Example #1
        public DenseMatrixQuaternion(int rows, int columns)
            datas = new Quaternion[rows, columns];

            this.rowCount = rows;
            this.columnCount = columns;
    private static int SetRotations(string[] pieceFile, int index, ref Quaternion[,] rotations)
        int a = 0;

        for (int i = index; i < pieceFile.Length; i++)
            if (pieceFile[i].Trim() == "~")
                return(Mathf.Clamp(i + 1, 0, pieceFile.Length - 1));

            for (int j = 0; j < pieceFile[i].Length; j++)
                char c = pieceFile[i][j];

                if (c == ' ')
                int rotation = Convert.ToInt32(c);

                rotations[a, j] = BasePiece.ParseRotation(rotation);


        return(Mathf.Clamp(index + 1, 0, pieceFile.Length));
Example #3
    void Start()
        Objects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("TimeControlled");

        Positions = new Vector3[Objects.Length, Scale];
        Rotations = new Quaternion[Objects.Length, Scale];
Example #4
        public static DenseMatrixQuaternion operator *(DenseMatrixQuaternion left, SparseMatrixQuaternion right)
            //Make sure matrix dimensions are equal
            if (left.columnCount != right.RowCount)
                throw new Exception("The dimension of two matrix must be equal");
            DenseMatrixQuaternion resultMatrix = new DenseMatrixQuaternion(left.RowCount, right.ColumnCount);

            Quaternion[,] result = resultMatrix.datas;

            for (int i = 0; i < left.rowCount; i++)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, Quaternion> item in right.Datas)
                    Pair       pair  = item.Key;
                    Quaternion value = item.Value;

                    int m = pair.Key;
                    int n = pair.Value;

                    //M: mutiply index N: vector store index
                    result[i, n] += left[i, m] * value;

Example #5
        public DenseMatrixQuaternion(int rows, int columns)
            datas = new Quaternion[rows, columns];

            this.rowCount    = rows;
            this.columnCount = columns;
Example #6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        kinect            = devOrEmu.getKinect();
        players           = new Kinect.NuiSkeletonTrackingState[Kinect.Constants.NuiSkeletonCount];
        trackedPlayers    = new int[Kinect.Constants.NuiSkeletonMaxTracked];
        trackedPlayers[0] = -1;
        trackedPlayers[1] = -1;
        bonePos           = new Vector3[2, (int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
        rawBonePos        = new Vector3[2, (int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
        boneVel           = new Vector3[2, (int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];

        boneState               = new Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState[2, (int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
        boneLocalOrientation    = new Quaternion[2, (int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
        boneAbsoluteOrientation = new Quaternion[2, (int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];

        //create the transform matrix that converts from kinect-space to world-space
        Matrix4x4 trans = new Matrix4x4();

        trans.SetTRS(new Vector3(-kinect.getKinectCenter().x,
                                 kinect.getSensorHeight() - kinect.getKinectCenter().y,
                     Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
        Matrix4x4  rot         = new Matrix4x4();
        Quaternion quat        = new Quaternion();
        double     theta       = Mathf.Atan((kinect.getLookAt().y + kinect.getKinectCenter().y - kinect.getSensorHeight()) / (kinect.getLookAt().z + kinect.getKinectCenter().z));
        float      kinectAngle = (float)(theta * (180 / Mathf.PI));

        quat.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-kinectAngle, 0, 0);
        rot.SetTRS(Vector3.zero, quat, Vector3.one);

        //final transform matrix offsets the rotation of the kinect, then translates to a new center
        kinectToWorld = flipMatrix * trans * rot;
Example #7
    public PoseModel(Quaternion[,] initModel)
        Assert.AreEqual(initModel.GetLength(0), numberOfJoints);
        Assert.AreEqual(initModel.GetLength(1), numberOfFrames);

        rotationModel = initModel;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates rotations for drawing the Scene GUI wireframe.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellArc">Grid cell arc angle</param>
        /// <param name="lonLatRect">Lon/Lat rectangle</param>
        /// <param name="shape">Grid shape</param>
        /// <param name="rotations">Rotations [lon, lat]</param>
        public static void CalcGridRotations(float cellArc, Rect lonLatRect,
                                             GridBuffer.Shape shape, ref Quaternion[,] rotations)
            int nLon = shape.Width + 1;
            int nLat = shape.Height + 1;

            if (rotations == null || rotations.Length != nLon * nLat)
                rotations = new Quaternion[nLon, nLat];

                float x = lonLatRect.min.x;
                float y = lonLatRect.min.y;

                for (int iLat = 0; iLat < nLat; iLat++)
                    var qLat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(y + iLat * cellArc, Vector3.left);

