Example #1
        private void gridMain_CellLeave(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e)
            QuerySetStmtObject qObjCur = (QuerySetStmtObject)gridMain.SelectedGridRows[0].Tag;
            string             stmtOld = qObjCur.Stmt;
            string             varOld  = qObjCur.Variable;
            string             valOld  = qObjCur.Value;
            string             valNew  = gridMain.SelectedGridRows[0].Cells[1].Text.ToString();

            if (UserQueries.SplitQuery(valNew, true, ";").Count > 1)
                Point _selectedCell = gridMain.SelectedCell;
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You may not include semicolons in the value text. Please remove all semicolons.");
                gridMain.SelectedGridRows[0].Cells[1].Text = valOld;
                gridMain.SetSelected(_selectedCell);                 //this just refreshes the cell that is being left. Is there an easy way to cancel the CellLeave action?
            if (valOld == valNew)
                return;                 //don't bother doing any of the logic below if nothing changed.
            //Regular expression for the expression @Variable = Value.
            Regex  r       = new Regex(Regex.Escape(varOld) + @"\s*=\s*" + Regex.Escape(valOld));
            string stmtNew = r.Replace(stmtOld, varOld + "=" + valNew);

            _queryCur.QueryText = _queryCur.QueryText.Replace(stmtOld, stmtNew);
            textQuery.Text      = _queryCur.QueryText;
            qObjCur.Stmt        = stmtNew;
            qObjCur.Value       = valNew;
            gridMain.Rows.OfType <ODGridRow>().Where(x => ((QuerySetStmtObject)x.Tag).Stmt == stmtOld).ToList().ForEach(y => {
                ((QuerySetStmtObject)y.Tag).Stmt = stmtNew;
Example #2
        private void SelectTextForSelectedRow()
            QuerySetStmtObject qObjCur = (QuerySetStmtObject)gridMain.SelectedGridRows[0].Tag;
            int startidx = textQuery.Text.IndexOf(qObjCur.Stmt);

            if (startidx == -1)
                //the query object does not have comments in it, while the text area does.
                //this can cause finding the index of the set statement to fail if the user
                //has comments contained within their set statements (which should never happen unless the query is malformed).
                //In this case, we'll just suppress any failures.
            textQuery.Select(startidx, qObjCur.Stmt.Length);
Example #3
        ///<summary>When a row is double clicked, bring up an input box that allows the user to change the variable's value.</summary>
        private void gridMain_CellDoubleClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e)
            QuerySetStmtObject qObjCur  = (QuerySetStmtObject)gridMain.SelectedGridRows[0].Tag;
            InputBox           inputBox = new InputBox(new List <InputBoxParam> {
                new InputBoxParam(InputBoxType.TextBox, Lan.g(this, "Set value for") + " " + qObjCur.Variable, text: qObjCur.Value)

            if (inputBox.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                string stmtOld = qObjCur.Stmt;
                //Regular expression for the expression @Variable = Value.
                Regex  r       = new Regex(Regex.Escape(qObjCur.Variable) + @"\s*=\s*" + Regex.Escape(qObjCur.Value));
                string stmtNew = r.Replace(stmtOld, qObjCur.Variable + "=" + inputBox.textResult.Text);
                _queryCur.QueryText = _queryCur.QueryText.Replace(stmtOld, stmtNew);
                if (stmtOld == stmtNew)
                    return;                     //don't bother refilling the grid if the value didn't change.
                textQuery.Text = _queryCur.QueryText;
Example #4
        ///<summary>Returns the list of variables in the query contained within the passed-in SET statement.
        ///Pass in one SET statement. Used in conjunction with GetListVals.</summary>
        private List <QuerySetStmtObject> GetListQuerySetStmtObjs(string setStmt)
            List <string> strSplits = UserQueries.SplitQuery(setStmt, false, ",");

            for (int i = 0; i < strSplits.Count; i++)
                Regex r = new Regex(@"\s*set\s+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                strSplits[i] = r.Replace(strSplits[i], "");
            strSplits.RemoveAll(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) || !x.StartsWith("@") || x.StartsWith("@_"));
            List <QuerySetStmtObject> bufferList = new List <QuerySetStmtObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < strSplits.Count; i++)
                QuerySetStmtObject qObj = new QuerySetStmtObject();
                qObj.Stmt     = setStmt;
                qObj.Variable = strSplits[i].Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2).First();
                qObj.Value    = strSplits[i].Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2).Last();