Example #1
        public async Task CanGetQuestionnaires()
            var response = await _client.GetAsync("/api/questionnaire/getall");

            List <Questionnaire> r = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <Questionnaire> >();

            //Debug.WriteLine($"@@@ xx {r} ");
            Assert.True(r.Count() > 0);
            Questionnaire q = r.First();

            Assert.Equal("Questionnaire1", q.Name);
            Assert.True(q.Sections.Count() == 2);
            QuestionnaireSection section = q.Sections.First();

            Assert.Equal("Section1", section.SectionName);
            List <Question> sectionQuestions = section.Questions;

            Assert.True(sectionQuestions.Count() == 4);
            Question s1q1 = sectionQuestions.First();

            Assert.Equal("What is your name?", s1q1.QuestionText);
            Assert.Equal(QuestionType.Text, s1q1.QuestionType);
            Question s1q2 = sectionQuestions[1];

            Assert.Equal(QuestionType.Radio, s1q2.QuestionType);
Example #2
        private static void LoadItemIntoSection(XmlElement e, ref QuestionnaireSection section)
            QuestionnaireItem item = new QuestionnaireItem();

            item.ActionId    = GetNodeValue(e, "ActionId");
            item.DisplayId   = GetNodeValue(e, "DisplayId");
            item.Attributes  = QuestionnaireItemAttributes.CanSkip; //TODO
            item.ScoringNote = GetNodeValue(e, "ScoringNote");
            if (GetNodeValue(e, "BestScore") == "Highest")
                item.HigherIsBetter = true;
                item.HigherIsBetter = false;
                item.SummaryText = GetNodeValue(e, "Summary");
            catch (Exception exp)
                Error = "The summary: \n doesn't exist";
                Form1.Print("The summary:  doesn't exist" + exp.ToString());
                logReport.returnError("The summary:  doesn't exist" + exp.ToString());
            QuestionnaireElement x = item;

            LoadTextVersionsIntoElement(e, ref x);

            LoadOptionGroupsIntoItem(e, ref item);

Example #3
        private static void LoadSectionInstructions(XmlElement s, ref QuestionnaireSection section)
            foreach (XmlElement i in s.GetElementsByTagName("Instruction"))
                QuestionnaireSectionInstruction inst = new QuestionnaireSectionInstruction();
                inst.SetSupportedInstances(Instance.Baseline, Instance.Followup);             //TODO
                inst.SetSupportedPlatforms(Platform.Chat, Platform.Classic, Platform.Mobile); //TODO
                inst.Text = GetNodeValue(i, "Text");

Example #4
        private static void LoadTextIntoSection(XmlElement e, ref QuestionnaireSection section)
            QuestionnaireText text = new QuestionnaireText();

            text.ActionId = GetNodeValue(e, "ActionId");

            QuestionnaireElement x = text;

            LoadTextVersionsIntoElement(e, ref x);

Example #5
        private static void LoadSections(XmlElement root, ref Survey surv)
            foreach (XmlElement s in root.GetElementsByTagName("Section"))
                QuestionnaireSection sec = new QuestionnaireSection();
                sec.ActionId = GetNodeValue(s, "ActionId");

                LoadSectionElements(s, ref sec);
                LoadSectionInstructions(s, ref sec);
Example #6
 private static void LoadSectionElements(XmlElement s, ref QuestionnaireSection section)
     foreach (XmlElement e in s.GetElementsByTagName("Element"))
         if (e.Attributes["type"].Value == "Item")
             LoadItemIntoSection(e, ref section);
             LoadTextIntoSection(e, ref section);
Example #7
        private QuestionnaireItem AddItemToSection(QuestionnaireSection section, string actionId, string displayId, string text, Platform platform, Instance instance)
            QuestionnaireItem item = new QuestionnaireItem()
                ActionId       = actionId,
                DisplayId      = displayId,
                OrderInSection = section.Elements.Count + 1,
                Section        = section,

            item.TextVersions.Add(new QuestionnaireElementTextVersion()
                SupportedInstances = instance, SupportedPlatforms = platform, Text = text

