;
         *  Main(32);
         *  NetSimulator.Reset();
         *  prime = prime30;
         *  Main(32);
         *  NetSimulator.Reset();
         *  prime = prime40;
         *  Main(32);
         *  NetSimulator.Reset();
         *  prime = prime50;
         *  Main(32);
         *  NetSimulator.Reset();

        public static void Main(int n)                                   // number of parties
            Debug.Assert(NumTheoryUtils.MillerRabin(prime, 5) == false); // must be a prime

            // Create an MPC network, add parties, and init them with random inputs
            NetSimulator.Init(seed);     //seed
            StaticRandom.Init(seed + 1); //seed + 1

            Quorum q = new Quorum(0, 0, n);



            Console.WriteLine(n + " parties initialized. Running simulation...\n");
            // run the simulator
            var elapsedTime = Timex.Run(() => NetSimulator.Run());

            // CheckMps(n);
            //ReconstructDictionary(q, network.LastGateForWire, 4);

            Console.WriteLine("Simulation finished.  Checking results...\n");

            Console.WriteLine("# parties    = " + n);
            Console.WriteLine("# msgs sent  = " + NetSimulator.SentMessageCount.ToString("0.##E+00"));
            Console.WriteLine("# bits sent  = " + (NetSimulator.SentByteCount * 8).ToString("0.##E+00"));
            Console.WriteLine("Rounds       = " + NetSimulator.RoundCount + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Key size     = " + NumTheoryUtils.GetBitLength2(prime) + " bits");
            Console.WriteLine("Seed         = " + seed + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time = " + elapsedTime.ToString("hh':'mm':'ss'.'fff") + "\n");
Example #6
 public ReconstructionProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, Share <BigZp> share)
     : base(me, quorum)
     Share       = share;
     Prime       = share.Value.Prime;
     ReconstRecv = new Dictionary <int, BigZp>();
Example #7
 public ShareMultiplicationProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, Share <BigZp> share1, Share <BigZp> share2)
     : base(me, quorum)
     Debug.Assert(share1.Value.Prime == share2.Value.Prime);
     Prime  = share1.Value.Prime;
     Share1 = share1;
     Share2 = share2;
Example #8
 public void NegTwoThroughNegFive_AreValidQuorums()
     for (int i = -2; i >= -5; --i)
         var q = new Quorum(i);
         Assert.AreEqual(i, (int)q);
Example #9
 public CompareAndSwapProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, Share <BigZp> shareA, Share <BigZp> shareB)
     : base(me, quorum)
     Debug.Assert(shareA.Value.Prime == shareB.Value.Prime);
     ShareA = shareA;
     ShareB = shareB;
     Prime  = shareA.Value.Prime;
Example #10
 public void NegTwoThroughNegFive_AreValidQuorums()
     for (int i = -2; i >= -5; --i)
         var q = new Quorum(i);
         Assert.AreEqual(i, (int)q);
Example #11
        public BitwiseOperationProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, IList <Share <BigZp> > bitSharesA, IList <Share <BigZp> > bitSharesB, IBitProtocolFactory bitProtocolFactory)
            : base(me, quorum)
            Debug.Assert(bitSharesA.Count == bitSharesB.Count);

            BitSharesA      = bitSharesA;
            BitSharesB      = bitSharesB;
            ProtocolFactory = bitProtocolFactory;
Example #12
        public BitwiseLessThanProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, List <Share <BigZp> > aBitShares, List <Share <BigZp> > bBitShares)
            : base(me, quorum)
            Debug.Assert(aBitShares.Count == bBitShares.Count);

