private async Task QueryTests_Common()
            Log("This test is known to fail in Xamarin -- see");
            // Numeric fields
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("GreaterThan and LessThan - Movies from the 90s", m => m.Year > 1989 && m.Year < 2000);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("GreaterEqual and LessEqual - Movies from the 90s", m => m.Year >= 1990 && m.Year <= 1999);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Compound statement - OR of ANDs - Movies from the 30s and 50s",
                                       m => ((m.Year >= 1930) && (m.Year < 1940)) || ((m.Year >= 1950) && (m.Year < 1960)));
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Division, equal and different - Movies from the year 2001 with rating other than R",
                                       m => ((m.Year / 1000.5) == 2) && (m.MpaaRating != "R"));
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Addition, subtraction, relational, AND - Movies from the 1980s which last less than 2 hours",
                                       m => ((m.Year - 1900) >= 80) && (m.Year + 10 < 2000) && (m.Duration < 120));

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("GreaterThan and LessThan - Movies from the 90s", m => m.Year > 1989 && m.Year < 2000);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("GreaterEqual and LessEqual - Movies from the 90s", m => m.Year >= 1990 && m.Year <= 1999);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Compound statement - OR of ANDs - Movies from the 30s and 50s",
                                          m => ((m.Year >= 1930) && (m.Year < 1940)) || ((m.Year >= 1950) && (m.Year < 1960)));
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Division, equal and different - Movies from the year 2001 with rating other than R",
                                          m => ((m.Year / 1000.5) == 2) && (m.MpaaRating != "R"));
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Addition, subtraction, relational, AND - Movies from the 1980s which last less than 2 hours",
                                          m => ((m.Year - 1900) >= 80) && (m.Year + 10 < 2000) && (m.Duration < 120));

            // String functions
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String: StartsWith - Movies which starts with 'The'",
                                       m => m.Title.StartsWith("The"), 100);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String: StartsWith, case insensitive - Movies which start with 'the'",
                                       m => m.Title.ToLower().StartsWith("the"), 100);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String: EndsWith, case insensitive - Movies which end with 'r'",
                                       m => m.Title.ToLower().EndsWith("r"));
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String: Contains - Movies which contain the word 'one', case insensitive",
                                       m => m.Title.ToUpper().Contains("ONE"));
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String: Length - Movies with small names",
                                       m => m.Title.Length < 10, 200);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String: Substring (1 parameter), length - Movies which end with 'r'",
                                       m => m.Title.Substring(m.Title.Length - 1) == "r");
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String: Substring (2 parameters), length - Movies which end with 'r'",
                                       m => m.Title.Substring(m.Title.Length - 1, 1) == "r");
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String: Concat - Movies rated 'PG' or 'PG-13' from the 2000s",
                                       m => m.Year >= 2000 && string.Concat(m.MpaaRating, "-13").StartsWith("PG-13"));

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String: StartsWith - Movies which starts with 'The'",
                                          m => m.Title.StartsWith("The"), 100);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String: StartsWith, case insensitive - Movies which start with 'the'",
                                          m => m.Title.ToLower().StartsWith("the"), 100);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String: EndsWith, case insensitive - Movies which end with 'r'",
                                          m => m.Title.ToLower().EndsWith("r"));
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String: Contains - Movies which contain the word 'one', case insensitive",
                                          m => m.Title.ToUpper().Contains("ONE"));
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String: Length - Movies with small names",
                                          m => m.Title.Length < 10, 200);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String: Substring (1 parameter), length - Movies which end with 'r'",
                                          m => m.Title.Substring(m.Title.Length - 1) == "r");
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String: Substring (2 parameters), length - Movies which end with 'r'",
                                          m => m.Title.Substring(m.Title.Length - 1, 1) == "r");
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String: Concat - Movies rated 'PG' or 'PG-13' from the 2000s",
                                          m => m.Year >= 2000 && string.Concat(m.MpaaRating, "-13").StartsWith("PG-13"));