Example #8
        private QuestionnaireText AddTextToSection(QuestionnaireSection section, string actionId, string text, Platform platform, Instance instance)
            QuestionnaireText txt = new QuestionnaireText()
                ActionId       = actionId,
                OrderInSection = section.Elements.Count + 1,
                Section        = section,

            txt.TextVersions.Add(new QuestionnaireElementTextVersion()
                SupportedInstances = instance, SupportedPlatforms = platform, Text = text


Example #9
        private static void LoadItemIntoSection(XmlElement e, ref QuestionnaireSection section)
            QuestionnaireItem item = new QuestionnaireItem();

            item.ActionId   = GetNodeValue(e, "ActionId");
            item.DisplayId  = GetNodeValue(e, "DisplayId");
            item.Attributes = QuestionnaireItemAttributes.CanSkip; //TODO

            item.SummaryText = GetNodeValue(e, "Summary");

            QuestionnaireElement x = item;

            LoadTextVersionsIntoElement(e, ref x);

            LoadOptionGroupsIntoItem(e, ref item);

Example #10
        public QuestionnaireSet getSet(string filepath)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filename");
            if (!File.Exists(filepath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing XML questionnaire definition file");

            QuestionnaireSet             qset             = null;
            List <QuestionnaireQuestion> currentQuestions = null;
            Questionnaire           currentQuestionnaire  = null;
            QuestionnaireQuestion   currentQuestion       = null;
            QuestionnaireSection    currentSection        = null;
            QuestionnairePage       currentPage           = null;
            QuestionnaireSubsection currentSubsection     = null;

            XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(filepath);

            while (reader.Read())
                switch ((int)reader.NodeType)
                case (int)XmlNodeType.Element:
                    string name = reader.Name;
                    if (name == "QuestionnaireSet")
                        qset                = new QuestionnaireSet();
                        qset.Name           = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                        qset.Title          = reader.GetAttribute("title");
                        qset.Description    = reader.GetAttribute("description");
                        qset.Questionnaires = new List <Questionnaire>();
                    else if (name == "Introduction")
                        currentQuestions = new List <QuestionnaireQuestion>();
                    else if (name == "Questionnaire")
                        currentQuestionnaire             = new Questionnaire();
                        currentQuestionnaire.Name        = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                        currentQuestionnaire.Title       = reader.GetAttribute("title");
                        currentQuestionnaire.Description = reader.GetAttribute("description");
                        currentQuestionnaire.Sections    = new List <QuestionnaireSection>();
                    else if (name == "Choices")
                        currentQuestion.Choices = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
                    else if (name == "Choice")
                        string nbr = reader.GetAttribute("number");
                        string txt = reader.GetAttribute("text");
                        currentQuestion.Choices.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(nbr, txt));
                    else if (name == "Section")
                        currentSection       = new QuestionnaireSection();
                        currentSection.Name  = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                        currentSection.Title = reader.GetAttribute("title");
                        currentSection.Pages = new List <QuestionnairePage>();
                    else if (name == "Page")
                        currentPage          = new QuestionnairePage();
                        currentPage.Number   = reader.GetAttribute("number");
                        currentPage.Sections = new List <QuestionnaireSubsection>();
                    else if (name == "Subsection")
                        currentSubsection       = new QuestionnaireSubsection();
                        currentSubsection.Name  = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                        currentSubsection.Title = reader.GetAttribute("title");
                    else if (name == "Questions")
                        currentQuestions = new List <QuestionnaireQuestion>();
                    else if (name == "Question")
                        currentQuestion                    = new QuestionnaireQuestion();
                        currentQuestion.Number             = reader.GetAttribute("number");
                        currentQuestion.Text               = reader.GetAttribute("text");
                        currentQuestion.BranchFromQuestion = reader.GetAttribute("branchFrom");
                        currentQuestion.BranchCondition    = reader.GetAttribute("if");

                case (int)XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                    name = reader.Name;
                    if (name == "Introduction")
                        qset.Questions   = currentQuestions;
                        currentQuestions = null;
                    else if (name == "Questionnaire")
                        currentQuestionnaire = null;
                    else if (name == "Choices")
                    else if (name == "Section")
                        currentSection = null;
                    else if (name == "Page")
                        currentPage = null;
                    else if (name == "Subsection")
                        currentSubsection = null;
                    else if (name == "Questions")
                        currentSubsection.Questions = currentQuestions;
                        currentQuestions            = null;
 public QuestionnaireSectionTO(QuestionnaireSection mdo)
     this.name  = mdo.Name;
     this.title = mdo.Title;
     this.pages = new QuestionnairePageArray(mdo.Pages);
Example #12
        public void AddFullProInstrumentTest()
            ProInstrument pro = new ProInstrument();

            pro.Name     = "OES2";
            pro.Status   = QuestionnaireStatus.Indevelopment;
            pro.IsActive = true;

            pro.Tags.Add(new Tag()
                TagName = "Gender", Value = "Male"
            pro.Tags.Add(new Tag()
                TagName = "Gender", Value = "Female"