            BitSharesA = aBitShares;
            BitSharesB = bBitShares;
            baclone    = new List <Share <BigZp> >(BitSharesA);
Example #13
 public ConditionalSwapProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, Share <BigZp> shareA, Share <BigZp> shareB, Share <BigZp> swapBit)
     : base(me, quorum)
     Debug.Assert(shareA.Value.Prime == shareB.Value.Prime);
     ShareA  = shareA;
     ShareB  = shareB;
     SwapBit = swapBit;
     Prime   = ShareA.Value.Prime;
Example #14
        public ShareLessThanProtocol(Party me, Quorum Quorum, Share <BigZp> shareA, Share <BigZp> shareB)
            : base(me, Quorum)
            Debug.Assert(shareA.Value.Prime == shareB.Value.Prime);

            ShareA = shareA;
            ShareB = shareB;
            Prime  = ShareA.Value.Prime;
        public TBuilder WithW(Quorum w)
            if (w == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("w", "w may not be null");

            this.w = w;
        public TBuilder WithPW(Quorum pw)
            if (pw == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pw", "pw may not be null");

            this.pw = pw;
        public TBuilder WithDW(Quorum dw)
            if (dw == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dw", "dw may not be null");

            this.dw = dw;
Example #18
        public TBuilder WithR(Quorum r)
            if (r == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("r", "r may not be null");

            this.r = r;
Example #19
 public TaggedCompareAndSwapProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, Tuple <Share <BigZp>, Share <BigZp> > taggedShareA, Tuple <Share <BigZp>, Share <BigZp> > taggedShareB)
     : base(me, quorum)
     Debug.Assert(taggedShareA.Item1.Value.Prime == taggedShareB.Item1.Value.Prime);
     CompShareA = taggedShareA.Item1;
     CompShareB = taggedShareB.Item1;
     TagShareA  = taggedShareA.Item2;
     TagShareB  = taggedShareB.Item2;
     Prime      = CompShareA.Value.Prime;
Example #20
 public QuorumTaggedShareRenewalProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorumFrom, Quorum quorumTo, Tuple <Share <BigZp>, Share <BigZp> > shares, BigInteger prime, ulong protocolId)
     : base(me, new Quorum[] { quorumFrom, quorumTo }, protocolId)
     if (shares != null)
         Debug.Assert(shares.Item1.Value.Prime == shares.Item2.Value.Prime);
     Shares = shares;
     Prime  = prime;
Example #21
        public TBuilder WithPR(Quorum pr)
            if (pr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pr", "pr may not be null");

            this.pr = pr;
Example #22
         * public static void SetupSimpleCircuitEvaluation(Quorum quorum)
         * {
         *  int n = quorum.Size;
         *  var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(n / 3.0) - 1;
         *  Debug.Assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0); // is power of 2
         *  network = new LPSortingNetwork(n);
         *  IList<BigZp>[] shares = new IList<BigZp>[n];
         *  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         *      shares[i] = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 500 - 2*i), n, polyDeg);
         *  foreach (var id in quorum.Members)
         *  {
         *      Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>> inShares = new Dictionary<InputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>();
         *      int i = 0;
         *      foreach (var inAddr in network.Circuit.InputAddrs)
         *      {
         *          inShares[inAddr] = new Share<BigZp>(shares[i][id]);
         *          i++;
         *      }
         *      TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>> party = new TestParty<IDictionary<OutputGateAddress, Share<BigZp>>>();
         *      party.UnderTest = new SecureGroupCircuitEvaluation(party, quorum.Clone() as Quorum, network.Circuit, inShares);
         *      NetSimulator.RegisterParty(party);
         *  }
         * }
        public static void SetupMultiQuorumCircuitEvaluation(Quorum bigQuorum)
            int n = bigQuorum.Size;

            int qSize = n / 2;

            var polyDeg = (int)Math.Ceiling(qSize / 3.0) - 1;

            var quorums = new List <Quorum>();

            quorums.Add(new Quorum(0, 0, qSize));
            quorums.Add(new Quorum(1, qSize, 2 * qSize));

            Debug.Assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0); // is power of 2

            network = new LPSortingNetwork(n);
            //network = SortingNetworkFactory.CreateButterflyTournamentRound(n);


