public async Task <QuestionGetModel> GetQuestionWithUserAndTagsAsync(QuestionFindModel questionFindModel)
            var question = await _questionRepository.GetQuestionWithUserAndTagsAsync(questionFindModel);

            if (question != null)
                question.VotesSum = await _voteService.GetVotesSumAsync(questionFindModel.Id, VoteTargetEnum.Question);
        public async Task <QuestionGetModel> GetQuestionWithUserAndTagsAsync(QuestionFindModel questionFindModel)
            var q = await _context
                    .Where(q => q.Id == questionFindModel.Id)
                    .Include(q => q.User)
                    .ThenInclude(u => u.Roles)
                    .Include(q => q.QuestionTags)
                    .ThenInclude(qt => qt.Tag)
                    .Include(q => q.Votes.Where(v => v.UserId == questionFindModel.UserId))
                    // Below line commented out because it was messing up
                    // votes - all votes would be included no matter
                    // the user id value (or lack of).

            return(_mapper.Map <QuestionGetModel>(q));