                ProDomain d1 = new ProDomain();
                d1.Name         = "Total Domain";
                d1.Audience     = PCHI.Model.Users.UserTypes.Patient;
                d1.Description  = "Hello";
                d1.ScoreFormula = "{OES.1} + {OES.2}";
                    ProDomainResultRange r1 = new ProDomainResultRange();
                    r1.Start   = 0;
                    r1.End     = 10;
                    r1.Meaning = "Great";
                    ProDomainResultRange r2 = new ProDomainResultRange();
                    r2.Start   = 11;
                    r2.End     = 20;
                    r2.Meaning = "Oops";

                ProDomain d2 = new ProDomain();
                d2.Name         = "Sleep Domain";
                d2.Audience     = PCHI.Model.Users.UserTypes.Patient;
                d2.Description  = "Hello";
                d2.ScoreFormula = "{OES.1} + {OES.2}";
                    ProDomainResultRange r1 = new ProDomainResultRange();
                    r1.Start   = 0;
                    r1.End     = 10;
                    r1.Meaning = "Great";
                    ProDomainResultRange r2 = new ProDomainResultRange();
                    r2.Start   = 11;
                    r2.End     = 20;
                    r2.Meaning = "Oops";

            pro.Concept = new QuestionnaireConcept()
                Name = "Elbow", Description = "Tests Elbow Condition"
                QuestionnaireSection section = new QuestionnaireSection()
                    OrderInInstrument = 1, Questionnaire = pro
                AddTextToSection(section, "Intro1", @"", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                AddTextToSection(section, "Intro2", @"Please make sure you answer all the questions that follow by ticking one option for every question.", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);

                //Dictionary<int, string> options = null;
                //var options;// = new MyDictionary();

                QuestionnaireSection section = new QuestionnaireSection()
                    OrderInInstrument = 2, Questionnaire = pro
                    // same options apply to items 1 to 4
                    MyDictionary options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 4, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "", Text = "No difficulty"
                          } }, { 3, new ValuesOption()
                                     Action = "", Text = "A little bit of difficulty"
                                 } }, { 2, new ValuesOption()
                                            Action = "", Text = "Moderate difficulty"
                                        } }, { 1, new ValuesOption()
                                                   Action = "", Text = "Extreme difficulty"
                                               } }, { 0, new ValuesOption()
                                                          Action = "", Text = "Impossible to do"
                                                      } }

                    QuestionnaireItem qi = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.1", "1.", @"<strong>During the past 4 weeks</strong>, have you had difficulty lifting things in your home, such as putting out the rubbish, <u>because of your elbow problem</u>?", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.List);

                    qi = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.2", "2.", @"<strong>During the past 4 weeks</strong>, have you had difficulty lifting things in your home, such as putting out the rubbish, <u>because of your elbow problem</u>?", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.List);

                    qi = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.3", "3.", @"<strong>During the past 4 weeks</strong>, have you had difficulty washing yourself all over, <u>because of your elbow problem</u>?", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.List);

                    qi = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.4", "4.", @"<strong>During the past 4 weeks</strong>, have you had difficulty dressing yourself, <u>because of your elbow problem</u>?", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.List);

                    qi      = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.5", "5.", @"How difficult is for you to get up and down off the floor/gound?", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "", Text = "Extreme difficulty"
                          } }, { 100, new ValuesOption()
                                     Action = "", Text = "No difficulty at all"
                                 } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 10, QuestionnaireResponseType.Range);

                    qi      = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.6", "6.", @"How much trouble do you have with sexual activity because of your hip?", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "MakeItemNotApplicable", Text = "This is not relevant to me"
                          } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.ConditionalItem);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "", Text = "Several trouble"
                          } }, { 100, new ValuesOption()
                                     Action = "", Text = "No trouble at all"
                                 } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 10, QuestionnaireResponseType.Range);