            IList <BigZp>[] shares = new IList <BigZp> [n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                shares[i] = BigShamirSharing.Share(new BigZp(prime, 500 - 2 * i), qSize, polyDeg);

            Dictionary <Gate, Quorum> gqmapping = new Dictionary <Gate, Quorum>();

            for (int i = 0; i < network.Circuit.TopologicalOrder.Count; i++)
                gqmapping[network.Circuit.TopologicalOrder[i]] = quorums[i];

            foreach (var id in bigQuorum.Members)
                Dictionary <InputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > inShares = new Dictionary <InputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> >();

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var inAddr in network.Circuit.InputAddrs)
                    inShares[inAddr] = new Share <BigZp>(shares[i][id % 4]);

                TestParty <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > > party = new TestParty <IDictionary <OutputGateAddress, Share <BigZp> > >();
                Quorum[] quorumsClone = quorums.Select(a => a.Clone() as Quorum).ToArray();

                party.UnderTest =
                    new SecureMultiQuorumCircuitEvaluation <Share <BigZp> >(party, quorumsClone[id / qSize], quorumsClone,
                                                                            ProtocolIdGenerator.GenericIdentifier(0), network.Circuit, inShares, new BigZpShareGateEvaluationFactory(prime), gqmapping, prime);

Example #23
        public static void SetupRandomBitGenProtocol(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <Share <BigZp> > party = new TestParty <Share <BigZp> >();
                party.UnderTest = new RandomBitGenProtocol(party, quorum.Clone() as Quorum, prime);
Example #24
 public QuorumShareRenewalProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorumFrom, Quorum quorumTo, Share <BigZp> share, BigInteger prime, ulong protocolId)
     : base(me, new Quorum[] { quorumFrom, quorumTo }, protocolId)
     Debug.Assert(share == null || !share.IsPublic);  // makes no sense to do share renewal on a public value
     Prime = prime;
     if (share != null)
         Shares = new BigZp[] { share.Value }
Example #25
        public ShareRenewalRound(Party me, Quorum quorumFrom, Quorum quorumTo, BigZp[] startShares, BigInteger prime, int startSharesPerParty, int finalSharesPerParty, ulong protocolId)
            : base(me, new Quorum[] { quorumFrom, quorumTo }, protocolId)
            FinalSharesPerParty = finalSharesPerParty;
            StartSharesPerParty = startSharesPerParty;
            StartShares         = startShares;
            Prime = prime;
            ReceivedReshareCount = 0;

            foreach (var from in Quorums[0].Members)
                sharesRecv[from] = new List <ShareWitnessMsg <BigZp> > [startSharesPerParty];
                for (int i = 0; i < startSharesPerParty; i++)
                    numCommitsRecv[from] = 0;
                    sharesRecv[from][i]  = new List <ShareWitnessMsg <BigZp> >();

            StartShareCount = Quorums[FROM].Size * StartSharesPerParty;
            FinalShareCount = Quorums[TO].Size * FinalSharesPerParty;
            NewPolyDeg      = (int)Math.Ceiling(FinalShareCount / 3.0) - 1;

            VandermondeInv = StaticCache.GetVandermondeInvColumn(Prime, StartShareCount);

            if (Quorums[TO].HasMember(Me.Id))
                var quorumIter = Quorums[TO].Members.GetEnumerator();
                int i          = 0;
                while (quorumIter.MoveNext())
                    if (Me.Id == quorumIter.Current)
                        MyQuorumIndex = i;

            if (Quorums[TO] is ByzantineQuorum)
                var byzTo = Quorums[TO] as ByzantineQuorum;
                if (FinalShareCount == Quorums[TO].Size)
                    PolyCommit = byzTo.PolyCommit;
                    PolyCommit = new PolyCommit();
                    PolyCommit.Setup(NewPolyDeg + 1, byzTo.Seed);
Example #26
        public static void SetupBitwiseRandomGeneration(Quorum quorum)
            int n = quorum.Size;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > > party = new TestParty <List <Share <BigZp> > >();
                party.UnderTest = new RandomBitwiseGenProtocol(party, quorum, prime, 15);
        public UpdateCommandBuilder(UpdateCommandBuilder <TBuilder, TCommand, TOptions, TResponse> source)
            : base(source)
            this.w  = source.w;
            this.pw = source.pw;
            this.dw = source.dw;

