public static void add_addresses(Qualco4_DBFirstContext debtsdb, List <string[]> list) { //Query the database and get all of the Addresses var addressesindb = (from b in debtsdb.Address select b).ToList(); // Get all addresses from the imported file var alladdresses = (from item in list select new Address { AddressName = item[5], County = item[6] }).ToList(); // Group by Address,County and get all the distinct pairs (Address,County) var distinctaddresses = alladdresses.GroupBy(i => new { i.AddressName, i.County }).Select(i => i.First()).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Number of Addresses in db: {addressesindb.Count().ToString()} Number of Addresses in file: {distinctaddresses.Count().ToString()}"); var addressestobeinstertedondb = (from addr in distinctaddresses join addr2 in addressesindb on new { addr.AddressName, addr.County } equals new { addr2.AddressName, addr2.County } into gj from subaddr in gj.DefaultIfEmpty() where subaddr == null select new Address { AddressName = addr.AddressName, County = addr.County }).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Addresses to be inserted on db:{addressestobeinstertedondb.Count().ToString()}"); debtsdb.AddRange(addressestobeinstertedondb); debtsdb.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Addresses were inserted on db"); }
public static void add_bills(Qualco4_DBFirstContext debtsdb, List <string[]> list) { //Initially query the database and get all of the citizens var citizensindb = (from b in debtsdb.User select b).ToList(); var billsforuser = (from item in list join ff in citizensindb on new { Vat = Convert.ToInt64(item[0]) } equals new { ff.Vat } select new { item, ff.UserId }).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Starting processing bills"); var allbills = (from bill in billsforuser select new Bill { BillId = bill.item[7], BillDescription = bill.item[8], Amount = float.Parse(bill.item[9], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat), DateDue = DateTime.ParseExact(bill.item[10], "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), UserId = bill.UserId }).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Bills to be inserted on db:{allbills.Count().ToString()}"); debtsdb.AddRange(allbills); debtsdb.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Bills were inserted on db"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var FilePath = @"C:\Users\nickliako\Google Drive\.NET Coding School\Project\BackOffice Scripts\CitizenDebts_1M_3.txt"; // var CorrectFilePath = @"C:\Users\nickliako\Google Drive\.NET Coding School\Project\BackOffice Scripts\DEBTS_"+ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")+".txt"; // Read the contents of the File skipping the first line which contains the headers List <string[]> list = File.ReadLines(FilePath).Skip(1) .Select(line => line.Split(';')) .ToList(); using (var debtsdb = new Qualco4_DBFirstContext()) { add_addresses(debtsdb, list); add_citizens(debtsdb, list); add_bills(debtsdb, list); } } // End main
} // End main public static void add_citizens(Qualco4_DBFirstContext debtsdb, List <string[]> list) { //Initially query the database and get all of the citizens var citizensindb = (from b in debtsdb.User select b).ToList(); //Query the database and get all of the Addresses var addressesindb = (from b in debtsdb.Address select b).ToList(); //Get all the distinct citizens from the import file var distinctusers = (from item in list group item by item[0] into groups select groups.First()).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Number of Users in db: {citizensindb.Count().ToString()} Number of Users in file: {distinctusers.Count().ToString()}"); //Join distinctusers with addresses so that you can get back the AddressId primary key var test = (from ca in distinctusers join ka in addressesindb on new { AddressName = ca[5], County = ca[6] } equals new { ka.AddressName, ka.County } select new User { Vat = Convert.ToInt64(ca[0]), FirstName = ca[1], LastName = ca[2], EMail = ca[3], Password = "******", Phone = (Convert.ToInt64(ca[4])), AddressId = ka.AddressId, EmailSent = false }).ToList(); // For all the citizens that do not exist in the db, create a new User object // var userstobeinstertedondb = (from e in test // where !(from m in citizensindb // select m.Vat).Contains(Convert.ToInt64([0])) var userstobeinstertedondb = (from e in test join userindb in citizensindb on e.Vat equals userindb.Vat into ab from c in ab.DefaultIfEmpty() where c == null select new User { Vat = Convert.ToInt64(e.Vat), FirstName = e.FirstName, LastName = e.LastName, EMail = e.EMail, Password = sha256_hash(RandomString(16)), Phone = e.Phone, AddressId = e.AddressId, EmailSent = false } ).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Users to be inserted on db: {userstobeinstertedondb.Count().ToString()}"); debtsdb.AddRange(userstobeinstertedondb); debtsdb.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} Users were inserted on db"); }