Example #1
        // GET: HighScore

         * The HighScoreController Index method access's the Database and uses linq to get the specfic information.
         * This information is then passed over to the view where it is then displayed inside a table.
         * The information gotten is from the current month and then it calculates the average score for each player from that month.
        public ActionResult Index()
            QuizDBDataContext db = new QuizDBDataContext(); //Creates a instance of the DB

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;                    //The current DateTime

            var Scores = from Re in db.tblResults           //The anonyomous datatype returned from the DB which is all Results from the current month.
                         join Pl in db.tblPlayers
                         on Re.PlayerID equals Pl.PlayerID
                         where Re.ResultDateTime.Month == now.Month
                         select new { Pl.PlayerName, Re.Score, Re.ResultDateTime };

            var nwScores = Scores.GroupBy(S => S.PlayerName)        //The anonyomous datatype which is the PlayerName, the average score for that player from this month and the GamesPlayed.
                           .Select(a => new { PlayerName = a.Key, Avg = a.Average(av => av.Score), Count = a.Count() })
                           .OrderByDescending(c => c.Avg);          //Orders the data by the Players average Score.

            List <Average> PlayerAverages = new List <Average>();

            foreach (var group in nwScores)                                            //Loops through the variable nwScores
                Average nwAvg = new Average(group.PlayerName, group.Avg, group.Count); //Sets each playerName, AverageScore and Games PLayed  to a Average object.
                PlayerAverages.Add(nwAvg);                                             //Adds that current Average object to the PlayerAverages list.

            ViewBag.Now = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM");

            ViewBag.AVG = PlayerAverages;       //Passes the PlayerAverages List to the ViewBag so it can be quickly accessed from the view.
Example #2
        public ActionResult Score()
            if ((Session["User"] == null) || ((bool)Session["Finshed"] == false)) //Checks that a User is logged in and All the questions have been answered.
                return(Redirect("../Home/Index"));                                //return Redirect used instead of return View because Return View simply displays the View without calling the relevant controller method causing the page to be static.
                QuestionDB        questions = (QuestionDB)Session["Questions"]; //The QuestionDB instance is set from the Session Questions
                QuizDBDataContext db        = new QuizDBDataContext();          //Creates a instance of the Database
                tblResult         result    = new tblResult                     //Creates a new instance of tblResult to be saved into the Database
                    PlayerID       = (int)Session["UserID"],                    //Sets the PlayerID from the ID stored in the Session
                    Score          = questions.QuestionRoundScore(),            //Sets the Score for the round as well as the current DateTime stamp
                    ResultDateTime = DateTime.Now

                try     //Try catch used to submit the changes to the Database
                catch (Exception e)

                ViewBag.TotalScore = questions.TotalScore();

Example #3
        public ActionResult Login(string Username, string passWord)
            QuizDBDataContext db = new QuizDBDataContext();                                               //Creates a instance of the DB

            if (db.tblPlayers.Where(u => u.PlayerName == Username && u.PlayerPassword == passWord).Any()) //Uses linq to check if the Username and password are correct.
                var userID = (from pl in db.tblPlayers                                                    //Uses linq to loop through and get the Data from tblPlayers for the first specfic user.
                              where string.Equals(pl.PlayerName, Username) && string.Equals(pl.PlayerPassword, passWord)
                              select pl.PlayerID).First();

                Session["UserID"] = userID;        //Sets the UserID Session to the first Matching UserID from the DB Query
                Session["User"]   = Username;      //Sets the User Session to the UserName

                return(Redirect("../Home/Index")); //return Redirect used instead of return View because Return View simply displays the View without calling the relevant controller method causing the page to be static.
            Session["User"]   = null;              //The User and UserID Sessions are set to null if no user is found in the DB.
            Session["UserID"] = null;

Example #4
        public ActionResult Register(string Username, string passWord)
            QuizDBDataContext db = new QuizDBDataContext(); //Creates a instance of the Database

            tblPlayer player = new tblPlayer                //Creates a new instance of tblPlayer to be added to the DataBase
                PlayerName     = Username,
                PlayerPassword = passWord


            try                 //Try catch statement used to save the new User into the DataBase
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);       //Writes the Error to the console
            return(Redirect("Login"));      //return Redirect used instead of return View because Return View simply displays the View without calling the relevant controller method causing the page to be static.