            this.returnBody = source.returnBody;

            this.includeContext = source.includeContext;
            this.context        = source.context;
Example #28
        private static SortedSet <int> QuorumPlusParty(Quorum q, int p)
            if (q.HasMember(p))

            var newSet = new SortedSet <int>(q.Members);

Example #29
 public MultiQuorumGateEvaluation(Party me, ComputationGate evalGate, IDictionary <Gate, Quorum> gateQuorumMapping, Circuit circuit,
                                  IGateEvaluationProtocolFactory <T> protocolFactory, IDictionary <InputGateAddress, T> circuitInputs, BigInteger prime, ulong protocolId)
     : base(me, GetParticipatingQuorumList(evalGate, gateQuorumMapping, circuit), protocolId)
     EvalGate          = evalGate;
     GateQuorumMapping = gateQuorumMapping;
     Circuit           = circuit;
     Prime             = prime;
     EvalQuorum        = gateQuorumMapping[EvalGate];
     CircuitInputs     = circuitInputs;
     ProtocolFactory   = protocolFactory;
     Result            = new Dictionary <OutputGateAddress, T>();
Example #30
        public RandomBitwiseGenProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, BigInteger prime, BigInteger max)
            : base(me, quorum)
            Max   = max;
            Prime = prime;

            BitsNeeded = NumTheoryUtils.GetBitLength2(Max);
            if (Max.IsPowerOfTwo)

            Result = new List <Share <BigZp> >();
Example #31
        public RandGenProtocol(Party me, Quorum quorum, BigZp myRandom, BigInteger prime)
            : base(me, quorum)
            MyRandom   = myRandom;
            Prime      = prime;
            PolyDegree = (int)Math.Ceiling(Quorum.Size / 3.0) - 1;

            if (Quorum is ByzantineQuorum)
                PolyCommit = (Quorum as ByzantineQuorum).PolyCommit;

            CombinedShare = new BigZp(Prime);
Example #32
        public void WellKnownUnsignedIntValues_AreValidQuorums()
            uint quorum_uint = uint.MaxValue - 1;
            var quorum = new Quorum(quorum_uint);
            Assert.AreEqual(Quorum.WellKnown.One, quorum);

            quorum_uint = uint.MaxValue - 2;
            quorum = new Quorum(quorum_uint);
            Assert.AreEqual(Quorum.WellKnown.Quorum, quorum);

            quorum_uint = uint.MaxValue - 3;
            quorum = new Quorum(quorum_uint);
            Assert.AreEqual(Quorum.WellKnown.All, quorum);

            quorum_uint = uint.MaxValue - 4;
            quorum = new Quorum(quorum_uint);
            Assert.AreEqual(Quorum.WellKnown.Default, quorum);
        public void Should_Build_DtUpdateReq_Correctly()
            var updateSetCommandBuilder = new UpdateSet.Builder(DefaultAdds, DefaultRemoves);

            var q1 = new Quorum(1);
            var q2 = new Quorum(2);
            var q3 = new Quorum(3);


            UpdateSet updateSetCommand = updateSetCommandBuilder.Build();

            DtUpdateReq protobuf = (DtUpdateReq)updateSetCommand.ConstructRequest(false);

            Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BucketType), protobuf.type);
            Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Bucket), protobuf.bucket);
            Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Key), protobuf.key);
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)q3, protobuf.w);
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)q1, protobuf.pw);
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)q2, protobuf.dw);
            Assert.AreEqual(20000, protobuf.timeout);

            SetOp setOpMsg = protobuf.op.set_op;

