Example #1
 public void ShowQualityIndicatorWindow(bool bshow)
     qualityIndicatoWindow.ShowWindow = bshow;
     if (bshow)
         _lastQuality = QualityIndicator.Unknown;
        /// <summary>
        ///Usage: three choices
        ///     - AbYSS
        ///     - AbYSS problemName
        ///     - AbYSS problemName paretoFrontFile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Problem   problem;                      // The problem to solve
            Algorithm algorithm;                    // The algorithm to use
            Operator  crossover;                    // Crossover operator
            Operator  mutation;                     // Mutation operator
            Operator  improvement;                  // Operator for improvement

            Dictionary <string, object> parameters; // Operator parameters

            QualityIndicator indicators;            // Object to get quality indicators

            // Logger object and file to store log messages
            var logger       = Logger.Log;
            var appenders    = logger.Logger.Repository.GetAppenders();
            var fileAppender = appenders[0] as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;

            fileAppender.File = "AbYSS.log";

            indicators = null;
            if (args.Length == 1)
                object[] param = { "Real" };
                problem = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], param);
            else if (args.Length == 2)
                object[] param = { "Real" };
                problem    = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], param);
                indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, args[1]);
            {             // Default problem
                problem = new Kursawe("Real", 3);
                //problem = new Kursawe("BinaryReal", 3);
                //problem = new Water("Real");
                //problem = new ZDT4("ArrayReal", 10);
                //problem = new ConstrEx("Real");
                //problem = new DTLZ1("Real");
                //problem = new OKA2("Real") ;

            // STEP 2. Select the algorithm (AbYSS)
            algorithm = new JMetalCSharp.Metaheuristics.AbYSS.AbYSS(problem);

            // STEP 3. Set the input parameters required by the metaheuristic
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("populationSize", 20);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("refSet1Size", 10);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("refSet2Size", 10);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("archiveSize", 100);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("maxEvaluations", 25000);

            // STEP 4. Specify and configure the crossover operator, used in the
            //         solution combination method of the scatter search
            parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            parameters.Add("probability", 0.9);
            parameters.Add("distributionIndex", 20.0);
            crossover = CrossoverFactory.GetCrossoverOperator("SBXCrossover", parameters);

            // STEP 5. Specify and configure the improvement method. We use by default
            //         a polynomial mutation in this method.
            parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            parameters.Add("probability", 1.0 / problem.NumberOfVariables);
            parameters.Add("distributionIndex", 20.0);
            mutation = MutationFactory.GetMutationOperator("PolynomialMutation", parameters);

            parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            parameters.Add("improvementRounds", 1);
            parameters.Add("problem", problem);
            parameters.Add("mutation", mutation);
            improvement = new MutationLocalSearch(parameters);

            // STEP 6. Add the operators to the algorithm
            algorithm.AddOperator("crossover", crossover);
            algorithm.AddOperator("improvement", improvement);

            long initTime = Environment.TickCount;

            // STEP 7. Run the algorithm
            SolutionSet population    = algorithm.Execute();
            long        estimatedTime = Environment.TickCount - initTime;

            // STEP 8. Print the results
            logger.Info("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");
            logger.Info("Variables values have been writen to file VAR");
            logger.Info("Objectives values have been writen to file FUN");

            Console.WriteLine("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");
            if (indicators != null)
                logger.Info("Quality indicators");
                logger.Info("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population));
                logger.Info("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population));
                logger.Info("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population));
                logger.Info("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population));
                logger.Info("Epsilon    : " + indicators.GetEpsilon(population));
        /// <summary>
        /// Usage: three options
        ///    - SPEA2
        ///    - SPEA2 problemName
        ///    - SPEA2 problemName ParetoFrontFile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments. The first (optional) argument specifies the problem to solve.</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Problem   problem;                      // The problem to solve
            Algorithm algorithm;                    // The algorithm to use
            Operator  crossover;                    // Crossover operator
            Operator  mutation;                     // Mutation operator
            Operator  selection;                    // Selection operator

            QualityIndicator indicators;            // Object to get quality indicators

            Dictionary <string, object> parameters; // Operator parameters

            // Logger object and file to store log messages
            var logger = Logger.Log;

            var appenders    = logger.Logger.Repository.GetAppenders();
            var fileAppender = appenders[0] as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;

            fileAppender.File = "SPEA2.log";

            indicators = null;
            if (args.Length == 1)
                object[] param = { "Real" };
                problem = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], param);
            else if (args.Length == 2)
                object[] param = { "Real" };
                problem    = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], param);
                indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, args[1]);
            {             // Default problem
                problem = new Kursawe("Real", 3);
                //problem = new Water("Real");
                //problem = new ZDT1("ArrayReal", 1000);
                //problem = new ZDT4("BinaryReal");
                //problem = new WFG1("Real");
                //problem = new DTLZ1("Real");
                //problem = new OKA2("Real") ;

            algorithm = new JMetalCSharp.Metaheuristics.SPEA2.SPEA2(problem);

            // Algorithm parameters
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("populationSize", 100);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("archiveSize", 100);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("maxEvaluations", 25000);

            // Mutation and Crossover for Real codification
            parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            parameters.Add("probability", 0.9);
            parameters.Add("distributionIndex", 20.0);
            crossover = CrossoverFactory.GetCrossoverOperator("SBXCrossover", parameters);

            parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            parameters.Add("probability", 1.0 / problem.NumberOfVariables);
            parameters.Add("distributionIndex", 20.0);
            mutation = MutationFactory.GetMutationOperator("PolynomialMutation", parameters);

            // Selection operator
            parameters = null;
            selection  = SelectionFactory.GetSelectionOperator("BinaryTournament", parameters);

            // Add the operators to the algorithm
            algorithm.AddOperator("crossover", crossover);
            algorithm.AddOperator("mutation", mutation);
            algorithm.AddOperator("selection", selection);

            // Execute the algorithm
            long        initTime      = Environment.TickCount;
            SolutionSet population    = algorithm.Execute();
            long        estimatedTime = Environment.TickCount - initTime;

            // Result messages
            logger.Info("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");
            logger.Info("Objectives values have been writen to file FUN");
            logger.Info("Variables values have been writen to file VAR");

            if (indicators != null)
                logger.Info("Quality indicators");
                logger.Info("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population));
                logger.Info("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population));
                logger.Info("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population));
                logger.Info("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population));
                logger.Info("Epsilon    : " + indicators.GetEpsilon(population));
            Console.WriteLine("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the NSGA-II algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a <code>SolutionSet</code> that is a set of non dominated solutions as a result of the algorithm execution</returns>
        public override SolutionSet Execute()
            // !!!! NEEDED PARAMETES !!! start
            //J* Parameters
            int populationSize = -1; // J* store population size
            int maxEvaluations = -1; // J* store number of max Evaluations
            int evaluations;         // J* number of current evaluations

            // J* Objects needed to illustrate the use of quality indicators inside the algorithms
            QualityIndicator indicators = null; // QualityIndicator object
            int requiredEvaluations;            // Use in the example of use of the
            // indicators object (see below)

            // J* populations needed to implement NSGA-II
            SolutionSet population;          //J* Current population
            SolutionSet offspringPopulation; //J* offspring population
            SolutionSet union;               //J* population resultant from current and offpring population

            //J* Genetic Operators
            Operator mutationOperator;
            Operator crossoverOperator;
            Operator selectionOperator;

            //J* Used to evaluate crowding distance
            Distance distance = new Distance();

            //J* !!!! NEEDED PARAMETES !!! end

            //J* !!! INITIALIZING PARAMETERS - start !!!