                    for (int iLon = 0; iLon < nLon; iLon++)
                        var qLon = Quaternion.AngleAxis(x + iLon * cellArc, Vector3.up);
                        rotations[iLon, iLat] = qLon * qLat;
Example #9
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		kinect = devOrEmu.getKinect();
		players = new Kinect.NuiSkeletonTrackingState[Kinect.Constants.NuiSkeletonCount];
		trackedPlayers = new int[Kinect.Constants.NuiSkeletonMaxTracked];
		trackedPlayers[0] = -1;
		trackedPlayers[1] = -1;
		bonePos = new Vector3[2,(int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
		rawBonePos = new Vector3[2,(int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
		boneVel = new Vector3[2,(int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
		boneState = new Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState[2,(int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
		boneLocalOrientation = new Quaternion[2, (int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
		boneAbsoluteOrientation = new Quaternion[2, (int)Kinect.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Count];
		//create the transform matrix that converts from kinect-space to world-space
		Matrix4x4 trans = new Matrix4x4();
		trans.SetTRS( new Vector3(-kinect.getKinectCenter().x,
		             Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one );
		Matrix4x4 rot = new Matrix4x4();
		Quaternion quat = new Quaternion();
		double theta = Mathf.Atan((kinect.getLookAt().y+kinect.getKinectCenter().y-kinect.getSensorHeight()) / (kinect.getLookAt().z + kinect.getKinectCenter().z));
		float kinectAngle = (float)(theta * (180 / Mathf.PI));
		quat.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-kinectAngle, 0, 0);
		rot.SetTRS( Vector3.zero, quat, Vector3.one);

		//final transform matrix offsets the rotation of the kinect, then translates to a new center
		kinectToWorld = flipMatrix*trans*rot;
Example #10
    public void StartGame()
        if (turn == 0)
            bPos     = new Vector3[boardSize.x, boardSize.y];
            bRot     = new Quaternion[boardSize.x, boardSize.y];
            bSprites = new SpriteRenderer[boardSize.x, boardSize.y];

            //Instantiate placeholders & get coordinates
            sheetObject = Instantiate(new GameObject(), transform);
            GameObject boardObj = Instantiate(boardPrefab, sheetObject.transform);

            for (int i = 0; i < boardSize.x; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < boardSize.y; j++)
                    float angle = 2 * j * Mathf.PI * 0.125f + rotOffset;
                    bPos[i, j] = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle), 0, Mathf.Sin(angle)) * vertSpacing[i];
                    bRot[i, j] = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90, -Mathf.Rad2Deg * angle + 90, 0));
                    GameObject tempObj = Instantiate(placeholderPrefab, bPos[i, j], bRot[i, j], sheetObject.transform);

                    bSprites[i, j] = tempObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                    //bSprites[i,j].sprite = objects[3]; //Peenify

            placeholder = Instantiate(placeholderPrefab).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

            boardController            = boardObj.GetComponent <BoardController>();
            boardController.boardSize  = boardSize;
            boardController.board      = new int[boardSize.x, boardSize.y];
            boardController.tetrisMode = tetrisMode;

            championScores = new float[numPlayers + 1];
            timerValue     = new float[numPlayers];

            if (!isMultiplayer)
                computer = GetComponent <ComputerBrain>();
                computer.difficulty = 2 * difficulty + 1;
                numPlayers          = 2;

            cameraAnim.SetBool("gameStarted", true);

            print("fast as heck boi");
 void DestroyExistingShapes()
     for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShapes; i++)
     positionArray   = null;
     rotationArray   = null;
     localScaleArray = null;
     numberOfShapes  = 0;
Example #12

    public Fingers()
        convertor    = new Convertor();
        degreeRate   = new float[5, 2];
        preDegree    = new float[5, 2];
        fingerDegree = new float[5, 2];
        fingers_obj  = new GameObject[5, 2];
        fingerRot    = new Quaternion[5, 2];
        readData     = GameObject.Find("ReadData").GetComponent <ReadData>();
        CM           = GameObject.Find("CalibrateManager").GetComponent <CalibrateManager>();

        Debug.Log("GetComponent : CalibrateManager");

        this.minFlexAvg    = (int[, ])CM.minFlexAvg.Clone();
        this.rightAngleAvg = (int[])CM.rightAngleAvg.Clone();
        this.maxFlexAvg    = (int[, ])CM.maxFlexAvg.Clone();

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            degreeRate[i, 0] = convertor.calDegreeRate(maxFlexAvg[i, 0], minFlexAvg[i, 0]);
            degreeRate[i, 1] = convertor.calDegreeRate(maxFlexAvg[i, 1], minFlexAvg[i, 1]);
            Debug.Log("degreeRate[" + i + ", 0] " + degreeRate[i, 0]);
            Debug.Log("degreeRate[" + i + ", 1] " + degreeRate[i, 1]);
        // 엄지
        fingers_obj[0, 0] = GameObject.Find("thumb_r_001");
        fingers_obj[0, 1] = GameObject.Find("thumb_r_002");

        // 검지
        fingers_obj[1, 0] = GameObject.Find("index_r");
        fingers_obj[1, 1] = GameObject.Find("index_r_001");

