Example #1
        private static QueryPart DateQueryToQueryPart(string query)
            // Format
            // query := date[-date]
            // date := empty | year | year.month | year.month.date
            // FIXME: Do we really want to query time too ? They are too long!

            if (query == String.Empty)
                throw new FormatException();

            int next_date_index = query.IndexOf('-');

            if (next_date_index == -1)

            // We have a range query - get the ranges
            DateTime start_date, end_date;

            try {
                int y, m, d;
                ParseDateQuery(query.Substring(0, next_date_index), out y, out m, out d);
                start_date = CreateDateTime(y, m, d, true);
            } catch (FormatException) {
                start_date = DateTime.MinValue;

            try {
                int y, m, d;
                ParseDateQuery(query.Substring(next_date_index + 1), out y, out m, out d);
                end_date = CreateDateTime(y, m, d, false);
            } catch (FormatException) {
                // FIXME: Should the default end_date be DateTime.Now ?
                end_date = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (start_date == DateTime.MinValue && end_date == DateTime.MinValue)
                throw new FormatException();

            QueryPart_DateRange range_query = new QueryPart_DateRange();

            range_query.Key       = QueryPart_DateRange.TimestampKey;
            range_query.StartDate = start_date;
            range_query.EndDate   = end_date;
            Log.Debug("Parsed date range query [{0}] as {1}", query, range_query);

Example #2
        private static QueryPart_DateRange DateToQueryPart(string dt_string)
            int y, m, d;

            ParseDateQuery(dt_string, out y, out m, out d);

            QueryPart_DateRange dt_query = new QueryPart_DateRange();

            dt_query.Key       = QueryPart_DateRange.TimestampKey;
            dt_query.StartDate = CreateDateTime(y, m, d, true);
            dt_query.EndDate   = CreateDateTime(y, m, d, false);
            Log.Debug("Parsed date query [{0}] as {1}", dt_string, dt_query);

Example #3
                static private LNS.Query GetDateRangeQuery (QueryPart_DateRange part, out HitFilter hit_filter)
                        string field_name;
                        if (part.Key == QueryPart_DateRange.AllPropertiesKey)
                                field_name = TypeToWildcardField (PropertyType.Date);
                        else if (part.Key == QueryPart_DateRange.TimestampKey)
                                field_name = "Timestamp";
                                field_name = PropertyToFieldName (PropertyType.Date, part.Key);

                        // FIXME: We could optimize this and reduce the size of our range
                        // queries if we actually new the min and max date that appear in
                        // any properties in the index.  We would need to inspect the index to
                        // determine that at start-up, and then track it as new documents
                        // get added to the index.
                        if (part.StartDate < lower_bound)
                                part.StartDate = lower_bound;
                        if (part.EndDate > upper_bound || part.EndDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                                part.EndDate = upper_bound;

                        // Swap the start and end dates if they come in reversed.
                        if (part.StartDate > part.EndDate) {
                                DateTime swap;
                                swap = part.StartDate;
                                part.StartDate = part.EndDate;
                                part.EndDate = swap;

                        // Set up our hit filter to cull out the bad dates.
                        DateRangeHitFilter drhf;
                        drhf = new DateRangeHitFilter ();
                        drhf.Key = part.Key;
                        drhf.StartDate = part.StartDate;
                        drhf.EndDate = part.EndDate;
                        hit_filter = new HitFilter (drhf.HitFilter);

                        Logger.Log.Debug ("Building new date range query");
                        Logger.Log.Debug ("Start: {0}", part.StartDate);
                        Logger.Log.Debug ("End: {0}", part.EndDate);

                        int y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2;
                        y1 = part.StartDate.Year;
                        m1 = part.StartDate.Month;
                        d1 = part.StartDate.Day;
                        y2 = part.EndDate.Year;
                        m2 = part.EndDate.Month;
                        d2 = part.EndDate.Day;

                        LNS.BooleanQuery top_level_query;
                        top_level_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();

                        // A special case: both the start and the end of our range fall
                        // in the same month.
                        if (y1 == y2 && m1 == m2) {
                                LNS.Query ym_query;
                                ym_query = NewYearMonthQuery (field_name, y1, m1);

                                // If our range only covers a part of the month, do a range query on the days.
                                if (d1 != 1 || d2 != DateTime.DaysInMonth (y2, m2)) {
                                        LNS.BooleanQuery sub_query;
                                        sub_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
                                        sub_query.Add (ym_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        sub_query.Add (NewDayQuery (field_name, d1, d2), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        top_level_query.Add (sub_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
                                } else {
                                        top_level_query.Add (ym_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                        } else {

                                // Handle a partial month at the beginning of our range.
                                if (d1 > 1) {
                                        LNS.BooleanQuery sub_query;
                                        sub_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
                                        sub_query.Add (NewYearMonthQuery (field_name, y1, m1), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        sub_query.Add (NewDayQuery (field_name, d1, DateTime.DaysInMonth (y1, m1)), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        top_level_query.Add (sub_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                                        if (m1 == 13) {
                                                m1 = 1;