            //Read the parameters
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "maxEvaluations", ref maxEvaluations);  //J* required
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "populationSize", ref populationSize);  //J* required
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIndicatorsFromParameters(this.InputParameters, "indicators", ref indicators);       //J* optional

            //Initialize the variables
            population  = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
            evaluations = 0;

            requiredEvaluations = 0;

            //Read the operators
            mutationOperator  = Operators["mutation"];
            crossoverOperator = Operators["crossover"];
            selectionOperator = Operators["selection"];

            //J* !!! INITIALIZING PARAMETERS - end !!!

            //J* !!! Creating first population !!!

            comp.LogAddMessage("Random seed = " + comp.Seed);

            // Create the initial solutionSet
            Solution newSolution;

            for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                newSolution = new Solution(Problem);

            // Generations
            while (evaluations < maxEvaluations)
                // Create the offSpring solutionSet
                offspringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
                Solution[] parents = new Solution[2];
                for (int i = 0; i < (populationSize / 2); i++)
                    if (evaluations < maxEvaluations)
                        //obtain parents
                        parents[0] = (Solution)selectionOperator.Execute(population);
                        parents[1] = (Solution)selectionOperator.Execute(population);
                        Solution[] offSpring = (Solution[])crossoverOperator.Execute(parents);
                        evaluations += 2;

                // Create the solutionSet union of solutionSet and offSpring
                union = ((SolutionSet)population).Union(offspringPopulation);

                // Ranking the union
                Ranking ranking = new Ranking(union);

                int         remain = populationSize;
                int         index  = 0;
                SolutionSet front  = null;

                // Obtain the next front
                front = ranking.GetSubfront(index);

                while ((remain > 0) && (remain >= front.Size()))
                    //Assign crowding distance to individuals
                    distance.CrowdingDistanceAssignment(front, Problem.NumberOfObjectives);
                    //Add the individuals of this front
                    for (int k = 0; k < front.Size(); k++)

                    //Decrement remain
                    remain = remain - front.Size();

                    //Obtain the next front
                    if (remain > 0)
                        front = ranking.GetSubfront(index);

                // Remain is less than front(index).size, insert only the best one
                if (remain > 0)
                {  // front contains individuals to insert
                    distance.CrowdingDistanceAssignment(front, Problem.NumberOfObjectives);
                    front.Sort(new CrowdingComparator());
                    for (int k = 0; k < remain; k++)

                    remain = 0;

                // This piece of code shows how to use the indicator object into the code
                // of NSGA-II. In particular, it finds the number of evaluations required
                // by the algorithm to obtain a Pareto front with a hypervolume higher
                // than the hypervolume of the true Pareto front.
                if ((indicators != null) && (requiredEvaluations == 0))
                    double HV = indicators.GetHypervolume(population);
                    if (HV >= (0.98 * indicators.TrueParetoFrontHypervolume))
                        requiredEvaluations = evaluations;

            // Return as output parameter the required evaluations
            SetOutputParameter("evaluations", requiredEvaluations);

            comp.LogAddMessage("Evaluations = " + evaluations);
            // Return the first non-dominated front
            Ranking rank = new Ranking(population);

            Result = rank.GetSubfront(0);

        public void GetIndicatorForScore_WithCustomValues(int score, int?passScore, int?warnScore, QualityIndicator expectedResult)
            // Arrange
            this.configurationRepository.Setup(r => r.ReadValue <int>(ConfigurationKeys.PassScore)).Returns(passScore);
            this.configurationRepository.Setup(r => r.ReadValue <int>(ConfigurationKeys.WarnScore)).Returns(warnScore);

            var result = this.qualityIndicatorService.Object.GetIndicatorForScore(score);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedResult));
Example #6
        public SolutionSet Mix()
            QualityIndicator indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, fileRead.Qi); // QualityIndicator object
            int requiredEvaluations     = 0;                                          // Use in the example of use of the

            // indicators object (see below)

            evaluations = 0;

            iteration        = 0;
            populationSize   = int.Parse(fileRead.Ps);
            iterationsNumber = int.Parse(fileRead.Itn);
            dataDirectory    = "Data/Parameters/Weight";

            int    allR = int.Parse(fileRead.DERa) + int.Parse(fileRead.SBXRa) + int.Parse(fileRead.ACORa);
            double ACOR = (double)int.Parse(fileRead.ACORa) / allR;
            double DER  = (double)int.Parse(fileRead.DERa) / allR;

            Logger.Log.Info("POPSIZE: " + populationSize);
            Console.WriteLine("POPSIZE: " + populationSize);

            population = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
            indArray   = new Solution[problem.NumberOfObjectives];

            t     = int.Parse(fileRead.T);
            nr    = int.Parse(fileRead.Nr);
            delta = double.Parse(fileRead.Delta);
            gamma = double.Parse(fileRead.Gamma);

            neighborhood = new int[populationSize][];
            for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                neighborhood[i] = new int[t];

            z = new double[problem.NumberOfObjectives];
            //znad = new double[Problem.NumberOfObjectives];

            lambda = new double[populationSize][];
            for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                lambda[i] = new double[problem.NumberOfObjectives];

            /**/ string dir = "Result/" + fileRead.Al;

            if (fileRead.DERa != "0")
                dir = dir + "_DifferentialEvolutionCrossover";
            if (fileRead.SBXRa != "0")
                dir = dir + "_SBXCrossover";
            if (fileRead.ACORa != "0")
                dir = dir + "_ACOR";
            dir = dir + "/" + fileRead.Pb + "_" + fileRead.St + "/Record/DE(" + int.Parse(fileRead.DERa) + ")+SBX(" + int.Parse(fileRead.SBXRa) + ")+ACOR(" + int.Parse(fileRead.ACORa) + ")_NoMutation/nr=" + fileRead.Nr + "/ACOR+SBX";
            if (Directory.Exists(dir))
                Console.WriteLine("The directory {0} already exists.", dir);
                Console.WriteLine("The directory {0} was created.", dir);

            //Step 1. Initialization
            //Step 1.1 Compute euclidean distances between weight vectors and find T


