public bool CanRun(QueryParts queryParts) { return(queryParts.IsRollback); }
protected override void GenerateReport() { ProfileHelper.Next("Начало формирования запроса"); _clients = GetClientWithSetFilter(_RegionEqual, _RegionNonEqual, _PayerEqual, _PayerNonEqual, _Clients, _ClientsNON, null); var hash = new Hashtable(); var data = new List <ReportData>(); var clientsCount = _clients.Count; var checkSuppliersCount = _reportParams.ContainsKey("FirmCodeEqual"); var maxSuppliersCount = 0; foreach (var client in _clients) { // проверка клиента на доступность var cl = GetClientWithSetFilter(_RegionEqual, _RegionNonEqual, _PayerEqual, _PayerNonEqual, _Clients, _ClientsNON, client); if (cl == null || cl.Count == 0) { clientsCount--; continue; // возможно, клиент был заблокирован во время подготовки отчета } ClientCode = Convert.ToInt32(client); InvokeGetActivePrices(); if (checkSuppliersCount) { maxSuppliersCount = Math.Max(maxSuppliersCount, Connection.Read <uint>("select count(*) from usersettings.ActivePrices group by FirmCode").Count()); } var joinText = _AllAssortment ? "Left JOIN" : "JOIN"; string withWithoutPropertiesText; if (_WithWithoutProperties) { withWithoutPropertiesText = String.Format(@" if(C0.SynonymCode is not null, S.Synonym, {0}) ", GetCatalogProductNameSubquery("")); } else { withWithoutPropertiesText = String.Format(@" if(C0.SynonymCode is not null, S.Synonym, {0}) ", QueryParts.GetFullFormSubquery("", true)); } var firmcr = _ProducerAccount ? "and ifnull(C0.CodeFirmCr,0) = ifnull(c00.CodeFirmCr,0)" : string.Empty; var JunkWhere = _regionsWhere.Length == 0 ? " WHERE c00.Junk = 0 " : " AND c00.Junk = 0 "; DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = string.Format( @" select c00.ProductId, p.CatalogId, c00.CodeFirmCr, c0.Code, c0.CodeCr, {2} as ProductName, if(c0.SynonymFirmCrCode is not null, Sf.Synonym , Prod.Name) as ProdName, if(if(round(cc.Cost * Prices.Upcost, 2) < c00.MinBoundCost, c00.MinBoundCost, round(cc.Cost * Prices.Upcost, 2)) > c00.MaxBoundCost, c00.MaxBoundCost, if(round(cc.Cost*Prices.UpCost,2) < c00.MinBoundCost, c00.MinBoundCost, round(cc.Cost * Prices.Upcost, 2))) as Cost, Prices.FirmCode, Prices.PriceCode from Usersettings.ActivePrices Prices join farm.core0 c00 on c00.PriceCode = Prices.PriceCode join farm.CoreCosts cc on cc.Core_Id = c00.Id and cc.PC_CostCode = Prices.CostCode {1} farm.Core0 c0 on c0.productid = c00.productid {5} and C0.PriceCode = {0} join catalogs.Products as p on = c00.productid join Catalogs.Catalog as cg on p.catalogid = left join Catalogs.Producers Prod on c00.CodeFirmCr = Prod.Id left join farm.Synonym S on C0.SynonymCode = S.SynonymCode left join farm.SynonymFirmCr Sf on C0.SynonymFirmCrCode = Sf.SynonymFirmCrCode {3} {4} ", priceForCorel, joinText, withWithoutPropertiesText, _regionsWhere, JunkWhere, firmcr); #if DEBUG Debug.WriteLine(DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText); #endif var offers = new DataTable(); DataAdapter.Fill(offers); NoisingCostInDataTable(offers, "Cost", "FirmCode", _SupplierNoise); foreach (var group in Group(offers)) { var offer = group.First(); var dataItem = FindItem(hash, offer, data); dataItem.Drugstore.AddRange(group.Select(r => r.Field <UInt32>("FirmCode")).Where(u => !dataItem.Drugstore.Contains(u))); dataItem.Costs.Add(group.Min(r => r.Field <decimal>("Cost"))); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Код клиента: " + ClientCode + " Строк в таблице: " + data.Count); #endif } //foreach (var client in _clients) if (checkSuppliersCount && maxSuppliersCount < 3) { throw new ReportException(String.Format("Фактическое количество прайс" + " листов меньше трех, получено прайс-листов {0}", maxSuppliersCount)); } ProfileHelper.SpendedTime(string.Format("По {0}ти клиентам запрос выполнен за ", clientsCount)); var dtRes = new DataTable("Results"); dtRes.Columns.Add("Code"); if (_showCodeCr) { dtRes.Columns.Add("CodeCr"); dtRes.Columns["CodeCr"].Caption = "Код изготовителя"; dtRes.Columns["CodeCr"].ExtendedProperties["Width"] = 10; } dtRes.Columns.Add("ProductName"); dtRes.Columns["ProductName"].Caption = "Наименование"; dtRes.Columns["ProductName"].ExtendedProperties["Width"] = 65; if (_ProducerAccount) { dtRes.Columns.Add("CodeFirmCr"); dtRes.Columns["CodeFirmCr"].Caption = "Производитель"; dtRes.Columns["CodeFirmCr"].ExtendedProperties["Width"] = 25; } dtRes.Columns.Add("MinCost", typeof(decimal)); dtRes.Columns["Code"].Caption = "Код товара"; dtRes.Columns["MinCost"].Caption = "Минимальная цена"; var costNumber = new List <int>(); for (double i = 0.01; i < 0.7; i += 0.1) { var okrugl = Math.Round((i * clientsCount) + 1); if (okrugl > 1) { if (!costNumber.Contains((int)okrugl)) { costNumber.Add((int)okrugl); dtRes.Columns.Add("Cost" + okrugl, typeof(decimal)); dtRes.Columns["Cost" + okrugl].Caption = (100 - i * 100) + "% (" + okrugl + "я цена)"; } } if (i == 0.01) { i -= 0.01; } } dtRes.Columns.Add("SupplierCount", typeof(int)); dtRes.Columns.Add("DrugstoreCount", typeof(int)); dtRes.Columns["SupplierCount"].Caption = "Количество поставщиков"; dtRes.Columns["SupplierCount"].ExtendedProperties["Width"] = 10; dtRes.Columns["DrugstoreCount"].Caption = "Количество аптек"; dtRes.Columns["DrugstoreCount"].ExtendedProperties["Width"] = 10; if (_ProducerAccount) { data = data.OrderBy(i => i.Name).ThenBy(i => ((ProducerAwareReportData)i).ProducerName).ToList(); } else { data = data.OrderBy(i => i.Name).ToList(); } foreach (var dataItem in data) { var newRow = dtRes.NewRow(); if (_ProducerAccount) { newRow["CodeFirmCr"] = ((ProducerAwareReportData)dataItem).ProducerName; } if (_showCodeCr) { newRow["CodeCr"] = dataItem.CodeCr; } newRow["Code"] = dataItem.Code; newRow["MinCost"] = dataItem.Costs.Min(); newRow["ProductName"] = dataItem.Name; newRow["DrugstoreCount"] = dataItem.Costs.Count; newRow["SupplierCount"] = dataItem.Drugstore.Count; dataItem.Costs.Sort(); foreach (var i in costNumber) { if (dataItem.Costs.Count < i) { break; } newRow["Cost" + i] = dataItem.Costs[i - 1]; } dtRes.Rows.Add(newRow); } _dsReport.Tables.Add(dtRes); }