                                // And likewise, handle a partial month at the end of our range.
                                if (d2 < DateTime.DaysInMonth (y2, m2)) {
                                        LNS.BooleanQuery sub_query;
                                        sub_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
                                        sub_query.Add (NewYearMonthQuery (field_name, y2, m2), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        sub_query.Add (NewDayQuery (field_name, 1, d2), LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
                                        top_level_query.Add (sub_query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

                                        if (m2 == 0) {
                                                m2 = 12;

                                // Generate the query for the "middle" of our period, if it is non-empty
                                if (y1 < y2 || ((y1 == y2) && m1 <= m2))
                                        top_level_query.Add (NewYearMonthQuery (field_name, y1, m1, y2, m2),

                        return top_level_query;
Example #4
        static private Query NewRandomQuery(int length,
                                            bool allow_inexpensive,
                                            bool inside_an_or)
            Query query;

            query = new Query();

            // One in four queries will contain some OR terms.
            if (!inside_an_or && random.Next(4) == 0)
                int N = random.Next(3) + 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                    QueryPart_Or part;
                    part = new QueryPart_Or();

                    int sub_length;
                    sub_length = random.Next(length) + 1;
                    if (sub_length < 2)
                        sub_length = 2;

                    // We generate a new query at random, and stuff its QueryParts
                    // into our Or QueryPart.
                    Query or_query;
                    or_query = NewRandomQuery(sub_length, allow_inexpensive, true);
                    foreach (QueryPart sub_part in or_query.Parts)


            if (allow_inexpensive && !inside_an_or)
                int mime_type;
                mime_type = random.Next(3);

                QueryPart_Or       mime_type_part = new QueryPart_Or();
                QueryPart_Property part;
                part      = new QueryPart_Property();
                part.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
                part.Key  = "beagle:MimeType";

                if (mime_type == 0)
                    part.Value = "inode/directory";
                else if (mime_type == 1)
                    part.Value = "text/plain";

            // Every query must contain at least
            // one required part.
            bool contains_required;

            contains_required = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                QueryPart_Text part;
                part      = new QueryPart_Text();
                part.Text = Token.GetRandom();

                // Prohibited parts are not allowed inside an or
                if (contains_required && !inside_an_or)
                    if (random.Next(2) == 0)
                        part.Logic = QueryPartLogic.Prohibited;
                    // This part will be required.
                    contains_required = true;

                if (random.Next(2) == 0)
                    part.SearchTextProperties = false;
                else if (allow_inexpensive && random.Next(2) == 0)
                    part.SearchFullText = false;


            // Note the ! inside_an_or; date range queries don't
            // work right inside OR queries when being searched
            // within the resolution of one day.  See the FIXME
            // about hit filters in LuceneCommon.cs
            if (allow_inexpensive && !inside_an_or && random.Next(3) == 0)
                DateTime a, b;
                FileSystemObject.PickTimestampRange(out a, out b);

                QueryPart_DateRange part;
                part           = new QueryPart_DateRange();
                part.StartDate = a;
                part.EndDate   = b;

Example #5
                private static QueryPart_DateRange DateToQueryPart (string dt_string)
                        int y, m, d;
                        ParseDateQuery (dt_string, out y, out m, out d);

                        QueryPart_DateRange dt_query = new QueryPart_DateRange ();
                        dt_query.Key = QueryPart_DateRange.TimestampKey;
                        dt_query.StartDate = CreateDateTime (y, m, d, true);
                        dt_query.EndDate =  CreateDateTime (y, m, d, false);
                        Log.Debug ("Parsed date query [{0}] as {1}", dt_string, dt_query);

                        return dt_query;
Example #6
                private static QueryPart DateQueryToQueryPart (string query)
                        // Format
                        // query := date[-date]
                        // date := empty | year | year.month | year.month.date
                        // FIXME: Do we really want to query time too ? They are too long!

                        if (query == String.Empty)
                                throw new FormatException ();

                        int next_date_index = query.IndexOf ('-');
                        if (next_date_index == -1)
                                return DateToQueryPart (query);

                        // We have a range query - get the ranges
                        DateTime start_date, end_date;

                        try {
                                int y, m, d;
                                ParseDateQuery (query.Substring (0, next_date_index), out y, out m, out d);
                                start_date = CreateDateTime (y, m, d, true);
                        } catch (FormatException) {
                                start_date = DateTime.MinValue;

                        try {
                                int y, m, d;
                                ParseDateQuery (query.Substring (next_date_index + 1), out y, out m, out d);
                                end_date = CreateDateTime (y, m, d, false);
                        } catch (FormatException) {
                                // FIXME: Should the default end_date be DateTime.Now ?
                                end_date = DateTime.MinValue;

                        if (start_date == DateTime.MinValue && end_date == DateTime.MinValue)
                                throw new FormatException ();

                        QueryPart_DateRange range_query = new QueryPart_DateRange ();
                        range_query.Key = QueryPart_DateRange.TimestampKey;
                        range_query.StartDate = start_date;
                        range_query.EndDate = end_date;
                        Log.Debug ("Parsed date range query [{0}] as {1}", query, range_query);

                        return range_query;