            //Step 1.2 Initialize population

            //Step 1.3 Initizlize z

            //Step 2 Update
            for (int a = 1; a <= iterationsNumber; a++)
                int[] permutation = new int[populationSize];
                JMetalCSharp.Metaheuristics.MOEAD.Utils.RandomPermutation(permutation, populationSize);

                Solution[] parents = new Solution[2];
                int        t       = 0;

                if (a <= (ACOR)*iterationsNumber)
                    for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                        int n = permutation[i];
                        // or int n = i;

                        int    type;
                        double rnd = JMetalRandom.NextDouble();

                        // STEP 2.1. ACOR selection based on probability
                        if (rnd < gamma) // if (rnd < realb)
                            type = 1;    // minmum
                            //parents[0] = population.Get(ACOrSelection2(n, type, pro_T));
                            type = 2;   // whole neighborhood probability
                            //parents[0] = population.Get(ACOrSelection2(n, type, pro_A));
                        //GetStdDev1(neighborhood, type);

                        //List<int> p = new List<int>();
                        //MatingSelection(p, n, 1, type);

                        // STEP 2.2. Reproduction
                        Solution child;

                        parents[0] = population.Get(ACOrSelection(n, type));
                        parents[1] = population.Get(n);
                        //parents[0] = population.Get(p[0]);

                        // Apply ACOR crossover
                        child = (Solution)crossover[2].Execute(parents);

                        child.NumberofReplace = t;

                        // Apply mutation
                        // mutation.Execute(child);

                        // Evaluation


                        // STEP 2.3. Repair. Not necessary

                        // STEP 2.4. Update z_

                        // STEP 2.5. Update of solutions
                        t = UpdateProblemWithReplace(child, n, 1);
                else if (a >= (1 - DER) * iterationsNumber)
                    for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                        int n = permutation[i]; // or int n = i;

                        int    type;
                        double rnd = JMetalRandom.NextDouble();

                        // STEP 2.1. Mating selection based on probability
                        if (rnd < delta) // if (rnd < realb)
                            type = 1;    // neighborhood
                            type = 2;   // whole population
                        List <int> p = new List <int>();
                        MatingSelection(p, n, 2, type);

                        // STEP 2.2. Reproduction
                        Solution   child;
                        Solution[] parent = new Solution[3];

                        parent[0] = population.Get(p[0]);
                        parent[1] = population.Get(p[1]);

                        parent[2] = population.Get(n);

                        // Apply DE crossover
                        child = (Solution)crossover[0].Execute(new object[] { population.Get(n), parent });

                        // Apply mutation

                        // Evaluation


                        // STEP 2.3. Repair. Not necessary

                        // STEP 2.4. Update z_

                        // STEP 2.5. Update of solutions
                        UpdateProblem(child, n, type);
                    //Create the offSpring solutionSet
                    SolutionSet offspringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
                    for (int i = 0; i < (populationSize / 2); i++)
                        int n = permutation[i]; // or int n = i;

                        int    type;
                        double rnd = JMetalRandom.NextDouble();

                        // STEP 2.1. Mating selection based on probability
                        if (rnd < delta) // if (rnd < realb)
                            type = 1;    // neighborhood
                            type = 2;   // whole population
                        List <int> p = new List <int>();
                        MatingSelection(p, n, 2, type);

                        parents[0] = population.Get(p[0]);
                        parents[1] = population.Get(p[1]);

                        //obtain parents
                        Solution[] offSpring = (Solution[])crossover[1].Execute(parents);
                        //Solution child;

                        /*if(rnd < 0.5)
                         * {
                         *  child = offSpring[0];
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  child = offSpring[1];
                         * }*/
                        evaluations += 2;

                        // STEP 2.3. Repair. Not necessary

                        // STEP 2.4. Update z_

                        // STEP 2.5. Update of solutions
                        UpdateProblem(offSpring[0], n, type);
                        UpdateProblem(offSpring[1], n, type);
        public SolutionSet Mix()
            QualityIndicator indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, fileRead.Qi); // QualityIndicator object
            int requiredEvaluations     = 0;                                          // Use in the example of use of the

            // indicators object (see below)

            evaluations = 0;

            iteration        = 0;
            populationSize   = int.Parse(fileRead.Ps);
            iterationsNumber = int.Parse(fileRead.Itn);
            dataDirectory    = "Data/Parameters/Weight";

            Logger.Log.Info("POPSIZE: " + populationSize);
            Console.WriteLine("POPSIZE: " + populationSize);

            population = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
            indArray   = new Solution[problem.NumberOfObjectives];

            t     = int.Parse(fileRead.T);
            nr    = int.Parse(fileRead.Nr);
            delta = double.Parse(fileRead.Delta);
            gamma = double.Parse(fileRead.Gamma);

            neighborhood = new int[populationSize][];
            for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                neighborhood[i] = new int[t];

            z = new double[problem.NumberOfObjectives];
            //znad = new double[Problem.NumberOfObjectives];

            lambda = new double[populationSize][];
            for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                lambda[i] = new double[problem.NumberOfObjectives];

            /*string dir = "Result/" + fileRead.Al + "_" + fileRead.Co + "_" + fileRead.Co2 + "/" + fileRead.Pb + "_" + fileRead.St + "/Record/SBX(" + double.Parse(fileRead.Ra).ToString("#0.00") + ")+ACOR(" + (1-double.Parse(fileRead.Ra)).ToString("#0.00") + ")";
             * if (Directory.Exists(dir))
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("The directory {0} already exists.", dir);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  Directory.CreateDirectory(dir);
             *  Console.WriteLine("The directory {0} was created.", dir);
             * }*/

            //Step 1. Initialization
            //Step 1.1 Compute euclidean distances between weight vectors and find T


            //Step 1.2 Initialize population

            //Step 1.3 Initizlize z

            //Step 2 Update
            for (int a = 0; a < iterationsNumber; a++)
                int[] permutation = new int[populationSize];
                JMetalCSharp.Metaheuristics.MOEAD.Utils.RandomPermutation(permutation, populationSize);

                Solution[] parents = new Solution[2];
                int        t       = 0;

                if (a >= double.Parse(fileRead.Ra) * iterationsNumber)
                    for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                        int n = permutation[i];
                        // or int n = i;

                        int    type;
                        double rnd = JMetalRandom.NextDouble();

                        // STEP 2.1. ACOR selection based on probability
                        if (rnd < gamma) // if (rnd < realb)
                            type = 1;    // minmum
                            //parents[0] = population.Get(ACOrSelection2(n, type, pro_T));
                            type = 2;   // whole neighborhood probability
                            //parents[0] = population.Get(ACOrSelection2(n, type, pro_A));
                        //GetStdDev1(neighborhood, type);

                        //List<int> p = new List<int>();
                        //MatingSelection(p, n, 1, type);

