public void QueryById()
            // Querying by ID doesn't really exist in the WIT model like it does in REST.
            // In this case, we are looking up the query definition by its ID and then creating a new Query with its corresponding wiql

            // Get an existing query and associated ID for proof of concept. If we already have a query guid, we can skip this block.
            QueryHierarchy queryHierarchy  = TeamProject.QueryHierarchy;
            var            queryFolder     = queryHierarchy as QueryFolder;
            QueryItem      queryItem       = queryFolder?.Where(f => f.IsPersonal).FirstOrDefault();
            QueryFolder    myQueriesFolder = queryItem as QueryFolder;

            if (myQueriesFolder != null && myQueriesFolder.Count > 0)
                var queryId = myQueriesFolder.First().Id; // Replace this value with your query id

                // Get the query definition
                var queryDefinitionById = WIStore.GetQueryDefinition(queryId);
                var context             = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "project", TeamProject.Name }

                // Obtain query results using the query definition's QueryText
                Query obj = new Query(this.WIStore, queryDefinitionById.QueryText, context);
                WorkItemCollection queryResults = obj.RunQuery();
                Console.WriteLine($"Query with name: '{queryDefinitionById.Name}' and id: '{queryDefinitionById.Id}' returned {queryResults.Count} results:");
                if (queryResults.Count > 0)
                    foreach (WorkItem result in queryResults)
                        Console.WriteLine($"WorkItem Id: '{result.Id}' Title: '{result.Title}'");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Query with name: '{queryDefinitionById.Name}' and id: '{queryDefinitionById.Id}' did not return any results.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Try assigning work items to yourself or following work items and run the sample again.");

                Console.WriteLine("My Queries haven't been populated yet. Open up the Queries page in the browser to populate these, and then run the sample again.");