            // String fields
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String equals - Movies since 1980 with rating PG-13",
                                       m => m.Year >= 1980 && m.MpaaRating == "PG-13", 100);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String field, comparison to null - Movies since 1980 without a MPAA rating",
                                       m => m.Year >= 1980 && m.MpaaRating == null,
                                       whereLambda : m => m.Year >= 1980 && m.MpaaRating == null);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("String field, comparison (not equal) to null - Movies before 1970 with a MPAA rating",
                                       m => m.Year < 1970 && m.MpaaRating != null,
                                       whereLambda : m => m.Year < 1970 && m.MpaaRating != null);

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String equals - Movies since 1980 with rating PG-13",
                                          m => m.Year >= 1980 && m.MpaaRating == "PG-13", 100);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String field, comparison to null - Movies since 1980 without a MPAA rating",
                                          m => m.Year >= 1980 && m.MpaaRating == null,
                                          whereLambda : m => m.Year >= 1980 && m.MpaaRating == null);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("String field, comparison (not equal) to null - Movies before 1970 with a MPAA rating",
                                          m => m.Year < 1970 && m.MpaaRating != null,
                                          whereLambda : m => m.Year < 1970 && m.MpaaRating != null);

            // Numeric functions
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Floor - Movies which last more than 3 hours",
                                       m => Math.Floor(m.Duration / 60.0) >= 3);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Ceiling - Best picture winners which last at most 2 hours",
                                       m => m.BestPictureWinner == true && Math.Ceiling(m.Duration / 60.0) == 2);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Round - Best picture winners which last more than 2.5 hours",
                                       m => m.BestPictureWinner == true && Math.Round(m.Duration / 60.0) > 2);

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Floor - Movies which last more than 3 hours",
                                          m => Math.Floor(m.Duration / 60.0) >= 3);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Ceiling - Best picture winners which last at most 2 hours",
                                          m => m.BestPictureWinner == true && Math.Ceiling(m.Duration / 60.0) == 2);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Round - Best picture winners which last more than 2.5 hours",
                                          m => m.BestPictureWinner == true && Math.Round(m.Duration / 60.0) > 2);

            // Date fields
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Date: Greater than, less than - Movies with release date in the 70s",
                                       m => m.ReleaseDate > new DateTime(1969, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) &&
                                       m.ReleaseDate < new DateTime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Date: Greater than, less than - Movies with release date in the 80s",
                                       m => m.ReleaseDate >= new DateTime(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) &&
                                       m.ReleaseDate < new DateTime(1989, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Date: Equal - Movies released on 1994-10-14 (Shawshank Redemption / Pulp Fiction)",
                                       m => m.ReleaseDate == new DateTime(1994, 10, 14, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Date: Greater than, less than - Movies with release date in the 70s",
                                          m => m.ReleaseDate > new DateTime(1969, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) &&
                                          m.ReleaseDate < new DateTime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Date: Greater than, less than - Movies with release date in the 80s",
                                          m => m.ReleaseDate >= new DateTime(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) &&
                                          m.ReleaseDate < new DateTime(1989, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Date: Equal - Movies released on 1994-10-14 (Shawshank Redemption / Pulp Fiction)",
                                          m => m.ReleaseDate == new DateTime(1994, 10, 14, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));

            // Date functions
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Date (month): Movies released in November",
                                       m => m.ReleaseDate.Month == 11);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Date (day): Movies released in the first day of the month",
                                       m => m.ReleaseDate.Day == 1);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Date (year): Movies whose year is different than its release year",
                                       m => m.ReleaseDate.Year != m.Year, 100);

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Date (month): Movies released in November",
                                          m => m.ReleaseDate.Month == 11);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Date (day): Movies released in the first day of the month",
                                          m => m.ReleaseDate.Day == 1);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Date (year): Movies whose year is different than its release year",
                                          m => m.ReleaseDate.Year != m.Year, 100);

            // Bool fields
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Bool: equal to true - Best picture winners before 1950",
                                       m => m.Year < 1950 && m.BestPictureWinner == true);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Bool: equal to false - Best picture winners after 2000",
                                       m => m.Year >= 2000 && !(m.BestPictureWinner == false));
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Bool: not equal to false - Best picture winners after 2000",
                                       m => m.BestPictureWinner != false && m.Year >= 2000);