                        // STEP 2.2. Reproduction
                        Solution child;

                        parents[0] = population.Get(ACOrSelection(n, type));
                        parents[1] = population.Get(n);
                        //parents[0] = population.Get(p[0]);

                        // Apply ACOR crossover
                        child = (Solution)crossover2.Execute(parents);

                        child.NumberofReplace = t;

                        // // Apply mutation

                        // Evaluation


                        // STEP 2.3. Repair. Not necessary

                        // STEP 2.4. Update z_

                        // STEP 2.5. Update of solutions
                        t = UpdateProblemWithReplace(child, n, 1);
                    // Create the offSpring solutionSet
                    SolutionSet offspringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
                    for (int i = 0; i < (populationSize / 2); i++)
                        int n = permutation[i]; // or int n = i;

                        int    type;
                        double rnd = JMetalRandom.NextDouble();

                        // STEP 2.1. Mating selection based on probability
                        if (rnd < delta) // if (rnd < realb)
                            type = 1;    // neighborhood
                            type = 2;   // whole population
                        List <int> p = new List <int>();
                        MatingSelection(p, n, 2, type);

                        parents[0] = population.Get(p[0]);
                        parents[1] = population.Get(p[1]);

                        //obtain parents
                        Solution[] offSpring = (Solution[])crossover1.Execute(parents);
                        //Solution child;

                        /*if(rnd < 0.5)
                         * {
                         *  child = offSpring[0];
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  child = offSpring[1];
                         * }*/
                        evaluations += 2;

                        // STEP 2.3. Repair. Not necessary

                        // STEP 2.4. Update z_

                        // STEP 2.5. Update of solutions
                        UpdateProblem(offSpring[0], n, type);
                        UpdateProblem(offSpring[1], n, type);

                    //for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                    //    int n = permutation[i]; // or int n = i;

                    //    int type;
                    //    double rnd = JMetalRandom.NextDouble();

                    //    // STEP 2.1. Mating selection based on probability
                    //    if (rnd < delta) // if (rnd < realb)
                    //    {
                    //        type = 1;   // neighborhood
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        type = 2;   // whole population
                    //    }
                    //    List<int> p = new List<int>();
                    //    MatingSelection(p, n, 2, type);

                    //    // STEP 2.2. Reproduction
                    //    Solution child;
                    //    Solution[] parent = new Solution[3];

                    //    parent[0] = population.Get(p[0]);
                    //    parent[1] = population.Get(p[1]);

                    //    parent[2] = population.Get(n);

                    //    // Apply DE crossover
                    //    child = (Solution)crossover1.Execute(new object[] { population.Get(n), parent });

                    //    // Apply mutation
                    //    mutation.Execute(child);

                    //    // Evaluation
                    //    problem.Evaluate(child);

                    //    evaluations++;

                    //    // STEP 2.3. Repair. Not necessary

                    //    // STEP 2.4. Update z_
                    //    UpdateReference(child);

                    //    // STEP 2.5. Update of solutions
                    //    UpdateProblem(child, n, type);

                /*string filevar = dir + "/VAR" + iteration;
                *  string filefun = dir + "/FUN" + iteration;
                *  population.PrintVariablesToFile(filevar);
                *  population.PrintObjectivesToFile(filefun);*/


                if ((indicators != null) && (requiredEvaluations == 0))
                    double HV = indicators.GetHypervolume(population);
                    if (HV >= (0.98 * indicators.TrueParetoFrontHypervolume))
                        requiredEvaluations = evaluations;

            Logger.Log.Info("ITERATION: " + iteration);
            Console.WriteLine("ITERATION: " + iteration);

            SolutionSet Result = population;

            //return population;

            // Return the first non-dominated front
            Ranking rank = new Ranking(population);

            //SolutionSet Result = rank.GetSubfront(0);

        private void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            FileRead read = new FileRead();

            Problem          problem    = read.GetProblem();
            Algorithm        algorithm  = read.GetAlgorithm();
            QualityIndicator indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, read.Qi);

            NewAlgorithmTest test = new NewAlgorithmTest();

            for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(read.Rt); i++)
                // Logger object and file to store log messages
                var logger = Logger.Log;

                var appenders    = logger.Logger.Repository.GetAppenders();
                var fileAppender = appenders[0] as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;
                fileAppender.File = read.DirPath + "/" + read.Al + i + ".log";

                string filevar = read.DirPath + "/VAR" + i;
                string filefun = read.DirPath + "/FUN" + i;

                FileStream   file      = new FileStream(read.DirPath + "/MOEADnew" + i + ".txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                StreamWriter newlogger = new StreamWriter(file);

                // Execute the Algorithm
                long        initTime      = Environment.TickCount;
                SolutionSet population    = test.Mix();
                long        estimatedTime = Environment.TickCount - initTime;

                // Result messages
                logger.Info("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");
                logger.Info("Variables values have been writen to file " + filevar);
                newlogger.WriteLine("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms" + "\n");
                newlogger.WriteLine("Variables values have been writen to file " + filevar + "\n");
                logger.Info("Objectives values have been writen to file " + filefun);
                Console.WriteLine("Time: " + estimatedTime);
                newlogger.WriteLine("Time: " + estimatedTime + "\n");
                if (indicators != null)
                    logger.Info("Quality indicators");
                    logger.Info("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population));
                    logger.Info("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population));
                    logger.Info("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population));
                    logger.Info("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population));
                    logger.Info("Epsilon    : " + indicators.GetEpsilon(population));

                    newlogger.WriteLine("Quality indicators");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("Epsilon    : " + indicators.GetEpsilon(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");

                    int evaluations = test.GetEvaluations();
                    logger.Info("Speed      : " + evaluations + "     evaluations");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("Speed      : " + evaluations + "     evaluations" + "\n");
        public void MyAlgorithm()
            Problem   problem   = null;  // The problem to solve
            Algorithm algorithm = null;  // The algorithm to use
            Operator  crossover = null;  // Crossover operator
            Operator  mutation  = null;  // Mutation operator
            Operator  selection = null;  // Selection operator

            QualityIndicator indicators; // Object to get quality indicators

            FileRead fileRead = new FileRead();

            problem   = fileRead.GetProblem();
            algorithm = fileRead.GetAlgorithm();
            //crossover = fileRead.GetCrossover();
            mutation  = fileRead.GetMutation();
            selection = fileRead.GetSelection();

            // Quality Indicators Operator
            //indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, "DTLZ1.3D.pf");
            indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, fileRead.Qi);
            //indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, "LZ09_F1.pf");

            // Add the operators to the algorithm
            algorithm.AddOperator("crossover", crossover);
            algorithm.AddOperator("mutation", mutation);
            algorithm.AddOperator("selection", selection);

