// one word (in edit) coloring
        void RichTextBox2KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            char c = (char)e.KeyValue;             //32 , 8, 46

            if (((e.KeyValue == 32) || (e.KeyValue == 8) || (e.KeyValue == 46)) && (this.richTextBox2.Lines.Length > 0))
                c = 'a';

            #region go to encloset position
            if (Math.Abs(pevOpenBr.Current - prevClosBr.Current) > 150)
                if (pevOpenBr.Current == this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart)
                    selChangedProgr = true;
                    this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart = prevClosBr.Current + 1;
                if (prevClosBr.Current == this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart)
                    selChangedProgr = true;
                    this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart = pevOpenBr.Current + 1;

            if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.Z) && (e.Control))

            if ((Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) == false) || (e.Control))

            if ((this.richTextBox2.ReadOnly) || (this.richTextBox2.Text.Length < 3))

            if (!brUnmarked)

            this.richTextBox2.SelectionColor = Color.Black;
            segmCoord rez;
            rez = GetSelectionRowCol(this.richTextBox2, this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart);
            int oldSelStart = this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart;

            segmCoord substrToUpdate;
            string    procRow = this.richTextBox2.Lines[ROW];
            substrToUpdate = QueryParser.GetSubstrSegmByCharNum(procRow, COL);

            if ((substrToUpdate.fin == 0) && (substrToUpdate.start == 0))
            selChangedProgr = true;
            this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart = rez.start + substrToUpdate.start;
            selChangedProgr = true;
            int len = (substrToUpdate.fin - substrToUpdate.start + 1);
            len = (procRow.Length > len) ? len : len - 1;
            this.richTextBox2.SelectionLength = len;

            string   parseSubstr = procRow.Substring(substrToUpdate.start, len);
            string[] t;
            string   exprType = QueryParser.GetExpresionStruct(QueryParser.TrimBrackets(parseSubstr), out t);

            this.richTextBox2.SelectionColor     = GetColorByExpr(exprType);
            this.richTextBox2.SelectionBackColor = Color.White;
            selChangedProgr = true;
            this.richTextBox2.SelectedText = parseSubstr;
            selChangedProgr = true;
            this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart = oldSelStart;
        // whole text coloring
        void RichTextBox2TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            char[] variousOp = QueryParser.variousOpGet;
            if ((((prevTextLen + 100) < this.richTextBox2.Text.Length) ||
                 ((prevTextLen - 500) > this.richTextBox2.Text.Length)) &&
                string rftHeader = @"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1251\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset204 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}";                                                        //128  // 114   // 41  143 44    128
                rftHeader += @"{\colortbl ;\red138\green43\blue226;\red139\green0\blue0;\red0\green139\blue139;\red0\green0\blue205;\red0\green0\blue0;\red250\green90\blue160;\red250\green10\blue27;}";
                rftHeader += @"\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1049\f0\fs21";

                StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();

                notTextChanged = true;
                string RTF = "";

                #region init environment
                string[] uncoloredLines = new string[this.richTextBox2.Lines.Length + 1];
                this.richTextBox2.Lines.CopyTo(uncoloredLines, 0);
                int SelStart = this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart;

//				string inserted = "";
//				if ((prevTextLen < this.richTextBox2.Text.Length) && !firstshow)
//				{
//					prevTextLen = this.richTextBox2.Text.Length - prevTextLen;
//					this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart = SelStart - prevTextLen;
//					this.richTextBox2.SelectionLength = prevTextLen;
//					inserted = this.richTextBox2.SelectedText;
//					uncoloredLines = new string[1];
//					uncoloredLines[0] = inserted;
//					this.richTextBox2.SelectedText ="zzxx";
//				}
//				firstshow = false;

                #region var
                bool     comment         = false;
                bool     NextLinecomment = false;
                char     prevSpec        = ' ';
                string[] t;
                int      wordCount = 0;

                foreach (string uncoloredText in uncoloredLines)
                    int    opCou       = -1;
                    string exprMap     = QueryParser.GetExpresionStruct(uncoloredText, out t, true);                 // third parameter save all space formatting of original text (if omitted spaces not including to exp map)
                    string spaceBuffer = "";
//					wordCount += t.Length;

                    for (int i = 0; i < exprMap.Length; i++)
                        int index = Array.IndexOf(variousOp, exprMap[i]);

                        #region output expr character or operand from array
                        if (index != -1)
                            #region coloring
                            if (!comment)

                            SB.Append(spaceBuffer + t[opCou]);
                            spaceBuffer = "";
                            if (exprMap[i] == ' ')                              // optimization: not drawing each space as separate colored substring
                                spaceBuffer += exprMap[i];
                                #region coloring
                                if (!comment)
                                SB.Append(spaceBuffer + exprMap[i].ToString());
                                spaceBuffer = "";

                                #region comment parsing
                                if (!comment)
                                    if ((prevSpec.ToString() + exprMap[i].ToString()) == "/*")
                                        NextLinecomment = true;
                                        comment         = true;

                                    if ((prevSpec.ToString() + exprMap[i].ToString()) == "--")
                                        NextLinecomment = false;
                                        comment         = true;

                                if (((prevSpec.ToString() + exprMap[i].ToString()) == "*/") && (NextLinecomment != false))
                                    NextLinecomment = false;
                                    comment         = false;
                                prevSpec = exprMap[i];

                    comment = NextLinecomment;
                    SB.Append(@"\par ");
                    wordCount += opCou + 1;
                RTF = SB.ToString();
                RTF = RTF.Substring(0, RTF.Length - 5);                 // delete last "\par "

//				if  (inserted != "")
//				{
//					int idx =this.richTextBox2.Rtf.IndexOf("zzxx");
//					this.richTextBox2.SelectedText ="";
//					this.richTextBox2.Rtf = this.richTextBox2.Rtf.Insert(idx, RTF);
//				} else
//				{
                this.richTextBox2.Rtf = rftHeader + RTF + "}";
//				}
                prevTextLen     = this.richTextBox2.Text.Length;
                selChangedProgr = true;
                this.richTextBox2.SelectionStart = SelStart;
                notTextChanged   = false;
                this.label1.Text = "Word count: " + wordCount.ToString();

            prevTextLen = this.richTextBox2.Text.Length;