        // 중지
        fingers_obj[2, 0] = GameObject.Find("middle_r");
        fingers_obj[2, 1] = GameObject.Find("middle_r_001");

        // 약지
        fingers_obj[3, 0] = GameObject.Find("ring_r");
        fingers_obj[3, 1] = GameObject.Find("ring_r_001");

        // 소지
        fingers_obj[4, 0] = GameObject.Find("pinky_r");
        fingers_obj[4, 1] = GameObject.Find("pinky_r_001");

        ReadData.FlexToFingerDegreeEvent += ReadData_FlexToFingerDegreeEvent;
    public void UpdateAnimationFolderAndCreateObjects()
        workingDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath + "/Animation/" + animationFolderInput.text + "/");
        if (workingDirectory.Exists)
            FileInfo[] fileInfoList = workingDirectory.GetFiles("*.txt");
            numAnimationFiles     = fileInfoList.Length;
            delayToNextFrameArray = null;
            currentFrameNumber    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numAnimationFiles; i++)

            numberOfShapes = FindNumberOfShapesFromFile();
            if (numberOfShapes > 0)
                positionArray         = new Vector3[numAnimationFiles, numberOfShapes];
                rotationArray         = new Quaternion[numAnimationFiles, numberOfShapes];
                localScaleArray       = new Vector3[numAnimationFiles, numberOfShapes];
                delayToNextFrameArray = new int[numAnimationFiles];

                for (int i = 0; i < numAnimationFiles; i++)
            numAnimationFiles = 0;
            numberOfShapes    = 0;
            SetErrorText("FOLDER DOESNT EXIST!");
            //clearNoticeButton.interactable = false;   //this is how you grey out a button

        if ((numberOfShapes > 0) && (numAnimationFiles > 0))
Example #14
    private void UpdateSegments()
        var curShapeLength = (EndTransform.position - StartTransform.position).magnitude;

        if (Mathf.Abs((_ArcShapeLength - curShapeLength) / curShapeLength) < REINIT_THRESHOLD)

        _ArcShapeLength = curShapeLength;

        var maxSegmNum = 0;

        for (int n = 0; n < arcs.Length; n++)
            //Segment and vertex initialization
            var sizeOptions = arcs[n].sizeOptions;
            var segmCount   = Mathf.Max((int)(_ArcShapeLength / sizeOptions.segmentLength) + sizeOptions.minNumberOfSegments, 2);
            if (segmCount > maxSegmNum)
                maxSegmNum = segmCount;
            _SegmentNums[n]  = segmCount;
            _VertexCounts[n] = segmCount * (sizeOptions.numberOfSmoothingSegments + 1) + 1;
            _Vertices[n]     = new Vector3[_VertexCounts[n]];
            _LineRenderers[n].positionCount = _VertexCounts[n];
        _ArcPoints        = new Vector3[arcs.Length, maxSegmNum + 2];
        _ShiftVectors     = new Vector3[arcs.Length, maxSegmNum + 2];
        _ArcTangents      = new Vector3[arcs.Length, maxSegmNum + 2];
        _ArcTangentsShift = new Quaternion[arcs.Length, maxSegmNum * 2 + 2];

        for (int n = 0; n < arcs.Length; n++)
            UpdateArcNoise(n, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < _SegmentNums[n]; i++)
                var point = (float)i / _SegmentNums[n];
                _ArcPoints[n, i] = CalcShapePoint(point) + _ShiftVectors[n, i];
Example #15
    Quaternion[,] cup_rotations;  // stores the starting rotation of the cups

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        n_cups = 18;
        //save ball transform
        ball_start_pos = new Vector3(ball.transform.position.x, ball.transform.position.y, ball.transform.position.z);
        //save cups transforms
        cup_positions = new Vector3[3, 6];
        cup_rotations = new Quaternion[3, 6];
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            // each stack of cups is a child of the cups obj
            Transform cup_stack = cups.GetChild(j).transform;
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                cup_positions[j, i] = cup_stack.GetChild(i).transform.position;
                cup_rotations[j, i] = cup_stack.GetChild(i).transform.rotation;
Example #16
    void Start()
        int num_ar = ar_objects.Length;

        relative_pos = new Vector3[num_ar, num_ar];
        relative_rot = new Quaternion[num_ar, num_ar];
        rel_rec      = new int[num_ar, num_ar];
        for (int i = 0; i < num_ar; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < num_ar; j++)
                relative_pos[i, j] = Vector3.zero;
                relative_rot[i, j] = Quaternion.identity;
                rel_rec[i, j]      = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < num_ar; i++)
            scene_objects[i].transform.position = Vector3.one * 1000;
            scene_objects[i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a 2D array of quaternion structs to the output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the value</param>
        /// <param name="value">2D array of quaternions</param>
        public void Write(string name, Quaternion[,] value)
            if (value == null)
            int row = value.GetUpperBound(0);
            int col = value.GetUpperBound(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
                    this.Write(null, value[i, j]);
    private void GenerateNoisePreview()

        previewGradient = new Vector4[Res + 1,Res + 1];
        previewRot = new Quaternion[Res + 1, Res + 1];

        int y = Mathf.RoundToInt(PreviewSlice * Res);

        for (int z = 0; z < Res; ++z) {
            for (int x = 0; x < Res; ++x) {
                Vector3 val = GetValue(x, y, z);
                float mag = val.magnitude;
                val = val.normalized;
                previewGradient[x, z] = new Vector4(val.x, val.y, val.z, mag);

                previewRot[x, z] = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, val / mag);