public bool CanRun(QueryParts queryParts) { //this should only work on queries like: DELETE * FROM Collection WHERE Collection.PartitionKey = 'test' return(queryParts.CleanQueryType.Equals(Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.DELETE, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && queryParts.CleanQueryBody.Equals("*") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryParts.CleanQueryWhere)); }
public override Task RenderResults(IReadOnlyCollection <object> results, string collectionName, QueryParts query, bool appendResults, int queryStatementIndex) { _view.RenderResults(results, collectionName, query, appendResults, queryStatementIndex); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public Maybe <QueryParts> AddWherePostId(QueryParts parts, WpPostId?postId, IImmutableList <WpPostId> postIds) { // Add Post ID EQUAL if (postId is WpPostId id and { Value : > 0 })
private SqlGeneratorExpressionTreeVisitor(QueryParts queryParts, string contextName, QueryContext context) { this.QueryParts = queryParts; this.ContextName = contextName; this.Context = context; }
public async void RenderResults(IReadOnlyCollection <object> results, string collectionName, QueryParts query, bool appendResults, int queryStatementIndex) { if (!appendResults) { resultListView.Groups.Clear(); resultListView.Items.Clear(); _totalDocumentCount = 0; } var textPartitionKeyPath = await Presenter.LookupPartitionKeyPath(query.CollectionName); var groupName = "Query 1"; var headers = Presenter.LookupResultListViewHeaders(results.FirstOrDefault(), textPartitionKeyPath); if (appendResults) { resultListView.Groups.Add(new ListViewGroup { Header = $"Query {queryStatementIndex} ({results.Count} Documents)", Name = $"Query{resultListView.Groups.Count}", HeaderAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }); groupName = $"Query {queryStatementIndex}"; if (resultListView.Groups.Count == 1) { //first group set headers resultListView.Columns[1].Text = headers.header1; resultListView.Columns[2].Text = headers.header2; } else { //if the next query has a different select, then clear column headers if (resultListView.Columns[1].Text != headers.header1) { resultListView.Columns[1].Text = string.Empty; } if (resultListView.Columns[2].Text != headers.header2) { resultListView.Columns[2].Text = string.Empty; } } } else { resultListView.Columns[1].Text = headers.header1; resultListView.Columns[2].Text = headers.header2; } var validResultCount = 0; foreach (var item in results) { var fromObject = JObject.FromObject(item); if (!fromObject.HasValues) { continue; } validResultCount++; var listItem = new ListViewItem(); if (appendResults && resultListView.Groups.Count > 0) { listItem.Group = resultListView.Groups[resultListView.Groups.Count - 1]; } listItem.Tag = new DocumentResult { Document = fromObject, CollectionName = collectionName, Query = query, GroupName = groupName }; JProperty col1Prop = null; JToken col1Token = null; var columnText = fromObject.Properties().ParseColumnText(textPartitionKeyPath); var resultProps = fromObject.Properties(); var subItem = new ListViewSubItem { Text = columnText.col1RowText }; listItem.SubItems.Add(subItem); if (resultProps.Count() > 1) { subItem = new ListViewSubItem { Text = columnText.col2RowText }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subItem.Text)) { listItem.SubItems.Add(subItem); } } resultListView.Items.Add(listItem); } _totalDocumentCount += validResultCount; SetResultCountLabel(); resultListToolStrip.Refresh(); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override Maybe <QueryParts> AddSort(QueryParts parts, bool sortRandom, IImmutableList <(IColumn, SortOrder)> sort) =>
public override async Task RenderResults(IReadOnlyCollection <object> results, string collectionName, QueryParts query, bool appendResults, int queryStatementIndex) { var textPartitionKeyPath = await LookupPartitionKeyPath(query.CollectionName); var column1Header = ""; var column2Header = ""; var queryHeader = ""; queryHeader = $"Query {queryStatementIndex} ({results.Count} Documents)"; var headers = LookupResultListViewHeaders(results.FirstOrDefault(), textPartitionKeyPath); if (appendResults) { if (_groupCount == 1) { //first group set headers column1Header = headers.header1; column2Header = headers.header2; } else { //if the next query has a different select, then clear column headers if (column1Header != headers.header1) { column1Header = string.Empty; } if (column2Header != headers.header2) { column2Header = string.Empty; } } } else { column1Header = headers.header1; column2Header = headers.header2; } _outputTraceInformation.OutputColumn1 = column1Header; _outputTraceInformation.OutputColumn2 = column2Header; var outputDetailRecord = new OutputDetailRecord { QueryHeader = queryHeader }; _outputTraceInformation.OutputDetailRecords.Add(outputDetailRecord); foreach (var item in results) { var fromObject = JObject.FromObject(item); if (!fromObject.HasValues) { continue; } var documentDetail = new DocumentDetail { Document = fromObject.ToString() }; outputDetailRecord.Records.Add(documentDetail); var columnText = fromObject.Properties().ParseColumnText(textPartitionKeyPath); documentDetail.DisplayField1 = columnText.col1RowText; documentDetail.DisplayField2 = columnText.col2RowText; } }