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Bool: equal to true - Best picture winners before 1950",
                                          m => m.Year < 1950 && m.BestPictureWinner == true);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Bool: equal to false - Best picture winners after 2000",
                                          m => m.Year >= 2000 && !(m.BestPictureWinner == false));
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Bool: not equal to false - Best picture winners after 2000",
                                          m => m.BestPictureWinner != false && m.Year >= 2000);

            // Top and skip
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Get all using large $top - 500", null, 500);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Skip all using large skip - 500", null, null, 500, new[] { new OrderByClause("Title", true) });
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Get first ($top) - 10", null, 10);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Get last ($skip) - 10", null, null, QueryTestData.TestIntIdMovies.Length - 10, new[] { new OrderByClause("Title", true) });
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Skip, take, includeTotalCount - movies 11-20, ordered by title",
                                       null, 10, 10, new[] { new OrderByClause("Title", true) }, null, true);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Skip, take, filter includeTotalCount - movies 11-20 which won a best picture award, ordered by year",
                                       m => m.BestPictureWinner == true, 10, 10, new[] { new OrderByClause("Year", false) }, null, true);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Get all using large $top - 500", null, 500);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Skip all using large skip - 500", null, null, 500);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Get first ($top) - 10", null, 10);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Get last ($skip) - 10", null, null, QueryTestData.TestMovies().Length - 10);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Skip, take, includeTotalCount - movies 11-20, ordered by title",
                                          null, 10, 10, new[] { new OrderByClause("Title", true) }, null, true);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Skip, take, filter includeTotalCount - movies 11-20 which won a best picture award, ordered by year",
                                          m => m.BestPictureWinner == true, 10, 10, new[] { new OrderByClause("Year", false) }, null, true);

            // Order by
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Order by date and string - 50 movies, ordered by release date, then title",
                                       null, 50, null, new[] { new OrderByClause("ReleaseDate", false), new OrderByClause("Title", true) });
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Order by number - 30 shortest movies since 1970",
                                       m => m.Year >= 1970, 30, null, new[] { new OrderByClause("Duration", true), new OrderByClause("Title", true) }, null, true);

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Order by date and string - 50 movies, ordered by release date, then title",
                                          null, 50, null, new[] { new OrderByClause("ReleaseDate", false), new OrderByClause("Title", true) });
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Order by number - 30 shortest movies since 1970",
                                          m => m.Year >= 1970, 30, null, new[] { new OrderByClause("Duration", true), new OrderByClause("Title", true) }, null, true);

            // Select
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Select one field - Only title of movies from 2008",
                                       m => m.Year == 2008, null, null, null, m => m.Title);
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Select multiple fields - Nicely formatted list of movies from the 2000's",
                                       m => m.Year >= 2000, 200, null, new[] { new OrderByClause("ReleaseDate", false), new OrderByClause("Title", true) },
                                       m => string.Format("{0} {1} - {2} minutes", m.Title.PadRight(30), m.BestPictureWinner ? "(best picture)" : "", m.Duration));

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Select one field - Only title of movies from 2008",
                                          m => m.Year == 2008, null, null, null, m => m.Title);
            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Select multiple fields - Nicely formatted list of movies from the 2000's",
                                          m => m.Year >= 2000, 200, null, new[] { new OrderByClause("ReleaseDate", false), new OrderByClause("Title", true) },
                                          m => string.Format("{0} {1} - {2} minutes", m.Title.PadRight(30), m.BestPictureWinner ? "(best picture)" : "", m.Duration));

            // Tests passing the OData query directly to the Read operation
            await CreateQueryTestIntId("Passing OData query directly - movies from the 80's, ordered by Title, items 3, 4 and 5",
                                       whereClause : m => m.Year >= 1980 && m.Year <= 1989,
                                       top : 3, skip : 2,
                                       orderBy : new OrderByClause[] { new OrderByClause("Title", true) },
                                       odataQueryExpression : "$filter=((Year ge 1980) and (Year le 1989))&$top=3&$skip=2&$orderby=Title asc");

            await CreateQueryTestStringId("Passing OData query directly - movies from the 80's, ordered by Title, items 3, 4 and 5",
                                          whereClause : m => m.Year >= 1980 && m.Year <= 1989,
                                          top : 3, skip : 2,
                                          orderBy : new OrderByClause[] { new OrderByClause("Title", true) },
                                          odataQueryExpression : "$filter=((Year ge 1980) and (Year le 1989))&$top=3&$skip=2&$orderby=Title asc");