        CalcPreviewDeriv(Res, Res);

        NeedsPreview = false;
Example #19
	protected void Initialize ()
		oldShapeLength = shapeLength;

		bool anyLights = false;

		for(int n = 0; n < arcs.Length; n++)
			//Particle emitter initialization
			for (int q = 0; q < arcs[n].emissionOptions.Length; q++)
				if (emitterSystems[n][q] == null && arcs[n].emissionOptions[q].shurikenPrefab != null)
					GameObject partGameObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(arcs[n].emissionOptions[q].shurikenPrefab);
					partGameObject.name = "EmitterObject "+gameObject.name+" "+n.ToString()+","+q.ToString();
					emitterSystems[n][q] = partGameObject.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
					if (emitterSystems[n][q].enableEmission)
						emitterSystems[n][q].enableEmission = false;
					if (!arcs[n].emissionOptions[q].emitAfterRayDeath)
						partGameObject.transform.parent = transform;
						emitterDestructors[n][q] = partGameObject.AddComponent<ArcReactor_EmitterDestructor>();
						emitterDestructors[n][q].partSystem = emitterSystems[n][q];
						emitterDestructors[n][q].enabled = false;
					partGameObject.transform.position = transform.position;
					partGameObject.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;

			//Lights initialization
			if (arcs[n].lightsOptions.lights)
				for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount[n]; i++)
			anyLights |= arcs[n].lightsOptions.lights;
			lightsCount[n] = Mathf.Max ((int)(shapeLength * 2 / arcs[n].lightsOptions.lightsRange + 1),2);

			//Segment and vertex initialization
			segmNums[n] = Mathf.Max((int)(shapeLength / (arcs[n].sizeOptions.segmentLength * sizeMultiplier))+arcs[n].sizeOptions.minNumberOfSegments,2);			
			vertexCount[n] = segmNums[n]*(arcs[n].sizeOptions.numberOfSmoothingSegments+1)+1;
			oldVertexCount[n] = vertexCount[n];
			oldVertices[n] = new Vector3[vertexCount[n]];
			vertices[n] = new Vector3[vertexCount[n]];

			//Flares placing
			if (arcs[n].flaresOptions.startFlare.enabled && startFlare == null)
				GameObject obj = new GameObject(gameObject.name + "_Start_flare");
				obj.transform.parent = transform;
				startFlare = obj.gameObject.AddComponent<LensFlare>();
				startFlare.flare = arcs[n].flaresOptions.startFlare.flare;
				startFlare.fadeSpeed = arcs[n].flaresOptions.startFlare.fadeSpeed;
			if (arcs[n].flaresOptions.endFlare.enabled && endFlare == null)
				GameObject obj = new GameObject(gameObject.name + "_End_flare");
				obj.transform.parent = transform;
				endFlare = obj.gameObject.AddComponent<LensFlare>();
				endFlare.flare = arcs[n].flaresOptions.endFlare.flare;
				endFlare.fadeSpeed = arcs[n].flaresOptions.endFlare.fadeSpeed;


		//vertices = new Vector3[arcs.Length,vertexCount.Max()];
		arcPoints = new Vector3[arcs.Length,segmNums.Max()+2];
		shiftVectors = new Vector3[arcs.Length,segmNums.Max()+2];
		arcTangents = new Vector3[arcs.Length,segmNums.Max()+2];
		arcTangentsShift = new Quaternion[arcs.Length,segmNums.Max()*2+2];

		for (int n = 0; n < arcs.Length; n++)

		if (anyLights)
			GameObject lightObject;
			lights = new Light[arcs.Length,lightsCount.Max()];
			lightsTransforms = new Transform[arcs.Length,lightsCount.Max()+1];
			for(int n = 0; n < arcs.Length; n++)
				if (arcs[n].lightsOptions.lights)
					for (int i = 0; i < lightsCount[n]; i++)
						lightObject = new GameObject("ArcLight");
						lightObject.transform.parent = transform;
						lightsTransforms[n,i] = lightObject.transform;
						lights[n,i] = lightObject.AddComponent<Light>();
						lights[n,i].type = LightType.Point;
						lights[n,i].renderMode = arcs[n].lightsOptions.renderMode;
						lights[n,i].range = arcs[n].lightsOptions.lightsRange;
        protected void UpdateGeometry()
            m_GridResolution = Mathf.PI * 2 * m_MaxDistance / (360 / m_CellArc);