public async Task <(bool success, IReadOnlyCollection <object> results)> RunAsync(IDocumentStore documentStore, Connection connection, QueryParts queryParts, bool logStats, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyCollection <object> > variables = null) { try { if (!queryParts.IsValidQuery()) { logger.LogError("Invalid Query. Aborting Update."); return(false, null); } var ids = queryParts.CleanQueryBody.Split(new[] { ',' }); if (queryParts.CleanQueryUpdateType == Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.REPLACE && ids.Length > 1) { var errorMessage = $"{Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.REPLACE} only supports replacing 1 document at a time."; logger.LogError(errorMessage); return(false, null); } if (queryParts.IsTransaction) { logger.LogInformation($"Transaction Created. TransactionId: {queryParts.TransactionId}"); await _transactionTask.BackuQueryAsync(connection.Name, connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, queryParts.TransactionId, queryParts.CleanOrginalQuery); } var partitionKeyPath = await documentStore.LookupPartitionKeyPath(connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName); var updateCount = 0; var actionTransactionCacheBlock = new ActionBlock <string>(async documentId => { //this handles transaction saving for recovery await documentStore.ExecuteAsync(connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, async(IDocumentExecuteContext context) => { if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new TaskCanceledException("Task has been requested to cancel."); } JObject jDoc = null; if (queryParts.IsTransaction) { var backupResult = await _transactionTask.BackupAsync(context, connection.Name, connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, queryParts.TransactionId, logger, documentId); if (!backupResult.isSuccess) { logger.LogError($"Unable to backup document {documentId}. Skipping Update."); return(false); } jDoc = backupResult.document; } if (queryParts.IsReplaceUpdateQuery()) { var fullJObjectToUpdate = JObject.Parse(queryParts.CleanQueryUpdateBody); var fullJObjectPartionKeyValue = fullJObjectToUpdate.SelectToken(partitionKeyPath).ToString(); var fullJObjectUpdatedDoc = await context.UpdateAsync(fullJObjectToUpdate, new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = fullJObjectPartionKeyValue }); if (fullJObjectUpdatedDoc != null) { Interlocked.Increment(ref updateCount); logger.LogInformation($"Updated {documentId}"); } else { logger.LogInformation($"Document {documentId} unable to be updated."); } return(true); } //this is a partial update if (jDoc == null) { //this would only need to run if not in a transaction, because in a transaction we have already queried for the doc and have it. var queryToFindOptions = new QueryOptions { PopulateQueryMetrics = false, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true, MaxItemCount = 1, }; //we have to query to find the partitionKey value so we can do the delete var queryToFind = context.QueryAsSql <object>($"SELECT * FROM {queryParts.CollectionName} WHERE {queryParts.CollectionName}.id = '{documentId.CleanId()}'", queryToFindOptions); var queryResultDoc = (await queryToFind.ConvertAndLogRequestUnits(false, logger)).FirstOrDefault(); if (queryResultDoc == null) { logger.LogInformation($"Document {documentId} not found. Skipping Update"); return(false); } jDoc = JObject.FromObject(queryResultDoc); } var partionKeyValue = jDoc.SelectToken(partitionKeyPath).ToString(); var partialDoc = JObject.Parse(queryParts.CleanQueryUpdateBody); //ensure the partial update is not trying to update id or the partition key var pToken = partialDoc.SelectToken(partitionKeyPath); var idToken = partialDoc.SelectToken(Constants.DocumentFields.ID); if (pToken != null || idToken != null) { logger.LogError($"Updates are not allowed on ids or existing partition keys of a document. Skipping updated for document {documentId}."); return(false); } var shouldUpdateToEmptyArray = partialDoc.HasEmptyJArray(); jDoc.Merge(partialDoc, new JsonMergeSettings { MergeArrayHandling = shouldUpdateToEmptyArray ? MergeArrayHandling.Replace : MergeArrayHandling.Merge, MergeNullValueHandling = MergeNullValueHandling.Merge }); //save var updatedDoc = await context.UpdateAsync(jDoc, new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = partionKeyValue }); if (updatedDoc != null) { Interlocked.Increment(ref updateCount); logger.LogInformation($"Updated {documentId}"); } else { logger.LogInformation($"Document {documentId} unable to be updated."); } return(true); }, cancellationToken); }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MAX_DEGREE_PARALLEL, CancellationToken = cancellationToken }); foreach (var id in ids) { actionTransactionCacheBlock.Post(id); } actionTransactionCacheBlock.Complete(); await actionTransactionCacheBlock.Completion; logger.LogInformation($"Updated {updateCount} out of {ids.Length}"); if (queryParts.IsTransaction && updateCount > 0) { logger.LogInformation($"To rollback execute: ROLLBACK {queryParts.TransactionId}"); } return(true, null); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorMessage = $"Unable to run {Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.UPDATE} query."; if (queryParts.CleanQueryUpdateType == Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.REPLACE) { errorMessage += $"{Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.REPLACE} only supports replacing 1 document at a time."; } logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, new EventId(), errorMessage, ex); return(false, null); } }
public static SubqueryParts ParseSubquery(QueryModel queryModel, QueryParts parentQuery, string contextName, QueryContext context) { return(ParseSubquery(queryModel, parentQuery, false, contextName, context)); }
public virtual List <Offer> GetOffers(int clientId, uint sourcePriceCode, uint?noiseSupplierId, bool allAssortment, bool byCatalog, bool withProducers) { ClientCode = clientId; InvokeGetActivePrices(); var assortmentSupplierId = Convert.ToUInt32( MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(Connection, @" select FirmCode from usersettings.pricesdata where pricesdata.PriceCode = ?PriceCode ", new MySqlParameter("?PriceCode", sourcePriceCode))); //Заполняем код региона прайс-листа как домашний код региона клиента, относительно которого строится отчет var SourceRegionCode = Convert.ToUInt64( MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(Connection, @" select RegionCode from Customers.Clients where Id = ?ClientCode", new MySqlParameter("?ClientCode", ClientCode))); var enabledCost = MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar( Connection, "select CostCode from ActivePrices where PriceCode = ?SourcePC and RegionCode = ?SourceRegionCode", new MySqlParameter("?SourcePC", sourcePriceCode), new MySqlParameter("?SourceRegionCode", SourceRegionCode)); if (enabledCost != null) { MySqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( Connection, @" drop temporary table IF EXISTS