            // Add the indicator object to the algorithm
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("indicators", indicators);

            for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(fileRead.Rt); i++)
                // Logger object and file to store log messages
                var logger = Logger.Log;

                var appenders    = logger.Logger.Repository.GetAppenders();
                var fileAppender = appenders[0] as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;
                fileAppender.File = fileRead.DirPath + "/" + fileRead.Al + i + ".log";

                string filevar = fileRead.DirPath + "/VAR" + i;
                string filefun = fileRead.DirPath + "/FUN" + i;

                FileStream   file      = new FileStream(fileRead.DirPath + "/" + fileRead.Al + "new" + i + ".txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                StreamWriter newlogger = new StreamWriter(file);

                // Execute the Algorithm
                long        initTime      = Environment.TickCount;
                SolutionSet population    = algorithm.Execute();
                long        estimatedTime = Environment.TickCount - initTime;

                // Result messages
                logger.Info("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");
                logger.Info("Variables values have been writen to file " + filevar);
                newlogger.WriteLine("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms" + "\n");
                newlogger.WriteLine("Variables values have been writen to file " + filevar + "\n");
                logger.Info("Objectives values have been writen to file " + filefun);
                Console.WriteLine("Time: " + estimatedTime);
                newlogger.WriteLine("Time: " + estimatedTime + "\n");
                if (indicators != null)
                    logger.Info("Quality indicators");
                    logger.Info("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population));
                    logger.Info("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population));
                    logger.Info("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population));
                    logger.Info("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population));
                    logger.Info("Epsilon    : " + indicators.GetEpsilon(population));

                    newlogger.WriteLine("Quality indicators");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("Epsilon    : " + indicators.GetEpsilon(population).ToString("F18") + "\n");

                    int evaluations = (int)algorithm.GetOutputParameter("evaluations");
                    logger.Info("Speed      : " + evaluations + "     evaluations");
                    newlogger.WriteLine("Speed      : " + evaluations + "     evaluations" + "\n");
                algorithm.AddOperator("mutation", mutation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Usage: three options
        ///     - NSGAIIAdaptive
        ///     - NSGAIIAdaptive problemName
        ///     - NSGAIIAdaptive problemName paretoFrontFile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Problem   problem;                      // The problem to solve
            Algorithm algorithm;                    // The algorithm to use
            Operator  selection;                    // Selection operator

            Dictionary <string, object> parameters; // Operator parameters

            QualityIndicator indicators;            // Object to get quality indicators

            // Logger object and file to store log messages
            var logger = Logger.Log;

            var appenders    = logger.Logger.Repository.GetAppenders();
            var fileAppender = appenders[0] as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;

            fileAppender.File = "NSGAIIAdaptive.log";

            indicators = null;
            if (args.Length == 1)
                object[] param = { "Real" };
                problem = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], param);
            else if (args.Length == 2)
                object[] param = { "Real" };
                problem    = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], param);
                indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, args[1]);
            {             // Default problem
                problem = new Kursawe("Real", 3);
                //problem = new Kursawe("BinaryReal", 3);
                //problem = new Water("Real");
                //problem = new ZDT1("ArrayReal", 100);
                //problem = new ConstrEx("Real");
                //problem = new DTLZ1("Real");
                //problem = new OKA2("Real") ;
            problem   = new LZ09_F3("Real");
            algorithm = new JMetalCSharp.Metaheuristics.NSGAII.NSGAIIAdaptive(problem);
            //algorithm = new ssNSGAIIAdaptive(problem);

            // Algorithm parameters
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("populationSize", 100);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("maxEvaluations", 150000);

            // Selection Operator
            parameters = null;
            selection  = SelectionFactory.GetSelectionOperator("BinaryTournament2", parameters);

            // Add the operators to the algorithm
            algorithm.AddOperator("selection", selection);

            // Add the indicator object to the algorithm
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("indicators", indicators);

            Offspring[] getOffspring = new Offspring[3];
            double      CR, F;

            CR = 1.0;
            F  = 0.5;
            getOffspring[0] = new DifferentialEvolutionOffspring(CR, F);

            getOffspring[1] = new SBXCrossoverOffspring(1.0, 20);
            //getOffspring[1] = new BLXAlphaCrossoverOffspring(1.0, 0.5);

            getOffspring[2] = new PolynomialMutationOffspring(1.0 / problem.NumberOfVariables, 20);
            //getOffspring[2] = new NonUniformMutationOffspring(1.0/problem.getNumberOfVariables(), 0.5, 150000);

            algorithm.SetInputParameter("offspringsCreators", getOffspring);

            // Execute the Algorithm
            long        initTime      = Environment.TickCount;
            SolutionSet population    = algorithm.Execute();
            long        estimatedTime = Environment.TickCount - initTime;

            // Result messages
            logger.Info("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");
            logger.Info("Variables values have been writen to file VAR");
            logger.Info("Objectives values have been writen to file FUN");

            Console.WriteLine("Time: " + estimatedTime);
            if (indicators != null)
                logger.Info("Quality indicators");
                logger.Info("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population));
                logger.Info("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population));
                logger.Info("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population));
                logger.Info("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population));
                logger.Info("Epsilon    : " + indicators.GetEpsilon(population));
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the NSGA-II algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a <code>SolutionSet</code> that is a set of non dominated solutions as a result of the algorithm execution</returns>
        public override SolutionSet Execute()
            int populationSize = -1;
            int maxEvaluations = -1;
            int evaluations;

            QualityIndicator indicators = null; // QualityIndicator object
            int requiredEvaluations;            // Use in the example of use of the
                                                // indicators object (see below)

            SolutionSet population;
            SolutionSet offspringPopulation;
            SolutionSet union;

            Operator mutationOperator;
            Operator crossoverOperator;
            Operator selectionOperator;

            Distance distance = new Distance();

            //Read the parameters
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "maxEvaluations", ref maxEvaluations);
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIntValueFromParameter(this.InputParameters, "populationSize", ref populationSize);
            JMetalCSharp.Utils.Utils.GetIndicatorsFromParameters(this.InputParameters, "indicators", ref indicators);

            //Initialize the variables
            population  = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
            evaluations = 0;

            requiredEvaluations = 0;

            //Read the operators
            mutationOperator  = Operators["mutation"];
            crossoverOperator = Operators["crossover"];
            selectionOperator = Operators["selection"];
            var    plotCounter = 0;
            var    plotModulo  = 4;
            Random random      = new Random(2);


            // Create the initial solutionSet
            IntergenSolution newSolution;

            for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
                //var test = (IntergenProblem) Problem;
                newSolution = new IntergenSolution((IntergenProblem)Problem);