            float lonMin = -m_LonAngle;
            float lonMax = m_LonAngle;
            float latMin = -m_LatAngleSouth;
            float latMax = m_LatAngleNorth;

            float lonRange = lonMax - lonMin;
            float latRange = latMax - latMin;

            int nLon = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.CeilToInt(lonRange / m_CellArc));
            int nLat = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.CeilToInt(latRange / m_CellArc));

            m_GridDimensions.x = nLon;
            m_GridDimensions.y = nLat;

            float lonRangePadded = nLon * m_CellArc;
            float latRangePadded = nLat * m_CellArc;

            float lonPadding = (lonRangePadded - lonRange) * 0.5f;
            float latPadding = (latRangePadded - latRange) * 0.5f;

            float lonMinPad      = lonMin - lonPadding;
            float lonMinPadClamp = Mathf.Max(-180, lonMinPad);
            float lonMaxPadClamp = Mathf.Min(180, lonMax + lonPadding);

            float latMinPad      = latMin - latPadding;
            float latMinPadClamp = Mathf.Max(-90, latMinPad);
            float latMaxPadClamp = Mathf.Min(90, latMax + latPadding);

            m_LonLatRect = new Rect(
                lonMaxPadClamp - lonMinPadClamp,
                latMaxPadClamp - latMinPadClamp);

            // Scene GUI Wireframe.


            if (Wireframe == null || Wireframe.Length != nLat * nLon)
                m_Wireframe = new Quaternion[nLat, nLon];

            for (int iLat = 0; iLat < nLat; iLat++)
                var qLat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(
                    Mathf.Clamp(latMinPad + iLat * m_CellArc, latMinPadClamp, latMaxPadClamp), Vector3.left);

                for (int iLon = 0; iLon < nLon; iLon++)
                    var qLon = Quaternion.AngleAxis(
                        Mathf.Clamp(lonMinPad + iLon * m_CellArc, lonMinPadClamp, lonMaxPadClamp), Vector3.up);

                    Wireframe[iLat, iLon] = qLon * qLat;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (transform.childCount == 0) {
            camPositions = new Vector3[levels,columns];
            camRotations = new Quaternion[levels,columns];
            builtMesh = new GameObject[levels,columns];
            builtMeshVertices = new ViewPointMeshVertex[levels,columns];

            float phi0 = anglePhiMin;
            float dPhi = (anglePhiMax-anglePhiMin)/(levels-1);
            float theta0 = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y + (thetaCentredAtOrigin ? -angleTheta/2f : 0f);
            float dTheta = angleTheta / (placeColumnAtBothEnds ? columns-1 : columns);

            for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j ++) {
                    camPositions[i,j] = new Vector3(
                        Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (theta0 + j*dTheta)) * Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.x,
                        Mathf.Sin (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.y,
                        Mathf.Sin (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (theta0 + j*dTheta)) * Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.z);
                    camRotations[i,j].eulerAngles = -transform.eulerAngles + (new Vector3(phi0 + i*dPhi,-90f + ((thetaCentredAtOrigin ? angleTheta/2f : 0f)) - j*dTheta,0));
                    builtMesh[i,j] = GameObject.Instantiate(viewPointMeshVertex,transform.position+camPositions[i,j],camRotations[i,j]) as GameObject;
                    builtMesh[i,j].transform.parent = transform;
            for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j ++) {
                    builtMeshVertices[i,j] = builtMesh[i,j].GetComponent<ViewPointMeshVertex>();
                    if (i > 0) {
                        builtMeshVertices[i,j].down = builtMeshVertices[i-1,j];
                        builtMeshVertices[i-1,j].up = builtMeshVertices[i,j];
                    if (j > 0) {
                        builtMeshVertices[i,j].left = builtMeshVertices[i,j-1];
                        builtMeshVertices[i,j-1].right = builtMeshVertices[i,j];
                if (loopAround) {
                    builtMeshVertices[i,0].left = builtMeshVertices[i,columns-1];
                    builtMeshVertices[i,columns-1].right = builtMeshVertices[i,0];

            meshBuilt = true;
            if (connectAnotherBuilderOnTheLeft != null) {
                if (connectAnotherBuilderOnTheLeft.MeshIsBuilt()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < levels && i < connectAnotherBuilderOnTheLeft.levels; i++) {
                        builtMeshVertices[i,0].left = connectAnotherBuilderOnTheLeft.builtMeshVertices[i,connectAnotherBuilderOnTheLeft.columns-1];
                        connectAnotherBuilderOnTheLeft.builtMeshVertices[i,connectAnotherBuilderOnTheLeft.columns-1].right = builtMeshVertices[i,0];
            if (connectAnotherBuilderOnTheRight != null) {
                if (connectAnotherBuilderOnTheRight.MeshIsBuilt()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < levels && i < connectAnotherBuilderOnTheRight.levels; i++) {
                        builtMeshVertices[i,columns-1].right = connectAnotherBuilderOnTheRight.builtMeshVertices[i,0];
                        connectAnotherBuilderOnTheRight.builtMeshVertices[i,0].left = builtMeshVertices[i,columns-1];