Usersettings.SourcePrice; create temporary table Usersettings.SourcePrice engine=MEMORY select * from ActivePrices where PriceCode = ?SourcePC and RegionCode = ?SourceRegionCode;", new MySqlParameter("?SourcePC", sourcePriceCode), new MySqlParameter("?SourceRegionCode", SourceRegionCode)); } var joinText = allAssortment || sourcePriceCode == 0 ? " Left JOIN " : " JOIN "; string withWithoutPropertiesText; if (byCatalog) { withWithoutPropertiesText = String.Format(@" if(C0.SynonymCode is not null, S.Synonym, {0}) ", GetCatalogProductNameSubquery("")); } else { withWithoutPropertiesText = String.Format(@" if(C0.SynonymCode is not null, S.Synonym, {0}) ", QueryParts.GetFullFormSubquery("", true)); } var firmcr = withProducers ? " and ifnull(C0.CodeFirmCr,0) = ifnull(c00.CodeFirmCr,0) " : string.Empty; var producerId = withProducers ? " ifnull(c00.CodeFirmCr, 0) " : " 0 "; var producerName = withProducers ? " if(c0.SynonymFirmCrCode is not null, Sfc.Synonym , Prod.Name) " : " '-' "; var result = new List <Offer>(); DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = string.Format( @" select p.CatalogId, c00.ProductId, {0} as ProducerId, {1} as ProductName, {2} as ProducerName, c00.Id as CoreId, c00.Code, Prices.FirmCode as SupplierId, c00.PriceCode as PriceId, Prices.RegionCode as RegionId, c00.Quantity, if(if(round(cc.Cost * Prices.Upcost, 2) < c00.MinBoundCost, c00.MinBoundCost, round(cc.Cost * Prices.Upcost, 2)) > c00.MaxBoundCost, c00.MaxBoundCost, if(round(cc.Cost*Prices.UpCost,2) < c00.MinBoundCost, c00.MinBoundCost, round(cc.Cost * Prices.Upcost, 2))) as Cost, c0.Id as AssortmentCoreId, c0.Code as AssortmentCode, c0.CodeCr as AssortmentCodeCr, {9} as AssortmentSupplierId, c0.PriceCode as AssortmentPriceId, {10} as AssortmentRegionId, c0.Quantity as AssortmentQuantity, {7} as AssortmentCost from Usersettings.ActivePrices Prices join farm.core0 c00 on c00.PriceCode = Prices.PriceCode join farm.CoreCosts cc on cc.Core_Id = c00.Id and cc.PC_CostCode = Prices.CostCode join catalogs.Products as p on = c00.productid join Catalogs.Catalog as cg on p.catalogid = {3} farm.Core0 c0 on c0.productid = c00.productid {4} and C0.PriceCode = {5} {6} left join Catalogs.Producers Prod on c00.CodeFirmCr = Prod.Id left join farm.Synonym S on C0.SynonymCode = S.SynonymCode left join farm.SynonymFirmCr Sfc on C0.SynonymFirmCrCode = Sfc.SynonymFirmCrCode {8} WHERE {11} ", producerId, withWithoutPropertiesText, producerName, joinText, firmcr, sourcePriceCode, (enabledCost != null) ? @" left join farm.CoreCosts cc0 on cc0.Core_Id = c0.Id and cc0.PC_CostCode = " + enabledCost + @" left join Usersettings.SourcePrice c0Prices on c0Prices.CostCode = " + enabledCost : "", (enabledCost != null) ? @" if(cc0.Cost is null, 0, if(if(round(cc0.Cost * c0Prices.Upcost, 2) < c0.MinBoundCost, c0.MinBoundCost, round(cc0.Cost * c0Prices.Upcost, 2)) > c0.MaxBoundCost, c0.MaxBoundCost, if(round(cc0.Cost*c0Prices.UpCost,2) < c0.MinBoundCost, c0.MinBoundCost, round(cc0.Cost * c0Prices.Upcost, 2))) )" : " null ", @"", assortmentSupplierId, SourceRegionCode, sourcePriceCode == 0 ? " c00.Junk = 0 " : @" ({1} (c0.PriceCode <> c00.PriceCode) or (Prices.RegionCode <> {0}) or (c0.Id = c00.Id)) and (c00.Junk = 0 or c0.Id = c00.Id)".Format(SourceRegionCode, allAssortment || sourcePriceCode == 0 ? "(c0.PriceCode is null) or" : string.Empty)); Random random = null; if (noiseSupplierId.HasValue) { random = new Random(); } #if DEBUG Debug.WriteLine(DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText); #endif using (var reader = DataAdapter.SelectCommand.ExecuteReader()) { foreach (var row in reader.Cast <IDataRecord>()) { var offer = new Offer(row, noiseSupplierId, random); result.Add(offer); } } return(result); }
public async Task <(bool success, IReadOnlyCollection <object> results)> RunAsync(IDocumentStore documentStore, Connection connection, QueryParts queryParts, bool logStats, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyCollection <object> > variables = null) { try { if (!queryParts.IsValidQuery()) { logger.LogError("Invalid Query. Aborting Delete."); return(false, null); } var ids = queryParts.CleanQueryBody.Split(new[] { ',' }); if (queryParts.IsTransaction) { logger.LogInformation($"Transaction Created. TransactionId: {queryParts.TransactionId}"); await _transactionTask.BackuQueryAsync(connection.Name, connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, queryParts.TransactionId, queryParts.CleanOrginalQuery); } var partitionKeyPath = await documentStore.LookupPartitionKeyPath(connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName); var deleteCount = 0; var actionTransactionCacheBlock = new ActionBlock <string>(async documentId => { //this handles transaction saving for recovery await documentStore.ExecuteAsync(connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, async(IDocumentExecuteContext context) => { if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new TaskCanceledException("Task has been requested to cancel."); } if (queryParts.IsTransaction) { var backupResult = await _transactionTask.BackupAsync(context, connection.Name, connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, queryParts.TransactionId, logger, documentId); if (!backupResult.isSuccess) { logger.LogError($"Unable to backup document {documentId}. Skipping Delete."); return(false); } } var queryToFindOptions = new QueryOptions { PopulateQueryMetrics = false, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true, MaxItemCount = 1, }; //we have to query to find the partitionKey value so we can do the delete var queryToFind = context.QueryAsSql <object>($"SELECT {queryParts.CollectionName}.