                    qi      = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.7", "7.", @"How much trouble do you have pushing, pulling, lifting or carrying heavy objects at work?", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "MakeItemNotApplicable", Text = "I do not do these actions in my activities"
                          } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.ConditionalItem);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "", Text = "Several trouble"
                          } }, { 100, new ValuesOption()
                                     Action = "", Text = "No trouble at all"
                                 } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 10, QuestionnaireResponseType.Range);

                    qi      = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.8", "8.", @"How concern are you about cutting/changing directions during your sport or recreational activities?", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "MakeItemNotApplicable", Text = "I do not do this action in my activities"
                          } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.ConditionalItem);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "", Text = "Extremly concerned"
                          } }, { 100, new ValuesOption()
                                     Action = "", Text = "Not concerned at all"
                                 } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 10, QuestionnaireResponseType.Range);

                    qi      = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.9", "9.", @"Please indicate the sport or instrument which is most important to you:", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "", Text = ""
                          } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.Text);

                    qi = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.10", "10.", @"Enter your comments below:", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.Text);

                    //Part to add the definition for the body control
                    qi      = AddItemToSection(section, "OES.11", "11.", @"Select the parts of your body with some kind of mal functioning:", Platform.Classic | Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                    options = new MyDictionary()
                        { 0, new ValuesOption()
                              Action = "", Text = "Burning"
                          } }, { 1, new ValuesOption()
                                     Action = "", Text = "Numbness"
                                 } }, { 2, new ValuesOption()
                                            Action = "", Text = "Pins-Needles"
                                        } }, { 3, new ValuesOption()
                                                   Action = "", Text = "Stabbing"
                                               } }, { 4, new ValuesOption()
                                                          Action = "", Text = "Ache"
                                                      } }
                    AddOptionGroupToItem(qi, options, 0, QuestionnaireResponseType.MultiSelect);

                    //Optiongroup for each body part

                     * qiog1.OrderInItem = 1;
                     * {
                     *  qiog1.Options.Add(new QuestionnaireItemOption() { Text = "None", Value = 0, Group = qiog1 });
                     *  qiog1.Options.Add(new QuestionnaireItemOption() { Text = "Mild", Value = 1, Group = qiog1 });
                     *  qiog1.Options.Add(new QuestionnaireItemOption() { Text = "Moderate", Value = 2, Group = qiog1 });
                     *  qiog1.Options.Add(new QuestionnaireItemOption() { Text = "Severe", Value = 3, Group = qiog1 });
                     *  qiog1.Options.Add(new QuestionnaireItemOption() { Text = "Unbearable", Value = 4, Group = qiog1 });
                     *  qiog1.Item = q1;
                     * }
                     * q1.OptionGroups.Add(qiog1);
                     * section.Elements.Add(q1);
                     * q1.Section = section;
                     * */

                QuestionnaireSection section = new QuestionnaireSection()
                    OrderInInstrument = 3, Questionnaire = pro
                AddTextToSection(section, "Footer1", @"Thank you for answering. You are done now and the results will be reported to your physician.", Platform.Classic, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);
                AddTextToSection(section, "Footer1", @"Thank you for answering. You are done now and I will evaluate the results as soon as possible.", Platform.Chat, Instance.Baseline | Instance.Followup);

            new AccessHandlerManager().QuestionnaireAccessHandler.AddFullQuestionnaire(pro);
Example #13
        public static void Initialize(QuestionnairesContext context)

            if (context.Questionnaires.Any())
                return; //If this happens the DB already exists and has been seeded with test data

            var questionnaires = new Questionnaire[]
                new Questionnaire {
                    Title = "Example questionnaire", IntroText = "A questionnaire on an example topic"

            foreach (Questionnaire q in questionnaires)

            var sections = new QuestionnaireSection[]
                new QuestionnaireSection {
                    QuestionnaireID = 1, Title = "Section 1", IntroText = "Intro 1"
                new QuestionnaireSection {
                    QuestionnaireID = 1, Title = "Section 2", IntroText = "Intro 2"

            foreach (QuestionnaireSection s in sections)