            if (enterDefaultVertexOnStart) {
                if (defaultVertex.Length == 2) {
                    ViewPointMesh mesh = GetComponentInParent<ViewPointMesh>();
                    mesh.defaultVertex = builtMeshVertices[defaultVertex[0],defaultVertex[1]];
                } else {
                    Debug.Log ("Couldn't enter default vertex as incorrectly specified.");
        } else if (enterDefaultVertexOnStart) {
            camPositions = new Vector3[levels,columns];
            camRotations = new Quaternion[levels,columns];
            builtMesh = new GameObject[levels,columns];
            builtMeshVertices = new ViewPointMeshVertex[levels,columns];

            float phi0 = anglePhiMin;
            float dPhi = (anglePhiMax-anglePhiMin)/(levels-1);
            float theta0 = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y + (thetaCentredAtOrigin ? -angleTheta/2f : 0f);
            float dTheta = angleTheta / (placeColumnAtBothEnds ? columns-1 : columns);

            for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j ++) {
                    camPositions[i,j] = new Vector3(
                        Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (theta0 + j*dTheta)) * Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.x,
                        Mathf.Sin (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.y,
                        Mathf.Sin (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (theta0 + j*dTheta)) * Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.z);
                    camRotations[i,j].eulerAngles = -transform.eulerAngles + (new Vector3(phi0 + i*dPhi,-90f + ((thetaCentredAtOrigin ? angleTheta/2f : 0f)) - j*dTheta,0));
                    builtMesh[i,j] = GameObject.Instantiate(viewPointMeshVertex,transform.position+camPositions[i,j],camRotations[i,j]) as GameObject;
                    builtMesh[i,j].transform.parent = transform;
            ViewPointMesh mesh = GetComponentInParent<ViewPointMesh>();
Example #22
 public void AppendRows(int rows)
     rowCount += rows;
     datas     = (Quaternion[, ])ResizeArray(datas, new int[] { this.rowCount, this.columnCount });
Example #23
 public void AppendColumns(int columns)
     columnCount += columns;
     datas        = (Quaternion[, ])ResizeArray(datas, new int[] { this.rowCount, this.columnCount });
Example #24
	public static void buildLevel(bool startFromLeft){
		states = new Tile.State[Global.maxTileI+1,Global.maxTileJ+1];
		bubbles = new BubbleModel[Global.maxTileI+1,Global.maxTileJ+1];
		rotations = new Quaternion[Global.maxTileI+1,Global.maxTileJ+1];
		for (int i=0; i<=Global.maxTileI; i++)
			for (int j=0; j<=Global.maxTileJ; j++){
				states[i,j] = Tile.State.Neutral;
				bubbles[i,j] = new BubbleModel(i,j);
				rotations[i,j] = Quaternion.identity;
		int currentTileI = 0;
		if (!startFromLeft)
			currentTileI = Global.maxTileI;
		int currentTileJ = 0;
		Global.Direction lastDirection = Global.Direction.Left;
		bool shouldAvoidLastDirection = false;
		int shouldAvoidLastDirectionCounter = 0;
		BubbleModel currentBubble = null;
		while ((currentTileI < Global.maxTileI && startFromLeft) ||
			   (currentTileI > 0 && !startFromLeft)){
			int probBubble = (int)(1.0f*bubbleProbLeft * (Global.maxTileI-currentTileI)/Global.maxTileI + 
									1.0f*bubbleProbRight * (currentTileI)/Global.maxTileI);
			if (shouldAvoidLastDirection){
				if (shouldAvoidLastDirectionCounter++ > 20)
					shouldAvoidLastDirection = false;
			else if (currentTileI > 2 && currentTileI < Global.maxTileI-2 && Random.Range(0,100) < probBubble){
				currentBubble = bubbles[currentTileI, currentTileJ];
				if (Random.Range(0,3) == 0)
					currentBubble.bubbleType = Bubble.Type.Red;
				else if (Random.Range(0,2) == 0)
					currentBubble.bubbleType = Bubble.Type.Green;
					currentBubble.bubbleType = Bubble.Type.Blue;
				shouldAvoidLastDirection = true;
				shouldAvoidLastDirectionCounter = 0;
				rotations[currentTileI, currentTileJ] = Global.rotatingCube.transform.localRotation;
				states[currentTileI, currentTileJ] = Tile.State.Neutral;
			if (Random.Range(0,2) == 0){
				if (startFromLeft){
					lastDirection = Global.Direction.Right;
				else {
					lastDirection = Global.Direction.Left;
			else {
				if (currentTileJ > 0 && Random.Range(0,2) == 0 && (!shouldAvoidLastDirection || lastDirection != Global.Direction.Up)){
					lastDirection = Global.Direction.Down;
				else if (currentTileJ < Global.maxTileJ && (!shouldAvoidLastDirection || lastDirection != Global.Direction.Down)){
					lastDirection = Global.Direction.Up;
					if (startFromLeft){
						lastDirection = Global.Direction.Right;
						lastDirection = Global.Direction.Left;
			states[currentTileI,currentTileJ] = Global.rotatingCube.getState();
			if (shouldAvoidLastDirection && currentBubble != null){
    private void GenerateTexturePreview()
        if (target.forceTexture == null) {

