public void hasPlayerFinishedQuest_KillAnimal(BasePlayer player, string entityName) { QuestInfo qI = QuestINFO(player); List <Quest> ActiveQuests = qI.ActiveQuests(); if (ActiveQuests.Count < 1) { return; } foreach (var q in ActiveQuests) { if (entityName == q.qObjective) { UpdateKilled(q, GetKilledAmount(q, player) + 1, player); int amountTmp = GetKilledAmount(q, player); Notification(player, String.Format("You have killed {0}/{1} <color=aqua>{2}</color>", amountTmp, q.qAmount, char.ToUpper(q.qObjective[0]) + q.qObjective.Substring(1))); if (amountTmp >= q.qAmount) { CompletedQuest(q, player); PlayerRewardItem(player, q.qReward, q.qRewardAmount); return; } else { return; } } } return; }
public void AbandonQuest(BasePlayer player, string[] args, ref string t) { Quest RequestQuest, myQuest; if (args.Length != 2) { t += "Usage: <color=lightblue>/quests abandon \"questname\"</color>. Please try again."; return; } RequestQuest = FindQuest(args[1].ToLower()); if (RequestQuest != null) { QuestInfo qI = QuestINFO(player); List <Quest> ActiveQuests = qI.ActiveQuests(); //t += String.Format("Requested Quest: {0}\n", ConvertToUpper(RequestQuest.qName)); //List<KeyValuePair<string, Quest>> aQuests = ActiveQuests(player.userID.ToString()); if (!ActiveQuests.Contains(RequestQuest)) { t += "You are not on this quest!"; return; } else { RemovePlayerFromQuest(RequestQuest, player); return; } } else { t += "There is no quest by the name of \"<color=lightblue>" + args[1].ToLower() + "</color>\". Please try again!"; return; } }
public void AcceptQuest(BasePlayer player, string[] args, ref string t) { Quest RequestQuest, myQuest; if (args.Length != 2) { t += "Usage: <color=lightblue>/quests accept \"questname\"</color>. Please try again."; return; } RequestQuest = FindQuest(args[1].ToLower()); if (RequestQuest != null) { //t += String.Format("Requested Quest: {0}\n", ConvertToUpper(RequestQuest.qName)); QuestInfo qI = QuestINFO(player); List <Quest> ActiveQuests = qI.ActiveQuests(); /* List<KeyValuePair<string, Quest>> aQuests = ActiveQuests(player.userID.ToString()); * if (aQuests.Count >= 1) { t += "You are not able to be on more than one quest at a time..."; return; }*/ if (!ActiveQuests.Contains(RequestQuest)) { AddPlayerToQuest(RequestQuest, player); } else { t += "You are already on this quest!"; } } else { t += "There is no quest by the name of \"<color=lightblue>" + args[1].ToLower() + "</color>\". Please try again!"; return; } }
public void UserActiveQuests(BasePlayer player, string[] args, ref string t) { int pageIndex = 1; if (args.Length > 1) { try { pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); } catch (Exception) { t += "Error, you must use numbers, no letters... i.e. /quests active 1"; return; } } t += "<color=lightblue>Active quest | Page " + pageIndex + "</color>\n"; QuestInfo qI = QuestINFO(player); List <Quest> ActiveQuests = qI.ActiveQuests(); if (ActiveQuests.Count < 1) { t += String.Format("You are currently not on a quest!"); return; } var pages = ConvertQuests(ActiveQuests).Skip(pageIndex * 5 - 5).Take(5); if (pages.Count() < 1) { t += "There are no active quests beyond this point."; return; } foreach (var q in pages) { t += String.Format("<color=red>{0}</color>\n\t\t {1}\n\t\t <color=lightblue>Reward: </color><color=aqua>{2}</color>\n", ConvertToUpper(q.Value.qName), q.Value.qDescription, q.Value.qReward); } }
public void ShowQuestProgress(BasePlayer player, string[] args, ref string t) { int pageIndex = 1; if (args.Length > 1) { try { pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]); } catch (Exception) { t += "Error, you must use numbers, no letters... i.e. /quests progress 1"; return; } } t += "<color=lightblue>Quest Progress | Page " + pageIndex + "</color>\n"; QuestInfo qI = QuestINFO(player); List <Quest> ActiveQuests = qI.ActiveQuests(); if (ActiveQuests.Count < 1) { t += String.Format("You are currently not on a quest!"); return; } var pages = ConvertQuests(ActiveQuests).Skip(pageIndex * 5 - 5).Take(5); if (pages.Count() < 1) { t += "There are no active quests beyond this point."; return; } foreach (var q in pages) { int amount = 0; if (q.Value.qType == "gather") { amount = GetGatheredAmount(q.Value, player); } if (q.Value.qType == "kill") { amount = GetKilledAmount(q.Value, player); } t += String.Format("<color=red>{0}</color>\n\t\tCompleted Amount: {1} / {2}\t\t\tReward: {3} [x{4}]\n", ConvertToUpper(q.Value.qName), amount, q.Value.qAmount, q.Value.qReward, q.Value.qRewardAmount); } }
public void hasPlayerFinishedQuest_Gather(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity, Item item) { QuestInfo qI = QuestINFO(player); List <Quest> ActiveQuests = qI.ActiveQuests(); if (ActiveQuests.Count < 1) { return; } foreach (var q in ActiveQuests) { //Notification(player, q.Value.qObjective + " | " +; if (q.qObjective == { UpdateGathered(q, GetGatheredAmount(q, player) + item.amount, player); item.amount = 0; int aGathered = GetGatheredAmount(q, player); var cP = (double)aGathered / q.qAmount; if (LastPercentChange == 0.00) { LastPercentChange = cP; } var lP = LastPercentChange; var rPC = rateOfChange; double pC = (double)cP - lP; if (pC >= rPC) { Notification(player, String.Format("Amount Gathered for <color=lightblue>{0}</color>: <color=aqua>{1} / {2}</color>", ConvertToUpper(q.qName), aGathered, q.qAmount)); LastPercentChange = cP; SaveQuests(); } hasCompletedQuest(player, item, q); return; } } return; }