            // Generations
            while (evaluations < maxEvaluations)
                // Create the offSpring solutionSet
                offspringPopulation = new SolutionSet(populationSize);
                IntergenSolution[] parents = new IntergenSolution[2];
                for (int i = 0; i < (populationSize / 2); i++)
                    if (evaluations < maxEvaluations)
                        //obtain parents
                        parents[0] = (IntergenSolution)selectionOperator.Execute(population);
                        parents[1] = (IntergenSolution)selectionOperator.Execute(population);
                        IntergenSolution[] offSpring = (IntergenSolution[])crossoverOperator.Execute(parents);
                        evaluations += 2;
                // Create the solutionSet union of solutionSet and offSpring
                union = ((SolutionSet)population).Union(offspringPopulation);

                // Ranking the union
                Ranking ranking = new Ranking(union);

                int         remain = populationSize;
                int         index  = 0;
                SolutionSet front  = null;

                // Obtain the next front
                front = ranking.GetSubfront(index);

                while ((remain > 0) && (remain >= front.Size()))
                    //Assign crowding distance to individuals
                    distance.CrowdingDistanceAssignment(front, Problem.NumberOfObjectives);
                    //Add the individuals of this front
                    for (int k = 0; k < front.Size(); k++)

                    //Decrement remain
                    remain = remain - front.Size();

                    //Obtain the next front
                    if (remain > 0)
                        front = ranking.GetSubfront(index);

                // Remain is less than front(index).size, insert only the best one
                if (remain > 0)
                {  // front contains individuals to insert
                    distance.CrowdingDistanceAssignment(front, Problem.NumberOfObjectives);
                    front.Sort(new CrowdingComparator());
                    for (int k = 0; k < remain; k++)

                    remain = 0;

                // This piece of code shows how to use the indicator object into the code
                // of NSGA-II. In particular, it finds the number of evaluations required
                // by the algorithm to obtain a Pareto front with a hypervolume higher
                // than the hypervolume of the true Pareto front.
                if ((indicators != null) && (requiredEvaluations == 0))
                    double HV = indicators.GetHypervolume(population);
                    if (HV >= (0.98 * indicators.TrueParetoFrontHypervolume))
                        requiredEvaluations = evaluations;

                var sol0 = front.Best(new CrowdingComparator());
                //if (plotCounter%plotModulo == 0)

                ProgressReporter.ReportSolution(evaluations, sol0, _worker);

            // Return as output parameter the required evaluations
            SetOutputParameter("evaluations", requiredEvaluations);

            // Return the first non-dominated front
            Ranking rank = new Ranking(population);

            Result = rank.GetSubfront(0);

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        ///Usage: three choices
        ///     - GDE3
        ///     - GDE3 problemName
        ///     - GDE3 problemName paretoFrontFile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Problem   problem;           // The problem to solve
            Algorithm algorithm;         // The algorithm to use
            Operator  selection;
            Operator  crossover;

            Dictionary <string, object> parameters;  // Operator parameters

            QualityIndicator indicators;             // Object to get quality indicators

            // Logger object and file to store log messages
            var logger = Logger.Log;

            var appenders    = logger.Logger.Repository.GetAppenders();
            var fileAppender = appenders[0] as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;

            fileAppender.File = "GDE3.log";

            indicators = null;
            if (args.Length == 1)
                object[] param = { "Real" };
                problem = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], param);
            else if (args.Length == 2)
                object[] param = { "Real" };
                problem    = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], param);
                indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, args[1]);
            {             // Default problem
                problem = new Kursawe("Real", 3);
                //problem = new Water("Real");
                //problem = new ZDT1("ArrayReal", 100);
                //problem = new ConstrEx("Real");
                //problem = new DTLZ1("Real");
                //problem = new OKA2("Real") ;

            algorithm = new JMetalCSharp.Metaheuristics.GDE3.GDE3(problem);

            // Algorithm parameters
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("populationSize", 100);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("maxIterations", 250);

            // Crossover operator
            parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            parameters.Add("CR", 0.5);
            parameters.Add("F", 0.5);
            crossover = CrossoverFactory.GetCrossoverOperator("DifferentialEvolutionCrossover", parameters);

            // Add the operators to the algorithm
            parameters = null;
            selection  = SelectionFactory.GetSelectionOperator("DifferentialEvolutionSelection", parameters);

            algorithm.AddOperator("crossover", crossover);
            algorithm.AddOperator("selection", selection);

            // Execute the Algorithm
            long        initTime      = Environment.TickCount;
            SolutionSet population    = algorithm.Execute();
            long        estimatedTime = Environment.TickCount - initTime;

            // Result messages
            logger.Info("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + "ms");
            logger.Info("Objectives values have been writen to file FUN");
            logger.Info("Variables values have been writen to file VAR");

            if (indicators != null)
                logger.Info("Quality indicators");
                logger.Info("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population));
                logger.Info("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population));
                logger.Info("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population));
                logger.Info("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population));
                logger.Info("Epsilon    : " + indicators.GetEpsilon(population));

            Console.WriteLine("Total execution time gde: moead" + estimatedTime + "ms");
        /// <summary>
        /// Usage: three options
        ///      - PMOEAD
        ///      - PMOEAD problemName
        ///      - PMOEAD problemName ParetoFrontFile
        ///      - PMOEAD problemName numberOfThreads dataDirectory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments. The first (optional) argument specifies the problem to solve.</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Problem   problem;                      // The problem to solve
            Algorithm algorithm;                    // The algorithm to use
            Operator  crossover;                    // Crossover operator
            Operator  mutation;                     // Mutation operator

            QualityIndicator indicators;            // Object to get quality indicators

            Dictionary <string, object> parameters; // Operator parameters

            int    numberOfThreads = 4;
            string dataDirectory   = "";

            // Logger object and file to store log messages
            var logger = Logger.Log;

            var appenders    = logger.Logger.Repository.GetAppenders();
            var fileAppender = appenders[0] as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;

            fileAppender.File = "PMOEAD.log";

            indicators = null;
            if (args.Length == 1)
            {             // args[0] = problem name
                object[] paramsList = { "Real" };
                problem = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], paramsList);
            else if (args.Length == 2)
            {             // args[0] = problem name, [1] = pareto front file
                object[] paramsList = { "Real" };
                problem    = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], paramsList);
                indicators = new QualityIndicator(problem, args[1]);
            else if (args.Length == 3)
            {             // args[0] = problem name, [1] = threads, [2] = data directory
                object[] paramsList = { "Real" };
                problem         = ProblemFactory.GetProblem(args[0], paramsList);
                numberOfThreads = int.Parse(args[1]);
                dataDirectory   = args[2];
            {             // Problem + number of threads + data directory
                problem = new Kursawe("Real", 3);
                //problem = new Kursawe("BinaryReal", 3);
                //problem = new Water("Real");
                //problem = new ZDT1("ArrayReal", 100);
                //problem = new ConstrEx("Real");
                //problem = new DTLZ1("Real");
                //problem = new OKA2("Real") ;

            algorithm = new JMetalCSharp.Metaheuristics.MOEAD.PMOEAD(problem);