        int xres = target.forceTexture.width;
        int yres = target.forceTexture.height;
        int zres = target.forceTexture.depth;

        previewGradient = new Vector4[xres + 1,zres + 1];
        previewRot = new Quaternion[xres + 1, zres + 1];

        Color[] cols = target.forceTexture.GetPixels(0);

        int y = target.forceTexture.height / 2;

        for (int z = 0; z < zres; ++z) {
            for (int x = 0; x < xres; ++x) {
                Vector3 val = DecodeVector(cols[x + y * xres + z * xres * yres]);

                float mag = val.magnitude;
                val = val.normalized;
                previewGradient[x, z] = new Vector4(val.x, val.y, val.z, mag);

                previewRot[x, z] = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, val / mag);

        CalcPreviewDeriv(xres, zres);
using UnityEngine;
Example #27
 public void AppendColumns(int columns)
     columnCount += columns;
     datas = (Quaternion[,])ResizeArray(datas, new int[] { this.rowCount, this.columnCount });
Example #28
 public PoseModel()
     rotationModel = new Quaternion[numberOfJoints, numberOfFrames];
Example #29
    void Start()
        material   = new Material[3];
        pipes      = new GameObject[3, 20];
        position   = new Vector3[3, 50];
        rotation   = new Quaternion[3, 50];
        numOfPipe  = new int[3];
        kindOfPipe = new int[3];
        tier       = transform.parent.parent.parent.GetSiblingIndex() + 1;

        switch (tier)
        case 1:
            material = (Material[])Resources.LoadAll <Material>("Pipe/Materials/Tier1");

        case 2:
            material = (Material[])Resources.LoadAll <Material>("Pipe/Materials/Tier2");

        case 3:
            material = (Material[])Resources.LoadAll <Material>("Pipe/Materials/Tier3");

        for (int x = 0; x < transform.childCount; x++)
            numOfPipe[x]  = transform.GetChild(x).GetChild(0).childCount;
            kindOfPipe[x] = transform.GetChild(x).childCount - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPipe[x]; i++)
                position[x, i] = transform.GetChild(x).GetChild(0).GetChild(i).localPosition;
                rotation[x, i] = transform.GetChild(x).GetChild(0).GetChild(i).localRotation;
            if (x == 0)
                y = 3;
                y = 0;
            for (int i = y; i < kindOfPipe[x]; i++)
                pipes[x, i] = transform.GetChild(x).GetChild(i + 1).gameObject;

                for (int j = 0; j < numOfPipe[x]; j++)
                    pipes[x, i].transform.GetChild(j).localPosition = position[x, j];
                    pipes[x, i].transform.GetChild(j).localRotation = rotation[x, j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < pipes[x, i].transform.GetChild(j).childCount; k++)
                        pipes[x, i].transform.GetChild(j).GetChild(k).GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = material[x];
                    if (pipes[x, i].transform.GetChild(j).childCount == 0)
                        pipes[x, i].transform.GetChild(j).GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = material[x];
        //special pipes
        pipes[0, 0] = transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).gameObject;
        mats        = pipes[0, 0].transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().materials;
        mats[3]     = material[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < pipes[0, 0].transform.childCount; i++)
            pipes[0, 0].transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = mats;

        pipes[0, 1] = transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(2).gameObject;
        mats1       = pipes[0, 1].transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent <Renderer>().materials;
        mats1[0]    = material[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < pipes[0, 1].transform.childCount; i++)
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                pipes[0, 1].transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(1).GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = mats1;
                pipes[0, 1].transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = material[0];

        pipes[0, 2] = transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(3).gameObject;
        mats2       = pipes[0, 2].transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().materials;
        mats2[0]    = material[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < pipes[0, 2].transform.childCount; i++)
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                pipes[0, 2].transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = mats2;
                pipes[0, 2].transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = material[0];
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        camPositions = new Vector3[levels,columns];
        camRotations = new Quaternion[levels,columns];
        builtMesh = new GameObject[levels,columns];
        builtMeshVertices = new ViewPointMeshVertex[levels,columns];

        float phi0 = anglePhiMin;
        float dPhi = (anglePhiMax-anglePhiMin)/(levels-1);
        float theta0 = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y + (thetaCentredAtOrigin ? -angleTheta/2f : 0f);
        float dTheta = angleTheta / (placeColumnAtBothEnds ? columns-1 : columns);