            // Negative tests
            await CreateQueryTest <IntIdMovie, MobileServiceInvalidOperationException>("[Int id] (Neg) Very large top value", m => m.Year > 2000, VeryLargeTopValue);
            await CreateQueryTest <Movie, MobileServiceInvalidOperationException>("[String id] (Neg) Very large top value", m => m.Year > 2000, VeryLargeTopValue);
            await CreateQueryTest <IntIdMovie, NotSupportedException>("[Int id] (Neg) Unsupported predicate: unsupported arithmetic",
                                                                      m => Math.Sqrt(m.Year) > 43);
            await CreateQueryTest <Movie, NotSupportedException>("[String id] (Neg) Unsupported predicate: unsupported arithmetic",
                                                                 m => Math.Sqrt(m.Year) > 43);

            // Invalid lookup
            for (int i = -1; i <= 0; i++)
                int id = i;
                //(Neg) Invalid id for lookup: " + i

                var table = this.GetClient().GetTable <IntIdMovie>();
                    var item = await table.LookupAsync(id);

                    Log("Error, LookupAsync for id = {0} should have failed, but succeeded: {1}", id, item);
                catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                    Log("Caught expected exception - {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            // TODO: Add this test back?
            //#if !WINDOWS_PHONE
            //            // ToCollection - displaying movies on a ListBox
            //            {
            //                var client = this.GetClient();
            //                var table = client.GetTable<StringIdMovie>();
            //                var query = from m in table
            //                            where m.Year > 1980
            //                            orderby m.ReleaseDate descending
            //                            select new
            //                            {
            //                                Date = m.ReleaseDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
            //                                Title = m.Title
            //                            };
            //                query = query.Take(50);
            //                var expectedItems = QueryTestData.AllMovies
            //                    .Where(m => m.Year > 1980)
            //                    .OrderByDescending(m => m.ReleaseDate)
            //                    .Select(m => string.Format(
            //                        "{0} - {1}",
            //                        m.ReleaseDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
            //                        m.Title))
            //                    .Take(50)
            //                    .ToList();
            //                var newPage = new MoviesDisplayControl();
            //                var collection = await query.ToCollectionAsync();
            //                newPage.SetMoviesSource(collection);

            //                Log("Displaying the movie display control with the bound collection");
            //                await newPage.Display();
            //                Log("Dialog displayed, verifying that the items displayed are correct...");
            //                var pageItems = newPage.ItemsAsString;
            //                List<string> errors = new List<string>();
            //                if (Utilities.CompareArrays(expectedItems.ToArray(), pageItems.ToArray(), errors))
            //                {
            //                    Log("Movies were displayed correctly.");
            //                    return;
            //                }
            //                else
            //                {
            //                    Log("Error comparing the movies:");
            //                    foreach (var error in errors)
            //                    {
            //                        Log("  {0}", error);
            //                    }
            //                    Assert.Fail("");
            //                }
            //            }
        private async Task CreateQueryTest <MovieType, TExpectedException>(
            string name, Expression <Func <MovieType, bool> > whereClause,
            int?top = null, int?skip = null, OrderByClause[] orderBy = null,
            Expression <Func <MovieType, string> > selectExpression = null, bool?includeTotalCount = null,
            string odataExpression             = null, bool useStringIdTable = false,
            Func <MovieType, bool> whereLambda = null)
            where MovieType : class, IMovie
            where TExpectedException : Exception
            Log("### Executing {0}.", name);
            if (whereClause == null && whereLambda != null)
                Assert.Fail("The argument 'whereLambda' is optional and can only be specified if 'whereClause' is also specified.");

                var table = this.GetClient().GetTable <MovieType>();
                IEnumerable <MovieType> readMovies          = null;
                IEnumerable <string>    readProjectedMovies = null;

                if (odataExpression == null)
                    IMobileServiceTableQuery <MovieType> query         = null;
                    IMobileServiceTableQuery <string>    selectedQuery = null;

                    if (whereClause != null)
                        query = table.Where(whereClause);

                    if (orderBy != null)
                        if (query == null)
                            query = table.Where(m => m.Duration == m.Duration);