            // Algorithm parameters
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("populationSize", 300);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("maxEvaluations", 150000);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("numberOfThreads", numberOfThreads);

            // Directory with the files containing the weight vectors used in
            // Q. Zhang,  W. Liu,  and H Li, The Performance of a New Version of MOEA/D
            // on CEC09 Unconstrained MOP Test Instances Working Report CES-491, School
            // of CS & EE, University of Essex, 02/2009.
            // http://dces.essex.ac.uk/staff/qzhang/MOEAcompetition/CEC09final/code/ZhangMOEADcode/moead0305.rar
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("dataDirectory", "Data/Parameters/Weight");

            algorithm.SetInputParameter("T", 20);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("delta", 0.9);
            algorithm.SetInputParameter("nr", 2);

            // Crossover operator
            parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            parameters.Add("CR", 1.0);
            parameters.Add("F", 0.5);
            crossover = CrossoverFactory.GetCrossoverOperator("DifferentialEvolutionCrossover", parameters);

            // Mutation operator
            parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            parameters.Add("probability", 1.0 / problem.NumberOfVariables);
            parameters.Add("distributionIndex", 20.0);
            mutation = MutationFactory.GetMutationOperator("PolynomialMutation", parameters);

            algorithm.AddOperator("crossover", crossover);
            algorithm.AddOperator("mutation", mutation);

            // Execute the Algorithm
            long        initTime      = Environment.TickCount;
            SolutionSet population    = algorithm.Execute();
            long        estimatedTime = Environment.TickCount - initTime;

            // Result messages
            logger.Info("Total execution time: " + estimatedTime + " ms");
            logger.Info("Objectives values have been writen to file FUN");
            logger.Info("Variables values have been writen to file VAR");

            if (indicators != null)
                logger.Info("Quality indicators");
                logger.Info("Hypervolume: " + indicators.GetHypervolume(population));
                logger.Info("GD         : " + indicators.GetGD(population));
                logger.Info("IGD        : " + indicators.GetIGD(population));
                logger.Info("Spread     : " + indicators.GetSpread(population));
Example #14
        public void UpdateQualityIndicator(QualityIndicator currentQuality)
            if (_lastQuality != currentQuality)
                var currentIndicator = "MediumIndicator";
                var lastIndicator    = "MediumIndicator";
                switch (_lastQuality)
                case QualityIndicator.ToBad:
                    lastIndicator = "BadIndicator";

                case QualityIndicator.VeryPoor:
                case QualityIndicator.Poor:
                    lastIndicator = "PoorIndicator";

                case QualityIndicator.Medium:
                    lastIndicator = "MediumIndicator";

                case QualityIndicator.Good:
                    lastIndicator = "GoodIndicator";

                    lastIndicator = "None";

                switch (currentQuality)
                case QualityIndicator.ToBad:
                    currentIndicator = "BadIndicator";

                case QualityIndicator.VeryPoor:
                case QualityIndicator.Poor:
                    currentIndicator = "PoorIndicator";

                case QualityIndicator.Medium:
                    currentIndicator = "MediumIndicator";

                case QualityIndicator.Good:
                    currentIndicator = "GoodIndicator";


                _lastQuality = currentQuality;
                var container =
                    FindChild <Grid>(qualityIndicatoWindow.TransparentWindow, "QualityContainer");
                if (container != null)
                    var image =
                        FindChild <Image>(container, lastIndicator);
                    if (image != null)
                        image.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        image =
                            FindChild <Image>(container, "BadIndicator");

                        if (image != null)
                            image.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        image =
                            FindChild <Image>(container, "PoorIndicator");
                        if (image != null)
                            image.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        image =
                            FindChild <Image>(container, "MediumIndicator");
                        if (image != null)
                            image.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        image =
                            FindChild <Image>(container, "GoodIndicator");
                        if (image != null)
                            image.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                    image =
                        FindChild <Image>(container, currentIndicator);
                    if (image != null)
                        image.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Example #15
        public ActionResult ProviderTrafficLightStatus(int id = 0, bool forceStop = false)
            const string mutexKey = "ProviderTrafficLightStatusMutex";
            var          mutex    = (bool?)CacheManagement.CacheHandler.Get(mutexKey);

            if (mutex.HasValue && mutex.Value)
                if (forceStop)
                    ? "Job in progress, stopped..."
                    : "Job in progress, skipping...");
            if (forceStop)
                Response.Write("Not in progress...");

            CacheManagement.CacheHandler.Add(mutexKey, true, new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0));

            var model      = new ProviderTrafficLightStatusViewModel();
            var providers  = GetProviderTrafficLightStatusInfo();
            var sendToList = new Dictionary <int, ProviderTrafficLightStatusViewModel.ProviderTrafficLightEmail>();
            var today      = Request.IsAuthenticated && userContext.IsAdministration()
                ? DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(id).Date
                : DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

            model.Today = today;
            foreach (var item in providers)
                var lastUpdate = item.ModifiedDateTimeUtc == null ? (DateTime?)null : item.ModifiedDateTimeUtc.Value.Date;
                var lastEmail  = item.LastEmailDateTimeUtc;
                var action     = model.Skipped;

                if (item.SFAFunded /* and it doesn't matter if they are also DfE funded, SFA emails trump the DfE ones */)
                    // Number of months the provider stays green after updating
                    var greenPeriod = lastUpdate == null
                        ? 0
                        : QualityIndicator.GetGreenDuration(lastUpdate.Value.Month);
                    // Offset for when they go amber (alwas one month before going red)
                    var amberPeriod = greenPeriod + 1;