            Assert.AreEqual(DefaultAdds, setOpMsg.adds);
            Assert.AreEqual(DefaultRemoves, setOpMsg.removes);
        public void Should_Build_DtUpdateReq_Correctly()
            var mapOp = new UpdateMap.MapOperation()
                .IncrementCounter("counter_1", 50)
                .AddToSet("set_1", "set_value_1")
                .RemoveFromSet("set_2", "set_value_2")
                .SetRegister("register_1", "register_value_1")
                .SetFlag("flag_1", true)

            mapOp.Map("map_2").IncrementCounter("counter_1", 50)
                .AddToSet("set_1", "set_value_1")
                .RemoveFromSet("set_2", "set_value_2")
                .SetRegister("register_1", "register_value_1")
                .SetFlag("flag_1", true)

            var updateMapCommandBuilder = new UpdateMap.Builder(mapOp);

            var q1 = new Quorum(1);
            var q2 = new Quorum(2);
            var q3 = new Quorum(3);


            UpdateMap updateMapCommand = updateMapCommandBuilder.Build();

            DtUpdateReq protobuf = (DtUpdateReq)updateMapCommand.ConstructRequest(false);

            Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BucketType), protobuf.type);
            Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Bucket), protobuf.bucket);
            Assert.AreEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Key), protobuf.key);
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)q3, protobuf.w);
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)q1, protobuf.pw);
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)q2, protobuf.dw);
            Assert.AreEqual(20000, protobuf.timeout);
            Assert.AreEqual(Context, protobuf.context);

            MapOp mapOpMsg = protobuf.op.map_op;

            MapUpdate innerMapUpdate = VerifyUpdates(mapOpMsg.updates, true);
            VerifyUpdates(innerMapUpdate.map_op.updates, false);
Example #35
 public void Zero_IsValidQuorum()
     var q = new Quorum(0);
Example #36
        public void WhenUsingValidQuorumString_ResultsInValidQuorumValue()
            var validQuorumData = new Dictionary<string, int[]>
                { "one", new[] { 1, Quorum.WellKnown.One } },
                { "One", new[] { 1, Quorum.WellKnown.One } },
                { "ONE", new[] { 1, Quorum.WellKnown.One } },
                { "onE", new[] { 1, Quorum.WellKnown.One } },
                { "quorum", new[] { 2, Quorum.WellKnown.Quorum } },
                { "Quorum", new[] { 2, Quorum.WellKnown.Quorum } },
                { "QUORUM", new[] { 2, Quorum.WellKnown.Quorum } },
                { "quOrUm", new[] { 2, Quorum.WellKnown.Quorum } },
                { "all", new[] { 3, Quorum.WellKnown.All } },
                { "All", new[] { 3, Quorum.WellKnown.All } },
                { "ALL", new[] { 3, Quorum.WellKnown.All } },
                { "alL", new[] { 3, Quorum.WellKnown.All } },
                { "default", new[] { 4, Quorum.WellKnown.Default } },
                { "Default", new[] { 4, Quorum.WellKnown.Default } },
                { "DEFAULT", new[] { 4, Quorum.WellKnown.Default } },
                { "deFaulT", new[] { 4, Quorum.WellKnown.Default } }

            foreach (var vqd in validQuorumData)
                string quorum_str = vqd.Key;
                int quorum_int_base = vqd.Value[0];
                int quorum_as_int = vqd.Value[1];
                uint quorum_uint = uint.MaxValue - (uint)quorum_int_base;

                var quorum = new Quorum(quorum_str);
                Assert.AreEqual(quorum_as_int, (int)quorum);
                Assert.AreEqual(quorum_uint, (uint)quorum);
                Assert.AreEqual(quorum_str.ToLowerInvariant(), (string)quorum);
                Assert.AreEqual(quorum_str.ToLowerInvariant(), quorum.ToString());

                var quorum_from_int = new Quorum(quorum_as_int);
                Assert.AreEqual(quorum_from_int, quorum);