                        query = ApplyOrdering(query, orderBy);

                    if (top.HasValue)
                        query = query == null?table.Take(top.Value) : query.Take(top.Value);

                    if (skip.HasValue)
                        query = query == null?table.Skip(skip.Value) : query.Skip(skip.Value);

                    if (selectExpression != null)
                        selectedQuery = query == null?table.Select(selectExpression) : query.Select(selectExpression);

                    if (includeTotalCount.HasValue)
                        query = query.IncludeTotalCount();

                    if (selectedQuery == null)
                        // Both ways of querying should be equivalent, so using both with equal probability here.
                        // TODO: Make it deterministic
                        var tickCount = Environment.TickCount;
                        if ((tickCount % 2) == 0)
                            Log("Querying using MobileServiceTableQuery<T>.ToEnumerableAsync");
                            readMovies = await query.ToEnumerableAsync();
                            Log("Querying using IMobileServiceTable<T>.ReadAsync(MobileServiceTableQuery<U>)");
                            readMovies = await table.ReadAsync(query);
                        readProjectedMovies = await selectedQuery.ToEnumerableAsync();
                    Log("Using the OData query directly");
                    JToken result = await table.ReadAsync(odataExpression);

                    readMovies = result.ToObject <IEnumerable <MovieType> >();

                long actualTotalCount = -1;
                ITotalCountProvider totalCountProvider = (readMovies as ITotalCountProvider) ?? (readProjectedMovies as ITotalCountProvider);
                if (totalCountProvider != null)
                    actualTotalCount = totalCountProvider.TotalCount;

                IEnumerable <MovieType> expectedData;
                if (useStringIdTable)
                    var movies = QueryTestData.TestMovies();
                    expectedData = new MovieType[movies.Length];
                    for (var i = 0; i < movies.Length; i++)
                        ((MovieType[])expectedData)[i] = (MovieType)(IMovie)movies[i];
                    expectedData = QueryTestData.TestIntIdMovies.Select(s => (MovieType)(IMovie)s);

                // Due to a Xamarin.iOS bug, Expression.Compile() does not work for some expression trees,
                // in which case we allow the caller to provide a lambda directly and we use it instead of
                // compiling the expression tree.
                if (whereLambda != null)
                    expectedData = expectedData.Where(whereLambda);
                else if (whereClause != null)
                    expectedData = expectedData.Where(whereClause.Compile());

                long expectedTotalCount = -1;
                if (includeTotalCount.HasValue && includeTotalCount.Value)
                    expectedTotalCount = expectedData.Count();

                if (orderBy != null)
                    expectedData = ApplyOrdering(expectedData, orderBy);

                if (skip.HasValue)
                    expectedData = expectedData.Skip(skip.Value);

                if (top.HasValue)
                    expectedData = expectedData.Take(top.Value);

                if (includeTotalCount.HasValue)
                    if (expectedTotalCount != actualTotalCount)
                        Log("Total count was requested, but the returned value is incorrect: expected={0}, actual={1}", expectedTotalCount, actualTotalCount);

                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                bool          expectedDataIsSameAsReadData;

                if (selectExpression != null)
                    string[] expectedProjectedData = expectedData.Select(selectExpression.Compile()).ToArray();
                    expectedDataIsSameAsReadData = Utilities.CompareArrays(expectedProjectedData, readProjectedMovies.ToArray(), errors);
                    expectedDataIsSameAsReadData = Utilities.CompareArrays(expectedData.ToArray(), readMovies.ToArray(), errors);

                if (!expectedDataIsSameAsReadData)
                    foreach (var error in errors)