                    if (lastEmail == today)
                        action = model.EmailAlreadySent;
                    else if (lastUpdate == null)
                        action = model.Skipped;
                        item.EmailTemplateId      = null;
                        item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsNowRed;
                        item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = item.ProviderCreatedDateTimeUtc.AddMonths(NewProviderGracePeriod).Date;
                        item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Red;
                    else if (today < lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(greenPeriod))
                        action = model.Skipped;
                        item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsNowAmber;
                        item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(greenPeriod);
                        item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Green;
                    else if (today == lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(greenPeriod))
                        action = model.AmberToday;
                        item.EmailTemplateId      = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsNowAmber;
                        item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsAmberWeek1;
                        item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(greenPeriod).AddDays(7);
                        item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Amber;
                    else if (today == lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(greenPeriod).AddDays(7))
                        action = model.AmberForOneWeek;
                        item.EmailTemplateId      = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsAmberWeek1;
                        item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderStatusRedInOneWeek;
                        item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(amberPeriod).AddDays(-7);
                        item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Amber;
                    else if (today == lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(amberPeriod).AddDays(-7))
                        action = model.RedInOneWeek;
                        item.EmailTemplateId      = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderStatusRedInOneWeek;
                        item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsNowRed;
                        item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(amberPeriod);
                        item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Amber;
                    else if (today == lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(amberPeriod))
                        action = model.RedToday;
                        item.EmailTemplateId      = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsNowRed;
                        item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsRedWeeklyReminder;
                        item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(amberPeriod).AddDays(7);
                        item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Red;
                    else if (today > lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(amberPeriod) &&
                             lastUpdate.Value.AddMonths(amberPeriod).DayOfWeek == today.DayOfWeek)
                        action = model.StillRed;
                        item.EmailTemplateId      = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsRedWeeklyReminder;
                        item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.SfaProviderTrafficLightIsRedWeeklyReminder;
                        item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = today.AddDays(7);
                        item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Red;
                else if (item.DFE1619Funded && lastUpdate == null)
                    var notifyDate =
                        item.ProviderCreatedDateTimeUtc.Month < 11
                            ? new DateTime(today.Year, 11, 1)
                            : new DateTime(today.AddYears(1).Year, 11, 1);
                    action = model.Skipped;
                    item.EmailTemplateId      = null;
                    item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderTrafficLightIsNowRed;
                    item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = notifyDate;
                    item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Red;
                else if (item.DFE1619Funded && lastUpdate.HasValue)
                    item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.DfeProviderDateToIndex(lastUpdate.Value);
                    var greenEndDate = QualityIndicator.GetDfeProviderGreenEndDate(lastUpdate.Value).Date;
                    switch (item.TrafficLightStatusId)
                    case QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Green:

                        action = model.Skipped;
                        item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderTrafficLightIsNowAmber;
                        item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = greenEndDate.AddDays(1);

                    case QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Amber:

                        if (today.Month == 10 && today.Day == 1)
                            action = model.AmberToday;
                            item.EmailTemplateId      = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderTrafficLightIsNowAmber;
                            item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderTrafficLightIsAmberWeek1;
                            item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = today.AddDays(7);
                        else if (today.Month == 10 && today.Day == 8)
                            action = model.AmberForOneWeek;
                            item.EmailTemplateId      = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderTrafficLightIsAmberWeek1;
                            item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderStatusRedInOneWeek;
                            item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = today.AddDays(17);

                    case QualityIndicator.TrafficLight.Red:

                        if (today.Month == 10 && today.Day == 25 && today.Year == greenEndDate.Year)
                            action = model.RedInOneWeek;
                            item.EmailTemplateId      = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderStatusRedInOneWeek;
                            item.NextEmailTemplateId  = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderTrafficLightIsNowRed;
                            item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = today.AddDays(7);
                        else if (today.Month == 11 && today.Day == 1 && today.Year == greenEndDate.Year)
                            action = model.RedToday;
                            item.EmailTemplateId     = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderTrafficLightIsNowRed;
                            item.NextEmailTemplateId =
                            item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = today.AddDays(7);
                        else if ((int)(today - lastUpdate.Value).TotalDays % 7 == 0)
                            action = model.StillRed;
                            item.EmailTemplateId     = Constants.EmailTemplates.Dfe1619ProviderTrafficLightIsRedWeeklyReminder;
                            item.NextEmailTemplateId =
                            item.NextEmailDateTimeUtc = today.AddDays(7);

                //if (item.EmailTemplateId != null || item.NextEmailTemplateId != null)
                item.EmailDateTimeUtc   = item.EmailTemplateId == null ? (DateTime?)null : today;
                item.HasValidRecipients = false;
                sendToList.Add(item.ProviderId, item);

                if (item.TrafficLightStatusId == 0)
                    item.TrafficLightStatusId = QualityIndicator.GetTrafficStatus(item.ModifiedDateTimeUtc, item.SFAFunded, item.DFE1619Funded);


            // Send the emails - this updates the sendToList
            SendProviderTrafficLightStatusEmails(sendToList, today);

            // Log the results
            SaveHistoryLog(sendToList, today);

            // Delete mutex

Example #16
        private void SendProviderTrafficLightStatusEmails(Dictionary <int, ProviderTrafficLightStatusViewModel.ProviderTrafficLightEmail> providers, DateTime today)
            if (!providers.Any())

            var sendToProviderIds = providers.Values
                                    .Where(x => x.EmailTemplateId != null)
                                    .Where(x => !x.QualityEmailsPaused)
                                    .Select(x => x.ProviderId)
            var superUsers = ProvisionUtilities.GetProviderUsers(db, sendToProviderIds, false, true);

            // Send the emails out
            foreach (var user in superUsers)
                if (!providers.ContainsKey(user.ProviderId))
                var provider = providers[user.ProviderId];
                if (provider.EmailTemplateId == null)
                provider.HasValidRecipients = true;

                //    TemplatedEmail.EmailMessage(
                //        new MailAddress(user.Email, user.Name),
                //        null,
                //        null,
                //        provider.EmailTemplateId.Value,
                //        new List<EmailParameter>
                //        {
                //            new EmailParameter("%PROVIDERNAME%", provider.ProviderName),
                //            new EmailParameter("%LASTUPDATEDATE%",
                //                provider.ModifiedDateTimeUtc.HasValue
                //                    ? provider.ModifiedDateTimeUtc.Value.ToString(
                //                        Constants.ConfigSettings.ShortDateFormat)
                //                    : AppGlobal.Language.GetText(this, "NeverUpdated", "never")),
                //            new EmailParameter("%MONTHSSINCEUPDATE%",
                //                provider.ModifiedDateTimeUtc.HasValue
                //                ? QualityIndicator.GetMonthsBetween(provider.ModifiedDateTimeUtc.Value, DateTime.UtcNow).ToString()
                //                : NewProviderGracePeriod.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                //        }));

                var emailMessage = TemplatedEmail.EmailMessage(
                    new MailAddress(user.Email, user.Name),
                    new List <EmailParameter>
                    new EmailParameter("%PROVIDERNAME%", provider.ProviderName),
                    new EmailParameter("%LASTUPDATEDATE%",
                                    ? provider.ModifiedDateTimeUtc.Value.ToString(
                                    : AppGlobal.Language.GetText(this, "NeverUpdated", "never")),
                    new EmailParameter("%MONTHSSINCEUPDATE%",
                                ? QualityIndicator.GetMonthsBetween(provider.ModifiedDateTimeUtc.Value, DateTime.UtcNow).ToString()
                                : NewProviderGracePeriod.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))

                var response = SfaSendGridClient.SendGridEmailMessage(emailMessage, null);

            // Update the providers
            foreach (var providerId in sendToProviderIds)
                var provider = new Provider
                    ProviderId = providerId,
                    TrafficLightEmailDateTimeUtc = today

                db.Entry(provider).Property(x => x.TrafficLightEmailDateTimeUtc).IsModified = true;

                providers[providerId].EmailDateTimeUtc = today;

            db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;