            var items = new QuestionnaireItem[]
                new QuestionnaireItem {
                    QuestionnaireSectionID = 1, ItemText = "Item 1", ItemType = ItemTypes.Text
                new QuestionnaireItem {
                    QuestionnaireSectionID = 1, ItemText = "Item 2", ItemType = ItemTypes.Value
                new QuestionnaireItem {
                    QuestionnaireSectionID = 1, ItemText = "Item 3", ItemType = ItemTypes.Likert

                new QuestionnaireItem {
                    QuestionnaireSectionID = 2, ItemText = "Item 4", ItemType = ItemTypes.Text
                new QuestionnaireItem {
                    QuestionnaireSectionID = 2, ItemText = "Item 5", ItemType = ItemTypes.Value
                new QuestionnaireItem {
                    QuestionnaireSectionID = 2, ItemText = "Item 6", ItemType = ItemTypes.Likert

            foreach (QuestionnaireItem i in items)
Example #14
        public QuestionnaireSet getSet(string filepath)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filename");
            if (!File.Exists(filepath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing XML questionnaire definition file");

            QuestionnaireSet qset = null;
            List<QuestionnaireQuestion> currentQuestions = null;
            Questionnaire currentQuestionnaire = null;
            QuestionnaireQuestion currentQuestion = null;
            QuestionnaireSection currentSection = null;
            QuestionnairePage currentPage = null;
            QuestionnaireSubsection currentSubsection = null;

            XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(filepath);
            while (reader.Read())
                switch ((int)reader.NodeType)
                    case (int)XmlNodeType.Element:
                        string name = reader.Name;
                        if (name == "QuestionnaireSet")
                            qset = new QuestionnaireSet();
                            qset.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                            qset.Title = reader.GetAttribute("title");
                            qset.Description = reader.GetAttribute("description");
                            qset.Questionnaires = new List<Questionnaire>();
                        else if (name == "Introduction")
                            currentQuestions = new List<QuestionnaireQuestion>();
                        else if (name == "Questionnaire")
                            currentQuestionnaire = new Questionnaire();
                            currentQuestionnaire.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                            currentQuestionnaire.Title = reader.GetAttribute("title");
                            currentQuestionnaire.Description = reader.GetAttribute("description");
                            currentQuestionnaire.Sections = new List<QuestionnaireSection>();
                        else if (name == "Choices")
                            currentQuestion.Choices = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
                        else if (name == "Choice")
                            string nbr = reader.GetAttribute("number");
                            string txt = reader.GetAttribute("text");
                            currentQuestion.Choices.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(nbr, txt));
                        else if (name == "Section")
                            currentSection = new QuestionnaireSection();
                            currentSection.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                            currentSection.Title = reader.GetAttribute("title");
                            currentSection.Pages = new List<QuestionnairePage>();
                        else if (name == "Page")
                            currentPage = new QuestionnairePage();
                            currentPage.Number = reader.GetAttribute("number");
                            currentPage.Sections = new List<QuestionnaireSubsection>();
                        else if (name == "Subsection")
                            currentSubsection = new QuestionnaireSubsection();
                            currentSubsection.Name = reader.GetAttribute("name");
                            currentSubsection.Title = reader.GetAttribute("title");
                        else if (name == "Questions")
                            currentQuestions = new List<QuestionnaireQuestion>();
                        else if (name == "Question")
                            currentQuestion = new QuestionnaireQuestion();
                            currentQuestion.Number = reader.GetAttribute("number");
                            currentQuestion.Text = reader.GetAttribute("text");
                            currentQuestion.BranchFromQuestion = reader.GetAttribute("branchFrom");
                            currentQuestion.BranchCondition = reader.GetAttribute("if");
                    case (int)XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        name = reader.Name;
                        if (name == "Introduction")
                            qset.Questions = currentQuestions;
                            currentQuestions = null;
                        else if (name == "Questionnaire")
                            currentQuestionnaire = null;
                        else if (name == "Choices")
                        else if (name == "Section")
                            currentSection = null;
                        else if (name == "Page")
                            currentPage = null;
                        else if (name == "Subsection")
                            currentSubsection = null;
                        else if (name == "Questions")
                            currentSubsection.Questions = currentQuestions;
                            currentQuestions = null;
            return qset;