{partitionKeyPath} FROM {queryParts.CollectionName} WHERE {queryParts.CollectionName}.id = '{documentId.CleanId()}'", queryToFindOptions); var partitionKeyResult = (await queryToFind.ConvertAndLogRequestUnits(false, logger)).FirstOrDefault(); if (partitionKeyResult != null) { var jobj = JObject.FromObject(partitionKeyResult); var partionKeyValue = jobj.SelectToken(partitionKeyPath).ToString(); var deleted = await context.DeleteAsync(documentId.CleanId(), new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = partionKeyValue }); if (deleted) { Interlocked.Increment(ref deleteCount); logger.LogInformation($"Deleted {documentId}"); } else { logger.LogInformation($"Document {documentId} unable to be deleted."); } } else { logger.LogInformation($"Document {documentId} not found. Skipping"); } return(true); }, cancellationToken); }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MAX_DEGREE_PARALLEL, CancellationToken = cancellationToken }); foreach (var id in ids) { actionTransactionCacheBlock.Post(id); } actionTransactionCacheBlock.Complete(); await actionTransactionCacheBlock.Completion; logger.LogInformation($"Deleted {deleteCount} out of {ids.Length}"); if (queryParts.IsTransaction && deleteCount > 0) { logger.LogInformation($"To rollback execute: ROLLBACK {queryParts.TransactionId}"); } return(true, null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, new EventId(), $"Unable to run {Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.DELETE} query", ex); return(false, null); } }
public bool CanRun(QueryParts queryParts) { return(queryParts.CleanQueryType.Equals(Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.DELETE, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !queryParts.CleanQueryBody.Equals("*")); }
private static Func <string, T> ProjectExpression <T>(SubQueryExpression sqe, QueryParts parts) { var mqp = new MainQueryParts( parts.Locator, parts.ConverterFactory, parts.Simplifications, parts.ExpressionMatchers, parts.MemberMatchers, parts.ProjectionMatchers); var subquery = SubqueryGeneratorQueryModelVisitor.ParseSubquery(sqe.QueryModel, mqp, parts.ContextName, parts.Context.Select()); var newExpression = sqe.QueryModel.SelectClause.Selector as NewExpression; if (newExpression != null) { return(ProjectNew <T>(newExpression, parts, subquery)); } return(ProjectMapping <T>(sqe, parts, subquery)); }
public static string GetSqlExpression(Expression linqExpression, QueryParts queryParts) { //TODO pass queryParts context!? return(GetSqlExpression(linqExpression, queryParts, QueryContext.Standard)); }
private static Result CreateResult(QuerySourceReferenceExpression expression, QueryParts parts) { var qs = expression.ReferencedQuerySource; var fc = qs as FromClauseBase; if (fc != null) { var ce = fc.FromExpression as ConstantExpression; if (ce != null) { var type = ce.Value.GetType(); if (type.IsQueryable()) { return(CreateResult(qs.ItemName, type.GetGenericArguments()[0], qs, parts, true)); } else { return(CreateResult(qs.ItemName, qs.ItemType, qs, parts, true)); } } else if (fc.FromExpression is QuerySourceReferenceExpression) { return(CreateResult(qs.ItemName, qs.ItemType, qs, parts, true)); } else if (fc.FromExpression is SubQueryExpression) { var sqe = fc.FromExpression as SubQueryExpression; var source = GetOriginalSource(sqe.QueryModel.MainFromClause); return(CreateResult(qs.ItemName, source.ItemType, qs, parts, false)); } } return(CreateResult(qs.ItemName, qs.ItemType, qs, parts, true)); }
protected override void GenerateReport() { ProfileHelper.Next("PreGetOffers"); if (_priceCode == 0) { throw new ReportException("В отчете не установлен параметр \"Прайс-лист\"."); } var customerFirmName = GetSupplierName(_priceCode); CheckPriceActual(_priceCode); if (_byWeightCosts) { ProcessWeigth(); return; } GetOffers(_SupplierNoise); var enabledPrice = Convert.ToInt32( MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar( DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection, "select PriceCode from ActivePrices where PriceCode = ?PriceCode", new MySqlParameter("?PriceCode", _priceCode))); if (enabledPrice == 0 && !_byBaseCosts) { var clientShortName = Convert.ToString( MySqlHelper.ExecuteScalar( DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection, @"select Name from Customers.Clients where Id = ?FirmCode", new MySqlParameter("?FirmCode", ClientCode))); throw new ReportException(String.Format("Для клиента {0} ({1}) не доступен прайс-лист {2} ({3}).", clientShortName, ClientCode, customerFirmName, _priceCode)); } DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Clear(); var selectCommandText = String.Empty; switch (_reportType) { case DefReportType.ByName: { selectCommandText = @" drop temporary table IF EXISTS SummaryByPrices; CREATE temporary table SummaryByPrices ( NameId int Unsigned, key NameId(NameId))engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO SummaryByPrices select distinct Catalog.NameId from ActivePrices apt, Core c, Catalogs.Products, Catalogs.Catalog where apt.PriceCode <> ?SourcePC and apt.PriceCode=c.PriceCode and Products.Id = c.ProductId and Catalog.Id = products.CatalogId; drop temporary table IF EXISTS OtherByPrice; CREATE temporary table OtherByPrice ( NameId int Unsigned, Code VARCHAR(20) not NULL, key NameId(NameId))engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO OtherByPrice select distinct Catalog.NameId, FarmCore.Code from ( Core c inner join Catalogs.Products on c.ProductId = Products.Id inner join Catalogs.Catalog on Products.CatalogId = Catalog.Id ) inner join farm.Core0 FarmCore on FarmCore.Id = c.Id left join SummaryByPrices st on st.NameId = Catalog.NameId where c.PriceCode=?SourcePC and st.NameId is NULL and Catalog.Pharmacie = 1; select distinct OtherByPrice.Code, CatalogNames.Name from OtherByPrice inner join catalogs.CatalogNames on OtherByPrice.NameId = CatalogNames.Id order by CatalogNames.Name;"; break; } case DefReportType.ByNameAndForm: { selectCommandText = @" drop temporary table IF EXISTS SummaryByPrices; CREATE temporary table SummaryByPrices ( CatalogId int Unsigned, key CatalogId(CatalogId)) engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO SummaryByPrices select distinct Products.CatalogId from ActivePrices apt, Core c, Catalogs.Products where apt.PriceCode <> ?SourcePC and apt.PriceCode=c.PriceCode and Products.Id = c.ProductId; drop temporary table IF EXISTS OtherByPrice; CREATE temporary table OtherByPrice ( CatalogId int Unsigned, Code VARCHAR(20) not NULL, key CatalogId(CatalogId) ) engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO OtherByPrice