                    Log("Expected data is different");
                    if (typeof(TExpectedException) == typeof(ExceptionTypeWhichWillNeverBeThrown))
                        Log("Error, test should have failed with {0}, but succeeded.", typeof(TExpectedException).FullName);
            catch (TExpectedException ex)
                Log("Caught expected exception - {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);
        private async Task CreateQueryTest <MovieType, TExpectedException>(
            string name, Expression <Func <MovieType, bool> > whereClause,
            int?top = null, int?skip = null, OrderByClause[] orderBy = null,
            Expression <Func <MovieType, string> > selectExpression = null, bool?includeTotalCount = null,
            string odataExpression             = null, bool useStringIdTable = false,
            Func <MovieType, bool> whereLambda = null)
            where MovieType : class, IMovie
            where TExpectedException : Exception
            Assert.False(whereClause == null && whereLambda != null);

                var table = this.GetClient().GetTable <MovieType>();
                IEnumerable <MovieType> readMovies          = null;
                IEnumerable <string>    readProjectedMovies = null;

                if (odataExpression == null)
                    IMobileServiceTableQuery <MovieType> query         = null;
                    IMobileServiceTableQuery <string>    selectedQuery = null;

                    if (whereClause != null)
                        query = table.Where(whereClause);

                    if (orderBy != null)
                        if (query == null)
                            query = table.Where(m => m.Duration == m.Duration);

                        query = ApplyOrdering(query, orderBy);

                    if (top.HasValue)
                        query = query == null?table.Take(top.Value) : query.Take(top.Value);

                    if (skip.HasValue)
                        query = query == null?table.Skip(skip.Value) : query.Skip(skip.Value);

                    if (selectExpression != null)
                        selectedQuery = query == null?table.Select(selectExpression) : query.Select(selectExpression);

                    if (includeTotalCount.HasValue)
                        query = query.IncludeTotalCount();

                    if (selectedQuery == null)
                        // Both ways of querying should be equivalent, so using both with equal probability here.
                        // TODO: Make it deterministic
                        var tickCount = Environment.TickCount;
                        if ((tickCount % 2) == 0)
                            readMovies = await query.ToEnumerableAsync();
                            readMovies = await table.ReadAsync(query);
                        readProjectedMovies = await selectedQuery.ToEnumerableAsync();
                    JToken result = await table.ReadAsync(odataExpression);

                    readMovies = result.ToObject <IEnumerable <MovieType> >();

                long actualTotalCount = -1;
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                ITotalCountProvider totalCountProvider = (readMovies as ITotalCountProvider) ?? (readProjectedMovies as ITotalCountProvider);
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                if (totalCountProvider != null)
                    actualTotalCount = totalCountProvider.TotalCount;

                IEnumerable <MovieType> expectedData;
                if (useStringIdTable)
                    var movies = QueryTestData.TestMovies();
                    expectedData = new MovieType[movies.Length];
                    for (var i = 0; i < movies.Length; i++)
                        ((MovieType[])expectedData)[i] = (MovieType)(IMovie)movies[i];
                    expectedData = QueryTestData.TestIntIdMovies.Select(s => (MovieType)(IMovie)s);

                // Due to a Xamarin.iOS bug, Expression.Compile() does not work for some expression trees,
                // in which case we allow the caller to provide a lambda directly and we use it instead of
                // compiling the expression tree.
                if (whereLambda != null)
                    expectedData = expectedData.Where(whereLambda);
                else if (whereClause != null)
                    expectedData = expectedData.Where(whereClause.Compile());

                long expectedTotalCount = -1;
                if (includeTotalCount.HasValue && includeTotalCount.Value)
                    expectedTotalCount = expectedData.Count();

                if (orderBy != null)
                    expectedData = ApplyOrdering(expectedData, orderBy);

                if (skip.HasValue)
                    expectedData = expectedData.Skip(skip.Value);

                if (top.HasValue)
                    expectedData = expectedData.Take(top.Value);

                if (includeTotalCount.HasValue)
                    Assert.Equal(expectedTotalCount, actualTotalCount);