        for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j ++) {
                camPositions[i,j] = new Vector3(
                    Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (theta0 + j*dTheta)) * Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.x,
                    Mathf.Sin (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.y,
                    Mathf.Sin (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (theta0 + j*dTheta)) * Mathf.Cos (Mathf.Deg2Rad * (phi0 + i*dPhi)) * transform.localScale.z);
                camRotations[i,j].eulerAngles = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles + (new Vector3(phi0 + i*dPhi,90f - j*dTheta,0));
                builtMesh[i,j] = GameObject.Instantiate(viewPointMeshVertex,transform.position+camPositions[i,j],camRotations[i,j]) as GameObject;
        for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j ++) {
                builtMeshVertices[i,j] = builtMesh[i,j].GetComponent<ViewPointMeshVertex>();
                if (i > 0) {
                    builtMeshVertices[i,j].down = builtMeshVertices[i-1,j];
                    builtMeshVertices[i-1,j].up = builtMeshVertices[i,j];
                if (j > 0) {
                    builtMeshVertices[i,j].left = builtMeshVertices[i,j-1];
                    builtMeshVertices[i,j-1].right = builtMeshVertices[i,j];
            if (loopAround) {
                builtMeshVertices[i,0].left = builtMeshVertices[i,columns-1];
                builtMeshVertices[i,columns-1].right = builtMeshVertices[i,0];

    private static int SetPieces(string[] pieceFile, int index, PieceColor[,] colors, Quaternion[,] rotations, ref IPiece[,] pieces)
        int a = 0;

        for (int i = index; i < pieceFile.Length; i++)
            if (pieceFile[i].Trim() == "~")
                return(Mathf.Clamp(i + 1, 0, pieceFile.Length - 1));

            for (int j = 0; j < pieceFile[i].Length; j++)
                char   c = pieceFile[i][j];
                IPiece gp;

                switch (c)
                case 'I':
                    gp = new Pharaoh(new Point(a, j), rotations[a, j], colors[a, j], null);

                case 'S':
                    gp = new Sphynx(new Point(a, j), rotations[a, j], colors[a, j], null);

                case 'C':
                    gp = new Scarab(new Point(a, j), rotations[a, j], colors[a, j], null);

                case 'A':
                    gp = new Anubis(new Point(a, j), rotations[a, j], colors[a, j], null);

                case 'P':
                    gp = new Pyramid(new Point(a, j), rotations[a, j], colors[a, j], null);

                    gp = new EmptyPoint(null, new Point(a, j));

                pieces[a, j] = gp;


        return(Mathf.Clamp(index + 1, 0, pieceFile.Length - 1));
Example #32
        private void DrawWireFrame()
            int nLon = m_Comp.GridSize.x;
            int nLat = m_Comp.GridSize.y;

            Quaternion[,] wf = m_Comp.Wireframe;

            if ((nLon + 1) * (nLat + 1) != wf.Length)



            Vector3 min = Vector3.forward * m_Comp.MinDistance;
            Vector3 max = Vector3.forward * m_Comp.MaxDistance;

            // Grid Cells

            for (int iLat = 0; iLat <= nLat; iLat++)

                for (int iLon = 0; iLon <= nLon; iLon++)
                    var v = wf[iLat, iLon] * max;
                    GL.Vertex3(v.x, v.y, v.z);

            for (int iLon = 0; iLon <= nLon; iLon++)

                for (int iLat = 0; iLat <= nLat; iLat++)
                    var v = wf[iLat, iLon] * max;
                    GL.Vertex3(v.x, v.y, v.z);

            // Angles

            if (m_Comp.LatAngleSouth < 90)

                for (int iLon = 0; iLon <= nLon; iLon++)
                    var a = wf[0, iLon] * min;
                    GL.Vertex3(a.x, a.y, a.z);
                    var b = wf[0, iLon] * max;
                    GL.Vertex3(b.x, b.y, b.z);

            if (m_Comp.LatAngleNorth < 90)

                for (int iLon = 0; iLon <= nLon; iLon++)
                    var a = wf[nLat, iLon] * min;
                    GL.Vertex3(a.x, a.y, a.z);
                    var b = wf[nLat, iLon] * max;
                    GL.Vertex3(b.x, b.y, b.z);

            if (m_Comp.LonAngle < 180)
                for (int iLon = 0; iLon <= nLon; iLon += nLon)

                    for (int iLat = 0; iLat <= nLat; iLat++)
                        var a = wf[iLat, iLon] * min;
                        GL.Vertex3(a.x, a.y, a.z);
                        var b = wf[iLat, iLon] * max;
                        GL.Vertex3(b.x, b.y, b.z);

Example #33
 public void AppendRows(int rows)
     rowCount += rows;
     datas = (Quaternion[,])ResizeArray(datas, new int[] { this.rowCount, this.columnCount });