select distinct Products.CatalogId, FarmCore.Code from ( Core c inner join Catalogs.Products on c.ProductId = Products.Id ) inner join farm.Core0 FarmCore on FarmCore.Id = c.Id left join SummaryByPrices st on st.CatalogId = Products.CatalogId where c.PriceCode=?SourcePC and st.CatalogId is NULL; select distinct OtherByPrice.Code, CatalogNames.Name, CatalogForms.Form from OtherByPrice inner join catalogs.catalog on OtherByPrice.CatalogId = catalog.Id inner join catalogs.CatalogNames on catalog.NameId = CatalogNames.Id inner join catalogs.CatalogForms on catalog.FormId = CatalogForms.Id where catalog.Pharmacie = 1 order by CatalogNames.Name, CatalogForms.Form;"; break; } case DefReportType.ByNameAndFormAndFirmCr: { selectCommandText = @" drop temporary table IF EXISTS SummaryByPrices; CREATE temporary table SummaryByPrices ( CatalogId int Unsigned, CodeFirmCr int Unsigned, key CatalogId(CatalogId), key CodeFirmCr(CodeFirmCr)) engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO SummaryByPrices select distinct Products.CatalogId, FarmCore.CodeFirmCr from ActivePrices apt, Core c, farm.Core0 FarmCore, Catalogs.Products where apt.PriceCode <> ?SourcePC and apt.PriceCode = c.PriceCode and Products.Id = c.ProductId and FarmCore.Id = c.Id and FarmCore.CodeFirmCr is not null; drop temporary table IF EXISTS OtherByPrice; CREATE temporary table OtherByPrice ( CatalogId int Unsigned, CodeFirmCr int Unsigned, Code VARCHAR(20) not NULL, key CatalogId(CatalogId), key CodeFirmCr(CodeFirmCr) ) engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO OtherByPrice select distinct Products.CatalogId, FarmCore.CodeFirmCr, FarmCore.Code from Core c inner join farm.Core0 FarmCore on c.Id = FarmCore.Id inner join Catalogs.Products on c.ProductId = Products.Id left join SummaryByPrices st on st.CatalogId = Products.CatalogId and st.CodeFirmCr = FarmCore.CodeFirmCr where c.PriceCode=?SourcePC and FarmCore.CodeFirmCr is not null and st.CatalogId is NULL; select distinct OtherByPrice.Code, CatalogNames.Name, CatalogForms.Form, Producers.Name as FirmCr from OtherByPrice join catalogs.catalog on OtherByPrice.CatalogId = catalog.Id join catalogs.CatalogNames on catalog.NameId = CatalogNames.Id join catalogs.CatalogForms on catalog.FormId = CatalogForms.Id join Catalogs.Producers on Producers.Id = OtherByPrice.CodeFirmCr where catalog.Pharmacie = 1 order by CatalogNames.Name, CatalogForms.Form, Producers.Name;"; break; } case DefReportType.ByProduct: { selectCommandText = String.Format(@" drop temporary table IF EXISTS SummaryByPrices; CREATE temporary table SummaryByPrices ( ProductId int Unsigned, key ProductId(ProductId)) engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO SummaryByPrices select distinct c.ProductId from ActivePrices apt, Core c where apt.PriceCode <> ?SourcePC and apt.PriceCode=c.PriceCode; drop temporary table IF EXISTS OtherByPrice; CREATE temporary table OtherByPrice ( ProductId int Unsigned, Code VARCHAR(20) not NULL, key ProductId(ProductId)) engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO OtherByPrice select distinct c.ProductId, FarmCore.Code from Core c inner join farm.Core0 FarmCore on FarmCore.Id = c.Id left join SummaryByPrices st on st.ProductId = c.ProductId where c.PriceCode=?SourcePC and st.ProductId is NULL; select distinct OtherByPrice.Code, CatalogNames.Name, {0} as FullForm from ( OtherByPrice inner join catalogs.products on OtherByPrice.ProductId = products.Id inner join catalogs.catalog on products.CatalogId = catalog.Id inner join catalogs.CatalogNames on catalog.NameId = CatalogNames.Id ) where catalog.Pharmacie = 1 order by CatalogNames.Name, FullForm; ", QueryParts.GetFullFormSubquery("OtherByPrice.ProductId", false)); break; } case DefReportType.ByProductAndFirmCr: { selectCommandText = String.Format(@" drop temporary table IF EXISTS SummaryByPrices; CREATE temporary table SummaryByPrices ( ProductId int Unsigned, CodeFirmCr int Unsigned, key ProductId(ProductId), key CodeFirmCr(CodeFirmCr)) engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO SummaryByPrices select distinct c.ProductId, FarmCore.CodeFirmCr from ActivePrices apt, Core c, farm.Core0 FarmCore where apt.PriceCode <> ?SourcePC and apt.PriceCode=c.PriceCode and FarmCore.Id = c.Id and FarmCore.CodeFirmCr is not null; drop temporary table IF EXISTS OtherByPrice; CREATE temporary table OtherByPrice ( ProductId int Unsigned, CodeFirmCr int Unsigned, Code VARCHAR(20) not NULL, key ProductId(ProductId), key CodeFirmCr(CodeFirmCr) ) engine=MEMORY PACK_KEYS = 0; INSERT INTO OtherByPrice select distinct c.ProductId, FarmCore.CodeFirmCr, FarmCore.Code from Core c inner join farm.Core0 FarmCore on FarmCore.Id = c.Id left join SummaryByPrices st on st.ProductId = c.ProductId and st.CodeFirmCr = FarmCore.CodeFirmCr where c.PriceCode=?SourcePC FarmCore.CodeFirmCr is not null and st.ProductId is NULL; select distinct OtherByPrice.Code, CatalogNames.Name, {0} as FullForm, Producers.Name as FirmCr from OtherByPrice join catalogs.products on OtherByPrice.ProductId = products.Id join catalogs.catalog on products.CatalogId = catalog.Id join catalogs.CatalogNames on catalog.NameId = CatalogNames.Id join Catalogs.Producers on Producers.Id = OtherByPrice.CodeFirmCr where catalog.Pharmacie = 1 order by CatalogNames.Name, FullForm, Producers.Name; ", QueryParts.GetFullFormSubquery("OtherByPrice.ProductId", false)); break; } } DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = selectCommandText; DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?SourcePC", _priceCode); DataAdapter.Fill(_dsReport, "Results"); }