                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                bool          expectedDataIsSameAsReadData;

                if (selectExpression != null)
                    string[] expectedProjectedData = expectedData.Select(selectExpression.Compile()).ToArray();
                    expectedDataIsSameAsReadData = Utilities.CompareArrays(expectedProjectedData, readProjectedMovies.ToArray(), errors);
                    expectedDataIsSameAsReadData = Utilities.CompareArrays(expectedData.ToArray(), readMovies.ToArray(), errors);


                if (typeof(TExpectedException) != typeof(ExceptionTypeWhichWillNeverBeThrown))
                    Assert.True(false, "Test should have failed");
            catch (TExpectedException)
Example #4
        private async Task CreateTypedApiTest(Random seedGenerator, TypedTestType testType)
            Log("### Typed overload - {0}", testType);

            var client  = GetClient();
            var apiName = MovieFinderApiName;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                int seed = seedGenerator.Next();
                Log("Test with seed = {0}", seed);
                Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

                Movie[]   expectedResult = null;
                AllMovies actualResult   = null;
                Movie     inputTemplate;

                // TODO: BUG #2132434: .NET runtime should allow URI's that end with a dot
                while (true)
                    inputTemplate = QueryTestData.TestMovies()[rndGen.Next(QueryTestData.TestMovies().Length)];
                    if (testType == TypedTestType.GetByTitle && inputTemplate.Title.EndsWith("."))
                        // The .NET backend barfs and returns 404 if the URI ends with a dot, so let's get another movie

                    if (testType == TypedTestType.GetByTitle && inputTemplate.Title.EndsWith("?"))
                        // The .NET & Node backend do not return anything if the URI ends with a '?' so let's get another movie

                Log("Using movie '{0}' as template", inputTemplate.Title);
                string apiUrl;
                switch (testType)
                case TypedTestType.GetByTitle:
                    apiUrl         = apiName + "/title/" + inputTemplate.Title;
                    expectedResult = new Movie[] { inputTemplate };
                    actualResult   = await client.InvokeApiAsync <AllMovies>(apiUrl, HttpMethod.Get, null);


                case TypedTestType.GetByDate:
                    var releaseDate = inputTemplate.ReleaseDate;
                    apiUrl         = apiName + "/date/" + releaseDate.Year + "/" + releaseDate.Month + "/" + releaseDate.Day;
                    expectedResult = QueryTestData.TestMovies().Where(m => m.ReleaseDate == releaseDate).ToArray();
                    actualResult   = await client.InvokeApiAsync <AllMovies>(apiUrl, HttpMethod.Get, null);


                case TypedTestType.PostByDuration:
                case TypedTestType.PostByYear:
                    string orderBy = null;
                    switch (rndGen.Next(3))
                    case 0:
                        orderBy = null;

                    case 1:
                        orderBy = "id";

                    case 2:
                        orderBy = "Title";

                    Dictionary <string, string> queryParams = orderBy == null ?
                                                              null :
                                                              new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { "orderBy", orderBy }

                    Func <Movie, bool> predicate;
                    if (testType == TypedTestType.PostByYear)
                        predicate = m => m.Year == inputTemplate.Year;
                        apiUrl    = apiName + "/moviesOnSameYear";
                        predicate = m => m.Duration == inputTemplate.Duration;
                        apiUrl    = apiName + "/moviesWithSameDuration";

                    if (queryParams == null)
                        actualResult = await client.InvokeApiAsync <Movie, AllMovies>(apiUrl, inputTemplate);
                        actualResult = await client.InvokeApiAsync <Movie, AllMovies>(apiUrl, inputTemplate, HttpMethod.Post, queryParams);

                    expectedResult = QueryTestData.TestMovies().Where(predicate).ToArray();
                    if (orderBy == null || orderBy == "Title")
                        Array.Sort(expectedResult, (m1, m2) => m1.Title.CompareTo(m2.Title));


                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid test type: " + testType);

                Log("  - Sent request to {0}", apiUrl);
                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                Assert.AreEquivalent(expectedResult, actualResult.Movies);
 public Task Query_String_Last10()
 => CreateQueryTestStringId(
     "Get last ($skip) - 10",
     null, null, QueryTestData.TestMovies().Length - 10);