private static Result CreateResult(FromClauseBase fromClause, QueryParts parts) { var ce = fromClause.FromExpression as ConstantExpression; if (ce != null) { var type = ce.Value.GetType(); if (type.IsQueryable()) { return(CreateResult(fromClause.ItemName, type.GetGenericArguments()[0], fromClause, parts, true)); } return(CreateResult(fromClause.ItemName, fromClause.ItemType, fromClause, parts, true)); } var qsre = fromClause.FromExpression as QuerySourceReferenceExpression; if (qsre != null) { if (fromClause.ItemType.IsInterface && qsre.ReferencedQuerySource.ItemType.IsGrouping()) { var mfc = qsre.ReferencedQuerySource as MainFromClause; if (mfc != null) { var sq = mfc.FromExpression as SubQueryExpression; if (sq != null) { var smf = sq.QueryModel.MainFromClause.ItemType; if (fromClause.ItemType.IsAssignableFrom(smf)) { return(CreateResult(fromClause.ItemName, smf, fromClause, parts, false)); } } } } return(CreateResult(fromClause.ItemName, fromClause.ItemType, fromClause, parts, true)); } var sqe = fromClause.FromExpression as SubQueryExpression; if (sqe != null) { var source = GetOriginalSource(sqe.QueryModel.MainFromClause); //TODO: ugly hack to decide if VALUE(X) should be used or not var simplified = fromClause is MainFromClause ? parts.TryToSimplifyMainFrom(fromClause as MainFromClause) : fromClause is AdditionalFromClause ? parts.TryToSimplifyAdditionalFrom(fromClause as AdditionalFromClause) : null; if (fromClause.ItemType == source.ItemType || fromClause.ItemType.IsAssignableFrom(source.ItemType) || fromClause.ItemType.IsGrouping()) { return(CreateResult(fromClause.ItemName, source.ItemType, fromClause, parts, source == simplified)); } return(CreateProjector(fromClause.ItemName, fromClause, sqe, parts)); } var nae = fromClause.FromExpression as NewArrayExpression; if (nae != null) { return(CreateResult(fromClause.ItemName, fromClause.ItemType, fromClause, parts, true)); } var me = fromClause.FromExpression as MemberExpression; if (me != null) { return(CreateResult(fromClause.ItemName, fromClause.ItemType, fromClause, parts, true)); } throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown from clause. Please provide feedback about missing feature."); }
public static string GetSqlExpression(Expression linqExpression, QueryParts queryParts) { //TODO pass queryParts context!? return(GetSqlExpression(linqExpression, queryParts, string.Empty, queryParts.Context)); }
public bool CanRun(QueryParts queryParts) { return(queryParts.IsValidInsertQuery()); }
private string SimplifyMemberExpression(QueryParts query, SubqueryParts parts, string exp, MemberExpression ma) { return(exp + " IN (SELECT " + query.GetSqlExpression(parts.Selector) + " FROM unnest(" + query.GetSqlExpression(ma) + ") \"" + query.MainFrom.ItemName + "\")"); }
public async Task <(bool success, IReadOnlyCollection <object> results)> RunAsync(IDocumentStore documentStore, Connection connection, QueryParts queryParts, bool logStats, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyCollection <object> > variables = null) { try { if (!queryParts.IsValidInsertQuery()) { return(false, null); } var jsonDocument = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(queryParts.CleanQueryBody); var newDocs = await documentStore.ExecuteAsync(connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, async (IDocumentExecuteContext context) => { var jDocs = new List <JObject>(); if (jsonDocument.Type == JTokenType.Array) { foreach (JObject d in JArray.FromObject(jsonDocument)) { await context.CreateAsync(d); jDocs.Add(d); } return(jDocs); } var doc = JObject.FromObject(jsonDocument); var singlaDoc = await context.CreateAsync(doc); jDocs.Add(singlaDoc); return(jDocs); }, cancellationToken); foreach (var newDoc in newDocs) { logger.LogInformation($"Document {newDoc[Constants.DocumentFields.ID]} created."); } return(true, null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, new EventId(), $"Unable to run {Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.INSERT} query", ex); return(false, null); } }
public async Task <(bool success, IReadOnlyCollection <object> results)> RunAsync(IDocumentStore documentStore, Connection connection, QueryParts queryParts, bool logStats, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyCollection <object> > variables = null) { try { if (!queryParts.IsValidQuery()) { logger.LogError("Invalid Query. Aborting Delete."); return(false, null); } //get the ids var selectQuery = queryParts.ToRawSelectQuery(); var results = await documentStore.ExecuteAsync(connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, async (IDocumentExecuteContext context) => { var queryOptions = new QueryOptions { PopulateQueryMetrics = true, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true, MaxBufferedItemCount = 200, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MAX_DEGREE_PARALLEL, MaxItemCount = -1, }; if (variables != null && variables.Any() && queryParts.HasVariablesInWhereClause()) { selectQuery = _variableInjectionTask.InjectVariables(selectQuery, variables, logger); } var query = context.QueryAsSql <object>(selectQuery, queryOptions); return(await query.ConvertAndLogRequestUnits(false, logger)); }, cancellationToken); var fromObjects = JArray.FromObject(results); if (queryParts.IsTransaction) { logger.LogInformation($"Transaction Created. TransactionId: {queryParts.TransactionId}"); await _transactionTask.BackuQueryAsync(connection.Name, connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, queryParts.TransactionId, queryParts.CleanOrginalQuery); } var partitionKeyPath = await documentStore.LookupPartitionKeyPath(connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName); var deleteCount = 0; var actionTransactionCacheBlock = new ActionBlock <JObject>(async document => { await documentStore.ExecuteAsync(connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, async(IDocumentExecuteContext context) => { if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new TaskCanceledException("Task has been requested to cancel."); } var documentId = document[Constants.DocumentFields.ID].ToString(); if (queryParts.IsTransaction) { var backupResult = await _transactionTask.BackupAsync(context, connection.Name, connection.Database, queryParts.CollectionName, queryParts.TransactionId, logger, null, document); if (!backupResult.isSuccess) { logger.LogError($"Unable to backup document {documentId}. Skipping Delete."); return(false); } } var partionKeyValue = document.SelectToken(partitionKeyPath).ToString(); var deleted = await context.DeleteAsync(documentId.CleanId(), new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = partionKeyValue }); if (deleted) { Interlocked.Increment(ref deleteCount); logger.LogInformation($"Deleted {documentId}"); } else { logger.LogInformation($"Document {documentId} unable to be deleted."); } return(true); }, cancellationToken); }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MAX_DEGREE_PARALLEL, CancellationToken = cancellationToken }); foreach (JObject doc in fromObjects) { actionTransactionCacheBlock.Post(doc); } actionTransactionCacheBlock.Complete(); await actionTransactionCacheBlock.Completion; logger.LogInformation($"Deleted {deleteCount} out of {fromObjects.Count}"); if (queryParts.IsTransaction && deleteCount > 0) { logger.LogInformation($"To rollback execute: ROLLBACK {queryParts.TransactionId}"); } return(true, null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, new EventId(), $"Unable to run {Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.DELETE} query", ex); return(false, null); } }
public static SubqueryParts ParseSubquery(QueryModel queryModel, QueryParts parentQuery) { return(ParseSubquery(queryModel, parentQuery, false, parentQuery.ContextName)); }
public void RenderResults(IReadOnlyCollection <object> results, string collectionName, QueryParts query, bool appendResults, int queryStatementIndex) { _view.RenderResults(results, collectionName, query, appendResults, queryStatementIndex); }
public static SubqueryParts ParseSubquery(QueryModel queryModel, QueryParts parentQuery, bool canQueryInMemory) { return(ParseSubquery(queryModel, parentQuery, canQueryInMemory, parentQuery.ContextName)); }
public async Task <(bool success, IReadOnlyCollection <object> results)> RunAsync(IDocumentStore documentStore, Connection connection, QueryParts queryParts, bool logStats, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyCollection <object> > variables = null) { try { if (!queryParts.IsRollback) { return(false, null); } var collectionName = queryParts.RollbackName.Split(new[] { '_' })[0]; //get each file from rollback folder if exists var files = _transactionTask.GetRollbackFiles(connection.Name, connection.Database, collectionName, queryParts.RollbackName); if (files.Length == 0) { logger.LogInformation($"No files found for {queryParts.RollbackName}. Aborting Rollback."); return(false, null); } var updateCount = 0; var rollbackBlock = new ActionBlock <JObject>(async document => { //this handles transaction saving for recovery await documentStore.ExecuteAsync(connection.Database, collectionName, async(IDocumentExecuteContext context) => { if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new TaskCanceledException("Task has been requested to cancel."); } var result = await context.UpdateAsync(document); Interlocked.Increment(ref updateCount); logger.LogInformation($"Restored {document[Constants.DocumentFields.ID]}"); return(result); }, cancellationToken); }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MAX_DEGREE_PARALLEL, CancellationToken = cancellationToken }); foreach (var file in files) { var jobj = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(file.FullName)); rollbackBlock.Post(jobj); } rollbackBlock.Complete(); await rollbackBlock.Completion; logger.LogInformation($"Rolled back {updateCount} out of {files.Length}"); return(true, null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, new EventId(), $"Unable to execute {Constants.QueryParsingKeywords.ROLLBACK}", ex); return(false, null); } }
private SubqueryGeneratorQueryModelVisitor(QueryParts parentQuery, bool canQueryInMemory, Expression selector, string contextName) { QueryParts = new SubqueryParts(parentQuery, canQueryInMemory, selector, contextName); }
protected void GetMinPrice() { var sql = @" select SourcePrice.ID, SourcePrice.Code, AllPrices.CatalogCode, AllPrices.Cost,"; if (_reportType == 2 || _reportType == 4) { sql += @" FarmCore.Quantity,"; } if (_calculateByCatalog) { sql += String.Format(" ifnull(s.Synonym, {0}) as FullName, ", GetCatalogProductNameSubquery("AllPrices.ProductId")); } else { sql += String.Format(" ifnull(s.Synonym, {0}) as FullName, ", QueryParts.GetFullFormSubquery("AllPrices.ProductId", true)); } //Если отчет без учета производителя, то код не учитываем и выводим "-" if (_reportType <= 2) { sql += @" '-' as FirmCr, 0 As Cfc "; } else { sql += @" ifnull(sfc.Synonym, Cfc.Name) as FirmCr, cfc.Id As Cfc"; } sql += @" from ( catalogs.products, farm.core0 FarmCore,"; //Если отчет полный, то интересуют все прайс-листы, если нет, то только SourcePC if (_reportIsFull) { if (_reportType <= 2) { sql += @" Core AllPrices ) left join TmpSourceCodes SourcePrice on SourcePrice.CatalogCode=AllPrices.CatalogCode "; } else { sql += @" Core AllPrices ) left join TmpSourceCodes SourcePrice on SourcePrice.CatalogCode=AllPrices.CatalogCode and SourcePrice.codefirmcr=FarmCore.codefirmcr"; } } else { sql += @" Core AllPrices, TmpSourceCodes SourcePrice )"; } //Если отчет с учетом производителя, то пересекаем с таблицей Producers if (_reportType > 2) { sql += @" left join catalogs.Producers cfc on cfc.Id = FarmCore.codefirmcr"; } sql += @" left join farm.synonym s on s.SynonymCode = SourcePrice.SynonymCode left join farm.synonymfirmcr sfc on sfc.SynonymFirmCrCode = SourcePrice.SynonymFirmCrCode where = AllPrices.ProductId and FarmCore.Id = AllPrices.Id"; sql += @" and (( ( (AllPrices.PriceCode <> SourcePrice.PriceCode) or (AllPrices.RegionCode <> SourcePrice.RegionCode) or ( is null) ) and (FarmCore.Junk =0) and (FarmCore.Await=0) ) or ( (AllPrices.PriceCode = SourcePrice.PriceCode) and (AllPrices.RegionCode = SourcePrice.RegionCode) and (AllPrices.Id = ) )" ; //Если отчет не полный, то выбираем только те, которые есть в SourcePC if (!_reportIsFull) { if (_reportType <= 2) { sql += @" and SourcePrice.CatalogCode=AllPrices.CatalogCode "; } else { sql += @" and SourcePrice.CatalogCode=AllPrices.CatalogCode and SourcePrice.codefirmcr=FarmCore.codefirmcr "; } } sql += @" order by FullName, FirmCr"; DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = sql; DataAdapter.Fill(_dsReport, "MinCatalog"); }
public CinarUriParser(string url) : base(url) { this.queryPart = new QueryParts(this.Query, this); }